Almost at the end of Week 2 of the 12 week plan......but still no weight or inches lost. I am really fed up! Doing everything by the book in line with BMI data etc: planning a day ahead for meals/exercise, no cheating, but nothing has changed. Got appointment with GP for blood tests etc on Monday to make sure there is nothing wrong. I started with such high hopes. Incidentally husband continues to lose and he has much more energy, I am so jealous.
2 weeks in, even more fed up.... - Weight Loss Support
2 weeks in, even more fed up....

Bless you. There will be a reason for you not losing anything. Hopefully blood tests might give you a clue. You don't say what age bracket you're in but if it helps I went to SW for weeks and didn't lose anything - but it seemed the menopause was getting in the way. The SW lady just told me I wasn't trying hard enough but I did some research and found that it can make a difference. Don't be disheartened yet. Good luck
Just a thought are you still eating white bread? I found that even counting it and staying within my calorie allowance it really hindered my weight loss. Also fruit, too much can slow things down, so now I have no more than 2/3 portions a day, the rest of my '5 a day' made up with salad and veg. Hope all is ok following your doctors visit. My advice would be the stick with it, I know it can be really frustrating!
I eat Granary/wholemeal bread, which I alternate. It is gluten free though as I cannot eat wheat products. The calories are on the packs so no probs there. Don't eat much fruit except a few cranberries, a small banana and an apple most days. I tend to fill up with vegs, and make a my own soups with spinach and lentils (for the protein) and any other leftover vegs. I always check the calories though. I will stick with it.
Ahhh you poor thing I really feel for you especially as you are doing everything right I'm 62 I lost 4lb the first week this is my second week not due to weigh myself till Sunday but don't feel as tho I have lost anything, I know I will be upset if I don't so I compleatly u nderstand where you are coming from.
Fingers crossed for your trip to the doctors , let's hope he comes up with a reason for it. Hope it will be something simple
Good luck to you keep trying
Have a good weekend xx
How frustrating for you 😕 My weight loss is slow - the most I lost was 2 1/2 lbs after two weeks of staying the same so please don't be disheartened 😊 I have to watch portions very carefully, I'm only 5'1" and need to exercise as well to lose, but it is so very rewarding to feel slimmer and fitter 😊 Very best of luck

Take a look at wa2un7 's threads. I believe it took her 6 weeks for things to start happening, but she bravely kept going and has been rewarded for her tenacity
We're all different and some of us, unfortunately, have to work harder than others, particularly we older ladies
I really hope that everything comes together for you soon Wombat
I will take a look later. As I have said before, 'friends' told me not to bother at my age so I am keeping quiet about the lack of success so far but I really do want to succeed, and do appreciste the supportive comments on here.
In the not too distant future, you'll be able to turn round to your friends and say nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!
I am sorry it sounds like your friends are not being very supportive. Don't listen to your them, if you want to do if for yourself then you should. I am sorry for you that you have not had much success so far but I am sure if you stick with it you will soon. Good job to get checked out at the doctors but maybe your metabolism has just slowed right down and needs a kick start. Best of luck to you
Keep going I can give you 24 years and it is still possible to yo yo for me even now but smaller portions of whatever you eat and walk wherever possible, is good even an exercise DVD. can show results. I use Move it or Lose it DVDt first thing before breakfast once I start that again I see results once I make up my mind that it is never too late.
Don't let your age stand in your way - I am 61 and am losing around 1lb a week - some weeks have stayed the same. I find if I eat carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta particularly) I retain fluid which weighs heavily on the scales. Also, those foods actually make me feel more hungry...hopefully your gluten free diet will avoid too much carbohydrate. Weighing portions is very important, and logging everything you eat Try and fill up on protein foods, and drink fruit teas instead of coffee and tea. Find some steep hills to walk up - a good calorie burner, and take the stairs at home as often as possible! Good luck!
Hi, can I ask how many calories are you having a day? If you are using the BMI calories that is what you need to stay at the same weight. I'm 62 in a few days time, run 5k three times a week along with other exercise and strength training and look after an acre and a half garden - not what you'd call a slouch. I'm losing (on a good week) half a pound that's taking in around 1700/1800 calories a day (I'm 5'5"). If I go much lower with the calories I get too hungry which defeats the exercise however I know that as I get closer to my goal of 9st 13lbs I'll have to either up the exercise or reduce the calories to lose the final few pounds.
Last night I had a lettuce, tomato and avocado salad with a mango dressing followed by poached eggs and smoked salmon on a bed of cooked spinach - I was not hungry till lunch time today. The night before I had a huge bowl of pasta with a six veggie sauce I felt stuffed after I'd eaten it however by mid morning yesterday I was ravenous. Like DartmoorDumpling those carbs can make you feel hungry sooner.
I hope everything comes back as OK from the GP visit...stick in there - and tell those 'friends' to get a life!

BMI says between 1560 - 2000 so I am averaging 1250 but often feel hungry. Do I need to have less to lose weight? I will try fewer carbs as suggested by others if that will stop me feeling so hungry. Tonight we had a mixed salad bowl with chicken but no carbs, having had my own veg soup with a roast beef (g/f) and salad sandwich for lunch. Today was less than the 1250... I cannot run but do long dog walks and a series of strengthening exercises most days. Tomorrow my husband is going to get his old exercise bike out of the garage so I can use it while watching Olympics!
I was using the Nutracheck online site to log my calories - makes keeping track very easy, and they say never go below 1400 calories a day or your body thinks it is being starved and hangs on to every last lb! Do make sure you count all drinks as well. I try to stay between 1400 and 1500 but am fairly active in work, and do a lot of stairs in the course of my day, plus dog-walking and the occasional horse ride when I can find time! Anything that makes you puff a bit is going to burn calories.
Its common to fee downhearted but don't give up. I only have 10lbs to lose so its not the same as much more but when I get to this state of feeling nothing will ever happen I go back for a week just eating healthily but stepping up the exercise. Then after a week I see something moving again and get motivated by others keeping me on track. I am giving myself a goal date and keep hoping I will see something after the 12 week plan.Keep looking at the forum, it is really helpful. Good luck