Good morning all...Today I start my weight loss journey, feeling hungry and thinking of food as I write this! I had my cereal and fruit two hours ago have been drinking water and kept myself busy...ironing! I am NOT going to have a slice of my HOMEMADE cake today...a carrot instead! I have got to do this no messing about anymore...
First day...: Good morning all...Today I... - Weight Loss Support
First day...

Hi, jaydene, what plan are you following? I hope you read the link IndigoBlue gave you yesterday as that will put you on the right track
How about posting your meal plans for today on the Daily Diary? Putting it "in writing" can really help you stick to plan plus you'll get useful feedback and plenty of ideas to pinch. It's very sociable. This will help you find the Diary and the weigh in

As Bridgegirl said, don't go down that route of starving yourself. Apart from making you feel miserable, it won't even work. Sooner or later you have to go back to "eating normally", and because your body has just been through a massive famine, it'll pack all that fat back on again as insurance against future calamity. That's how yo-yo dieting starts.
People gain weight mostly because of what they eat rather than how much, so focus on getting fattening food - like cake, homemade or otherwise! - out of your cupboards and re-stocking with good stuff that you can eat forever. This takes a bit of thought and effort (because you have to dump a whole load of familiar recipes and learn some new ones), but it's a critically important exercise.
Unfortunately most of the stuff that's recommended to us as being "good for weight loss" is just ... not. Bodies that have already become overweight are very bad at recycling body fat from storage, which is why you feel hungry immediately after your cereal and fruit. Try starting the day with three scrambled eggs on one slice of wholemeal toast, with butter. You'll find you can make it past lunchtime before you're hungry again.
Welcome!!! You sound determined and your post made me chuckle!!! It will get easier to resist things like cake as you progress, it's all about forming good habits.. Easier said than done perhaps but we are all here to cheer you along!!!

Hi. As others also suggest, do not starve yourself.
Right at the beginning of your post you mentioned that you were hungry. If you deny food, just because you think it would make you slim, please don't.
I would definitely taste that home made carrot cake. As others say, calculate it in your daily intake.
If the problem that you mentioned in your earliest posts (two years ago) still exist, please check what you can/cannot it. A dietitian can help you.
Wishing you joyful dieting.
Hello and welcome jaydene6572
I'd agree that you'd be better to start the day with some protein inside you - which will keep you feeling fuller for longer. If you like Greek yogurt (and I mean the full-fat proper Greek yogurt rather than anything "fat free" of "Greek style". Some nice warmed berries (I use frozen) with a BIG dollop of Greek yogurt and some toasted seeds sprinkled on top.
My "brunch" today (as I don't have breakfast) was half an avocado on some toasted sourdough, a pinch of chilli flakes and a smattering of toasted mixed seeds - plus a poached egg!
That was 385 calories in total, but has kept me feeling full from 12.30pm until now. Dinner is cooking - home grown potatoes cut into wedges and oven baked with olive oil, some sliced chicken breast, beetroot, pink slaw and a dollop of salad cream.

Nothing wrong with thinking about food . I do it all the time . Plan your menus . Have your lunch then go shopping. Never go to the supermarket hungry . There are some amazing dishes that fill you and don't look or appear to be any different than what you would normally eat . I love going to the library and seeing the food in a book . I borrowed 4 cook books which gave me motivation , flicked through them in the car then drove to get 5 days ingredients. What a treat !
As others have said protein is the key to staying full for longer, eggs, tofu, avocado, nuts, full fat yoghurt.
You will get used to an enjoy your new food choices as time goes on.
As an aside, I like baking but I usually cut the cake in to the correct portions and freeze it, then I always know I have cake in which means I am less tempted to impulse buy or eat lol. X