Hi I'm Meg, I'm 18 and weight 11 stone.
I've never weight this much before, and having put on 2 stone in about 7 months I'm quite unhappy in myself.
I have always been uber on it with my weight and health, majorly last year when I was down to my best and ideal weight of 9 stone... loosing weight did however become a little bit of an addiction to me though. I stopped having my periods and suffered more with dehydration and iron deficiency- also greatly with a substantial lack of energy.
I don't know what changed in me except in January of this year I became a lot less bothered about my weight and in March I started a new job at a pub where food was just in unlimited supplies... and all the wrong kinds of food!
I would really seriously love to get back down to 9 stone in a healthy and energising way!
I'd love to do this as soon as possible... my aim is 4 months.
My major downfall is my tendency to binge eat... chocolate mainly... and the occasional PACKET of hobnobs 😫
I do often struggle with my blood sugar though, and I think the sugar in chocolate gives me a bit of a boost... just not a while bar meg!
Anyway, this is a bit about me and my aims.
I'm hoping writing and talking about my achievements and struggles on here will give me boosts and help me at my low points.. as well as straying me away from unhealthy ways to loose weight.