Say Yes to the Dress/Jeans/Top/Trouser... - Weight Loss Support

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Say Yes to the Dress/Jeans/Top/Trousers etc Challenge Update - 10th July 2-16

sueper profile image
21 Replies

Hi everyone,

Apologies that I have not been around much lately but I am pleased to see this challenge is continuing & people are still aiming to squeeze into a new dress etc.

Part of the reason I am missing so much is that I have helped set up a local walking club (some of you know this), we now have nearly 100 members so it's going great!

I could not have imagined 17 months ago that I would be 5 stone lighter and be one of the founding members of a walking club!

Sadly the dieting has taken a bit of a backseat but I am continuing to walk as much as I can. So at the mo I am maintaining which is ok but not great as I still have many stones to lose!

So not much has changed my end, although I did put a lovely selection of bigger clothes in the charity bins :)

Please see link below for the original post if you are not aware of this challenge - it is of course always open to new comers

Please update us all on your great achievements. This challenge will be carrying on for a few more months so plenty of time to get back on track and drop a dress size or two.

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sueper profile image
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21 Replies
kantara71 profile image

What a story Sueper, a life changing 17 months for you and an inspiration to everyone :-) brilliant!

DartmoorDumpling profile image
DartmoorDumplingRestart Feb 2024

Great to hear you have the confidence now to get out there and start this group where you can meet other like-minded people; it must be lovely to have your fellow walkers to exercise with, and the opportunity to make new friends at the same time. Well done you! Its good that you have been maintaining your losses whilst you have been so busy too.

Bluewings profile image

Oh my goodness what an amazing idea! How did you start it up? I'm going to check out my local Facebook pages and notice boards to see if I can find one here, if not I'll start one myself. It must be so much more motivating to meet up with others! Well done sueper !!!!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Bluewings

Hi Bluewings,

We managed to latch onto a local running group who let us use their name to set up a sister club. It is great for them too as their injured runners can join us whilst they recover :) So see if you know anyone in a local running group who may help you out.

You can also volunteer with Walking for Health but most of their walks are during week days so no good if you work Monday to Friday.

Having the responsibility of 40+ walkers each week certainly makes me get off the sofa!

suzybenj profile image

:-) well done on the walking group:-)

I had wondered where you had wandered off too- now I know:-)

I much the same place as when you last posted- a few pounds lighter- but hanging in there.

I have ditched some fat girl clothes- which felt v pleasing. I also bought some I between clothes- and I feel much better for it- smartened my act up a bit and improved my self esteem.

I have three inches to go to fit into groovy trousers that have sat on a hanger for a year- but I believe I will get there one way or another :-)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzy,

3 inches isn't too far to go so fingers crossed you'll get there soon :)

It does help to get rid of the fat clothes - then there's no going back! :D

merrymanda profile image

Wow, well done to you on all counts!

Still plugging away but seem to be stuck in a rut at the moment. Hoping to clamber out this week and get back on the track!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to merrymanda

Hope you can find your way out Merrymanda, from the diet point of view I seem to have been stuck in a rut all year :(

Hi Sueper,

Great to hear from you and congrats on the success of your walking group, fantastic 😃

Good news that your maintaining, in the long run it all counts 😃. I'm still plugging away finding it really difficult the 2nd time round, but no pressure little by little I'm getting there!

I've also had a massive clear out of clothes, I found it very liberating !!

Haven't tried my trousers for a while but will dig them out 🤔

Take care


sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Hi Flossie,

Glad to hear you've cleared some clothes out, as you say it is very liberating and also means there's no going back!

hhphillips profile image

Hi Sueper, a walking group is a great. It is so much easier to lose weight with like minded friends. On Saturday, I did my first park run, 37:28 after doing a 9 week course in getting me from Zero to Hero runner. During that time, I've lost about 4 lbs. I've lost an inch from my waist line during the last week. It moving in the right direction. I still want to decrease my waist line by 7 1/2, a more to do.

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to hhphillips

Wow hhphillips sounds like you're doing great. Running certainly helps shed the inches. I have an ambition to run mile - one day, but have to sort the dodgy knee first.

Good luck with the 7 1/2 inches :)

hhphillips profile image
hhphillips in reply to sueper

Thanks Sueper.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Sueper, I couldn't be happier for you! What a success you've made of the walking group. I remember you telling us about your first walk! Wow! You're a hero! :)

I don't think it's a bad thing that you're maintaining at the moment, let's face it, that's what we're all aiming to do, eventually. You're also walking the same path as Ros1 and that's got to be a good thing! :)

When the time's right for you, you'll get back to watching what you're eating a bit more and the weight will start to go. You're also giving your skin a chance to bounce back too :)

Try not to be too much of a stranger, because we do miss you :)

On the dress front, my original size 18 dress still doesn't fit properly, which is really weird, because all my other clothes that size, have already gone to the charity shop! On a positive note, it's an autumn/winter dress, so it'll probably be just right by then! :D

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to moreless

Thanks Moreless. I am going to try to heave myself on the wagon on Monday - started my weekly food plan already :)

I keep telling myself it is good for my skin :D

It sounds like the sizing on your dress is off - have you measured it? Handy that it isn't in season yet :)

I will try to pop in more - lots going on and I just never seem to get on here. I need to manage my time better :D

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to sueper

Good for you! How about joining the monday weigh-in for accountability, motivation and support? :)

Fingers crossed for your skin, I don't think there's any hope for mine! I hope the deflated balloon look, comes into fashion soon! :D :D

I think it's the sizing of me that's off, because I'm having trouble with jeggings too! :D

Yaaaay! Stick around with us and we'll get slim together :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless,

I haven't weighed for ages for various reasons. Things have settled here a bit more now so I really must brave the scales soon - I just need to find a new home for them :)

I will still be hanging around just a little less often as yet more changes here to keep me busy :(

Glad you seemed to remain so focussed :)

SandyJJ profile image

Thanks for coming back and inspiring us. As for me, I'm IN, yep, its a squeeze and daren't bend but I am in the very expensive trousers. Hoping to be in with a but more 'give' before I go off next week on my hols :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to SandyJJ

We;; done Sandyjj - who needs to sit anyway :D I hope they get a little more comfortable for your hols & have a great time :)

Anon-E-Mouse profile image

Wow sueper five stone lighter and founding a walking club, WTG you - that's awesome 😁🌟😁

I can't remember exactly what I was last time we reported, but do know that when this lovely challenge started, I wanted to lose 9 inches off my waist by Christmas and get down to at the most 30 inches. As of Monday last week, my waist was down to 34 inches, so another 4 (or more) inches to go in five months. 😃

Last weekend I went through my wardrobe and three sacks of clothes are going to the charity shop. Still have to go through underwear, nightwear, swimwear, t-shirts and, yes, shoes! I appear to have gone down a size in shoes ... 👠 👡 👢

Enjoy your walking Sueper, wished I lived nearer and could join you.

Mouse 🐭

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Anon-E-Mouse

Blimey Anon-E-Mouse you are doing amazingly :) Only 4 inches to is fab!

My feet have got narrower so lots of eee fitting shoes gone to the charity shop. It's so nice to be able to wear pretty shoes again.

It is a shame you are not closer as we are always after new members :)

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