The scales show today 10stone 3
One pound loss. I've stuck to it and on week 6 this coming week. Halfway through my 12 week challenge.
Total 8lb loss
On a couple of days this week I started to feel a bit hungry did all the techniques tips you lovelies have given me and stuck to calorie intake.
It's a slow journey for me but I realise I'm not going to hit my goal while around November so I'm happy with the small losses.
Aren't dress sizes a pain ... I bought a couple of dresses as a treat I'm 5ft 2 very small boned etc guess what size You'd think Medium NO NO NO
I bought from H&M and QUIZ BOTH LARGE ..... Why I'm saying this is ladies please don't go by dress sizes buy what looks good on you for a treat. The dresses still didn't look perfect even though I'd bought flattering styles well cut etc. My stomach still showed its rounded self but I thought NO I will keep the dresses purchased online and wear my fat pants until I drop a few more pounds. I liked the dresses and they were a good price and I know they will look good in a couple of months without my fat pants.
So don't go off the dress sizes...... If you end up buying a large or extra large or XXL if it looks good it will make you feel good.
My new challenge to myself is to be able to throw away my FAT PANTS.... The ones that come up to my chin....