I'm speaking a man who used to be 131 kg ,I do not like Tess. I think she sets a bad example for body positivity.
What's your thoughts on Tess Holliday? - Weight Loss Support
What's your thoughts on Tess Holliday?

Can't help Ibbi, as not heard of her.

Think she hosts Strictly come dancing really well. (Is that the right person??)
I have also been quite big in the past so am in no way ‘fat shaming’ or anything like that. I’m by no means really slim now either.
Whilst I admire her confidence, I feel she is morbidly obese and at huge risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes etc and don’t feel she should be a role model.
In contrast, i think ladies like Ashley Graham who are size 16-18 but do have healthy lifestyles and don’t fit the stereotype ‘skinny girl’ are wonderful positive role models.
I had never heard of her, so had to Google!! 😂 Only seen a couple of pictures, don't know anything about her or her lifestyle, so wouldn't like to judge, but she does have plenty of confidence which is a good thing 😊
I am a man who used to be 125kg.
Her response is:
"My message isn't 'let's all be fat', my message is 'let's love yourself'".
I think our thought is that we would like to encourage morbidly obese people to lose weight - rather than to accept that they will always be obese.
I like her confidence, I wish that there were more companies that used the larger ladies to show off their products, we are not all going to get to the size we should be. but we can look fashionable and stunning in the right clothes. we are overlooked. even the plus models that they use are not really plus models. they need someone like myself to dress. I am the oddest shape and I challenge any company to make me look decent in their trendy clothes. the leg length needs to be just a tad longer too.
but she looks good for her size and until she decides to change herself we should support her and not be abusive. I know I want people to like me for me not because I am the size they think I should be.
My issue is with her being portrayed as healthy by the model industry in the same way that they have used unhealthy waifs to model clothes. Neither of these are healthy positive role models for young people and can lead to people developing eating disorders and other psychological issues.
We are all different yes, but surely choosing models of “ average” size would be better. Both for people’s health but also it strikes me better for companies sales! If you can see yourself fitting not an outfit then surely your more likely to buy.