I am 11 stone and want to be 9 but i am finding it very hard. I only manage to lose a pound in three weeks. I was wondering if anyone had any tips to help me lose weight a little bit faster? - Thanks
Need to lose 2 stone : I am 11 stone and... - Weight Loss Support
Need to lose 2 stone

i'm the same,iv'e only lost 1lb in 3 weeks too
Hi, are you keeping track of all the calories every day? For instance, milk in tea and coffee, weighing portions etc. It's really easy to add loads more calories than you think if you don't measure things. I started keeping a food diary, recording everything including excercise so I can look back and see what worked and what didn't. Keep going, I'm sure if you eat healthily, have your 5 a day and drink plenty of water the new way of eating will kick in and you will start to lose. My weight loss has been slow and I got a bit disheartened at one point but stuck with it, I'm now starting week 9 and have lost 8lbs and can see and feel a difference. Good luck!
Hi Abstin,
Don't give up it's maybe just a matter of the workouts you are doing or perhaps you are not eating enough?
I have started getting up early and going for a 30 minute walk every morning before work with my iPod which I am loving, I ensure I hit 10,000 steps each day and I use my exercise bike 3 times per week for half an hour each time. I try to keep my daily calories around 1200 and through doing all this in just 1 week I have already lost 4 pounds
Hope this helps you as I have dieted before but usually just cut my food down with no exercise so this is the first time I have dieted like this and I have doubled what I would normally lose
Hope this helps?
The other thing to bear in mind is the speed at which you put the weight on - you didn't gain it at a pound a week so you shouldn't panic if it doesn't come off at a pound a week! So long as it is coming off, and you are adopting a healthy lifestyle, with more activity (few extra trips up the stairs, extra walking taking in some hills, bit more vacuuming round the house etc) and are eating meals made up of protein, fruit, veg and limited amouts of carbs and sugar, you will get there eventually, and it won't be too much of a shock when you start a maintenance diet as any changes will be minimal.
Thankyou all for your suggestions really helped me out! I will try them out and hopefully start losing weight soon 🙂
Hey there Abstin, you dont sound like a person who is drasticly over weight,,, have you checked your Bmi and how much you need to loose against your height, every one wants to be a super slim like the models but, they are often under weight anorexic almost .. me i was massive 19 stone according to the chart i needed to be about 8 foot tall! all i am saying is i was very overweight, loosing it graduly is best its more likly to stay off so dont give up .