I started using essential oils to make up a rub for my sore knees (injury now passed) then progressed to using them in a burner for nice smells in the wintertime. I've found if I use peppermint oil in the burner it feels as if I've just eaten something pepperminty rather than making me want to eat something pepperminty. I get the same feeling (to a lesser extent) with orange oil but not with anything else I've tried in the burner. The other night I had the munchies big time so I put the peppermint oil into the burner and I was OK and managed not to raid the fridge for a wedge of cheese.
Totally without scientific proof! - Weight Loss Support
Totally without scientific proof!

Hi I have just started to burn grapefruit oil as it is supposed to lift your mood. I also put a couple of drops of lavender oil on my pillow and that helps me sleep better, I spent a fortune on teas, tablets etc but just a few drops of lavender is better than anything.
Peppermint oil eases the stomach so there could be something in it helping you stop the nibbles I will have to try that one. 👍
I don't have grapefruit oil Itsbab might get that to try with hubby he gets the winter blues If the peppermint works let me know we can be a study of two!

I know you can get just grapefruit oil from Holland and Barrett but it's not cheap. I got Grapefruit and Pomelo oil from Dunhelm Mill £1.29 and it will last quite a while.
Does your hubby take vitamin D during winter? as that can help the winter blues, in fact most people should take some during winter only found this out from my hubbys MS nurse who advised home to take it in a larger dose than normal.
We're both on VH doses of Vit D My list of must have oils is growing...

I bet it smells lovely!

If it's working then carry on doing what you're doing!! Xx
heya. i think ive read that smelling peppermint oil can suppress the appetite, sounds good! i am enjoying orange and bergamot oils atm they are warming and uplifting in this weather.
Love the orange smells albinohedgehog last night was a sweet orange, vanilla and bitter orange burn (an anti stress mix)- no need for the peppermint as we'd had haggis, neeps and potatoes for dinner so I was stuffed
I burn incense to distract myself from wanting a cigarette. I started it as a kind of similar ritual, lighting it, getting the smoke going right, breathing in the scent. I think distraction is part of it, also training ourselves through setting up rituals and routines, and also doing something calming to displace the urgent feeling of a craving. Plus I find the smell of incense (esp nag champa) very calming. Tempted to try orange oil now...
Our little brains need tweaking all the time I reckon! Thankfully, Hidden I managed to give up the ciggies 10 years ago although even now if I'm totally absorbed in a book I can find myself reaching for an nonexistent cigarette.
I gave up 15 years ago, early 20s, but there's still a very real urge. More habit than craving perhaps...
An observation like this is scientific and if you have observed it works for you it probably works for others. I can also remmeber something on the telly about these vanilla smelling wrist bands that dieticians had developed that reduced sugar cravings. I think I will get myself a little burner.