Menstrual Cycles, Anaemia and Vitamin D Def... - Women's Health

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Menstrual Cycles, Anaemia and Vitamin D Deficiency. Should I have coil fitted to prevent periods. So I can stop taking iron? Advice please

Pansies100 profile image
15 Replies

Hi all. I am a 39 year old female. Who has been suffering from tiredness and fatigue for a long time. I suffer fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue syndrome. Insomnia. And restless leg syndrome.

I recently saw my GP as regards my problems with sleep and RLS. Who took a full blood test to check for deficiencies.

Results showed I have anaemia- very low on haemoglobin. About 8.7. I think. And very deficient in Vitamin D. About 6.6.

Dr asked me about my menstrual cycles. I told her I have very heavy periods. I have been on mefenamic acid since 2007 for this problem. My periods were very irregular until 2 years ago. Very heavy. So was changing myself half hourly. I get horrible cramps when menstruating. And pmt. Mefenamic Acid helps dry up the flow of blood and with period pain. So now cycle lasts about 3 to 4 days only. Due to mefenamic acid tablets.

GP thinks anaemia been caused by heavy menstrual cycles. Carried out an examination below. And of my stomach on the bed. Said nothing sinister appears to be going on. Which is good. And don't need referral therefore to a gynocolgist.

GP asked me to think about having a coil fitted as would stop me having periods altogether. Would need new coil fitted every 5 years. And would no longer require iron tablets and mefenamic acid. Not sure if would still need vitamin d supplements. Not sure what to do. Please can anyone advise?? I don't particularly fancy having coil fitted. Not nice procedure. And want to leave things open Incase a baby ever comes along. Partner is much older than me so not sure if will ever happen. Also not sure if any risks or side effects. From coil fitting. Should I go back to GP and ask for referral to gynocolgy if possible to explore why I have heavy Periods? Or should I go for coil? Or carry on iron tablets and mefenamic acid.

Someone suggested I should ask to see gynocolgist first if GP will refer me. To find out what causes my heavy periods. Such as polyps or fibroids. Dont want GP to think i am making a fuss.

Has anyone else experienced anaemia and heavy periods? Please advise.

From Sarah

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Pansies100 profile image
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15 Replies
Pansies100 profile image

Before mefenamic acid my periods could last anything up to two to three weeks.

From Sarah

bantam12 profile image

Have you had your thyroid checked ? Your symptoms are possibly due to underactive thyroid.

Pansies100 profile image
Pansies100 in reply to bantam12

Hi bantam12. Hope you are ok. Thank you for your reply. Was sent to hospital for a thyroid check in 2012. But was told I did not have a problem with my thyroid at the time. So have no idea what is actually the cause of heavy periods. The mefenamic acid tablets I take do help with this issue that I have. Drying up the blood flow. And so cycle only lasts now 3 to 4 days. But over the years obviously heavy periods have led to iron deficiency. And I get painful cramps also. And pmt beforehand. If hadn't had insomnia and restless leg syndrome my GP would probably not have looked into this further. But as RLS is associated with deficiency GP took a full blood test.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Pansies100

2012 is a long time ago, a lot can change in that time so worth getting it checked again, doctors are notoriously bad at interpreting thyroid results so if you do get it done post the result on ThyroidUK forum for expert advice.

Pansies100 profile image
Pansies100 in reply to bantam12

Thank you bantam12. You might be right. That it might be worthwhile to ask my GP to have my thyroid checked out again. Thank you so much for your reply. And for the advice. Anything is worth a try. From Sarah

Fun2Run profile image

Hi Sarah,

I’m so sorry to read you’re going through this, I know from my own experience of heavy periods, anaemia, migraines, fatigue, etc etc... I was a completely different person to the one I am now... I have always had irregular periods spotting between periods and periods so long I couldn’t tell what day I was on.

In my late 30s the periods got heavy, so heavy I’d have to take days off work, too scared I’d soil my seat, I’d end up being bed bound felt depressed, the low iron levels made my hair fall out in clumps... sorry I don’t mean to scare you but this is the reality of what I experienced I couldn’t plan holidays or days out for fear of bleeding... it was a complete nightmare.

I tried the pill and it didn’t agree with me and I got my GP to refer me to a Gynaecologist I had all the tests done and there was no explanation no fibroids, no cysts etc. which of course was good news for me... my gynaecologist suggested the Mirena coil and I didn’t want it... thinking I’d want to be natural it was just my hormones that I’d get better etc.

I couldn’t have been more wrong after one of my worst bleeding episodes I went back and had the coil fitted in, it takes 6-9 months to settle and during this time I had a couple of awful periods but I gave it time and my periods stopped, I occasionally get some spotting but that’s all.

The Mirena coil has given me my life, I have loads of energy and wish I’d had it put in years ago... it will be 2 years in June for me... in Oct 2016 I joined a gym and started fitness classes I do -about 4 a week. This January I started the Couch 2 5km running programme... I will be doing my 5km run🤞 this Saturday... never ever in a million years would I have been able to do all this if I didn’t have the coil...

I totally understand your anxiety if you are not sure ask your GP to refer you to the gynaecologist and I hope you get the best advise to help control your periods.

Best wishes x

Pansies100 profile image
Pansies100 in reply to Fun2Run

Hi Fun2Run. Thank you for your reply. So sorry to hear all the problems you have had as a result of periods and bleeding and anaemia. You really have been through the mill haven't you. Horrible the problems we women have to go through. Thankfully the mefenamic acid tablets as soon as they kick in do reduce the heaviness and shorten the length of my periods now. I guess over time heavy periods have caused this loss of iron. It didn't happen overnight. I am sure. I am so glad to hear that the coil improved your quality of life to such an extent that you have much more energy and feel so much better. Revitalised. Wow. You are doing really well to be able run 2.5kms. And wishing you the best of luck for tomorrow with your 5 km race. Wow what a difference it has made to your life. I am still thinking through my options at the moment. And researching around. Not sure what I want to do. But what you have told me has given me hope. So pleased that it has worked for you. Thank you for your reply and sharing your experiences with me. From Sarah

rebeccaS85 profile image

Hi , have you looked into endometriosis and adenomyosis? Just think it’d would be worth doing some research. X

Pansies100 profile image
Pansies100 in reply to rebeccaS85

Thank you rebeccaS85. Will have a good look and research around over the weekend. It might pay to explore more deeply into what might be causing heavy periods before actually making a decision. Thank you for your advice. From Sarah

Brewst profile image

Hi Sarah

I suffer from adrenal fatigue and have recently sought the help of a nutritional therapist. We're going back to the grass roots as it were, and are changing my diet so that my body goes back to 0. I would consider seeing one local to you as GPs are very good at throwing medicines at problems and not necessarily finding the root causes.

Good luck with your quest!

Pansies100 profile image
Pansies100 in reply to Brewst

Thank you Brewst. Will have to look into this. Into nutritional therapists in the area. Anything is definitely worth a try. It is another option to explore. Hope this also works for you too and helps solve the problems with your adrenal fatigue. Good luck to you too. Thank you for the advice and suggestion. From Sarah

Pansies100 profile image

Thank you all for your replies. I wanted to reply to you all personally. And am grateful to all of you for your advice. I promise I will send you all a reply soon. But am struggling today. After examination at Drs yesterday. Since then I am in a gr8 deal of pain down below. A burning pain. And dread going to toilet to pass water as it burns so much. I seem to have to keep going a lot of times. And even sitting in a chair am in pain. Not sure why. Whether just bruising from examination. And I feel under the weather and really tired. Keep wanting to lie down and sleep. Sorry I don't mean to be rude and I will reply to all of you soon. So sorry x

It is likely that your problems are thyroid in nature and you woulddo well to post all your latest blood results on the thyroid uk health unlocked forum and describe your symtoms. Itis very common for doctors to not realise due to over reliance on blood results that are not as reliable as once thought.

You would feel much better all round with some thyroid hormones and health issues will only increase as you age if you are left untreated.

This issue has affected so many people and mostly women that the scottish parliment has been investigating and is just about to publish its report.

Pansies100 profile image
Pansies100 in reply to

Hi MandyJane. Sorry for the late reply. I am not feeling well at the moment. Sounds a good idea. Will ask next time I see Dr to have this looked into.

in reply to Pansies100

sarah yes itis a good idea to have Dr Look inot this but even if you are told your results are normal it would be a very good idea to post your results on thyroid uk. You are initiled to a print out.

I am sorry to hear you are so poorly dont worry about replying to me and I hope you feel better soon.

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