Which is better?: Is calorie intake... - Weight Loss Support

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Which is better?

CHRISSIE21 profile image
29 Replies

Is calorie intake worse than fat intake. Can anyone advise. Thanks.

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CHRISSIE21 profile image
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29 Replies
YellowRose55 profile image


It is best to limit the amount of clories you eat in accordance to what your allowed in order to lose weight. Not sure what you mean by fat intake!

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to YellowRose55

Hi YellowRose55

And thank you for your reply. Because my collesteral is high I am concerned on the fat intake.


Hi CHRISSIE21 I'd take a look at nhs high cholesterol site, they have some good ideas on what you need to cut out or reduce in your diet, but a low fat calorie counting is probably what your looking at.

Good luck xx

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to

Hi Katmt

Thank you so much for advice. I have been looking at so many various sites. Your help is much appreciated.


in reply to CHRISSIE21

Unfortunately there is so much advice it becomes confusing and sometimes it's just trying to sell a wonder product 😱 personally I'd stick with nhs it's free, their not trying to sell anything and their advice is for you become healthier, a win/win I think. Xx

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to

Thank you that is real good advice.

Chrissy 🙂

Hi Chrissie, I,m Caz mostly on Fibromyalgia UK forum, saw your msg and as I am venturing down this road soon I thought I would say-always reduce fat intake! BUT I will be doing my diet via an NHS weightloss programme using orlistat by Xenical, Didn't know we had a weightloss on our forums so I shall try to keep intouch with many of you and tell you how it goes (if it does)!!

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to

Nice to hear from you. Thanks for message. I was leaning towards less fat which I think is best.


Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to CHRISSIE21

Hi Chrissie, I have a high cholesterol too and trying to reduce it. There's a lot of debate about whether saturated fats (like butter cheese and fatty meats) or sugar is the worst culprit for raising our cholesterol, but what is clear is that unsaturated fats high in omega 3 like oily fish, seeds, nuts, and avocados do not raise you blood cholesterol and are very good for heart health so don't cut those fats out. Until they decide whether saturated fats or sugar are the worst I'm cutting down on both but not eliminating either and concentrating on loosing some weight which should help. Good luck.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to Fran182716

Very sensible answe Fran182716

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to Fran182716

Hi Fran

Thanks for your message. I agree with all your comments. Doc just put me on those Alorvastatin as my level is 8 so I'm hoping with those and diet I'll be a lot healthier and lighter lol


Farmhouse88 profile image
Farmhouse88 in reply to CHRISSIE21

Hi ..i am also taking Arlorvastatin ..been on it nearly 3 months ..goimg for 1 st blood test next thursday to see if anything has changed .Lost over a stone so hopefully cholestrol will have dropped a bit .Good luck to you

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to Farmhouse88

It's nice to know I'm not alone taking this medication. I was very wary when given it as never had high cholesterol before. Thanks for your good wishes. I'll definitely be noting down here how all goes. Everyone on here is so helpful and I find it both encouraging and really appreciate their advice and help. So here is a big thank you to all 🤗


Farmhouse88 profile image
Farmhouse88 in reply to CHRISSIE21

Will let you kjow the results of blood test when i get them back see if its worth taking .But i have been fine on them.Bit scary to be told it was high .Its in my family and dad has had heart attacks and triple bypass as well ..After reading side effects was bit concerned but seem fine so far x

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to Farmhouse88

Yes I would be interested in what the results are. I've got to go for blood test in a few weeks. I'll have been on them 4 weeks by then. Suppose they are checking how they work on the dosage. No one in my family as far as I know had it but then my parents died when I was young. Not young now Lol 🤗

Hi my cholesterol was quite high and the nurse advised me to cut down on cheese and to always buy wholemeal or grain bread as well as cut down on it. It certainly helped as my cholesterol went down from 7.4 to 6.2. Simple measures but effective.

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to

Thanks for help. Will make a note of it.


IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello Chrissy21 and welcome to the forum 😊

To lose fat you need to have a calorie deficit, to eat less than your body needs. (you can find your own personal calorie target by checking your BMI on the NHS site) However, it is also important to eat nutritious foods from all the essential food groups, including some fats 😊

I hope this is helpful, if you have any questions please just ask.


shengorth profile image

Oat Bran is very good at helping to lower cholesterol I have it as porridge most mornings with frozen berries

CHRISSIE21 profile image

Thank you for the info. I like porridge 🙂

RG07 profile image

Hi I had a high cholesterol so I was referred to the dietician at work who gve me a leaflet about lowering cholesterol and good & bad fats from the British Dietician Association and they have a lot of information about healthy snacks,fibre etc.the link below will direct you to the leaflet re: cholesterol. I focused on the calorie counting but I did go for low fat foods and cheeses, but you need to be careful about high sugars since that can be turned into fat


CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to RG07

Hi and thanks for all the information. I have spent days searching through so much info on net. First time with high collesterol. Have a sweet tooth and that's the problem as do not eat cheese or fatty meat. So no more chicly bars for me 🤗

RG07 profile image

Hi this is the link to main food fact page so you can access all their food facts which maybe suitable for you


CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to RG07

Thank you so much for info.

RG07 profile image

not a problem- we are all here to help each other out if we can using our various experiences of dieting and sharing info which maybe of use. Good luck with weight loss. Though my cholesterol was higer than normal it was just slightly over and was mainly the good one. The GP doesn't think I need to have it checked but I have weighing scales which monitor body fat and I have gone down from 37% to 27.7% so I am happy not to push my GP for a repeat cholesterol test. I did look out for low fat versions of food I like- cheese and mayonnaise I have concentrated on the calories and the body fat has reduced as my weight has gone down but I did notice when I had a lot of cheese over serveral days my body fat went up again!

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to RG07

My problem I think is trying to eat enough . As I don't eat cheese or fried food or proper food but I did eat toast an biscuits instead which as I know now made my system think I was starving and kept all I ate causing weight gain and also not enough exercise. Still now it's onward and downwards with weight I hope 🙂

RG07 profile image
RG07Maintainer in reply to CHRISSIE21

foods with high sugar content can convert to fat, which is why low fat foods tend to have higher sugar content. But also eating too little doesn't help- how many calories are you aiming for?

CHRISSIE21 profile image
CHRISSIE21 in reply to RG07

Hi I'm now aiming at 1400 daily. Have been very good this week averaging 1200 daily which for me is good 🤗

RG07 profile image

I was eating 1400 calories until recently since I was getting close to my target weight- 2lb, so I have gradually increased my calorific intake so I wouldn't overshoot my target weight. My weight loss has slowed down but still loosing which is fine by me!

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