Wieght loss help?: Hello, new to this... - Weight Loss Support

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Wieght loss help?

LisaMarie_1992 profile image
LisaMarie_1992Healthy BMI
15 Replies

Hello, new to this. Me and my mum went on an ABL diet management programme last October. We both lost weight on it but have recently fell off the wagon. We get weighed again at the end of the month. The only exercise we can do is walking and swimming. I have looked into a few diets such as; low carbing and keto. Does anyone have any tips on how we can lose some weight without low carbing as i am always so hungry with low carbs.

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LisaMarie_1992 profile image
Healthy BMI
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15 Replies
BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

Hello, LisaMarie_1992, and welcome to the forum :)

If you're hungry when reducing your carbs, it may well be that you haven't increased your healthy fats as much as you need. I suggest you join the LCHF forum and see if you can pick up any ideas there. Here's the link healthunlocked.com/lchf-diet

This is a busy forum and we have put together this Welcome Newbies post which will answer all your questions healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... I recommend joining a weekly weigh in and using the Daily Diary to log your meals: you'll meet several members who follow a low carb approach.

Please also read this post about online security and privacy, especially as you have not locked your post healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

Do some exploring, join in chats, ask questions, encourage others - it will all pay off for you :)

LisaMarie_1992 profile image
LisaMarie_1992Healthy BMI in reply to BridgeGirl

Thank you for replying. I am confused about increasing my fat intake because wouldn't that make you gain weight not lose it?

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to LisaMarie_1992

No, once you reduce carbohydrates, you need to get your energy from somewhere and that's where the fat comes in. Fat in our diet doesn't get stored as fat in our bodies: it's carbohydrates, breaking down into sugars in the bloodstream that do that. I'm not talking about eating a pound of cheese for your dinner but using butter and olive oil for cooking, full fat products like yoghurt (the 'diet' versions are all heavily processed), adding in oily fish, avocado, eggs, nuts - just being comfortable with them.

There's a good introduction here dietdoctor.com/low-carb

S11m profile image
S11m in reply to BridgeGirl

Yes... and fat is satiating, so it reduces your appetite (for carbs).

Zipped-Mouth profile image

Hi and welcome

As BridgeGirl has suggested look at the diet doctor link

Also have a look at the daily diaries on here to see what others are eating and steal some menus or part of their menus 😁

Some are doing keto some low carb and some are calorie counting- post your daily diary for the day as well and you will get great feedback etc we are a very friendly bunch 🙂

Wishing you and your mum all the best and hope to see you around the forum 🙂

Ooo I have no idea what ABL diet is so will have to go to Google to look

LisaMarie_1992 profile image
LisaMarie_1992Healthy BMI in reply to Zipped-Mouth

Hello. ABL is something our doctor suggested. Its a group session every friday for 3 months. we started in October. They just tell you to follow the traffic light system of food packaging. So items with only amber and green, no reds. Just following that and walking everywhere helped both of us lose weight. My mum was 10st when we started the diet. She got down to 8st 9. But from the beginning of July to end of August we fell off the wagon really badly... Like 6 pizza and piri fries and lots of sweets and donuts and cake. Now my mum is back to 9st 4. I myself was around 9st in October dropped to around 7st 9 now I am 8st 1. We get weighed with them once a month now until January. It felt horrible gaining weight instead of losing it, I have been looking into alsorts of diets... It is driving me crazy. I have found myself obsessing over carbs etc. Just want them scales to say we have lost some weight. I cannot stay under 50g carbs. I have been trying so hard for two week but fail every time. I always feel so hungary so eat more. Not sure what to do really.

Zipped-Mouth profile image
Zipped-Mouth in reply to LisaMarie_1992

I can only go by my experience and tell you what is / was working for me

I started low carb high fat about 3 weeks ago ( admittedly I played at it to start with)

I have noticed that by not eating bread, pasta, rice and potatoes and eating full fat (making sure I eat more fat like cream, mayonaise etc ) has filled me up

Tonight I have eaten a stuffed pepper with mince beef etc , where as before I would have eaten 1 and 1/2 - tonight I was stuffed by a full half and had a little of the other half - so it really has reduced what I am eating - Now I am not sure if this is due to eating more fat etc or actually noticing my body when it says it is full and not carrying on and over eating

Only you can work out which is the best method for you but this for me is reducing the amount I eat and I feel satisfied

I think the long term you need to stop thinking of it as a diet and a way of life, whether that be low carb high fat, calorie counting etc - do something that you can keep going with and that helps - it may take some trials and errors but you will find your way

This site is very supportive and I am wishing you all the best on your journey :)

LisaMarie_1992 profile image
LisaMarie_1992Healthy BMI in reply to Zipped-Mouth

Thank you for your response. I am trying low carbs but fail everyday. Im not sure what amount of fat we are supposed to be having. Is there a calculator of sorts that can help work it out? I was going to try keto but can't do 50g carbs let alone 20g. I also love bananas and milk. We always have less than 1000 calories a day. Rarely go over 1000. xx

Zipped-Mouth profile image
Zipped-Mouth in reply to LisaMarie_1992

Have a look at the diet doctor, this is free and you don't even have to register to look at the 14 day challenge dietdoctor.com/meal-plan/ge...

This is where I started off - I record my food on Myfitnesspal (the free version)

I have since signed up to the diet doctor for a months free trial and have found loads of recipes to try and explore

If you use myfitnesspal - go to 'Home' then click on goals and hit edit on Daily Nutrition Goals and put your own carbs, fat and protein in (I have 10% carb, 65% fat and 25% protein - But remember I played at this for a week or two and now I am starting to get there)

Hope this helps, I also find the daily diary on here really helps as you can see what others are eating and if you post and support on there you will get loads of support on your journey too what ever method you use (as long as you say you are doing LCHF, Calorie counting, reducing portion size etc )

Wishing you all the best :)

LisaMarie_1992 profile image
LisaMarie_1992Healthy BMI in reply to Zipped-Mouth

Thank you. I will give that a try. I know keto is a god diet that works but it makes you lose weight too quickly. Apparently you're only suppose to lose 2lb max a week. I am not sure what our exact weight now as the weight i said was from last months weigh in at ABL. My digital scales are hard to believe or read sometimes as no matter where I place them they say something different every time. We had oats so simple for breakfast, half and apple and half a banana for lunch, prawn salad with an egg and new potato and two crumpets for a snack... 120g of carbs right there, 14g fat, 24g protein and 681 calories total... I do use my fitness pal though xx

Zipped-Mouth profile image
Zipped-Mouth in reply to LisaMarie_1992

Firstly start with your scales - make sure they are on a hard floor and that you put them in the same place to weigh everytime :)

Crumpets ooo I haven't had them for a while and they are great with butter smothered over them, however they would be a no on the low carb diet :)

I am only losing 1lb a week if that but as I say I am not being 100% strict on the diet doctor I have curt out all bread, pasta, rice and potatoes - there are some great foods to eat - I am just getting into it fully now after 2 weeks playing

It looks to me that you are actually eating too little - have a look at the meals on the diet doctor (don't do it fully but just start and see how much you can actually eat - It has taken my 3 weeks to get to grips and start to listen to my body say I have had enough and actually not continue to eat )

I weigh in on Saturday and I am looking to have lost 1lb this week, if I have lost 2lb I will be ecstatic but I will be happy with 1lb loss :)

LisaMarie_1992 profile image
LisaMarie_1992Healthy BMI in reply to Zipped-Mouth

Good luck. I’ve never really reached 1000 calories. I wouldn’t mind but I eat a lot haha. I’ll give it a go. Crumpets are so nice lol. My floor isn’t straight think that’s why the scales are so off. Thank you for your advice xx

Zipped-Mouth profile image
Zipped-Mouth in reply to LisaMarie_1992

Have a look at the nhs BMI calculator (am on my phone and can't work out how to link it - just search it in google)

As that will give you your own personal calorie allowance

Wishing you all the best and hope to see you around the forum 🙂

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Hi, offering you a leg back up on the wagon, would you like to join our weigh in? Here's the link, hope to see you there! :-) x


LisaMarie_1992 profile image
LisaMarie_1992Healthy BMI

I left a comment thing... haha not entirely sure how to use this site as of yet. Me and my mum started a diet using the traffic light system on food last October... My mum then was 10st, I was 9st ish. Our lowest weight is my mum 8st 9, mine being 7st 9. We fell off the wagon and I am now 8st 1 and my mum is 9st 4.

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