Hi everyone, I wanted to ask if anyone has experiences or tips for running for weight loss. Maybe some info about whether to eat before or after and how many calories to eat for it and water to drink?
Hi everyone, I wanted to ask if anyone has experiences or tips for running for weight loss. Maybe some info about whether to eat before or after and how many calories to eat for it and water to drink?
Hi, you'd be better posting this on the C25k forum.
In general, though, I would suggest focusing on what you eat for weight loss, and doing the running for pleasure
I did C25k March to June 2020 and didn't lose any weight - I started on lowish carbs 1550kcal per day (my NHS lower limit at the time) and lost 10 kg in 3 months - I did keep up the running too! Running has been really great. I don't think it matters how you eat; I run before rather than after meals, and finish with a pint of water. I often run at 11am completely fasted as lunch tends to be my first meal of the day, and that's fine now I'm used to it.
I regularly run but I don't see it as for weight loss, just for my mental health and fitness The say weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise.In terms of eating before and after, I don't do anything special really, just have my normal meals, and have a big glass of water when I get back. I think unless you are running >6 miles you don't need to take anything with you on a run.