I have low thyroid. The doctor took a lot of blood. I screamed. The whole place heard me. I weigh 14 stones. I didn't eat for 2 days because of the article in the news paper a picture and my name was in. A lot of people In Aberdeen hate me. What do I do ?
Need to lose weight : I have low... - Weight Loss Support
Need to lose weight

I hate having my blood taken and even passed out once when they pricked my finger to find out what blood type I was before giving blood Needless to say, they decided not to take any
Sorry to hear that you've been having trouble but I was wondering if you'd managed to implement some of the ideas that were presented to you when you joined here? There was a lot of good discussion, including how you could start making meals for yourself apart from breakfast.
Dear Tiggerr,
My doctor was looking for type 2 diabetes. He tried to find a vein 3 times. It was done quickly.
I am supposed to be moving house on the 16th. If you look on Aberdeen Press and Journal for 11th July. I would send the link if I knew how. I am supposed to take a pill every day for all my life. With my home in a mess, I forgot what was said. Please forgive me.
Good luck with the house move.
Here's the original chat... healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

If your thyroid is underactive, you may have difficulty losing weight until you're optimally treated for it. I suggest you post your latest blood test results on the Thyroid UK forum, as they are the experts in their field healthunlocked.com/thyroiduk
Other than that, I would suggest taking a leaf from Einstein's book, who said "If we always do what we've always done, then we'll always get what we've always got" It's what keeps me continuing to move forward, because I am, by nature, a creature of habit
Dear Moreless,
I don't know my blood test. I know what the doctor said when he phoned me. When he put the needle in, I screamed and did not stop until the needle was out of me. I can out scream anyone. The previous time I had blood taken was 2010.
I am supposed to have it done again In September. The next one who does it, I will do what I did in 2000. I hate needles.
I asked for notes to be sent to me. I have not got them yet.
At the moment I am struggling with depression as I am scared of the move on the 16th. Look up the 11th of July Aberdeen Press and Journal. If I stay In Aberdeen, I may be more lonely than I am now. I felt the wrath of the Aberdeen Presbytery. You will see why. I didn't eat anything from the 10th until yesterday and then only a ready meal.
I have to eat today to have the strength to get to church tomorrow. Thank you for helping.
I looked at the paper, are you the lady with the cat?
That's me. I love my boy. He can open doors. When anyone comes to my home, Joey gives them a good sniff. I got my boy when he was 8 weeks old. Joey is now two years and 4 months. He keeps me going. We got kicked out of lots of places. I am praying a move will be good for us.
Are you moving right out of the area?
Yes, on the 16th. I am scared of moving. I will go to groups I like. I will lose weight because I feed Joey before I feed myself. I had to dispose of a lot of food that expired
Do you have a social worker/key worker that can help and advise you? It's so difficult for us to know how we can make things easier for you.
Did you read the article? What do you think? When we move, I will have less money for food. I will feed Joey before I feed myself.
I hate social workers. Almost everything they do is trouble. My first dealing with one in 1969. I was a wee bairn. My mother and I were coming to England from overseas. My grandmother sent her packing. The next dealing was when I lost my grandmother. I was in my senior year and high school. The social worker came to school. She had me in her car and started on me. I punched her. She said I was incorrigible. The psychologists set her right. I had one in England when Joey was a baby. I lived in a secure sheltered housing that no one was supposed to get in unless you lived there. She sent her colleague and 2 psychiatrists calling at 1929 hours. They rang the managers bell to get at me. They knocked, I saw they were people I didn't know. I shut my door and did not let them in .I phoned my minister who came from the next door village. They said I was ok.
I knew this person six months.
I had two in Aberdeen. One doesn't like cats. The young one graduated from university the same day the article was in the paper. I need to lose weight. I don't know how.