Is It Possible To Lose 2 stone In 2 mo... - Weight Loss Support

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Is It Possible To Lose 2 stone In 2 months?

pirate101 profile image
18 Replies

Hi Everyone :)

I am looking to looking to lose 2 stone - to drop from 12.5st to 10.5 st - in 2 months. I just wanted to ask if anyone out there has had any experience of this and what they found. Is it doable? is it healthy?

I am very keen to lose the weight but want the weight loss to be 'real', not just water weight. I have begun to watch and do the T25 exercise videos by ShaunT and have found them to help a lot in terms of easy exercise to achieve my goal.

Any advice anyone has would be most welcome.


P.S I'm so happy to have found this site! It looks great!

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pirate101 profile image
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18 Replies
KateMac profile image


I think 2st in 2months is probably expecting too much. Most weight loss plans aim for 1 or 2lbs each week. To lose 2st that quickly you would need to drop 3.5lbs every week for 8 weeks. It's probably possible but I think after the 2nd week or so you would be hungry and miserable! Taking it more slowly is a bit boring as we all want quick results but aiming to lose 1.5lb s each week is probably going to be more sustainable. You might find you lose more in the first couple of weeks anyway so try to see that as a bonus rather than an expectation.

The my fitness pal website is quite useful for setting goals for weight loss and how many calories you need to eat to do this. Dropping from 12.5 to 11.5 should make a noticeable difference to how you look and feel and hopefully this will keep you motivated for the last stone.

You're right, this site is really good for support and advice, it wil be interesting to see what others suggest, good luck xx

3WeekFatBurner profile image
3WeekFatBurner in reply to KateMac

As a health and weight loss specialist, I've helped hundreds of people lose weight, and it can be done... fast. As long as you are committed, with the right expertise and guidance... anything is possible. I have created a unique program that maps out everything you need in order to successfully lose 23 pounds in just 3 weeks! (a step by step guide, if you will).

If you are serious about losing weight you can check it out at

Also if you have any questions or need any advice, just let me know. You can send me a message or find me on social media.

kaylin profile image
kaylin in reply to 3WeekFatBurner

Hi I just read your reply in losing weight quickly I am also 12.5 and would love to lose at least a stone in 6 weeks or more if possible. . I've had 3 babies in 3 years youngest only 14 weeks. . I'm miserable and feel so unattractive do u think I could do it.. and how in a way that is healthy ...


3WeekFatBurner profile image
3WeekFatBurner in reply to kaylin

Hi Kaylin, I'm very sorry that you're feeling miserable and unattractive. It is definitely possible to lose more than a stone in 6 weeks using my diet system and I do believe that you will be able to do it! If you go to my website and enter your email, you'll be sent my free guide straight to your inbox. I recommend that you take a look at that, it will give you a lot more in depth information about the diet.

If you have any more questions after you have checked out my guide feel free to message me.

Thankyou, you can do it!

TheTruth profile image
TheTruth in reply to 3WeekFatBurner


gingernut49 profile image

I lost three stone in six months on the 5:2 Diet and I think it's unrealistic to think you'll lose two stone in less than four months.

kaylin profile image
kaylin in reply to gingernut49

Hi ginger congrats.. was it hard? How did u keep committed. .I love my chocolate :()

HarryStotle profile image

Whilst it might be technically possible I wouldn't recommend it. Setting yourself such a high target may end up with you being disillusioned when you don't make it - even though you may be doing fine! I have been on a diet/exercise regime for the past 4 months and I have steadily lost 1.5 to 2lbs a week. It has taken me 3-4 months to lose 2 stone but I feel this is sustainable. When I started out, all the research I did suggested that you should aim to lose no more than 2lbs a week in able to lose weight healthily and I think that is a good rule of thumb. I appreciate you may be desperate to lose the 2 stone but hang in there - it will happen if you just stick at it and be patient!

Hi pirate101,

I'm wondering what the rush is? Why in two months?

Realistically, recommended weight loss is in the order of 1 to 2 lbs a week - but that is on average - maximum rate of loss is about 1 kg (2.2lb), again on average. Most people's weight loss journeys have their blips and spurts (and plateaux), so do take heed of the word average in that comment.

At one level you can radically reduce your weight by eating very little, but then you risk that you'll also stop taking in all the nutrients - vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, etc., etc. - that you need to live. And such an approach can make you quite ill and in some cases very seriously ill. I mean basically that's what sufferers of anorexia nervosa do.

That's just not the same thing as eating fully nutritious food in moderate and reasonable amounts but without the excessive amounts of sugar and fats which are probably what have caused you to become overweight (if that is what you are).

The latter is generally what's being advocated here. Taking control of your eating is the key to it. Changing your 'bad' eating habits fr 'good' ones. Yes, and upping the exercise / activity a bit too.

Just as your body adapted to too much (and probably too often also) sugar / fat intake by storing fat and becoming overweight, then by changing the food intake and increasing your exercise / activity will usually create a situation that your body will adapt to by losing the excess weight.

Overall, however, the process is one of changing your habits and of re-learning about your relationship with foods.

fenbadger profile image

agreed. It's probably possible but you'd need a full time medic with you. You pretty well answered your own question, it will be largely water weigh. I've lost a stone in a year, and my medics think it's great. It's something of a victory for most humans if the weight stops going up. You have my support but do take care.

pirate101 profile image

Hi everyone, thank you writing to me, I really do appreciate all of your comments.

My reason for wanting to lose the weight is because I am going on holiday in late August and don't want to look like a fatty! It's not that I'm particularly fat the moment, I just look better with less weight on - like everyone really.

I seem to have an issue of binge eating, whereby I will eat very well and under my calorie count - MyFitnessPal is great for this- and then on the weekend when I'm out with family or friends I'll go to a restaurant with them and just binge. So I'll end up losing the weight during the week and then on the weekend it'll all return! It's a habit which I must stop but I have found difficult.

albionjen profile image
albionjen in reply to pirate101

Don't worry about losing all the weight by August. It is probably better not to have a fixed deadline - try to think of it as a long term change. Even if you did drop 2 stone, you would need to keep things up after the holiday to avoid putting the weight back on. Whatever progress you make before your holiday will make a big difference I am sure.

I have a bit of advice about what I do to balance the week versus weekend. On a weekend I have decided that it is not realistic for me to keep to a low calorie target, I want to be able to go out for a meal with friends or have wine with dinner at home. I balance by eating a little bit less on a weekday so overall my calorie average for the week is on target, even if some days are a bit low and some a bit high. You may find that approach helpful, if you can just have a few hundred more calories rather than bingeing.

If you find you are massively going over on calories at the weekend, like by 1000+ per day, then you might be too strict during the week. I find if I eat really low calories during the week then on Friday I am starving and it is really hard not to overeat. Especially going out for a meal it can be hard to say no to desserts, extra bread roll with butter etc. when feeling hungry. If you have the same problem try making sure you get somewhat close to your calorie count during the week and see if it helps reduce the need to binge on the weekend.

Good luck finding out what works best for you!

KateMac profile image
KateMac in reply to pirate101

Have a look at the 5:2 diet. It takes a bit of getting used to and isnt for everyone, I find I am really hungry by then time I eat on 500 cal days but have managed to fit in wine, crisps , meal out and deserts twice this week and lost 1.5 lbs. On a normal diet I woukd have to have about 1,200 cal perday which Is fine in the week but like you I find weekends and family events difficult. 5:2 isnt easy , it takes quite a bit of planning especially if cooking for other people. I had bad headaches the first 2 times I did but these have stopped now and it does give flexibility for life to go on while you lose weight. You need to stick to about 2000 cals on non fast days which is quite a nice amount of food. Worth a look .

3WeekFatBurner profile image

As a health and weight loss specialist, I've helped hundreds of people lose weight, and it can be done... fast. As long as you are committed, with the right expertise and guidance... anything is possible. I have created a unique program that maps out everything you need in order to successfully lose 23 pounds in just 3 weeks! (a step by step guide, if you will).

If you are serious about losing weight you can check it out at

Also if you have any questions or need any advice, just let me know. You can send me a message or find me on social media.

Rockylilac58 profile image

Yes i too want to lose 2 stone but im diabetic so bit worried as i meed to eat regularly

A1F1E profile image

Yes this is very possible, just through eating healthy, cutting out bread, pizza, pasta and potatoes and ate chicken, fish, veg, rice, fruit and the odd occasional freddo or magnum I have lost 1 stone 12 pounds in 30 days. Download the App my fitness pal and limit yourself to a daily calorie intake, it’s worked for me and my results are fantastic.

LauraW070 profile image

Hello! It's possible! The main thing that you need to eat healthy (recently i got Salma Hage book and cooking is easy now, couse i don't need to look for healthy recipes (or you can find and make the healthy cookbook by you own (if you are not lazy as me))), do sport and have a good sleep (and have a less stress)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LauraW070

Hi and welcome, LauraW070 :)

Unfortunately you've found a 6 year old post, so are unlikely to get a response from the original poster.

All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts and I hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially a weigh-in and the daily diary.

If you haven't already taken it, here's a tour of the forum

We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.

Wishing you all the best :)

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