Hi, I am Debby from the US and have been reading posts here and am on the same road as a lot of you with weight loss and have complications due to Cardiomyopathy . I have lost over 100 pounds thus far and need and want to lose more...I look forward to getting to know you all better......
New from the US: Hi, I am Debby from the... - Weight Loss Support
New from the US

Hi uvmsportsnut,
Welcome to the Weight Loss NHS forum. It's great that you've already read some posts on here, and I hope you've seen our Welcome Newbie post, as it's also worth a read.
Many Congratulations on losing 100 pounds already, that is an incredible achievement!
We have quite a few Challenges going on in the forum currently, so do join in with any you like the look of - they are in the Pinned posts area, and the Events section is also worth looking at as there is a link to the Monday group weigh-in there, so if you like the look of that, then do join us!
Have a great weekend, it's nearly here!
Hi and congratulations on your loss so far! That's an amazing achievement
Best of luck to you, Deb.
Hi Debby
firstly a big well done for your current loss and secondly what's your secret.
Fabulous weightless. ☺

Welcome uvmsportsnut Glad to see you here. As you will see I am proudly sporting a "Newbie" badge - if you would like one too, just ask so folks can help out a little more if you need it - but you don't have to if you don't want, 'cause folks on here are helpful anyway.
Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome, and well done. I too would like to know more about your weight loss success story. how long did it take you to lose 100 lbs and what was your approach?
I got diagnosed with a serious heart issue and had a [pacemaker and defibrillator put in ..I also have someone in my life that is amazing and we eat healthy and cook together. Lots of protein, veggies, and trying to stay active...slow process but I am feeling better and still have weight to lose...
But even still, you've done really well to get as far as you have! Congratulations!
Just out of curiosity, Debby, where are you from (you may not still be in Vermont as your tag suggests )? I'm from Utah originally, now living on the South Coast of England. Talk about a big change!
Welcome, very well done n your achievements so far and good luck!
Hello Debby, welcome. Well done on losing 100 pounds...so far I have lost 7!!! I shall do my best to catch up with you!! lol. Good luck! x
Oh my!! 100lbs is a lot of weight! Very well done 😊 And welcome to the forum 😊
Welcome to our family well done on your weight loss i hope you will continue to do well i am glad that you have joined our forum everyone are so nice and very supportive i hope that we can help you yo there is lots of advice and experiances and we help each other i hope you will reach your goal good luck .