In my journey to lose 20kg weight in 2023, I found that water fasting helped me losing weight. It's not easy but worth doing it if you want to reduce weight. The more you drink water less hungry you feel and appetite stays under control. This is what has worked for me.
Water Fasting Helps recuding weight - Weight Loss Support
Water Fasting Helps recuding weight

Hi and welcome, nature61
Well done for finding a weight loss method that works for you. Do you intend to use fasting as a method for maintaining your loss, or are you looking for a more sustainable way of eating?
This link will guide you to all our pinned posts, which are designed to help you on your journey
Wishing you continued success

Glad you found something helpful - at the risk of being indelicate, I would be peeing even more often than I do now if I added more water to my diet, though I do drink quite a lot of fluid including water. Too much water gives me a headache and also means I get cramp because I lose too many electrolytes ( mineral salts), so its not for everyone but glad you’re seeing some success