Hey all. I'm not sure whether some of you may recognise me but I was here 1-2 years ago trying to lose weight but was finding it difficult due to mental health and sleeping. Well, I'm back!
I started my current "diet" on Friday 1 October where I weighed in at 25st 3lbs / 160.1kg and I weigh every Friday. On Friday 8 October I found out that I somehow gained 2lbs. This was obviously a shock and made me sad. I tried to not let it get to me though and remained focused and determined. On Friday 15 October I weighed in at 25st 3lbs / 160.1kg again. So I lost the 2lbs I had put on in the previous week and was back to where I started. It was hard to not be disheartened, I couldn't stop thinking "I'm back where I started" but I had to remind myself "yes but you still lost the 2lbs, at least you didn't remain, or worse continue to gain". I'm usually good and don't weigh myself daily (it's easily to get tempted) but out of curiousity I did this Saturday 16 (yesterday) and was surprised to see the scales tell me that I had somehow apparently lost a further 3lbs? It was saying I was 25st exactly. What?!
Now I'm aware that weight fluctuates depending on many factors - when you weigh, if it's after you've eaten or pooped etc. Well I weigh every Friday shortly after I have gotten up and usually after I've pooped, lol. So I try to keep it the same. The only difference was it being Saturday. What makes it even more confusing was we had a cheat day on Friday and ordered Burger King. Every other day in the past 2 weeks I had been good, eating healthy and cooking things myself including meals such as tofu stir fries, tofu stuffed peppers, omelettes with baked beans, noodles.
I'm hoping that when Friday 22 comes, the scales will once again say 25st, or even better 24st something. I will be very happy if so! Hopefully this week I will also attempt new recipes from books I ordered on Amazon. Two I bought ingredients for so far are falafels and butter tofu curry. There are other recipes such as lasagna and jalfrezi that I would like to try in the future. All recipes are vegetarian or vegan.
I would like to see better results but at the moment I'm focusing on making changes and improvements to my eating habits. I haven't been doing any exercising, yet, but over time I plan to integrate that, such as walks and simple home exercises. I own Ring Fit on Nintendo Switch but have never played it, so I plan to try that, plus it looks like the new Just Dance has good songs on it. I've never played a Just Dance game but everyone knows dancing is good for you - and fun, so I'll give that a go! Oh and I saw there's Fitness Boxing 2 and Knockout Home Fitness also for the Switch so I might look into getting either or both of those. Plus my university's new super gym is nearly completed and open so I might look into going there if I can get over my anxiety and depending on cost. But I will definitely start with seafront walks and basic home exercises or Ring Fit.
Finally, I should hopefully be seeing a dietician soon so will be getting advice on losing weight and general health. I had received a text from my doctors saying they'd been trying to contact me to arrange a dietician, they told me that there's availability at one surgery on Mondays or the other surgery on Fridays. Well since my weigh day is Friday, I replied via their link saying Friday is better for me. Plus that surgery is nearer the sea so I could use it to go for a nice stroll and exercise. I'm a vegetarian who is lactose intolerant, most likely gluten intolerant, possibly egg intolerant and has low D and B12. So I would really like to talk to them about what I can do dietary and weight loss wise, plus they might offer vitamin supplements and maybe even weight loss medication to aid me. I believe they can also provide exercise / personal training help too?
So yeah, that's me. Bit of a long post, sorry! Glad to be back though as I remember people being super nice and supportive! How is everyone?