Hi all.
As you can see from my list above (which is just a few of what I suffer from) I have suffered in silence for many years now. No one has understood how I really feel. They just say 'oh are u having an off day today?? Not too good today?? With Alot of sarcasm behind there tone!!!!
I've gone through a marriage and a engagement which both ended in separation! Due to my health!! As both ex's had no understanding of ill health at all.!!
I came across this site and thought it would be interesting to chat to others in the same situation as myself. And knowing I'm not alone here!!
As I've felt so ALONE for so many years now. With no one who understands me and the way I feel every day. Just being told it's all in my HEAD!!!
ANYWAY, I'm so pleased to of come across this site and hope to start talking to many other people in the same situation as myself.
We are not alone and it's not in are heads!!!