To all you lovely people who have asked "How are you doing this?" This is my abbreviated story.
When I lived in Portugal, I saw a blouse in one of the stores that I fell in love with. I so wanted that blouse BUT being a size 24 I couldn't even get my arm near it. I walked out of the store very miserable. My immediate thought was to walk right back in there and buy it anyway cos if it didn't fit me then I could fit it.
The start of my journey and I had to do this for myself and nobody else.
The only tools I had to start this in a foreign country was the website. Health Unlocked of course. I printed off the 12 week plan, weighed myself at 18stone 4.5 lbs and also used My Fitness Pal for documenting every morsel that I consumed within 1400 calories. My husband bought me an exercise bike and a Dynaband and off I went.
I decided that I would make goals realistic and achievable. At no stage did I think "I want to lose 7 or 8 stone" but I really want to get from those 18's into the 17's. I knew I wouldn't see it as a thankless task if I did that. My next goal was to lose half a stone, then a stone and so forth and so on. It was only last month that I actually decided what weight I would like to get down to.
I would plan my 1400 calorie menus and meals a few days in advance so could shop for the right foods instead of taking pot luck. I also found that I didn't have to deprive myself of chocolate or biscuits and could have a treat now and again if I planned it within those 1400 calories and didn't succumb to gluttony!!! It soon became my life.
There are always times when it fails. My husband and I were repatriated back to the UK and at the same time my Mum became ill, so we went to live with my Dad to help him care for Mum. It was a rough time. My Dad lost weight drastically and ended up being below 9 stone (He's now 11 stone) so I had to feed him up, cater for my diabetic husband and try and stick to my calories. It wasn't easy. My mother eventually died and my husband had to go back abroad so life was exceedingly difficult. No matter how many times I fell off that Damned wagon, I knew I had to get back on it again!
I always thought I was too fat to go to a gym and that people would laugh at me because I was so fat, but that's the way I felt. Stupid eh! If only I had done it sooner. I joined the local gym initially and now I also work with my personal trainer (This is not compulsory I hasten to add!) but I love all the new challenges from the times that I even struggled to walk without getting breathless!
Holidays are perhaps the most troublesome, but I always plan ahead and know to limit all carbs and have fresh fruits for desserts. Damage limitation in other words!
Hope this helps all you new lovely ladies and gents out there. This is just what suited me. Only 12 more pounds to go to my goal weight of 10st 7lbs. Yeeha!
Wishing so much luck to you all and believe me, YOU CAN DO IT. X