since december last year I have been plagued with water infections every three to four weeks . always being given antibiotics and still no explanation why I am getting them . They are always high in nitrates and it brings me down even though I am receiving help with depression my mood is good but the infections are making me feel low
finding treatments for my conditions - Weight Loss Support
finding treatments for my conditions

Hello Shirehorse and welcome to our friendly forum,
Maybe a change of diet would help your conditions? We are not medically trained so can not give you medical advice. Have you discussed your diet with your Doctor to see if a change would help or asked to be sent to a Consultant who specialises in your conditions?
I am not at all surprised you feel low and very glad that your depression is under control.
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This may sound a bit off the wall, shirehorse, but have you ever had your thyroid function tested? Symptoms of hypothyroidism can include frequent uti's, weight gain and depression. Why not pop over to the Thyroid UK forum and ask the experts?
Good luck!
Yes among other things I have under active thyroid and on meds it's only been in the last 6/7 months the weight has ballooned
Are you optimally medicated though? So many people aren't.
If you get a copy of your most recent blood test and post on the Thyroid UK forum, they'll be able to advise you.
I often think that I'm on a low dose 75mg my neighbour is on 100mg more and he's very active