Need to lose about 5st in weight but just can't get "in the zone" all good intentions are lost within days of trying to eat healthy. Constantly on a diet of some sort therefore always thinking of food which makes me then have the mindset "just this one" an extra 5st later .... need inspiration from somewhere to just keep going and stop being like this! Any advice appreciated please as I start my new journey
Trying to get motivated and willpower - Weight Loss Support
Trying to get motivated and willpower

Welcome fluff1738 , you have come to the right place. This forum is a very positive place to be. I also have 5 stone to loose. Try to stop thinking of it as a diet, it's a change of lifestyle. You don't have to stop eating anything you like as long as you are sensible. Some people can go 'cold turkey' and cut things out completely. I can't do that as I crave what I don't allow myself. I am following the NHS 12 week plan. I checked my BMI on the NHS site and worked out what calories I should be eating from that. I calorie count and write everything I eat down in a note book. Try and plan at least a day ahead. Cook from scratch, include plenty of fruit and veg. Make sure you have some healthy snacks in the house and find alternatives to the things you now you shouldn't keep in. If you want crisps, chocolate, alcohol, count it into your calories now and again. I keep 100 extra calories for Friday and Saturday as they are the two days I can struggle with. Don't be tempted to try and stay at anything less than 1400 calories, you won't loose weight, your body will think you are starving it. Set your self small goals, maybe 5lbs, then half a stone etc. Have a list of things to reward yourself with, non food of course. Maybe a lipstick, nail varnish, some nice smellies, a bunch of flowers. Keep a jar and put a pound in every time you loose a pound. Join a weigh in day that suits you. I have been here for a month and have lost 8lbs so far. You can do this, we are all here to support you. Keep reading the posts on here and look at the topics to the right had side for inspiration. Post if you need help, people are very supportive. Good luck, today is a good day to start, so try and organise yourself and if you have time have a good think about how you are going to approach it.😊
Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I'm definitely gong to give it my best shot. Seems to be lots of support on here as well as the tools to help too so no excuses this time! Thanks again. All the best
New to site and new to dieting. I suppose I can consider myself lucky as I have maintained a good weight for many years, I became ill a few years ago & quit smoking (easily) and I don't drink alcohol. I seem to be falling apart. I have to loose 4st 5lbs and I have been trying since December. I didn't put any weight on over xmas and have lost 3lbs but due to irritating health and lack of energy I am struggling and miserable. Its like being in a different world. I have never read labels, counted calories or had to give much thought of what I am eating / exercise. I am going to use this site to give me the inspiration I need when my positivity & determination wains. Having read quite a few responses, you are all very encouraging each with your own battles. good luck to all and that includes myself.
Hi ..I have been exactly the same on and off various diet attempts ..I amnow getting my head around just smaller portiins and being aware of whats in the food ..And made myself move more last week .1st week down and 5lb off so early days and all that but it went well .And hopefully if we are not 'on a diet ' we cant fail ..its our new onwards and upwards healthy eating plan. Which of course we will have some days better than others but dont be too hard on ourselves ..We are only human after all .Good luck
Thank you sorry much for taking the time to respond I'm going to really try this time to do this! All the best to you too
You'd think it was easy to lose weight, eat less and move more but my god it's difficult! With all the support on here I have no excuses! Need to try muster up some friends to go for walks with etc to move lots more. Thanks for your support and kind words. All the best on your journey to a better life too

Hi and welcome, fluff
Take a look at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), read the Welcome Newbie thread, then move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you
Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news
Take a look at the 12 week plan, as a lot of people have been successful with it, making sure to enter your details into the BMI calculator, to get a calorie allowance tailored to your personal requirements. Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate
We run daily weigh-in's and you'd be very welcome to join us. The threads can always be found in the Events section, to the right of the home page, bottom on a mobile.
We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too
It's only left for me to wish you well on your journey