Hey everyone! I just found and joined this page. I am frustrated and do not know what else to try. I have struggled with weight my entire life. I have been actively trying to lose weight for 2 years now. I did ozempic (1mg) for 6months. I did Mounjaro for a year (up 12.5mg). I am currently back on Ozempic moving up to 2mg. NO WEIGHTLOSS while on those medications. I have now had my cortisol level checked and that is normal. I do have a thyroid issue but it is minor. I cannot understand why I am not losing weight. I have had three children and gained 50lbs with each, never losing the weight. I can either maintain or gain weight. I'm so frustrated. Anyone else no lose weight after trying these weightloss injections?
2year struggle bus: Hey everyone! I just... - Weight Loss Support
2year struggle bus

Its hard to advise without knowing what you’re eating and how active you are, and I know nothing about the drugs you mention but I have read on here and elsewhere that thyroid issues are very much played down by doctors and that what most gps know about the problems is often not much -especially in relatiion to women. In the first instance it might be useful to have even a minor thyroid problem treated as its certainly not going to help with weightloss even if thats not the only issue. I’m cynical enough to think doctors and drug companies make more from the drugs they’re giving you than the thyroid drugs. Aside from that, perhaps post some typical days menus and see if there are any tweaks you can make that might help. I favour low carb and steer clear of processed food as much as possible, read food labels and use the internet to check carbs in foods. The forum is very friendly and supportive so I hope you find it useful.

Good morning, girlmom2010, and welcome to the forum 😊
I'm sure it's very frustrating to be making no progress when you're trying so hard. For me, your story shows the problem with weight loss medication - it teaches you nothing about how to eat well. I suggest that's the way to go: having a radical look at what and how you're eating and being open to change.
You'll find help, ideas and support here. Participation in our Events and Clubs really pays off and gives you company on your journey: giving and receiving support is what the forum runs on. You'll find all our regular posts here healthunlocked.com/weight-l... so take your time browsing through them and then join in when you're ready.
Meanwhile, here's a simple healthy weight loss guide. Do your meals look anything like this? phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...
I hope to see you out and about, around the forum

Have you been prescribed these injections by a GP / medics ? I would seek professional help as to what you should be eating too as my weight is vastly effected by what I eat . As a mum of 3 I can only imagine you are on the go all the time but try and get some time to yourself if only by taking the kids to a sports club or somewhere with a creche so you can focus on you but hopefully get a decent eating plan with regular meals that may be helpful if you prep in advance . I would really be careful about drastic injections as reading stories on here has highlighted once stopped or not prescribed with care - if leads to problems and weight gain .

Vitamin D3 levels affect appetite and low levels can make it hard to loose weight. Modern living makes it hard for most people to get enough D3 even in Summer and peoples levels can get severely low in Winter. You need 10 to 20x the RDA which was set to avoid rickets, not optimise the immune system and appetite. I take 5,000 iu daily even in Summer and in Midwinter I double the dose. It will take at least a couple of weeks for supplements to take effect as it needs to be converted into its active form in the liver. youtu.be/M0GBrrt2YWI?si=lSq...