Feeling rather crappy today! In one of my low moods, still managed to stick to my diet, although I’ve not wanted to eat or eat a lot. Hope it’s just a little hiccup in my mood and get straight back to happy Hannah ASAP! Hope everyone is doing okay! Just thought I’d write to let people know, it’s okay to feel not okay sometimes don’t give up x
Bad day: Feeling rather crappy today! In... - Weight Loss Support
Bad day

Well done Hannah21 on not giving up and sticking with it 😊. I hope you feel a little brighter tomorrow
Sorry, you feel bad. I am having a real bad stressed depressed day too. I have given up alcohol and it's been five years so I have to face my emotions today. Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone. Hope youre happy soon.
Hi Hannah21 - sorry to hear that you've not had a good day but you've said that you managed to stick to plan, which is GREAT!
Wondering if you managed to get any exercise? Exercise can be a real mood lifter - even if you don't feel like a walk or some stretches, often once you're actually doing it, you'll feel better.
Put on some of your favourite music and have a crazy dance! Find an exercise video that appeals - Leslie Sansone walking (marching!) is a good one! youtube.com/watch?v=njeZ29u...
Or of you are feeling a little less energetic, just some gentle stretches for half an hour...? youtube.com/watch?v=h2aBPh_...
Well done for sticking to eating healthily on such a bad day! Just think if you can overcome eating on a day like this you can master any other day too!
Well done for sticking with it Hannah21. Speaking from experience it's far easier to give up than to stick with it so 👍🏻
Don’t get me wrong I’ve slipped more than I usually do, but still just in my calories! Thank god. Just got to keep going! Can’t believe I’ve been so close to giving up numerous times already. Just hoping I won’t keep thinking like that! Thanks everyone for the kind, positive words