Hi all, I am new to this forum so am a little unsure of what to expect! Not wanting to make excuses for my extra weight I suffer from fibromyalgia and having had my thyroid removed (I don’t care what they say, levothyroxine can never make up for the loss of this important gland!) my lethargy and pain does not help me tackle exercise and when I do I feel so exhausted I go for a quick fix foodwise (ok this does look excuses doesn’t it) I just want to feel better / thinner / more in control - HELP!
Newcomer seeking help!: Hi all, I am new... - Weight Loss Support
Newcomer seeking help!

.........,did I mention I’m also Gluten intolerant!!!!!!!!
Hello Onlymeandyou, there are a fair few gluten intolerant members on here so you'll meet others with whom to compare notes! The Forum tends to get a bit quiet about now but you could post on Tuesdays Daily Diary(meal plans/share ideas)and or Tuesdays Weigh In if you want?
Welcome to this Forum too! You will have been sent a Welcome post on registration which gives you lots of advice and guidance on how to navigate this site.
Here's a reminder link for Pinned Posts
There's a lot there but it's worth taking your time to read, honest!
We recommend you joining a Weekly Weigh In on the day of your choice, and using the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans and get useful feedback.
It would be a good idea to check out your BMI if you've not already done so..you don't need a tape measure just your weight and height and here's a link to the NHS calculator
Please also read this information about security, especially as your post is unlocked
A key feature of our Forum is the support between members which you will experience (and add to yourself !) as you join in and chat with others.
All the best on your journey ! 😊
(I'm new too)
You are not making excuses, you are telling us the reason. It's not a moral failing to be overweight, it's a medical condition. In your case, obviously so. Don't apologise. Accept there are reasons for your weight, find the solutions and move on. If no solutions work for you, then that's sad but it's still not a moral failing. It's just a risk factor that you can't alleviate (like high blood pressure you can't reduce), it doesn't make you a bad person.
From my few days here, I expect there are people that can help you lose the weight! I will offer any help I can.
Thanks so much subtle badger, perhaps us newbies can keep other motivated, I do hope so, one of my issues is that because of my condition I don’t sleep well , and when you’re wide awake at 3 or 4 in the morning, your tummy let’s you know it’s a long time since you’ve eaten! The easy solution is a carb/sugar fix, for some reason an apple or carrot isn’t that appealing in the depth of the night!!!!!! (more excuses??? I’m full of them!)
Good luck to you and all forum members x

Hi and welcome, Onlymeandyou
For extra help, I suggest you also join the Thyroid UK forum, as if your hypothyroidism isn't being optimally treated, then weight loss and improvement in your symptoms will be very difficult healthunlocked.com/thyroiduk
Wishing you all the best for 2020 and beyond
I have tried to do this today but couldn't get the link to go through (it could be my laptop) do I need to make a new account or will this one allow me onto that part of the forum ?
Hi, Onlymeandyou , welcome.
If you "slim smart" weight loss is not so hard! It is not all about motivation and masochism.
Some of us here find that what works is a combination of The Low Carbohydrate, High-Fat (LCHF) diet (see the forum here on Health Unlocked) and Not Snacking All Day AKA Intermittent Fasting (IF).
Fat satiates = stops you feeling hungry, and (Intermittent) Fasting stimulates the metabolism, enabling you to burn more fat.
Thanks S11m, I do find I’m better at sticking to a low carb diet, in the past on this if I got hungry I’d have a piece of chicken or cheese. So bringing in the concept of intermediate fasting is a new twist, I will try it, every thing you’ve said makes sense, I like your term ‘slim smart’ I’m in!!!!!!
Hi I'm new too and also have fibro and bad osteoarthritis in my knees.Im at a point where my life feels frozen-Im constantly knocked off my feet with bad knees for days and cant walk,its my own fault for not getting replacements when I was offered them . Im up till the day hours too .This year I have decided to put myself first and concentrate on my own health and wellbeing ,get my knees sorted and improve my weight by eating healthier. I want to be more in control too rather then my ailments controlling me..Last year I started drinking more water ,to stop me from constantly eating when I'm bored and off my legs -which I'm glad I did -I have really dry skin on my legs which has totally turned round -the water drinking has really improved my skin ,I keep two bottles constantly filled up and make sure I drink them and more -Its helped me to cut down on tea and coffee too.
Hello and welcome Angela,
Well done for deciding to put yourself first - I hope you can stick to it
You might find these links interesting and they may give you food for thought and maybe a different way to approach things :
We have found that participation is the key to success and there is plenty to participate in on this forum. I would recommend for starters that you join a Weigh In day and the Daily Diary. You will receive lots of support and have the opportunity to support others as well. It is surprising that supporting others can often help you just as much as well
Take a look here at pinned posts to see all that we have to offer and if you haven't already, please have a good read of the Newbie Welcome,
We look forward to seeing and getting to know you around the forum
Thank you Lucigret😊 I'll look at your links .This year I'm going to try and eat healthier and generally cut down on the rubbish I eat (chocolate) and stop the eating between meals,I'm not thinking about the counting calories or points ,that's what puts me off -I get fed up. Im definaty going to be putting less rubbish in my mouth and putting more healthy foods in .I will weigh though ,thats something I always do -those scales have to go down .
I think you will find the links interesting then, no counting, no rubbish, lots of lovely tasty food, including good fats that will keep you satiated and stop you wanting to snack or craving for things like chocolate. Look upon it as an adventure, have a look at different recipes and have some fun
Really positive messages here, thanks lucigret, How/when/where do I record my weight and weigh ins please
I am so pleased that you are finding all the information so positive and that you are ready to join a Weigh In.
We have a weigh in every day, so you can bite the bullet and join today's or you can choose another day. We open weigh in's at 9pm the night before, to allow our over seas members to take part, they close at 9pm on the day. You will find the link to them in Events or Pinned Posts. Diane gave you the link to pinned posts in her welcome to you, up above. Click on that and scroll on down through until you find it, click and it will take you there Once you get to the page, read the information given by the Host, it will explain how to record your weight. Then introduce yourself and please spend some time replying to other weighers to give them some encouragement. Before you know it, you will have a group of virtual friends
Remember to come back each week on the same day
What about finding a very gentle yoga class? I have huge mobility restrictions due to radiotherapy damage and often felt I was never in control. With yoga you can visualise and there’s not any competition. Psychologically speaking it has really helped me. I feel I now am in control and can move forward. Good luck.

It's funny you should say that! I have just done exactly that! I used to practice regularly years ago and remember how positive it made me feel. After my one session at a new gentle class, I think I may be hooked! My only concern is that it may be a little too gentle, l was raring to go, thinking 'well why haven't we done this or that' but that's me! Forgetting my own limitations and trying to run before l can walk!!!!!
However, I would highly recommend it to people who haven't exercised for a while, it's a lovely way to slowly and gently wake your body up, it's good for your mind and soul too, and I think we all need some TLC in our lives
Try it, you're worth it!
Good luck everyone, keep on track, you can do it x