Hello new members and regular contributors. Welcome to the daily diary, where you can post your meal and exercise plans for Tuesday.
The aims of the Daily Diary are to record plans in order to firm them up and make it more likely they are adhered to. The magic of this site comes from sharing ideas with others pursuing their own weight loss journey. Please help each other and comment on an extra person’s entry above you or have a good chat and find friends. The support is phenomenal. Advice given is constructive and with a good heart and may not suit where you are, but six months down the line who knows. Please share your calorie range as per the BMI calculator and calorie count for menus or any alternative method of recording your intake that you may be using. The Daily Diary has played a huge part in my weight loss and I am thankful for the kindness of its members.
For tomorrow then low carb 16:8
B Coffee with cream
L Egg, bacon, lettuce and tomato
D Salmon with cream sauce, courgette, onion, mushrooms and greens
Herbal tea & water
Walking with my dog. Have an excellent Tuesday! 😊
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2 stone
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Looks a fab plan, bikegrrrl The peanut/choc bites sound tasty. Husband says we might get another frost, but it is 8 degrees here. Hope you get your bike ride. I was a born again walker after the ice melted yesterday, today mud and puddles, deep joy! Happy Tuesday x
Lovely food plan Bikegrrl, when you hear a knock on your door at dinner time its me come to help you eat the cabbage carbonara 😂😂 Hope you get back out on your bike xx
Ooo Hopalong salmon in a creamy sauce. Heavenly.Enjoy.
I'm following LCHEALTHYF a little bit stricter until half way through January. This means that I've been strict with the carbs for a fortnight giving me a sort of low carb reboot. Christmas was very carby.
No snacking and mindfulness with the alcohol.
I've been really good exercising on the treadmill. Outside was just too wet and miserable. Today I managed to do 3 dog walks of about 1 km each so I didn't do the 15 mins of treadmill. Ah I also went round the supermarket!! Tomorrow depends on the weather.
B: Pineapple+ Greek yogurt and a spoonful of cream. Coffee with FF milk.
L: Roast cauliflower covered in a creamy white sauce. Hamburger. I may have a glass of red wine as a couple of bottles fell into my trolley. Special offer.
Now I can see all your post. Laughing at the wine falling into your trolley. My friend has a birthday, purchased a lovely bottle of Carmenere. Now husband says no non-essential journeys and I am stuck with it, abstaining. As if I need the extra pressure(chews fingernails) Cauliflower is just the best, just as I've finished one, have bought another. Have a fab Tuesday xx
Wow TabbyCat, you're really going for it with the exercise, good on ya 😊 Fab meals specially the cauliflower. Now what i want to know is how come when something falls into your trolley its wine and when it happens to me its blue cheese and asparagus 😂😂😂. Have a great day xx
Enjoy walking and your veggies Hopalong1 ! Lovely picture - although I'm sure I'm a fan of some higher carb vegetables too.
I made a veggie stew for dinner and it was delicious. I'm trying to lower my stress levels as they've become quite high since last Monday. Tonight's fix is sitting and reading with a healthy hot choc.
Hi Greendream123 The poster is just where I am at at the moment. I often try and share a bit of that, but I think there is more than one way to get by. I always love the sound of your food. Shall we have a shameless plug about the chat for today
Not diet food but the absolute best is agedashidofu which is quarter blocks of tofu dried, coated in cornflour, deep fried and served in a Japanese broth.
Awww I'm sorry about your stress levels. I must admit taking time for yourself is a good thing. Defo helps with the mental health and self care/love =) hope you enjoyed your hot chocolate. Have a good day Tomoz x
Good evening fellow diarists and Hopalong, thank you for posting. I love the sound of your meals, specially the salmon 😍
Well very late last night a communication went out from school to parents so this morning i ended up going in before my dog walk to troubleshoot and sort out wraparound care again!! I now have the day off!! All done and back on with my day. Lovely walk and play with the dogs and really pleased with my stats. 47 minutes walking across an elapsed time of 1hr 15 mins. That's the best i've done since my knee problem 😁😁.
Bit of relaxing after lunch then get a call asking me to go into school for an hour at 3. Cue frantic bath, hair wash and doggy toilet break and off i go. And there endeth my day pretty much. No stress, no anxiety so very pleased with myself. My exercise today was just my dog walk. I had very good intentions of more but am tired and have already achieved my steps target, clocking up 4208 steps.
My LCHF food plan for tuesday is:
B: hot/warm fresh fruit salad with greek yoghurt
Treat: 1 chocolate
L: h/m sprout and bacon soup
T: I'm not sure what its called, its from Hazel17's DD entry the other day. Basically its what i would call a scooby snack (how i picture it in my mind) lol The layers are: tomato, mushroom, cheese, paprika, butter and chicken cooked on a stove. I'm looking forward to it 😊
Exercise: dog walk, mini bike and walking workout. Physio exercises
It was a bit hectic PippiRuns but thats ok. My leg muscles are getting stronger and i having working pain relief so can use my knee with a brace and walking aids. It wont be sorted until i get a partial knee replacement xx
Ooh, I've never tried warming up a fruit salad. I can't really imagine why not. This is the weather for it. The T sounds interesting containing lots of my favourite things. Great day.
I am tired 💤 just reading what happened Monday. Exercise 'just dog walk' your step count shows you did more than that. Well done. Your Scooby Snack for dinner sounds yummy, I may try that myself
Lol, yeah there was a lot of tooing and froing yesterday. I was surprised at the step count myself. Me too with the Scooby snack tea, it may become a regular feature on my food plans xx
Wow having to deal with "trouble shooting" then deal with a last minute at work and come out of that stress free must mean something! Hats off to that.
I looked up Hasel17 's (rachlette) meal, it does look yummy. and fun to do. In theory the layers could be of almost anything.
It was weird TabbyCat, normally a day like that would send my brain into a spinning overload but yesterday i just felt calm and got on with it. I think the difference was that it happened so quickly that i didnt have time to over think it, just time to get on and do it. There's a lesson on over thinking for me there 😊
Thats the meal 😁 i couldnt re find it. Oh yes i think you could put anything you like in it. I think its the fun element that appealed to me and my vision of it being like a scooby snack, which we all know weren't really a snack 😂😂.
You can use almost everything. I also love to add kings prawns or mussels, habanero or peperoni, spinach and tuna, Feta cheese and red onions. Or Ratatouille in a Raclette pan. Add precooked lentils or colored beans for more protein.
All kind of veggies, shallots, olives, grounded lamb or chicken and also my nightmare food, ham and bacon.
In Germany, they also use silver onions or cucumber pickles.
Make a tiny Raclette Pizza, sourdough or a slice of eggplant/courgettes as bottom layer.
Hi Hopalong I've just realised that I have missed todays Daily Diary I've been that busy. Still not missed much as I've not eaten all day! That's been a long fast, but I have had milky coffee. As soon as the OH gets in we are having curry, I can't wait.
Tomorrow is a busy day as well I'm on a study day all day on Zoom. So
L: HM curried cauliflower soup
D: If I've time I might try making a LCHF pizza never attempted one. OH is later getting home tomorrow night so may or may not wait for him.
I want to try keto bread as well when I have time.
Thanks for hosting by the way. Come on OH I'm hungry🤣
I hope you didn't have to wait to long for your OH and the curry last night Reving 😊. Lovely food plan for today, making a LCHF pizza is on my list to have a go. I'd be interested to hear what you do 😍 Hope your zoom study day goes well xx
Great plan Rutheliza, i love omelettes and dont have them enough, i'm not adventurous enough with my fillings either so you have inspired me to do better, thank you. Have a great day xx
Evening all. Thanks to Hopalong1 for hosting and the interesting poster - but where are the mushrooms? I suppose technically they're not vegetables but they are low carb. I've had a reasonable day, ate what I planned, went shopping safely, had a decent walk, the first for ages. Arthritis flare-up is calming a bit, hands still bad but knees much better. Maybe tomorrow will work out as well. My usual lowish carb plan is
B Porridge / berries
L Cheese/Egg salad
D Fish stew (or maybe pie) / mixed veg/ratatouille
E another walk or two if the weather forecast is right. At least almost all the ice and snow has gone now.
Morning Slipstick, so glad your flare is settling down 😍. Lovely food plan that i could totally eat along side you. I hope you manage to get out for a nice walk. Take care and have a great day xx
Glad to hear that your arthritis is calming down. I have osteoarthritis in my right shoulder and neck which always seems to flare up in this cold damp weather, unfortunately due to my work having strict drug policies I can't take anything stronger than the occasional naproxen to help. Hope your day goes well.
Hello slipstick So sorry you have suffered with your arthritis. What helps? I bet that poster was designed by a fun guy I could eat my body weight in mushrooms, they are a great LC food, you are right. Hoping your day goes well xx
Glad to hear you are able to get out as your arthritis is calming down. Reading the diaries today I realised we haven't had much fish lately so fish curry is on the menu for later in the week. Hope you've had a good day.
Oh Barcud, your EM sounds amazingly delicious, do you have a recipe for the damson chinese sauce? i'd love to try it. Good luck on the no snacks and have a lovely day xx
I try to avoid snacks too, I don't even buy stuff now unless my daughter is staying over, sadly sometimes stuff appears at work and although I try to avoid it, I usually fail miserably to do so. Have a great day!
Ah damsons, natures gift that keeps on giving Must try a peanut sauce for my stir fry. Hope you have some sunshine for your walk, lovely day in Yorks x
Hi everyone - I'm back after a break over xmas. Gained a pound over the hols but have also been recovering from a further back injury last month. Still, I really want to lose some weight so am trying to plan meals again. Main aim is to try and increase my veggies and cut down on starchy carbs.Plan for tomorrow:L - Tuna salad with pickled veg and coleslaw.
D - Leftover slow cooker beef casserole with veg, served with cauliflower rice and garlic asparagus.
Hi Snorkle, lovely to see you back. Well done on only gaining a lb over the hols, thats a huge achievement. I hope your back is starting to play nicely with you. Back pain/injury is so hard to deal with, i know!! Your meals look fab for today, have a good one xx
Sorry to hear you have hurt your back, I sometimes think walking on all fours would be better for our spines. A pound is a result. I was ok until NYD. Better than last year. My beef casserole is tomorrow and I am pinching your cauli. Take care and sending some healing thoughts xx
A pounds not bad and will soon be gone. I hope you've had a good day.
Thanks for hosting Hopalong1 , dinner sounds great!
today was an iffy day for me, not sure why but been in a bit of a funk today. Can’t really pin point what’s precipitated it...
Had a cookie with lunch and then had an after dinner melted cheese wrap..kinda annoyed at myself with food today as feels like I’m sabotaging my otherwise steady progress 😔!
Gotta try tomorrow to be better!
L- chicken soup with one bread and a clementine.
D - Thali part II - left overs
E - week 9 run 3 - graduation run for c25k was really excited about this on Sunday, but feeling a bit apprehensive atm, think it’s time to end the day and get to bed haha
Morning Purple_ums, I hope you wake up feeling good today and can put yesterday behind you. Your food and exercise plan for today sounds great and good luck with your graduation run. I'm sure you'll smash it. Have a great day xx
Hello Hidden , I expect you'll run off your funk today. I had a bit of an old time of it after NYD, but am back with a vengeance this week. Hang in there. Are you calorie counting? All the best xx
Love the picture Hopalong1! Tomorrow will be a long day, kids in the morning, going out on scooters and I’ll put my runners on and see how fast they go.
On food I’ll eat between 12 and 7pm, low carbs, no sugar.
L: cabbage soup with bacon croutons
Afternoon tea party with sugar-free rhubarb cake for 5 year old’s birthday
D: husband’s curry night with chana masala, saag paneer, prawn curry, cauliflower rice, poppadums and pickles
Oh the scooters sound fun Smartoak, good luck keeping up.. I've seen the speed our kids can do on the trikes, bikes and scooters lol. Your food plan sounds mouth wateringly tasty, enjoy the curry night xx
Thanks for hosting hopalong and a lovely poster with lots of tasty veg. I’ll remember to add a massive handful of spinach to my lunch tomorrow. Thanks.
Tomorrow’s plan like this:
E 45 min run first thing
B porridge with almond milk
L smoked salmon with scrambled eggs and a massive handful of spinach
All sounds rather delicious! It sounds like I'm in the minority not having salmon today... I need to pop to the shops tomorrow so I may have to pick some up.
Thanks for hosting Hopalong1. I love the net carbs picture. I presume the amount of net carbs increases the further down the list you go?Following a LC plan for Tuesday as follows
B.. egg and mushrooms
Then doing the washing followed by weekly food shop with mum-next-door.
L.. probably pick up some salad 🥗 and hummus for lunch
D.. depends on what I buy. The boys have asked for pizza 🍕 so I may get them that and have a slice with more salad, or some roasted veg chips.
A.. my physio exercises and will see how much the knee hurts before planning anything else for the day.
Thanks Hopalong1 . I am discovering with the righ amount of pain killers plus using the crutches when out help. Plus at home I have places to sit strategically placed so I can sit to put washing on the airer. Plus the boys do help as required (but only if asked).
Hi everyone. My plan went well until I got an assignment back =) I got a great grade a 2.1.. 2 marks off a 1st and I was going to celebrate with a small drink and a Ferrero Rocher ball. Instead my friend orders me some chips and a mcflurry and I had already eaten dinner at this point. So a mini celebration but eek on the cals.
I did my exercise as planned and feeling very sleepy today. My lessons got cancelled today due to poor Internet connections so I studied nearly all day. And worked on my dissertation (think that's why I'm tired).
Following 1600 cals meal plan..
B - Wholegrain slice of toast with marmite peanut Butter
L - Chickpea 'Tuna' sandwich on Wholegrain bread with a pack of crisps
D - Veggie hunters 'chick' n with homemade spicy wedges and salad
Snacks - Grapes, 2 satsumas and maybe a mini Toblerone
Exercise - Day 1 Week 2 of HR full body workout with weights and some yoga.
Thank you. I'm in my final year studying Animal Behaviour and Welfare. It's a 4 year long course. Going to really miss it when it'd over. I've loved every minute. Yes defo sleepy today. Relaxing now with a book x
I think you deserved a celebration for your mark Sarahlou. Keep on track today and you will most likely get away with it 😊 Everyone should still celebrate the good things 😂. Lovely food plan for today, your veggie hunters chicken sounds interesting. Have a great day xx
Thank you. Well I'm a bit low now. I've just had another mental health assessment and I've waited 2 years to get to this point.. Only to be told if I want one to one therapy it'll be another 3 year waiting list. I've had a good cry and feel like pulling my hair out. So doubt I'll eat much today. I've completely lost my appetite. The veggie hunters chicken is nice. Quorn fillets wrapped with cheat'n bacon x
Oh Sarahlou, that is horrendous. No one should have to wait anywhere near that length of time for help. I'm not at all surprised by your reaction. When i had my first breakdown i used to go to my gp practice and have appointments with the nurse practitioner twice a week. She was amazing and got me through a lot before i started counselling but i only had to wait about 6 months. Is there someone similar at your gp practise that you could make use of, assuming they let you in at the moment of course 😣 xx
It's really bad. I've had an assessment before to see whether I needed step 4 help which I do (this was last year after waiting 3 years to get an assessment). Then I was offered the choice between group sessions (6 months to a year waiting list) - but you don't get to talk about things you just learn techniques to cope. Or 1to1 sessions 3 year waiting list. But you get to talk about your childhood and past which is where a lot of my problems and mh stem from. You can do one or the other not both. And I've had group. Sessions before and need more. The guy I spoke to today said there aren't enough trained psychotherapists that's why the long wait. And therapy can last a year 😭 so I just have to wait. I have group sessions at uni but because I've joined a group I don't get 1 to 1 with a mental health advisor anymore.. I'm a bit all over the place atm x
Well done on the result, and with the celebration food.... what is done is done, so put it behind you and fresh start today. One blip this week shouldn't cause too much damage.Enjoy today's plan.
Great result, well done! You've got to celebrate when you can at the moment, and I know that often when trying to lose weight you can feel that you're depriving yourself, sometimes almost to the point of punishment, so the occasional treat is a good thing. Have a great day!
Thank you. Yes I completely agree. And then I think other times I've overeaten as a punishment to myself. So it's very odd how we can abuse food. Thank you I enjoyed the maccies tho. Have a good day also x
Morning Sarahlou, well done on that fab grade! I have a feeling I will be overindulging on foods because of an assignment grade soon except mine won't be very good... we'll see anyway. Your meals all sound yummy, enjoy x
Thank you =) I've got a long wait now till my next assignment feedback is due. Sometime middle of March. Owh nooo =( you never know might be great grade too. Thanks x
Yes she's called Heather Robertson and she has a monthly calander you can subscribe too or the 12 week programme in doing. Or do whatever suits you. The first week of the 12 week plan is no weights but after that she uses weights =) it's a good programme. I did it in the first lockdown but I binged a lot so stayed the same weight. This time I've already lost 2lbs and just started week 2. X
Thank you. I find the forum really helpful. I'd lost 6lbs before Xmas when I was doing the DD but over Xmas I gained it back aha. So I did a restart on the 1st lol x
Well you are not alone there I think sherry should be made illegal, but then that would probably make me want it more. It is going on the list "things not to buy at Xmas", tried mince pies this year and that worked, small steps. Take care x
Hehe no I wasn't. Aha yes I think we'd just want it more if things were banned 😂 ooh I love mince pies. I don't buy any cuz my friends and family like them so I can always pinch one or two hehe. Thank you. You too x
Firstly huge well done on the 2:1 and secondly big virtual hug. The wait for the help you need is horrendous but you seem to be doing well and by coming here you are doing positive things for your physical health. I hope you've had a good day today.
Thank you =) awww and the virtual hug. Yeh it is horrible the waiting. Just trying to keep healthy and sane in the mean time. I've had an okay day. Very productive with lots of studying x
Hi Hopalong and thank you. I do love the poster. Is it on your wall? My dinner tomorrow will be very like yours but I shall make a parcel of the salmon and cook on the oven. I will roast a cauliflower at the same and serve w lemon juice and some Roughly grated Parmesan. Lunch will be a chicken, lettuce sandwich on rye . Breakfast/snacks will be fruit.
Good morning all. The sandwich will have a bit of maro on the rye, left over chicken stir fry cut up and lots of lettuce w a drizzle of japanese dressing.@springersrule
Good morning and thank you for the info pic, I need something like this when I start LCHF!Well, today is the first day back after the Christmas holiday and self isolation. I still get quite tired mid afternoon so it should be interesting around 2.30pm😉
I have planned my meals and feel organised 😊
Breakfast: melon and blueberries and a cup of coffee
Mid morning: Allen, peaches and greek yogurt
Lunch: ham salad
Tea: breaded haddock, new potatoes and garden peas
Hope everyone has a fabulous day and I will catch up with everyone after work ( if I've not fallen asleep by 8pm!!)
Glad you are feeling organised! The more organised I feel at the start of the day, the less organised I generally end up being at the end of it... Enjoy your day and hope you soon get back into the swing of work.
Such a great feeling when you feel organised, well done! Every time I see melon on your menus I’m like mmm I haven’t had melon in forever but always forget to pick some up! Take it slow, hope you feel okay I. The afternoon x
Morning folks. Well, yesterday wasn't my best day, once again I was tempted by cakes - it was one of the team's birthday (actually today but he isn't in work) and yet again I failed to resist temptation. Really don't seem to be doing very well in the willpower stakes of late. I guesstimated the portion sizes of the aforementioned cake, cut back on dinner but still went over my allowance for the day. That's three times this year already, hardly an auspicious start. Also don't seem to be doing too well with the exercise regime, fell short with the step count yesterday and I just didn't really feel like getting on the exercise bike last night as my hip is still a little tender after Sunday.
I'm hoping today is more successful, well, it could hardly be less so!
Plan so far, calorie counting (1800-1850) with reduced carbs (>100g/day);
B; Coffee with Jersey milk
L: Fridge surprise salad (well, I was surprised when the bag of mixed salad in the fridge turned out to be 4 days out of date and, shall we say, a tad mushy); mushrooms, peppers, onion, cucumber, tomatoes, cottage cheese, beef topside and a boiled egg;
D; My daughter has requested a "posh burger" for dinner, that's a burger on HM keto bread with tomato, onion, bacon and Stilton topping, may do a handful of chunky oven chips with it depending on what the carb figure looks like later on;
E; As many steps as I can get in, left hip is still a bit tender though.
Morning! You shouldn't punish yourself too much, it's a process and some days you are going to do better than other days. Your body wanted cake - that's not a bad thing! Enjoy your yummy meals x
If your hip isn't feeling good Cp then no need to be hard on yourself. It sounds like you need to give yourself a rest.
Cal counting normally provides a range of around 500 cals to fall between. It could be that the extra cake hasn't even taken you over the upper limits.
If I ignore the chips, then your posh burger is the best thing I've read about for a while. That's going on tomorrow's menu. Thanks!
Just seen you've tagged me in tomorrow's DD... just so's you know, coconut flour works but you need to increase the quantity of water because it soaks up more than does the almond flour. Also seen some posts suggesting that you need to add slightly more baking powder too. Hope that helps.
Well done Cp1965 on recommitting yourself to today, yesterday is gone and it can always be worse. Your self control stoped you Having two pieces and f cake and better to fall short of your steps and to have some than none. If you are getting over an early Bhutto you need to give yourself the me to recover as making it worse will put you out of action for longer. Have a good one x
Here with you Cp1965 , but you can do it!!! I’m going to start with a small step again and try to stop my evening snack for the rest of the week. I think we all have to just be kinder to ourselves when it’s not ‘perfect’. Hope today goes better for you x
Hope your day has gone well, Cp1965 . I think the weather has played havoc with my exercise and outlook. Tiggerr's post seems pretty good to me. Hang in there.
You are doing well on spreading out the christmas cake. Awesome will power (would have been eaten already in my house... the chocs are only still in the cupboard because I've written a different month on each lot anf told the boys they cant open until the appropriate month...)Enjoy today
Thanks, we're having small rations when watching TV in the evenings. When the cake's gone I'll be moving on to the other treats! That's an excellent plan with the chocolates! ☺️
Morning all, thanks for hosting Hopalong After a few wobbly days due to my period (where you need to eat more calories anyway) I'm feeling better and back on track.
Good morning itselenax and great to hear that you are back on track after a difficult few days. I was intrigued by your Dinner so it’s off to Google again for me. Have a great day Dave x
Good morning everyone Thank you Hopalong for host today's DD!
Following lchf and IF when not hungry.
L: Sausages, eggs and tomatoes
D: Chicken stir fry with cashews. Berries and cream
E: Mostly slobbing! Elusive paperwork!
Have a good day everyone
Ps. The baby owl is amazingly still alive and now has a bedroom to itself as well as its box and is currently living on a hand fed mixture of raw chicken and liver. Fingers crossed!
Morning! Both your meals sound fab today. I empathise about the paperwork... I'd say have fun but we both know you won't! I'm glad to hear that the baby owl is doing well, so lovely of you to take care of it. x
We will have to change your name to Dr Dolittle An owl, so cute and feathery. I have to do paperwork, if you'll do the Diary tomorrow Lovely food, could live with that. Have a great day, Mate xx
Good morning Hopalong1 qnd thank you for hosting and for the super veg selection which just started my thinking about which ones I might have today. Another day to fill with work a spin class hopefully a walk with the dog if she’s up to it🙁 and a spin class or two just to keep the washing pile topped up😂. Following LCHF and occasional IFB: Tea and Coffee maybe with a little cream
L: Tuna Lettuce, Avacado Olives
D: Chilli and Cauliflower Rice
S: Yoghurt and Raspberries
Wishing everyone a slighter warmer day and the opportunity to do something that makes you happy or at least makes you smile x
Yes a little wet here on the other side of the Thames in Essex also but skin is waterproof 😄Poppy is just old 14, goes a little lame and her mobility on any given day dictates how much we feel we can walk her. She’s always up for getting out but sometimes it’s limited to a few yards walk to a green area and others a small circuit, but she’s earned the right to be boss and she’s far too big to carry🙁 I am definitely with you as an Olive lover Tiggerr x
Gone through that whole aging process too many times. We're also big dog people and like you say, too big to carry. They do love to go out and distance is only secondary to the fun of 'going'! Good luck to her and you
Good post, Dave1000 Dog's are fab, but it is hard when they slow down. Husband made a whole load for the washer walking home from work, high maintenance Hope your day has gone well x
Hellooo zinza How are you keeping? Good I hope. That mince looks fab. We curried ours last week a la Delia Smith. Very tasty. Hope it is not to frosty where you are for your run xx
I looked at the swede when I was shopping yesterday but gave it a miss. I bought a bag of carrots and will make a spicy soup in the next couple of days. Enjoy your meals
The swede came in a pack of root veg so just whacked it all into the soup maker. Not sure if it was the volume of veg or the inner lid was not on properly but I did end up pebble-dashing the kitchen in hot soup 😧
Delicious menu today. Still haven't christened the new soup maker as we have leftovers to eat. Tomorrow's soup is leftover turkey and veg soup from the freezer.
Hello, Lovely plan. I am sitting here with my coffee pot. Hardly drank filtered coffee before forum. Now I eat less sugar, my tastes have changed. Having Chai masala tea for warmth and spice. Have a great day x
They sound good. I am not allowed to buy any more tea until the cupboard sees a dramatic reduction. I don't fancy the dandelion or liquorice with peppermint. Have either read something or was having an off day 😆
I have a liquorice chai, too. That's my favourite. Forgot it was a chai. I love liquorice and I've had the liquorice with peppermint. I haven't seen the dandelion one but I wouldn't be tempted.
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone• in reply tojd65
It's going to be a three day casserole. Last night, tonight and tomorrow
Good morning my lovelies 😉
I’m having a slow start to my day, just chilling with a cup of Biscuit Brew & the cat on my lap.
First thing on my agenda is a Lower Body workout - not going too heavy though, because I still have slight DOMS from my previous session on Sunday 💪🏻
Meals are undetermined at this time because I’m having trouble obtaining some of my speciality food, thanks to panic buyers - I’m lactose & wheat intolerant, allergic to onions & sensitive to soya, so it’s another trip to the supermarket to see if they have any of my milk (I’ve been without for almost a week).
Hello Hidden Good to see you on the Daily Diary, I don't think our paths have crossed before. How are you finding forum? DOM was a new one on me Sorry about the milk situation. Are you limited to one supermarket or can you do something online from further away? Hope you get sorted today. All the best
D.O.M.S - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, apologies I am a proper meathead & I tend to use all the jargon & lingo, forgetting that not everyone is a meathead like me
Yes we have Morrisons (over the road) but they're out of stock, then there's Tesco who won't give stock advice over the phone & Sainsbury's who are also out of stock, but I'm trying to limit my shopping trips as my hubby is shielding, so am loathed to go on a tour de supermarket, but looks like having to ... Sadly our daughter has COVID so she's housebound herself - she's OK overall, but tested positive on Saturday, so she can't even pick me up any from her store (she works for Morrisons 3 miles from here).
I'm liking what I see on here - I am a FitBit wearer & run a couple of groups, but I can't seem to lose weight whilst following the FitBit CICO formulas, so I'm going back to the good old DIY method
Has TeamAdmin been in touch with you for new member tips? Yes covid has touched many of our lives. I hope your daughter comes through her illness ok and that vaccination is the solution we seek x
Oof, I do not envy you those food allergies! That's a lot to have to leave out, and I agree the panic buyers are not helping. Love the 'Stay Spicy'! Hahaha! Good luck with getting the specialty foods you need! 😊
It can be a pain in the bum, the worst being onions, they're in everything savoury 🤮
"Stay Strong, Stay Safe, Stay Spicy & keep ringing that bell" is the full phrase - the Stoltman Brothers (Tom Stoltman just became the 2nd strongest man in the world, but his brother Luke is my dream man 😜) are my absolute idols & that's their catchphrase on their YouTube channel, so I started using it in all my posts on FitBit 🌶️
I'm planning on trying to call some stores before making the trips round the county, because I don't feel right going from store to store trying to find stuff, our preference is always Morrisons because our daughter works there & we get a 10% on everything
Hello and welcome WSMFAN, sorry you hear you are out of some food. I hope you can buy it soon.
I buy a lot off my dry food: beans, veg milk, peanut butter and other nuts, grain, ... once or twice a year in an online-shop to have it always stocked in the pantry.
Have a nice day
Hi Hopalong1.
Thank you for hosting. I hope I can drop by and chat a bit more, bit I want to just get my diary down before its too late.
Breakfast- Shreddies and hot oat milk. Coffee and oat milk
Lunch- vegan lasagne with red cabbage salad and chips.
Tea: maybe nothing ( its a big lunch) if I fancy anything I may have a bowl of HM sweet potato soup. A pear for pudding if I can find a ripe one.
I think I will be drinking more tea and coffee than usual. Still sans heating and hot water. 😡
No exercise today. I need to crack on with housework and cooking for the next few days. And still self isolatibg until results come back.
Hello you, Good to see you on. Sorry about the heating, big jumpers and hot tea, you are doing the right thing. And keeping moving. Have stalled with the declutter, but things pleasant enough to live. I have a red cabbage. What are you doing for the salad please. Should I do a spell to make the boiler man come? Best wishes xx
It's never too late to post! Though, equally, I know what you mean... 😂 Lovely menu for today, but sorry to hear about the heating/hot water. How frustrating! Good luck! 😊
Oohh it is annoying me now. He should come tomorrow, though I have a feeling the company will cancel, I've not been able to contact them today. Looking forward to lunch already.
Oh no. Not sure how I'd cope without heating and hot water wrap up in layers and make sure you have plenty of hot drinks.
Vegan lasagne sounds great - my daughter makes a delicious one with lots of oven roasted veggies. she uses vegan cheese and oatmilk for the cheese sauce.
In many ways. The no heat and hot water thing is not too bad- just catches you sometimes. I am however feeling very carb hungry. I'm just accepting it to be honest. I know a bit more fat would help but I find vegan fats unappetizing. And being stuck in doors I can't get out to buy an avocado. Or I could make some nut bars or something similar I suppose.I make my lasagne with lentils spinach tomatoes oat milk and nutritional yeast. Its so warming. Your daughters version with roast veg sounds splendid.
She makes her bolognese and shepherds pie with lentils and spinach and they are both lovely too. She's dairy intolerant and doesn't like meat apart from chicken. It's made her a great cook as she's had to adapt lots of basic recipes.
I love your pic. I wish I had everything in my fridge, but maybe better not.
I'm really fruit addicted and I think that's also a problem why I can't lose weight fast. I often snack 1 apple or 2 oranges at night while reading a book when I see that my calorie intake wasn't that high during the day and I can't sleep. But maybe that uncounted fruits mess up everything.
NHS weight range: 52.8 kg - 71.4 kg and recommended daily calorie intake: 1.598 - 2.055 kcal
b: protein shake + 1 apple
l: quark with one boiled egg, raw cabbage/maybe coleslaw
d: leftover salad from last night and fruit curry
s: a few nuts
I'm running out of fruits and veggies, no snacking for me today.
1,408 Calories, Protein 105.3 g, Carbohydrates 106 g, fat 55.4 g, fibers 35.5 g and salt 2 g
Hi Hasel17 Your plan looks a good one. Have you thought of reducing your carbs and increasing fat as fuel? You might then find the extra fat fills you up and you are full on a night. I am having another go with keto myself, under 50g of carbs. Best wishes x
It could also be less the fruit and more the timing that's at fault, in fairness. If you're at the start of your healthy eating journey, it might be worth taking the time to experiment for a while to figure out what works best for you (or at least it was for me!). Either way, glad you've joined us, and lovely menu for today. Enjoy! 😊
Except the last 2 years when I took care of Granny, I didn't eat much convenience food or from take-away or restaurant. She persuaded me to join her dinner and Sunday lunch and had often cake or ice cream. And when I injured my ankle and wasn't able to move a lot, I ended that period with 120 kg.
When she passed away I cooked everything we had in our pantry shared it with my dogs and then switched back to my 'normal' food and lost about 30 kg in 6 months. But since then I'm struggling to remove the last body clutter.
My food was always with tons of fresh and raw vegetables and fruits and everything cooked from the scratch and really from the scratch. I mill my own flour for pasta, bread and cake, I precook dry beans, lentils and peas and freeze them. I precook brown rice and also freeze it.
When I have money and they are cheap I buy tons of fresh veggies, garlic and onions and spent hours to cut them for the freezer.
I only have herbs and spices and mix all my seasonings myself, except Thai curry.
I only have tuna, Italian tomatoes and coconut milk canned.
But I love self-made french fries and could eat them daily.
Till 2 months ago, when I started the weight losing course from my insurance I wasn't aware of how much salt and oil I used in my meals.
I love Soy-sauce, Habanero-, Worcestershire sauce and everything on top of a meal already salted with vegetable stock.
Tons of oil in my coleslaw, salad and stews.
Most times nothing during the day, except snacking on fruits and veggies and drinking my protein shake and only one cooked meal at night.
And from that time I also reduced the french fries to 2 times per week. And since Christmastime I hadn't fries at all.
But fruits are my guilty pleasure and I'm really addicted to them. Even if I have eaten my meal, I could eat 1 or 2 fruits as dessert. During the day I can fight against it, but at night no chance.
And when I was running out of fruits for days and finally got many from the food bank or had money to buy them I eat tons of them at one meal
Low-Carb, Keto and everything wasn't working for me, I don't like the taste from oil and fat and didn't eat enough from the allowed recipes, so I didn't lose enough weight but made my body weak. After that time I always overate with fruits and gained everything back and a little more. (That was before I moved to Granny and I tried everything several times and for 2-3 months with different cooking books or groups). I don't like it, neither with meat and dairy nor the vegan way.
And I just can't afford to buy all the ingredients that I need to keep my nutrition in balance or cook the recipes.
You seem to be doing really well. I have recently cut back on root veg, especially potatoes and alcohol, after the Christmas celebrations. The type of oil/spread could be an issue. What would you change, if you could? x
I would stop eating all that ugly protein shake, quark, eggs, meat and bone broth, soy stuff, use only the half of the legumes but tons of fruits and veggies and more fruits and veggies, without thinking about my daily calories and if I have eaten enough protein/fat.
And only eat a little lamb or chicken when I would cook a special meal and enjoy it. Same with eggs.
And I would add steamed potatoes and self-made pasta back into some meals.
Since I decided to skip whatever plan and just maintain my current weight, I also changed my meal plan again, I only ate what I love and didn't care about the protein.
b: protein shake + 1 apple
l: mixed berries
d: fruit curry
with a portion of steamed broccoli
s: leftover Roma salad
with pomegranate and mixed berries instead of tune for protein
1,057 Calories, Protein 70 g, Carbohydrates 102,3 g, fat 34.9 g, fibers 30.9 g and salt 1.5 g
And when I wake up again at night, maybe I'll drink a smoothie with frozen berries and a banana, I have enough calories left.
Thanks for hosting Hopalong! I am finally back after a few weeks of being MIA. My computer was returned yesterday all fixed and fine, and even better, under warranty! So, I shall hopefully be on here a bit more regularly again as I settle back into a regular routine.
I am still just focusing on listening to my body, since that was working pretty well, though some of the sugar craving came back over the holidays. Still, I've been limiting what I buy so that should help - I'll be weaning myself off that stuff this week.
Today I have:
Breakfast: Bacon, egg, tea with milk, water
Lunch: Homemade miso soup with mushrooms and a marinated egg, water
Dinner: Roast chicken and veg (cauliflower, courgette, carrots, parsnips, mushrooms, and onion), white wine, either two squares dark chocolate or a small bowl of strawberry ice cream, water
Snacks: Coffee with milk, herbal tea, if I get hungry some dried fruit
Exercise: Yesterday had me walking into work for the first time in 3 weeks, so today is a rest day, though I may do some shoulder rehabilitation exercises
Hello, Normal service has been resumed, yay! Do you watch waves of hunger go by you? Good chicken dinner. I had a couple of awful days with no exercise, due to the ice, all gone now. All the best x
Rabbit81, your Dinner today sounds very posh indeed; I hope you enjoy it as your reward for doing your shoulder-rehab exercises. Reminder to myself: "I-must-do-my-mat-exercises".
Good afternoon Hopalong1 . Its been a busy morning but I'm taking a lunch break and have time to post.
My boss was back on line this morning, following Covid, and booked an update meeting but he still still sounds awful so I've given him some of the info and sent him to read emails while I sort stuff out. Sometimes its best if you manage your manager.
Calorie counting, 1500-1900, 3 meals , no snacks, reduced carbs, no alcohol.
B. Greek yoghurt, nuts, plums
L. Salad & hummus
D. Pork steak with herb butter, corn on the cob, broccoli & carrots.
Hi @jd65. My mum was an office manager and she could defo boss the bosses and the family It is good you look out for each other. Mmm hummus, how lovely. Hope your day is going well x
I wish I could manage my manager... he's pretty incompetent and we've recently lost one of our single points of failure because of serious mismanagement. 😕
jd65, I hope your afternoon has gone well and soon you'll be heading off to your well-earned Supper. Your menu sounds perfect, especially your Pork with herbed butter and vegetables!
Thank-you for hosting today, Hopalong1.
Today, for me, after a morning's cup of bottomless tea, my midday breakfast will be:
1 homemade Breakfast Bar consisting of banana, oats, blueberries, chopped dates, pomegranate juice, chopped walnuts and ground flax seeds. Mixed and pressed into an 8 inch cake pan, it's baked at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, then cooled, cut into bars and refrigerated .
Lunch will be a Romaine, Black Bean, Corn and Avocado Salad with Salsa with home-canned Brandied Peaches for dessert.
Supper no later than 6:00 will be a store-bought Vegetarian Chili served on a side of broth-cooked Whole Grain Farrow, with raw root and cruciferous vegetables, onions and peppers on the side.
Exercise will be either a walk or a bike ride.
I hope everyones plans for today have worked out well.
You have me sold, D. Now I wish I was spending the day with you Remind me where you are again? It is 17:15 in the UK, but I think you are not lunch yet. Have a great day
Hopalong1, I am in the Pacific Standard Time zone, in Southern B.C. right on the U.S./Canada border. We're about 8 hours behind the U.K., so my morning is your Tea-time. You're correct, it's not quite lunchtime right now, just after 10:00 a.m. I've just finished prepping my breakfast bars for the oven! Unfortunately, I realized I was out of Pomegranate juice, but the frozen blueberries I used looked like they would be very juicy, enough to compensate.
My first half goes in cooking for entire day, cleaning kitchen after that and then study.
I'm able to keep up with food..lchf...eggs and tea and then soup. Sometimes I get too tired and don't feel like eating. I will be going for walk 4km at 3pm pst. That's pretty much the routine I can see for this week.
Hello Dear FairyTales Good to see you on. I am in a new phase of OMAD, three days, hooray! Am doing some yoga for bedtime by Suzanne Deason, it's lovely, a nice way to go to sleep. Are you busy and tired? Your food looks great. All the best xx
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