So usually I write down on scrap paper meal plans. And then use the oh I lost my scrap paper meal plan well no excuses this time. Only £1 something on amazon
No more excuses: So usually I write down... - Weight Loss Support
No more excuses
Looks great!! Hope you find it useful 👍
Go for it Icandothis
I use the DD but the same as you, it's written down somewhere 'solid'. Often I have to look up what I've written, to remind me what I'm eating next
Good luck!
Fantastic!! Is it just paper or can is it magnetised to go on the fridge??
I could use one for the fridge door so every time i went to open the door to have something off plan it would be right there in my face staring back at me!
I’m inspired too....I’ve just ordered one from Amazon and yes it has a magnet on the back. £2.09 and it will arrive Monday. Next step is to join in with the Daily Diary!🌼
Well done and welcome Alideer.😊
Magnet strip in back for fridge. Even has ur shopping list at the side too so sticking to plan should be easier if the list is there
Thanks for the idea Icandothis2017-2018 . I really need something to spur me on! 🌼
Great idea Icandothis, you really can!
That's a great idea. Good luck x
To be honest I had originally ordered a planner similar from Avon which wasn’t stocked and was £8 so I was randomly flicking through amazon for Xmas gifts for a friend and found myself looking for me a food planner and hey look that was my bargain.
Try the pound shops not sure which one though.
Well I weigh in tomorrow