Hi not been on here for a while. I wonder if someone can suggest best foods to eat. I know with having the above health issues it's more difficult to lose weight. Feel like I've come to a stop .
Under active thyroid and type 2 diabetes - Weight Loss Support
Under active thyroid and type 2 diabetes

Hi Jand13811, welcome to the forum. Well I don't know much about diabetes, although there are probably lots of threads on here which address this issue. I do have an underactive thyroid however, and have had for over 35 years. If you are on the correct dosage of thyroxin, your weight should not be affected because levothyroxin is a thyroid substitute doing the job of your thyroid. I have been Weight watching most of my adult life mostly because I put too much in my mouth! Portion control and calorie counting is the only thing which matters. So good luck on your weight loss journey. Admin will be pointing out tips and how to get the best out of it.

Thank you for your response I will take it all on board

Hi Jand
You may find it helpful to join these communities too, for advice about your specific needs?
I'm not medically qualified, but from all I've read, you need to be very careful about your carbohydrate intake, especially simple carbs, like sugar, white bread/potato/pasta/rice.
I hope this helps
Hi Jand13811 I quite often look up nhs.uk then search for recipes and found so many different healthy choices to look at and use and they mostly give you the calorie options too. The amount of choices is great.
I have an under active thyroid, controlled by medication so did not find it difficult to lose weight by following the 12 week plan & calorie counting. If you are also on medication for T2 diabetes you will obviously need to ensure your calorie intake and medication are balanced.
Thank you for your response I will take it all on board
Thyroid - Take the prescribed medicine and that is it. You are absolutely normal after that. I too have Hypothyroid.. taking ( 50 mcg thyroxin)... but I have not added a single Gram on my body since I discovered Hypothyroid for past 5 years.
Diabetes 2- This is mostly an acquired problem due to disbalanced eating habits and lack of exercise... It is a way of body giving up due to excess carbs and low exercise.
You need to reverse this habits.. So to bring your sugar levels down focus on these things.
- Whole grains
- Low G.I Fruits
- Lean protiens ( eggs, fish, fowl)
- veggies
- beans, peas, legumes
- Nuts like almonds etc
- Walks, jogs, runs, exercise
- Friends who are fit and eat less
- White rice
- White bread
- Pizza, pasta, burger
- Fried chicken, french fries anything fried
- High GI Stuff like potatoes, banana etc
- All colas, fruit juices, biscuits, pastries etc.
- Friends who are overweight, and overfeed themselves and you.
Take your Diabetes as a health challenge and make yourself fit.
All the best
Happy to Help!