At a loss : Hi so im new to this. I have... - Weight Loss Support

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At a loss

5 Replies

Hi so im new to this. I have a bmi of 31. Im 26 and have tried almost every diet out there. I am a busy mum of 3 so find it hard to prep meals in advance. So i tend to not eat all day and pick at night. I find it hard to stay motivated but am now at a loss and dont know how to kick start my weight loss off again, its trying to have the full feeling aswel. Please help

5 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, Clancy :)

I understand that being a busy mum makes things more difficult, but forward planning is definitely the way to go. Maybe some batch cooking, when the children go to bed and sitting at the table, with the family, for all of your meals, would help?

Making sure that there's enough healthy fats in your diet, will help with satiety and thinking of this as a new, healthy lifestyle, will help.

I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link

You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header, so please take the time to read it carefully.

Wishing you all the best :)

Hi and welcome to the community!!

HubbysMissMouse profile image

I never used to eat much during the day and ate more at night but with me doing this it actually made me put weight on. Your body will think that you are starving it and will then turn everything you eat into body fat instead and this weighs more than eating the extra calories does so it stop you from losing weight. I was advised to eat the amount of calories that is advised by the nhs bmi calculator to be able to lose weight and when I started to eat between this amount and not below it at all I did start losing weight. I have now lost 2 1/2stone. Good luck with your journey.

in reply to HubbysMissMouse

Where do i even begin? I have read the posts etc but what do i actually do? Im terrible at meal planning, my 4yo son had autism so he basically seldom eats but i would love to have my other 2 able to eat with me and my hubby. Did you just print off an eating plan? Any advice would be great. Thank you for replying 😊

HubbysMissMouse profile image
HubbysMissMouse in reply to

I must say I never found it over easy but I joined MyFitnessPal to help me with counting calories. When signing up to this only click on it for losing a pound a day otherwise it can confuse you later on about how much you need to eat. It does with me sometimes now. Try to find out portion sizes of items that you eat. I done this myself by reading boxes of items and looking them up on google just asking what is the portion size of cereal or whatever the other item is that I wanted to know about. Different items have different portion sizes too. I love spaghetti Bologna’s and used to have this weekly but pasta, rice and bread are very high in carbs so I have cut down on them by not having them weekly as I now have soup for lunch and try to not have rice or pasta with meals I would have before. I do this fortnightly now e.g spag bol I now try to use spiralised veg instead of spaghetti if my supermarket has them available on the day. My husband is trying to make a homemade sauce adding extra veg for this now instead of using the ready made sauce for it too.

Another thing with dinners that we often do is have a fresh fish like salmon or haddock and have this with various vegetables like mixed peppers, mushrooms, corn on the cob and tomatoes. We often use these vegetable items with many of our dinners and sometimes fry them, boil them or add similarities to these with something like onion rings or sweet potato chips instead of normal chips as there is no carbs in them. There are occasions we will have something like scrambled egg instead of the chips as well and we have had items like cauliflower cheese instead of rice with a meat on the side. Hope some of these ideas help you but there are also recipe ideas you can look at under the Topics section which is on the right hand side of the page if you are using a computer. If you are using a mobile this will be at the bottom of the page instead. Good luck with ideas.

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