I'm so confused. I have to have incision site hernia surgery on a hysterectomy scar. My surgeon wants me to lose weight before I do. In Feb. I started Keto. I was scared straight about the hernia surgery. In one month I lost 18 lbs. THEN, my doctor scared me straight again. Although she was glad about the weight loss, she is against Keto for several "convincing" reasons, (that I won't go into now.) So, then, I started watching "Macros" but, I changed them up from the Keto macros I was eating before. I was now out of Ketosis and in 3 days I gained 3 lbs back. The "new" macro formula my doctor has me on is this:10-30% Carbohydrates40-50% Protein
and 30-40% Fat.)
On these macros, for a sedentary person (I can't exercise because of my hernia) I am not losing much weight at all. In 2 weeks, I've only lost 3 lbs. Is it possible to lose 8-10 lbs a month safely? What would those macros look like?? I'm 63 and I have 100 lbs to lose.