Hi, I was rushed to the Leicester Royal with what was believed to be a heart attack. Chest pain, arm pain and shortness of breath. 52 year old female.
Troponin levels were up indicating a heart attack.
ECG fine but given an angiogram which showed that there were no blockages.
My blood pressure can go from 155/90 down to 103/66 which is most peculiar and I think a bit of a worry.
I have had a couple of chest pain episodes since but popped aspirin and they subsided.
I am waiting for an MRI but I am not 100% clear on what they are looking for.
Scared that I will have another attack.
Radically reduced alcohol intake, I am juicing up a storm after seeing reboot with Joe Cross and I have lost 10lb since the attack on the 16th. 3 stone more to get to healthy BMI.
My Mum died in Glenfield last year and it was terrifying to be admitted there. She died of lung complications related to her Rhumatoid Arthritis which hideous to witness.
I want to self cure if possible.
What advice is out there please on how to proceed and what the MRI is looking for.