Yesterday morning I was pleased to see the scales drop back down to 12st 13lbs...but then had a horrendously busy day and the local girl who normally helps out wasn't able to come, so by 10.30pm, I was tired, irritable and really needing to either sleep or snack on little bits and pieces....still my response to stress and exhaustion it seems.
Eventually I sat and joined a group of our European guests who had been gaily discussing Brexit with my partner ...we had some lovely, very tall young Dutch speaking Belgians and also Swedish guests, all who spoke perfect English, and my chap was in his element stirring up a lively conversation whilst yours truly was cleaning up in the Kitchen! (What is it they say about never discussing politics, religion etc).
I unwound with only a tiny glass of Cointreau, but this morning, following my not so sensible evening's eating and drinking, my scales were back up to 13stones again!!! Oh well, today is another day, and I WILL get down below that number 13 by Monday!