Need to lose 7stone! : I don't know... - Weight Loss Support

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Need to lose 7stone!

Bluekazanne profile image
8 Replies

I don't know where to start I hope here is a good place. I have to get focused to him prove my health.

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Bluekazanne profile image
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8 Replies
slimpickings profile image
slimpickings2 stone

A very warm welcome to you and I am glad you have found this forum. Don't view this as a seven stone weight loss journey. Stop. Breathe.

Set a mini target, say half a stone by Christmas. It' s doable. Then another half stone by mid February. Again, doable. Then you get a badge by your name telling everyone you have lost a stone.

Read the welcome newbie pinned post, check your bmi and daily calories and make that first change to your diet. I know you can do this and good luck. Xxx

Itsbab profile image

Hi and welcome from me too👍 Slimpickings has put you on the right track,

Make small goals, join in the challenges if you wish to, log everything you eat all but water has calories in and up the steps/movement daily.

Good luck just shout out if you need help. 😊 Bev

debzone24 profile image

Hi i have the same to lose. I have started today and am aiming for only weighing once a week, (I do tend to keep getting on the scales). My first aim is 7 pounds

Itsbab profile image
Itsbab in reply to debzone24

That is my problem Deb's I keep standing on the scales getting obsessed so for the first 19 weeks I weighed every 2 weeks which suited me now it's every week as I am doing the summer solstice challenge but the scales get put back in the wardrobe out of sight till next Monday.👍😊

notsohungry profile image

Hi Bluekazanne. I wouldn't listen to these people too much. Half a stone by christmas (3.17 kg) is nothing. You can lose much more and it is very easy to do if you understand nutrition. I'm losing 1kg of weight a week and still gaining muscle (so losing more than 1kg of fat a wekk).

Losing weight is 80% what you eat and how much, 20% the exercise you do.

The subtext of the word dieting sounds like you arent enjoy the food you are eating. This does not have to be the case and here is why. So basics, carbohydrates and sugar produce insulin. Insulin causes your body to go into fat storage mode. So by having very few carbohydrates and little sugar but sticking to high protein foods you can increase muscle mass (which uses more energy and burns more fat!). To begin with you will have cravings. When you have them drink a lot of water or eat boiled vegetables with tofu. After about a week, you won't have the need to eat bread or rice or potatoes. Throw all carb foods from your house, I literally mean it. You won't be tempted when you have the cravings. Check the back of produce you buy. How many grams of carbs and sugar is there in 100g. That is a percentage. Imagine if you have 33g per 100g of carbs. Look at what you buy and think "Omg, one third of that is fat storage chemicals!". Set this mental mindset.

I only buy salads from salad bars that contain protein. Foods like beans, eggs, chickpeas, quinoa! Get a large salad everyday and you will be full. In the evening eat those mixed vegetables with tofu. I found it easy to control my diet if I stuck to a routine of the same foods.

The next thing is getting exercise. You want to use the protein to gain muscle and burn the fat stores. Everyone likes a different type of workout. For instance, I enjoy martial arts because I am learning and forced to exercise with a partner (I'm quite lazy). Maybe that would work for you. Try out a few sports, choose something fun and then the endorphins become addictive. You will want to go back, you will want to lose that belly fat. When exercising, make sure you train the main muscle areas. Legs, stomach, arms, chest. Squats, crunches, punching and press-ups. Set targets and excel those targets. Say "I am going to do 50 Squats today" but you actually do 55. Next day increase both by 1. Download some pictures of body types that you want to become and look at them when you don't feel energetic. Will power is always the key! Good luck

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns3kgRestart Nov 2023

Welcome. I recommend the NHS 12 week plan The plan is designed to help you lose weight at a safe rate of 0.5kg to 1kg (1lb to 2lb) each week by sticking to a daily calorie allowance. in the beginning, I lost 1 kg pr week, but now that I a getting very close to my goal weight, I lose a lot less, not even always 0.5 kg a were, but I am getting there and I am enjoying the journey.

Bluekazanne profile image

Thanks everyone for your comments. I will be having a good read tonight and planning on what I'm going to eat from tomorrow life style change not diet (the dog won't know what's happened with the longer walks lol)

Gladysdown profile image

Hi hum first welcome this is an amazing site everyone is so friendly and helpful I've only started recently myself and because of encouragement and tips from other members I'm already seeing improvements in my weight like many suggest don't think of it as a diet think of it as healthy eating cut out sweet cakes sugar white bread etc and you will see a big change if you have a sweet tooth it can v be a bit hard but you will get used to it I don't take any sugar anymore in tea or on cereal or even in porridge I use fresh fruit and chop it up to add to porridge cereal etc and to eat instead of sweets etc I make a fresh fruit salad for an afternoon snack and add a muller lite yogurt to it little changes make a big difference hun so best of luck I take tips for everyone on here I may not reply to a lot of messages but I do follow their advise as they are all on the same journey as we are

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