Daily Diary for Sunday 29th December 2019 - Weight Loss Support

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Daily Diary for Sunday 29th December 2019

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs
136 Replies

Hello new members and regular contributors. Welcome to the daily diary, where you can post your meal and exercise plans for Sunday. Hope things are going well with you.

The aims of the Daily Diary are to record plans in order to firm them up and make it more likely they are adhered to. The magic of this site comes from sharing ideas with others pursuing their own weight loss journey. Please comment on at least one person above you or have a good chat and find friends. The support is phenomenal. Advice given is constructive and with a good heart and may not suit where you are, but six months down the line who knows. Please share your calorie range as per the BMI calculator and calorie count for menus or any alternative method of recording your intake that you may be using.

Approaching the new year it seems to be a time to think about change. I was reading this article about resolutions that perhaps we can buddy up and try


So, for Sunday, OMAD/low carb method, bit more normal

Drinks Tea and Coffee with cream (up to 50 calories per cup), herbal tea, filtered water

D Beef pot roast, cabbage, cauliflower cheese, green beans and gravy. Berries and cream

Exercise will be a walk round the car boot sale I hope and dog walking (hoping for 12,000 steps each day), kettle bell exercises and hypnosis/yoga relaxation CDs 😊

Have an excellent Sunday!

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Hopalong1 profile image
Challenge Host
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136 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Thank you for hosting Hopalong 😊

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Hello everyone and thanks for hosting Bud ! I'm running errands tomorrow so food is going to be a bit on the hoof

Lunch - Scotch egg and a couple of mini cheeses

Dinner - Hot Dog sausage salad (bit random but tasty)

Drinks - Coffee and a diet coke

Enjoy the rest of the weekend ! :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

Good to see you on. I think you will be getting good steps running errands. What about a resolution for me???

Share your resolutions one-on-one.

"Some research shows that telling others your goal makes you feel like you've already achieved it," says Dr. Oz. But other studies indicate that sharing progress can help you keep going, he adds. Dr. Oz's advice: Confide in one friend, "then share achievements with others when you're on the road to success."

I think that is why DD works.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Mmmm I think you're onto something there, I just can't think of a resolution ?? Lol what's yours? :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

I only came up with NMJ yesterday. I planned for advent and now intend to plan for January and so on. There is a link


See what you think :) x

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

I'll go take a peek ! :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

I like the have a hot bath ideas. Also give up scotch eggs for 2020 :) lol, just teasing :) x

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Wash your mouth out girl !!! Lol x

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Right, got one, I'm going to de stress with relaxation breathing exercises every day ! :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

Excellent. I wonder if I can make things with egg whites, facepacks and conditioner, as I have some leftover when I make mayonnaise. We are going to be so hot and organized :) x

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Would Roy not like them? :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

Yes, he does like egg white as it is not my fav. Thanks for the tip :) He caught a mouse yesterday, clever boy.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Ha ha ! Alfie wouldn't recognise a mouse if it ran under his nose, he's a disgrace to his breed ! Lol :-)

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

We all have special gifts, your dog is a pacifist. Roy just chewed his blanket because he didn't like the BBC1 trailers😆

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Ha ha ! Awe bless ! Alfie watches Paul O Grady for the love of dogs and when it finishes he sits and cries ! Lol :-)

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Lytham

Poor boy! It's funny how some animals can watch TV, and others don't "get it" at all.

Even when dogs bark on the TV, it doesn't bother my cats at all, but if there is a real dog barking outside they are on full alert.

in reply to bikegrrrl

My dog’s favourite thing on tv was the Gosford Park pheasant shoot (she was a gun dog breed) - I used to watch it over & over 🤣.

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to

Oh that’s hilarious!

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to

What a cultured dog :)

in reply to Hopalong1

She just knew the sound of a pheasant squawking and the sound of a shotgun. She was the best dog ever ever but left me at 16 last year for a better place.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to

That is the thing with pets, saying goodbye is hard. They are so worth it though. At least in my experience.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to bikegrrrl

They know the difference then ? Clever cats! :-) x

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Hopalong1

I have an egg white left over from mayo, too. I'm going to add it in to a couple of eggs for an omelette tomorrow. The only other thing I can think of is meringue - which I've never made

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to BridgeGirl

Hi, I am going to try these, BG and Lytham :)


Face masks medicalnewstoday.com/articl...

also good for clarifying chicken stock

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Hopalong1

I hadn't thought of those different uses :)

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Ah that's different, let us know how it goes ! :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

I saw egg whites reduce the bags under your eyes, but will have to look this up again as computer froze. Too many tabs open again

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Now that could be handy, let me know what you find ! :-) x

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Hopalong1

Don't think anyone has mentioned it, but "velveting" chicken (chinese cookery technique you do to keep the meat soft in e.g. a stir-fry) requires egg whites.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to bikegrrrl

Got the notepad out :)

in reply to Hopalong1

Clarifying chicken stock? That’s worth a google....

in reply to Hopalong1


Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to

abbreviation for the member No MoreJunk :)

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Lytham

Scotch egg! Enjoy.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to bikegrrrl

Ha ha ! I LOVE `em ! :-) x

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Lytham

I thought this week was going to be eggy , lol I hope you get time to sit and enjoy your hot dog salad.😋xx

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to TheTabbyCat

Thanks hun, I thought a salad would be quicker than cooking :-) x

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Lytham

I don't see 'HM' before 'Scotch egg', I hope you're not letting the side down :O ;)

Have a good one! :) :)

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Tiggerr

Ha ha ! I totally am ! :-) x lol

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Lytham

Did you ever make any more after your first lot?

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Tiggerr

You mean after the collapsed lot? NO !!! Lol x

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Lytham

I wasn't going to mention their state but maybe next time they'll have a more rotund nature :)

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Tiggerr

Bit like me ! Lol :-) x

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Lytham

LOL!! I could be a pretty good role model myself :)

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Tiggerr

Lol ! Not for much longer! :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

Well, full marks for effort x

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Ha ha ! Cheers hun ! :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

I am not the world's greatest cook and beloved likes to follow a recipe. I improvise, never the same dish twice x

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

That's our individual personality! :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

Why mess with perfection :)

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Absolutely! :-) x

Eleanorba profile image
EleanorbaMaintainer in reply to Lytham

Aah your favourite Scotch eggs Lytham! Enjoy!

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Eleanorba

Ooh do love a scotch egg! :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Lytham

Never :)

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Hopalong1

Ha ha ! Have you never heard that before? :-) x

bikegrrrl profile image

Thanks for hosting, Hopalong1. Your dinner looks delicious.

I am back on the calorie-counting. 1400 - 1700. Sunday is as follows:

B: panettone and butter; chai tea latte; 2 satsumas: 580 cals

L: 2 poached eggs on a bed of grilled butternut squash' banana: 250 cals

D: spinach and cannellini bean curry (only because I absent-mindedly opened a tin of what I thought was tomatoes yesterday; now I have to use up the cannellini beans!); wholemeal pitta bread; half tin of pineapple; alc-free beer - 650 cals

Total 1480 cals.

Once again, I am battling a cold so I don't really feel like going out. My knitting project is quite challenging though, so I am keeping busy. Plus lots of books I got for Christmas.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to bikegrrrl

It is a lovely plan, bikegrrrl. Have you got some Vicks vapour rub? That is my best remedy for colds. Hope you are feeling better soon x

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Hopalong1

Thanks, Hopalong.

I don't have any VapoRub. I do have some FirstDefence but I think it's too late for that. I have been squirting it up my nose and all it does is make me sneeze even more. 🤒

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to bikegrrrl

I don't like first defence, makes me feel worse. I hope, however, that you are feeling better today x

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to bikegrrrl

Hi bikegrrrl, I'm so glad there's someone else doing some counting. Homemade panetone +butter,what a way to go!

I've never curried beans sounds like a good idea. I've curried some left over cauliflower and that was surprisingly yummy.

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to TheTabbyCat

Very few things can't take a good currying ...

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to bikegrrrl

Oh dear, sorry you're not feeling great, that curry should help sweat it out ! Stay warm indoors with your knitting and books x

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Lytham

Thanks Lytham. My legs got cold yesterday, despite the thermals, woollen socks and fleece trousers. So I will have to do some moving around. Really don't feel like it.

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to bikegrrrl

Awe bless, you are having a rough time, get your duvet down and have a duvet day, take care hun x

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Lytham

Aw, thank you.

On the plus side, I weighed myself this morning and I have put on a scant pound over Christmas. If I lose another 3lbs I will be back to my "happy" range.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to bikegrrrl

That's good. I am 1/2lb what I was a fortnight ago, but still put on 6 1/2lb in Dec. Feeling back at it now.

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Hopalong1

We will get there!

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to bikegrrrl

Absolutely. I think DD really works for me, just touching base every day

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to bikegrrrl

Awe that would be brilliant, every cloud has a silver lining ! :-) x

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to bikegrrrl

I'm sorry you're feeling under the weather BG.

I was going to suggest a wrapping up in fleece day,but Lytham beat me too it,lol😘

It's horrid being not quite warm enough.

I hope you feel better as the day goes on.xx

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to TheTabbyCat

Thanks Tubby54 - life could be worse, I suppose, and it's the kind of thing I will get through in a couple of days. Will hopefully be fighting-fit to get to my mother's for new year.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to bikegrrrl

All the best for New Year

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to bikegrrrl

Sometimes, the best meals are when we have to think on our feet and use things up. The curry sounds tasty.

Have you mentioned as to what your knitting project is?

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Tiggerr

Thanks Tiggerr.

Project is Latvian mittens. Difficult (for me at any rate), but absorbing.

This kind of thing: misterpattern.com/pattern/l...

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to bikegrrrl

Cool... good luck with them!

Eleanorba profile image
EleanorbaMaintainer in reply to bikegrrrl

Curry sounds lovely! Hope you feel better soon!

TheTabbyCat profile image

Hi Hopalong,Thanks for hosting👍

I had to look up OMAD, I'm still getting used to all the abbrevs. lol. IF, LCHF, only a fortnight ago it was double dutch.

My resolution is to come on here with my plans,as it's making all the difference to my eating habits. Plus the fact I love chatting to you all.

Tomorrow Sunday 29th December.

My BMI is 31.4

My NHS cal. range is 1,708-2,196

Today's total 1,530

B: Cappuccino+ cream filled brioche, Sunday's breakfast is always out.

L: Omelette with left over broccoli+parmisan

D: Leek soup with ricotta cheese creamed in. (Sheep's ricotta)

Snack panetone+ a cuppa

Ex. Walking with my 4 legged trainer.🐕🐾

I hope everyone enjoys a quiet Sunday,prepping for the big party.😍🎉🎆

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to TheTabbyCat

And we love chatting to you too ! Ooh I could eat both your omelette and leek soup, sounds a good day, especially with the cheese, everything tastes nicer with cheese :-) x

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Lytham

The cheese I have is extra special as it's straight from the producer, This morning they actually gave me the ricotta........(it costs about E4) It's delic. mixed with soup,or even on it's own with pepper and a dribble of real olive oil. 💪😋xx

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to TheTabbyCat

Special cheese for a special lady! :-) x

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Lytham

Aww now I'm blushing,lol🤣🤣🤣😋xx

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to TheTabbyCat

Ha ha ! :-) x

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to Lytham

And I second that Tubby, you are a fab addition to the forum!

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to Salcheq

Ha ha ! Well said ! :-) x

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Salcheq

I third that! Always enjoy reading your posts, TheTabbyCat .

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Salcheq

Aww thanks peeps!! You've all helped in making me feel at home here!xx

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to TheTabbyCat

Good day. The leek and ricotta soup got a mmm from me. I think DD is a habit I cannot change now, I feel kinda odd if I get to nine pm and haven't been on :) I am always googling things people say. NSV is my fav learn this year.

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Hopalong1

Sometimes i wonder how we managed without Google. We had to use dictionaries,atlas's we even asked for directions from real people. Oh holy C c"£p all this thinking back, makes me feel old. XX

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to TheTabbyCat

Well, I used to walk to the library to look things up. We keep explaining to the kids that we were not born into this technology and it isn't second nature.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to TheTabbyCat

How have you found Xmas? How is your vein?

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Hopalong1

Oh here,not everyone does Christmas day, but they have a big,usually fish supper onthe 24th. This year I went with a friend to my fav fish restaurant. Christmas is for families,my sis is in England and I can't go for Christmas. I'm used to it,I'm never alone always leaning on one friend or another.

The vein is stable but worrying. I'll get it seen to after the hols. Thanks for asking.xx

I'm putting the lap-top to bed now. I'll have the phone until the battery goes.

Night night all🌜🌛XX

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to TheTabbyCat

Sweet dreams ! :-) x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to TheTabbyCat

I have a relieved feeling, nobody fell out. Glad things are stable. My son hurt his hand and needs a consult. Night, night, Hun x

bikegrrrl profile image
bikegrrrl1lb in reply to Hopalong1

Oh dear, I hope he is OK.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to bikegrrrl

Thank you ❤

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to TheTabbyCat

It is good to chat and if you can chat about even more diverse subject in 'What's Happening' :)

Tasty lunch and and dinner, enjoy walking with your personal trainer.

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Tiggerr

That's Tiggerr when I've got a mo I'll have a look at "What's Happening". I'm zapping from here to Q/S with walking and housework fitted in between.xx

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to TheTabbyCat

Busy busy busy :) :)

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Tiggerr


Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to TheTabbyCat

You never get remembered for your housework :)

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to TheTabbyCat

Oh my, leek soup with sheep's ricotta, that is fab.

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Salcheq

haha it sounds good but I've never done it before. I've done leek soup and added a little cream but never ricotta. I'll keep you posted,lol😘xx

Tiggerr profile image

Morning Hopalong et al. I like the message in your post about how advice given now may seem irrelevant now but may suit us further down the line. That was very true in my case.

I haven't gone through all of the pics in the link you've provided but I will and will add them into my calendar reminders and daily notes... thanks for that.

The carbs in the house are disappearing so 'unwanted additions' to my menu should become less and less. I'm still in temp accommodation and have a kitchen with none of my gadgets, spices, oils etc.. so I never feel like making the effort to cook good food but I'm trying to do moreso.

Lchf with intermittent fasting... Still have leftovers so nothing has really changed from yesterday.

B: Coffees with whole milk

L: Leftover ham, cheese and roasted veg

D: Leftover beef, gravy and roasted veg. Cherries and cream

Exercise will be about 1.5 hours of dog walking.

Have a great Sunday everyone :)

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Tiggerr

Leftovers are great :) I'm sure it's frustrating, not having access to a full kitchen and all your bits and pieces. Hope you are permanently settled soon

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to Tiggerr

Lol, I just read that menu and thought 'that looks like yesterday's, am I in the right diary!' It must be so frustrating for you Tiggerr, I hope things get more settled for you soon.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Salcheq

The situation is frustrating though I try to compartmentalise it but I don't mind eating the same food if that's what there is.

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to Tiggerr

Leftovers are still yummy but it must be difficult to re-vamp them without your kitchen bits and pieces.You're doing a great job sticking with it,hun.xx

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Tiggerr

I am having a rest from meatloaf, leftovers made into something :) My son bought us a le crueset pan for Christmas and I have some beef stew bubbling and soup in the slow cooker from leftover tomato sauce. I hope you are doing ok in your temp accommodation. You can pretend you are a student again. That's how I learnt to make bolognese! Central government money well spent :) I have a few ideas for resolutions more planning, less waste, getting bike out of mothballs now the days are getting longer. All the best to you and yours x

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Hopalong1

Your food sounds great.

I'm always happier when I'm planning so that's what I'm going to concentrate on now and knowing that the days are getting longer always cheers me up too :) :) :)

in reply to Tiggerr

Love a list myself...

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone

Hello, Hopalong1, thanks for hosting :)

The planning hasn't been the best for the past week so I'm now trying to get back on track.

Following a LCHF plan, today I'll be having:-

Morning: two coffees with cream

Around 1: salad with duck egg and cheese

Around 7: cauliflower cheese with sprouts and mini tomatoes; clementine; glass of wine.

Off out for a walk shortly.

Happy eating everyone :)

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to BridgeGirl

Glad to hear that you're heading back on track BG.

Another person on the duck eggs... yum!

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to BridgeGirl

Hooray for duck eggs! Will you have yours hardboiled with your salad? I haven't tried mine like that as I love the huge runny yolk so much.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Salcheq

Yes, it will be hard boiled, though I'm with you on the gorgeous, runny yolk.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to BridgeGirl

Lovely menu. Enjoy your walk, dog and I will be out pounding the pavement shortly. Wishing you all the best x

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Hopalong1

And you. I was out walking earlier when it was dull; now indoors when it's bright and sunny!

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to BridgeGirl

Same with the sun and I have taken a dreary pic collage 😆

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Hopalong1

I'll look out for it :D

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to BridgeGirl

lol lol 😁

Salcheq profile image

Thanks for the link Hopalong, I had a good read yesterday, and then forgot to post my menu!!

So, today we have friends over, so I'm going to go for two meals. Ideally I'd like to not add the six snacks to that like I did yesterday, but heigh ho, let's see how I get on! Weigh in is going to be painful this morning, but I know that the Sunday Slimmers will forgive me (as they do every week at the moment!!)

Early lunch - turkey bone broth and a light prawn salad.

Early dinner - I'm doing a hot buffet, and salads, so I shall choose meats and cheeses in moderation with salads, and avoid bread and the delicious sausage rolls as I'm gluten free, and to keep calories under control I won't buy myself any gluten free alternatives.

Then supper will do doubt be some grazing. I'm going to set myself a cut off for food of 8pm today.

Exercise - not a great deal, I've finally succumbed to the nasty cold that the children have been suffering from, but I may try and get a short walk in the fresh air.

Happy Sunday all

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Salcheq

Go for 5 snacks only today and you'll have made progress ;)

Sounds like you've got a great selection to choose from your buffet and all will be well in the world.

Dang kids! I hope you feel better soon :)

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to Tiggerr

Lol, I like that plan - 5 snacks it is!! Or maybe even just 4 if I'm feeling really good!

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Salcheq

I didn't want to get to February and wish I had had a mince pie. I have enjoyed Christmas. We will get there. Back on track. I hope your cold goes away soon. Leeks are supposed to be good for the chest. With GF will you slowly reintroduce some gluten? All the best for 2020 x

Eleanorba profile image
EleanorbaMaintainer in reply to Salcheq

Get better soon Salcheq! Enjoy your time with your friends!

Eleanorba profile image

Morning Hopalong! Thanks for hosting. Sounds like a great day there.

Glad to say I managed to stick to plan yesterday and keep off the booze, cake and chocolate. So that’s 2 days off the booze, 1 off the sweeties.

Today’s breakfast was oats with a tsp peanut butter, frozen berries, grated apple, Greek yogurt, toasted seeds.

Lunch will be cheese and crackers- not too much! - and a green salad with olive oil dressing.

NO TREATS OR SNACKS! Seemed to work putting that yesterday. Might have a piece of Christmas cake tomorrow but still on a rest today.

Dinner- not sure yet. Maybe something with roasted aubergine.

Exercise- bit of a walk (to get Aubergines!) and some home Pilates.

Have a great day everyone!

Salcheq profile image
Salcheq1kg in reply to Eleanorba

Brilliant Eleanor, well done. I had both booze and snacks yesterday, from tomorrow I'm going to start planning anything snacky as an actual part of a meal.

Eleanorba profile image
EleanorbaMaintainer in reply to Salcheq

Thanks Salcheq! I’ll go back to an afternoon (healthy!) snack when I’m back at work and don’t like a big lunch. But for now all Snack seems to mean is cake...so I’m at least trying to control this!

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to Eleanorba

Well done. I cannot remember having a drink, it was Boxing Day I think. Had three medjool dates with some cheese in the last couple of days. Had a nice bottle of red earmarked for the holiday, but put some in the stew today. Sainos had sold out of aubergine yesterday, what is the world coming to! I wish you all the best for 2020. So glad our paths have crossed in 2019 :) x

Eleanorba profile image
EleanorbaMaintainer in reply to Hopalong1

Thanks so much Hopalong! It’s been great hanging out with you too!

in reply to Eleanorba

Ooh I love that breakfast. Can I come round one morning 😉. I used to eat porridge with nut butter for breakfast in my last job - I’d keep a jar in my desk & buy porridge from the canteen To save myself from the honey on offer. I’ve cut out the porridge & added cream (heh heh) to my breakfast of berries & seeds now - not sure if that’s what is shrinking my mighty ar$e though, but something is...

That all sounds great Hopalong.

I am bed with a cold that surges when I don’t have to be Wonder Woman. Crap day yesterday & I need to tell you all about it - family lunch at my mums, my mum was ill so I had to cook it, which wasn’t that bad but another big roast on the heels of Christmas Day, in someone else’s kitchen, my ill mum fussing at me. Then we sit down to lunch, my teenage niece is so appallingly rude to my sister & I blow her head off & appall everyone even myself. Then I wash & clear up & my sisters family do nothing. Traipse past the kitchen on their way to lie on the sofas & play with their phones. Bro in law has mental health issues & also plays on his phone, encouraging his children & generally being a rude arse - as is role modelling treating my sister like dirt. We ALWAYS helped clear up at my grandmother’s as teenagers. My son age 6 is used to playing with his big cousins but they just play on their phones now & he’s upset he’s not allowed to. I did apologise to my niece & my sister, but I am hugely worried my niece is being allowed to treat my poor sister like dirt.

We were supposed to stay a few more days but everyone needed to come home last night & my mum needed to be left alone to be ill. After a good day LCHF, I came home & ate leftover Christmas desserts for medicinal reasons.

So today - I am in bed & my lovely husband is on childcare /playmobil duty.

Berries, seeds & cream for brunch

Afternoon Snack - Christmas cheese 😀

Supper - turkey curry, with veg no rice. Probably also another Christmas dessert

Exercise - getting upset about my family

TheTabbyCat profile image
TheTabbyCatAdministrator16kg in reply to

Hi Sfg, I love the sound of your menu, especially the turkey curry.

I can totally relate to your day yesterday. Probably why I choose to live in Italy, 🇮🇹. When I go to old Blighty I usually stay with my sis, where Mum lives too but after this year I'm reconsidering. Life's too short to be permanently on best behavior. It's Ok to be not OK. Sending healing hugs. XXX

in reply to TheTabbyCat

Thank you x

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong1Challenge Host2st 7lbs in reply to

I was pressing like for todays food, that seems restorative. Sorry you haven't had the best Christmas, Hidden . It is all over now and you can get well. My mum threw the whole turkey at her mother-in-law one Christmas for interfering in the cooking. I find my in-laws don't say thank you and that is something I find strange. It may be a phase with your niece, let's hope it is a short one. My partner and son had to work this year and NYE, but eldest son and I tried our best. Perhaps today is time to make a never again resolution. Keep your chin up x

in reply to Hopalong1

Ha. Wish I had the balls to throw a turkey.... thank you so much. The plus side to all of this is when I do everything like a martyr & get upset with my family/in-laws, I drop quite a few pounds. I’ll weigh myself in a few days when it’s a less unhelpful time of the month - and no one make the correlation between me blowing my niece up & my peri menopausal hormones please... 🤪🤣

Diane2 profile image

Thanks for your brilliant hosting Home long, hope you have a lovely week ahead!

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