Last weekend for me was awful and I had some lovely replies to my 'bad weekend' post. I have moments when I get incredibly down, don't want to go out, not even to work, not want to see anyone or do anything - except eat and eat badly!! I know I have some personal issues (on a debt management plan, sleep on a 2 seat sofa as hubby has heart condition and sleep apnoea, stressy job etc - would be boring without problems right?) but these things are ongoing and kind of under control so there is no reason for me to be so down. Yesterday I was reading an article about a woman who got depression caused by the menopause. I'm 47 and periods sort of stopped when I first had a coil fitted a few years ago. Think I need to start keeping a diary of when I get this 'cloud of doom'.
Could this be the onset of menopause and has anyone else experienced anything similar?