Looking for some inspiration / motivation to find ways to deal with Claudication in legs... I am worried about the circulation and the fact the arteries are blocked. Any tips will be greatly received.
Diabetes Type 2 - Claudication in Legs - Weight Loss Support
Diabetes Type 2 - Claudication in Legs

Hello and welcome, CallyMcQ 😊
I'm afraid I don't have an answer to your specific query but I'm sure it is a worrying symptom. We're a peer to peer support community and I would suggest you keep your GP or medical team informed about any changes.
However, I'm sure that tackling the diabetes will make a difference. I see from your profile that it is relatively recent so you're in a good position to turn things round. Here is some reading and viewing for you, and apologies if you've already been given this information. Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, so that's what you need to manage.
A straightforward diet sheet from a GP who has had excellent results with his patients with diabetes dietdoctor.com/wp-content/u...
A longer document you can take your time over: the headings will point you in the right direction phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...
You'll also get great advice at diabetes.co.uk
And so on to this forum
You'll find all our groups and activities in Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... , plus a Welcome message. A good place to start is with a weekly weigh-in on the day of your choice, and the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans.
This gives you a tour of the forum healthunlocked.com/?tour=true and, along with Pinned Posts, will show you how things work. Active participation can be a great boost to your own efforts so I hope you'll become an active member and we will see you joining in around the forum 😊
PS the app doesn’t give access to all parts of the forum so we advise everyone to get rid of the app and log on to the full website using the browser on their phone
Thank you for your reply
You're welcome Is that the advice you've been given about the appropriate diet in relation to your diabetes risk?
Yes, pretty much but those videos did help explain it in more detail. Very interesting and although rules out so many options of the favourites which is of course why I am on this position its good info to know
That's good to hear You'll find plenty of members using the Daily Diary who choose this way of eating without a medical indication so that might be encouraging.
And here's a post with some ideas healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

High insulin levels will cause chronic inflammation, so if you can get to grips with the diabetes by lowering carb levels, you'll probably see an improvement in your circulation. It may not be cured as there will be some permanent scaring of the artery walls, but at least the inflammation will subside over a few months.