I think I have used too many excuses as to why I have floundered. I need to be honest with myself and get back on it. It's perfectly ok to fall, as long as you get back up. I fell and pretended to get back up and used excuses to justify it. So I have to figure out a plan, be honest and start again. I fell, but I am going to pick myself up, dust myself off and get going. What I eat, what I drink, what exercises I do is my choice and I make those decisions. I have had debilitating depression over the last four weeks and my wife has helped me through it. I have bouts of it but the last four weeks have been quite bad...but I got through it and always will. I have decided that Monday is my 'start again' day. I am a happy little bugger again but the size of my stomach has born the brunt of it. No worries, I can turn it around. Stay strong.
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