Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (2nd November 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
285 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 6.4 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 4.0 pounds, so I've lost 2.4 pounds this week! I am so happy to have achieved my goal to lose 2 pounds, and the fact it is more is a bonus! Last week's gain was partly down to my time of the month, which means it was partly hormonal fluid retention, but I have worked very hard this week on exercise (lots of walking and strength exercises) and also healthy eating (having more salads and soups). Thank you to everyone who has helped me to keep on track and achieve this loss, as you support and encouragement really made a difference to me. :-)

My goal this week is to lose 1 pound.

How this thread works:

Weigh in with us, and one or more of the Fab 5'ers (myself, Prin, Suzybenj, Candystripe, and Ruth_Canal_Runner) will respond to you. We will do our very best to ensure that everyone receives a response at some point in the day and/or evening.

If you're new, and fancy joining us, please do so! Just introduce yourself and share your starting weight (if you want to), plus any goals you are hoping to achieve on your weight loss journey.

We also encourage discussion and supportive posts between contributors, so feel free to interact and enjoy participating within the thread.

Here are last week's Group Stats (courtesy of our great Stats Woman Ruth_Canal_Runner):

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 71

Total overall weight lost: 32.58 pounds (14.78 kilos)

Total people who lost weight: 32 (61.25 pounds lost) (27.78 kilos)

Total people who gained weight: 14 (28.67 pounds gained) (13.0 kilos)

Total people who maintained their weight: 9

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 10

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 6

Inspiring results!

Wishing everyone another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Written by
Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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285 Replies
Berylbee3 profile image

Absolutely delighted for you! I know what that must mean 🙂

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Berylbee3

Hi Berylbee3,

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your support. I hope you're having a good week yourself. Do join us, if you think this is a group you might enjoy being a part of. We're here every Monday for this weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

Jenever profile image

Good Morning Lowcal and Everyone checking in their weekly results,

Well done on such a significant loss Lowcal, clearly you made a determined effort this past week and the results speak for themselves, it makes it all so worthwhile doesn't it?

Somehow this week I lost 2lbs!!! After such a disastrous Friday when I had what I can only describe as a manic eating episode I had at best expected to have maintained again this week. Having said that I did pull the situation right back on track the next day and in fact I probably over compensated on Saturday by having a very low calorie day, but whatever it was I'm really very pleased with a 2lb loss.

Have a great week everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

Thanks for your kind words - much appreciated!

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, especially as you felt that Friday was disastrous - the fact you pulled the situation back the next day and focused on getting through the weekend, and getting back on track, means you've successfully salvaged that situation, and you've achieved an excellent result. Well done you! :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to Jenever

Well done, Jenever, 2 lb is great 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

It's 7am and I'm just going to have some breakfast, but I'll be back later. :-)

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone

Well done Lowcal, you did it. I have lost 1.25lbs this week, I now weigh 12st6lbs, meaning I have lost a total of 22lbs in 11 weeks. Good luck the fab five, good luck everyone.

Berylbee3 profile image
Berylbee3 in reply to 191253summer

Fantastic what an example looking forward to when I can report a significant loss

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 191253summer

Hi 191253summer,

Thank you!

Congratulations to you for losing 1.25 pounds this week, that is great. Fantastic progress to have lost a total of 22 pounds in 11 weeks, really good!!!

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024 in reply to 191253summer

Congratulations Summer what a great results you are an inspiration to us all 👏👏

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone in reply to Maxiemum

Thank you so much. I have to admit that I've surprised myself. Determined to lose it this time and keep it off, no more yoyoing

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Yaaaaay Lowcal!! Fantastic result and so deserved. Fingers crossed for next week :)

Good morning all, it's amazing how quickly Monday comes around.

If it's not too boring for everyone, I thought I'd start listing all my stats, as I've seen posts from new members asking how people are doing on their weight loss journeys.

Starting weight (7/9/15) - 19st 10lbs

Today's weight - 18st 5.635lb

Total weight lost - 18.375lbs

Average weekly loss - 2.297lbs

This week's loss - 1.125lbs

Sorry if this is too self-indulgent, but honestly, I'm so thrilled with what I've achieved in just 8 weeks and can't wait to see what the stats show in 8 months time :)

As a by the by, my waist measurement is now 1" up on it's starting point??!! :)

All the best everyone, onwards and downwards :)

ChrissieBee22 profile image
ChrissieBee22 in reply to moreless

Well done! I like the idea of sharing your stats and giving the start date as its great to see where people are at.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ChrissieBee22

It'll make very interesting reading of your stats, if your loss this week is anything to go by :)

Berylbee3 profile image
Berylbee3 in reply to moreless

That's another great achievement !

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Berylbee3

Thank you Beryl :)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to moreless

Morning moreless I found your stats really interesting. Also impressive.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gonti

Thanks Gonti :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless,

Thanks for your kind words. :-)

I love seeing your stats, so thanks for sharing them - what a great result - losing an average of 2.297 pounds per week, and achieving a total loss of 18.375 pounds in 8 weeks. Congratulations on your 1.125 pounds loss this week - it is really inspiring to hear your results.

What a connundrum that your waist measurement has gone up 1 inch since the starting point - I am wondering if perhaps the initial measurement was incorrect - because otherwise it's hard to understand that result.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal, you always say such lovely things.

You may be right about my waist, but it's difficult to tell. When I first started, my tum was tight like a drum, it's sort of dropped now and is more like a blancmange and more difficult to measure (sorry about the disgusting picture I've painted of my anatomy :) )

in reply to moreless

Angel Delight will never seem the same.. :-( ;-) :-) !!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Just steer clear of the pink varieties :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

I like blancmange, so it's not an unpleasant picture to me! :-)

in reply to moreless

I think your stats are something to be very proud of moreless, so you should feel no hesitation in posting them here :-)

Have you been measuring your waist with your dodgy pedometer ? Perhaps that's the problem ?? ;-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Thanks Lucca, It's not like me to big myself up, but this is different :)

I knew that bloomin' peddy was a useless piece of junk, now I discover it can't even measure my waist properly! :)

in reply to moreless

I've missed you two. Just got my Monday grin fix. Great picture of trying to measure our tummies by walking round them with an uncooperative pedometer shipped over from the other side of the world. No wonder we're all finding this so difficult! There's got to be an easier way :)

in reply to

I reckon that moreless is going round the wrong way and that's why it's not working - try going anti-clockwise ?!

in reply to moreless

Perhaps it's not really a pedometer but some kind of Buddhist meditation device. Maybe you just need to sit and stare at it quietly and feel the calm wash over you :-)

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply to moreless

Can we forget I ever mentioned the damn pedometer?! lol

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ScoobaSteve

I can never forget your salesmanlike tactics in encouraging me to buy that dodgy peddy, because the plot thickens. Thanks to it and me not being able to count beyond 10, I went out for a 10k walk 5 hours ago and ended up walking 10 miles!!! I now ache in places I didn't know existed and may not be able to get out of my bed til next Monday! ;)

I've changed my mind, it's definitely your fault :) :)

in reply to ScoobaSteve

Scooba Steve, you're thoroughly embroiled now - there's no escape - that pedometer will haunt you for a very long time!!

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to moreless

That's fantastic, moreless!!! 😊

All that in only 8 weeks???

Way to go 👍

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Elissy

Thanks Elissy :)

Hi I've just completed my first week of the 12 week plan and I've lost 4lbs. I walked everyday except yesterday and calculated my calories using the app my fitness pal it's great. So pleased. Off to Cornwall today with my daughter so will have to be careful as the hotel serves really delicious food. My first big test.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Fantastic start Florence, wtg you :)

Have fun in Cornwall, but stay away from the pasties :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Florence,

What a fantastic start - Congratulations on losing 4 pounds on your first week of the NHS 12 week plan. Really great!!! Glad you found Myfitnesspal app helpful, and great that you managed to walk on 6 out of 7 days, that is brilliant.

I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful time in Cornwall, staying at that Hotel with the delicious food - enjoy yourselves and we'll look forward to catching up with you when you get back.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to

A fantastic first week :) Well done you :)

ChrissieBee22 profile image

Well done Lowcal and Jenever! Delighted for you both :-D

This is my first week, I was 17st 0.2lbs last Monday and I'm 16st 6.6lbs this morning, so 7.6lbs off in my first week. Really pleased, my target for Christmas was to lose a stone but I'm going to focus on 21lbs now and see how close I can get to that. I'm going to aim for 3lbs this week.

Happy Monday everyone and wishing all the Monday weighers the best of luck 😊

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ChrissieBee22

7.6lbs!!! Good grief, did you chop something off??!!

What a truly amazing start to your journey, well done you :)

Fingers crossed for your updated Christmas target :)

ChrissieBee22 profile image
ChrissieBee22 in reply to moreless

Hahaha, no, just a lot to lose! Really chuffed as a good loss is very motivating 😊

It's really great to have somewhere to share with people with similar goals too.

Berylbee3 profile image
Berylbee3 in reply to ChrissieBee22

Yes I agree it's motivating to share and you must be so pleased with that weight loss . I need to work out a Christmas loss too 😊 To aim for

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Berylbee3

Hi again Berylbee3,

Many of us are using the NHS 12 week plan, so you might like to take a look (if you've not seen it) as it gives a great structure. There's a BMI calculator, and many people also use an app called Myfitnesspal alongside the 12 week plan to help them to track calories and exercise etc.

It might help you to think about what goal you want to set for yourself for Christmas.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ChrissieBee22

Hi CrhissieBee22,

Thanks for your kind words. :-)

Great to see you again, and Congratulations on losing 7.6 pounds in your first week -that is fantastic!!! I hope you enjoyed your week, and that it felt manageable. You've got your Christmas goal and your goal for this coming week.

Wishing you a really good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

2bFabnfit profile image

Congratulations Lowcal you are back on track!

As you know I am now below my goal weight (57 kg )and my desire is to maintain between 55 and 57 kg. I have been in this band for 3 weeks and this week somehow I managed to lose another kilo so this morning I weigh 55.2 kg. Not sure how I managed to lose as I haven't been at work and have had multiple meals out. Including chips 3x. (Although I have counted them in to my calories and have also cycled the calories having higher and lower consumption days ) Ihave been nursing an injury and therefore not exercising.

I need to learn how to maintain and not lose!

My husband has started commenting that he thinks I need to gain a bit of weight. I don't want to gain but I don't want to lose any more either.

I guess this is a good problem to have!

Hope every one has a good week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 2bFabnfit

I expect you'll get the hang of maintaining soon, but it must be quite difficult after having had to be so strict with yourself.

I have to admit, it's a problem I can't wait to have :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 2bFabnfit

Hi 2bFabnFit,

Thanks for your kind words. :-)

I hope your injury isn't causing you too much discomfort, and I hope you are recuperating and getting better from it. Sounds like you had a nice week with those meals out and really interesting to hear you lost 1 kilo - maybe the impact of the meals will show next week, in which case you'll be maintaining really well.

It's also interesting to hear your husband's feedback to you that he thinks you need to gain a bit of weight - I find that different people comment in different ways about weight - especially when someone has lost significant amounts of weight. Maybe they're not used to seeing that person slimmer - everyone's perceptions are different, and basically you know you're within a healthy BMI range, and it's how you feel about your size that counts. (Not saying your husband's opinion isn't valuable of course!).

Wishing you another great week ahead. Hope you get better from your injury soon.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to 2bFabnfit

Hi 2bFabnFit, I'm having the same 'problem' as you. I'm trying to up my cals this week - hoping that now I've 'overshot' I can be confident enough to have a few more 'treats' without going completely overboard. Are you doing something similar? I don't want to lose any more weight. I think you may feel the same way - our feminine curves look better with a bit more weight on - we shouldn't risk losing those! Hope you're feeling confident enough to up the cals a bit too but also knowing you'll be able to stay within your maintaining range. By the way I stole the idea of a maintaining range from you in the first place - I think it's a really good idea, as fluctuations are inevitable. Good luck for a healthy week ahead :)

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to

Yes but that is what I thought I did last week with my eating out meals. I chose what I fancied. Still avoiding sugar as I feel better without it. (Though I did steal a mouthful of hubby's desert a couple of times )

I still lost a kilo. I am still calorie counting on myfitnesspal but upped the average by 200 per day. That's an extra 1400 a week. As you know I cycle them over the week with higher consumption when eating out balanced by lower consumption days.... let's see what happens next Monday

Emma-and profile image

Well a 1 pound loss but it means 1 pound more and I will be on 12 stone mark considering it was half term not to bad but I did have a go at my scales this morning I weighed my self last night and was 13.3 this morning said 13.5 and I was like that can't be right stepped on again and it was 13.1 must be because they turned on as i put them down hope every 1 else is having luck even though it was half term x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Emma-and

Hi Emma-and,

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, despite the fact it was half-term, that is really great!!! Like you say, you are very close to the 12's now - that's very exciting!

I hope you enjoyed half-term, and I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

Good morning Lowcal, the other fab 3 and everyone.

It's good that I'm back! (groan!!!)

Firstly, such brilliant news Lowcal and you really should treasure what you felt this morning when you read the message from your scales. You must feel amazing and just think, in two, possibly three weeks, your dream to be in the 12's could be reality. How fabulous does that sound after the few weeks that you have struggled. Holding out that you are now on the downward slope again.

I suppose that I should get this over & done with.......On the 11th of Oct, prior to my husband coming home on leave I weighed 12st 1.6lbs and when he left on Thursday I weighed 12st 10.6lbs (cringe!) Today though, I weighed in at 12st 8.6lbs as jumped right back into gear and got back to it!. I am not proud that I gained so much and 7lbs to shed before getting back on track. I don't normally drink alcohol but love champagne and kir royale, so wedding celebrations, being with my husband again after six months, visiting family and staying in hotels just lured me in and was my downfall. Food wise I was fairly good but some days were better than others!

So anyway, I have suitably re-evaluated my calorific intake and alcoholic tendencies and my goal (yet again) is to reach 12st 4.5lbs to get back that 6stone weight loss and in to the 11's by Christmas.

Wishing everyone a good week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Candystripe

Give yourself a break Candystripe, you worked so hard while your husband was away and it's only right you should let your hair down while he was at home.

You're already right back on track and I'll bet the blowout will have kick started your metabolism and you'll find that the weight you've put on will drop straight off, plus more.

Roll on the 11's :)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to moreless

Thank you moreless for your very kind words. I sort of let go s bit too much! Anyway, as you say, I'm back with if & hope to be a little more focused by February when he comes home next!

Have a great week & thank you again. X

slimjan profile image
slimjan in reply to Candystripe

Glad to hear you had a great time while he was here, plenty of time to get back to healthy eating. You have done really well, it does help to get back on track with the Monday weigh in, I am sure I would have put my weight back on without it.

Good Luck this week

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to slimjan

Thank you for your kind words slimjan. X

2bFabnfit profile image
2bFabnfit in reply to Candystripe

We all need celebration! Well done for getting straight back to it and I am sure that you will be back on track soon.

Hoping you get a good loss this week .

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to 2bFabnfit

Thank you for your kind words. Certainly not proud of myself :( Have a good week. X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe (Fabulous Fab 5'er),

Firstly, I am so glad to hear you had such a lovely time with your husband, and that you had those delicious Champagnes and kir Royales and meals out and fun - I'm sure you looked fabulous in your outfits, and I am sure your husband was incredibly impressed by your new slimmer figure - you have achieved such a lot over the past months, and you'll soon be back to your 6 stone total weight loss goal. You're already getting there - such great resolve to get back on track so quickly - Congratulations Candystripe - you are an inspiration to us all. :-)

Now to the bit that I find more challenging, the Maths part - I'm going to try to help Ruth out a bit with the stats, by preparing the way for the weekly stats - and Maths isn't my strong point - so do correct me if I've made a mistake here:

You last weighed 3 weeks ago (11th October) and during the time you were with your lovely husband you gained 9 pounds in total - then you lost 2 pounds since he left on Thursday, so you actually gained a total of 7 pounds in 3 weeks, which means you gained 2.33 pound as the average weekly gain. Does that figure sound correct to you? You're already back in the losing streak, so I am sure you'll achieve your Christmas goal, no problem. :-)

Wishing you a good week ahead, and I know we'll see you later today - but I am aware you've got some problems with your internet connection, so I hope you can get on ok later.

Here's to a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI

Morning Lowcal and everyone!

Wow that's a fab result Lowcal! You must be chuffed :)

I on the other hand have put on 1.6 lbs :( I now weigh 9stone 10.6lbs. I know why - I've had too huge meals out and drank much wine with both meals. Also had pie and mash for dinner last night - not so healthy! I did run 5k at the park run though which I am happy I finally went!

Next week I my goal is to lose 2 lbs, got to the gym 3x and drink more water (I always struggle with this!)

Congratulations again Lowcal!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to NoMoreJunk

Hi NoMoreJunk,

Thank you so much, I am indeed feeling 'chuffed' - it's a good feeling! :-)

I am sorry to hear you've gained 1.6 pounds this week, but at least you know why - having 2 huge meals out and drinking 'much wine' with both meals, plus pie and mash last night will probably take its toll - but the 5k run in the park sounds really great - well done for getting there to do that. Hope you enjoyed it.

Good luck with your goal this week to lose 2 pounds and get to the gym three times, and of course drink more water - I also find that one challenging - I usually manage about 2 glasses, but have my remaining liquids in teas and coffees.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Brick322 profile image

Hello, this is my week 2 weigh in, and have lost 1.5 lbs, very happy. Old luck everyone for the next week, Chrissie🍀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Brick322

Hi Chrissie,

Congratulations on losing 1.5 pounds this week, that is really great! Glad to hear you're feeling very happy - that's a good feeling! :-) Hope you enjoyed your week, and well done for such a great week 2 weigh-in result.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Carolee13 profile image

Congratulations on your loss, Lowcal, you certainly deserve it. 😄 Hormones are a nuisance, so glad I don't get that time of the month any more.

I'm trying to get the hang of this maintaining lark,, but happily in the last two weeks I have only gained 700g. I know why - went out for Sunday lunch when visiting my mom, made carrot cake last weekend and couldn't resist a couple of slices, and enjoyed some antipasti and a glass of prospect at the spa evening Hubby and I treated ourselves to (fortunately we were so full we didn't follow it up with further courses). But keeping up the activity levels and enjoyed a good long forest walk yesterday.

I do keep fancying chips and cake etc, wonder if it's because of the colder weather, and wonder how I'll cope with Christmas, since I've just made my customary huge cake. Well, I suppose I'll just have to keep busy and distract myself when the time comes.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Carolee13

Hi Carolee13,

Thanks for your kind words. Yes, hormones are a nuisance. :-)

You certainly sound like you're coping very well with maintaining. To only gain 700grams in the last 2 weeks (350 grams for 1 week - for the stats), is minimal - and sounds like you've had some lovely occasions with the Spa evening that you and your hubby enjoyed. Sounds lovely and relaxing.

Great that you're keeping up your activity levels and that you had an enjoyable walk in the forest yesterday.

I think your theory of fancying foods like chips and cake in the Winter might be weather-related - I find having comforting soups satisfy my wish to have something 'wholesome' and filling and warm.

I think it's sensible to think of a plan to help to cope with Christmas - pre-planning is sensible at any time, and can be really helpful, so maybe have your own personalised plan of action to help you to get through Christmas. I will be beginning to work on mine soon - maybe we can all share ideas nearer the time, and we can help each other through that challenging time.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Meshyt profile image
Meshyt in reply to Carolee13

I just made my Christmas cake too! As I was pouring in the sugar and weighing out the sugar I also wondered to myself how much of it is going to end up in my tummy!!

Wishing you a good week :)

Id like to join the Monday weigh in please. I need the motivation of others to encourage me.

I've been watching what I ate but tried week 1 of Nhs plan last week. Put on half kilo! But at least it shows in writing - you overeat means you put on weight!

Week 2 - here we go.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ceriandblue,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday group weigh-in. I hope we can help you feel more motivated and encouraged on your weight loss journey.

Great that you tried week 1 of the NHS 12 week plan. Interesting that you put on half a kilo - you mentioned that you feel you overate during the week, so maybe you'll be able to learn from what happened in the week, and move forward to a better week ahead. Hope you enjoy week 2. Are you using an app to help you to track the calories and exercise that you do? If not, I would recommend something like Myfitnesspal, because it is really good and easy to use, and then you can see exactly what portion sizes consist of etc, and that can really help to keep you from potentially over-eating.

Good luck, and we'll look forward to catching up with you next week, hopefully lighter than you are today! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Carolee13 profile image

Haha, prosecco was auto-corrected to prospect. The only prospect is a weight gain if I'd carried on and drunk more than a glass, lol.😂

Good morning early birds!

Well done Lowcal - all on track, in shape and sorted! Thank goodness you are kind enough to get this thread going in the morning - all I have to do is follow on. Thank you.

I was quiet last week as we were away in glorious Derbyshire - lovely holiday. Lots of walking, beautiful autumn tints, and just the odd bite of Bakewell Pudding, in that order!

Week 6

12st 1 a fortnight ago. 11st 13lb this week.

So that's 2lbs lost over 2 weeks.

Total lost so far: 9 1/2 lbs.

Favourite bit so far: my jeans all do up, and there is a a lot less muffin top!

Aiming to lose about 2st and started at 12st 8 1/2. So a good start, but plenty to go yet!

Really pleased to shake off another 2lbs, by generally making the healthiest choice available (lots of eating out last week) and eating a slicelet of husband's cake whenever a tea and cake stop was in order. Good for him and good for me - total deprivation is no fun!

Have a good week everyone!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Well done for losing 2lb even after being on holiday. It sounds like you're making the best of your journey and enjoying it :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Runningsoon,

I'm going out now, but I intend to find your post when I get back, and respond then.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Zest

Hi everyone,

It's 8.40am, and I need to go out for a bit, but I'll be back later!

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi again Runningsoon,

Thank you for your patience, I am back now, and it was a pleasure to read your post - you've made excellent progress. Losing 9.5 pounds in total since you started, and making the transition into the 11's - fantastic!!!

I am particularly impressed by the fact that you've lost 2 pounds over your fortnight's holiday (we'll count it as 1 pound lost for this week's stats - hope that's ok, we always count 1 week's amount) - I think it's brilliant that you managed to lose weight whilst being on holiday - that is extremely rare, in my experience. The best thing is that you enjoyed your holiday, and you didn't deprive yourself - you enjoyed some delicious Bakewell Pudding and you enjoyed the fantastic Derbyshire scenery on those long walks.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal for your kind words. It was a lovely break and it's very good to be in the 11s now. My new / old wardrobe awaits and there are some nice things which will fit me a the other end of the 11s!

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Good morning Lowcal , the Five and everyone reading this thread today.

Lowcal I am super pleased for you. Well done. Your focus is fantastic and your results deserved.m I also notice that you have done some really great posts this week. Your Halloween advice was very useful.

This morning I weigh 91.1kgs , 400g more than last week. 😁

Yesterday I weighed 90.00kgs , Friday I weighed 91.7kgs get the idea. Here's why: I normally try to balance carbs, protein, fat at every meal I eat. Last week I tried to cut carbs and thus calories out of my evening meals. The results were really odd : my morning weight was going up and down by 2-3 pounds a day, far more oscillation than I normally experience, and I also experienced cravings mainly for cake and,worse still , some cranky moods.

Next week I want to read up on various rule of the more respected weight loss plans and think again about what I am doing.

On the plus side, November for me is also alcohol and salt free. I am no longer adding salt (or soy or fish sauce ) to anything I cook.

in reply to Gonti

Hi Gonti, sorry that this morning's weigh-in doesn't reflect your efforts or the weights you've seen on the scales this week. Re cutting carbs - I found the most effective way was to just change the type of carbs. If you have something like lentils or quinoa, they are still relatively high in carbs, but have other good constituents, i.e. protein etc. Starchy veg like sweet potato, squash, parsnip etc are good things to increase if you're cutting down on 'straight' carbs e.g. rice etc. I never tried completely cutting out carbs though. As a veggie, I know my system is definitely much too reliant on them!

Good luck for cutting out alcohol and salt. How will you make up for lack of salt in your cooking? I've heard that adding herbs can help to compensate? Good luck for a more representative weigh-in next week too :)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to

Thanks Ruth, very very helpful. In fact nowadays although I eat whole grains I have barely tried the starchy veg so that is definitely the way to explore. Also this is the season the farmers market was knee deep in pumpkin yesterday.

You ask about Salt substitutes: I will use loads of spices - I grew a lot this summer. Anyone else eating my food can add salt at the table. I want to see how far I can take this.

Spader profile image
Spader in reply to Gonti

Wow, impressive. Good luck with the salt reduction. I would find that so difficult....Clearly, as I just added both salt and soy sauce to my scrambled eggs. 😕

Good luck for this week.

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to Spader

have you tried fermented black beans on scrambled eggs? a miracle food that scratches the bacon, salt and soy itch all in one go.

suzybenj profile image

....have lost half a pound - hoped for more.....

Doing November re-boot to improve weightless campaign. The usual - calorie counting, portion control, exercise and dry November.

Ask as per previous campaigns trying not to be impatient on weight loss.

Big congrats to LC - well done a real boost :-)

in reply to suzybenj

Hi suzybenj, that's a good idea to do a month's re-boot. November's a good time to do it too, to set the tone for the xmas period that follows. Hope you can stay patient, those changes sound like they'll definitely lead to weight loss. Are you looking at when you exercise as well as what you're doing to exercise? Aiming to exercise while still fasting before breakfast might help make the difference, although you may know this already of course. Also exercise about an hour before dinner can help too, as that's often the most calorific meal of the day, exercising beforehand is meant to help you metabolise it more efficiently. Lots of luck, I'm particularly impressed by your going alcohol-free, hope you can keep it up :)

lostconfidence profile image

Hello everyone,

It's been my first weekend's 3.6 pounds! Gone from 12.2.6 to Justin the reverend at 11.13. Really happy and hoping to lost 1/2 next as I face the second week.

Good luck everyone

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to lostconfidence

Into the11's, yaaaaay! :)

in reply to lostconfidence

Hi LC - super congrats! That's a great boost to your weight loss! You must be absolutely focused at the moment. I hope you're feeling more confident now :)

trafford1 profile image

Good morning Lowcal and what a wonderful Monday morning this has turned out to be with you losing 2.4 pounds this week I am now saying yippee :-)

You have brought a BIG smile to my face and I am so happy for you to have shifted those pesky lbs. You were in my thoughts and prays last night before bed and first thing this morning and now I have logged on to see that my prayers have been answered :-) Now don't get me wrong Lowcal I know it's all down to your hard work and great planning, but still I'm so pleased. No harm done LOL

You must be feeling wonderful today and not only managed to lose 2 pounds you set yourself but an added 0.4 on top so from me, very well done to you.

All good things come to those who wait and you have certainly shown that patience does pay off. You stuck to the plan and are now receiving your rewards with many more to come :-) :-) :-)

Have a lovely week ahead and thank you for the lovely recipe which I will be trying out

Trafford1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thank you soooooo much for your lovely words and ever wonderful support - I really appreciate that you thought about me, and it really did help - because I felt spurred on by the support of everyone over the week. It really helped me to stay focused on my goal. I hope this momentum stays, because I do actually believe there is the potential for me to actually get into the 12's by Christmas. I know it will be a challenge, but I really hope I might actually do it.

Glad you like the recipe, it is very tasty. You'll have to let me know what you think of it when you try it out.

Wishing you a great week, and I'll look out for your weigh-in later in the week. You are doing fantastically!

Lowcal :-)

ScoobaSteve profile image

Morning LC, so glad to hear that you worked hard and smashed your target, well done you!!

I had another slightly dodgy week i'm afraid but have seen a small loss of 0.6lb so I can't complain. I am now weighing in at 12st 9.6lb. Hopefully I can get fully back on track and lose 2lb this week :)

in reply to ScoobaSteve

Hi ScoobaSteve, not bad to have a 0.6lb loss after a dodgy week. Maybe take a look at what went wrong and just pick a couple of things to address this week. I've found that even small changes can make the difference. Just a little more exercise, a little less alcohol, extra salad with my lunches etc. Hope you can make the difference and see your goal 2lbs loss next week :)

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply to

Thanks for the advice, way ahead of you! Finishing up 10km+ of walking today. Practically beating all execise I did last week in one day! haha

Best of luck to you this week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ScoobaSteve

Wow ScoobaSteve, fantastic that you've done 10km of walking today! Hope you enjoyed it, and you're feeling energised for the rest of the day. Congratulations on your weight loss, 0.6 pounds is good, and thanks for your supportive words. :-)

kars1111 profile image

Morning lowcal and all.

A massive Well done lowcal on your great loss im so chuffed for you 😀

I on the other hand weighed in at 10st 9lb again 😠

Started off this week well but had a bit of a meltdown this weekend so know where i went wrong but on the up side still maintaining the same weight 😉

Good luck all for the coming week x

in reply to kars1111

Hi kars1111, don't be too downhearted. The weekend's excesses may reverse quicker than you realise. Go back to the good intentions of last week, and maybe look at what went wrong this weekend. Were you maybe too strict on yourself as the weekend approached? Sometimes building in a few allowed treats etc can help prevent something worse from happening! All in, all, excellent to have maintained though - just some small tweaks will turn this into a loss next week :)

NocturnalBear profile image

Hey last week was my first weigh in, started off at 123.2kg this week I now weigh 117.8kg so a loss of 5.4kg last week for me (about 11.9lbs)

Never done any exercise and just cut out most of my over eating - was out Friday and Saturday nights too so pretty happy with week 1

This weeks target is 1kg

Total lost 5.4kg


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to NocturnalBear

Now if Chrissiebee22 didn't chop something off, you certainly must have! 11.9lbs???!!! That's almost beyond belief, you must be thrilled! :)

Good luck with week 2 :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to NocturnalBear

Hi NB,

Wow, what a fantastic start! Losing 5.4 kg in your first week - really well done! That is really great. I bet you're feeling good for losing that weight - I hope so! I note you said you're feeling "pretty happy with week 1" - I think it's brilliant! :-)

You've set yourself a good target for next week, so wishing you a great second week, and hope you enjoy it.

Lowcal :-)

Jo4950 profile image

Well done Lowcal that's fantastic news, yo sound really pleased and so you should be.

Hope you have a fantastic week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jo4950

Hi Jo4950,

Thank you. I am very happy! :-)

I hope you are enjoying your week, and that things are going well for you.

Many thanks for your support.

Lowcal :-)

Well done Lowcal on your weight loss - fantastic result

Stayed the same this week. I know what went wrong. Not drinking enough fluids and eating too much carbs. Going to take a leaf out of your book and have more salads and soups.

Good luck everyone 😃😃😸😸

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply to

I did exactly the same Lizzy!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Lizzy,

Thank you! :-)

At least you've maintained your weight Lizzy, and not gained anything. Also, you know where you went wrong - drinking sufficient fluids is definitely important. More salads and soups have definitely helped me this week - so I hope you also find them equally enjoyable and satisfying.

Wishing you a great week ahead. I will pop over to your 'Kicking the Km Challenge post' later today - I'll look forward to that, so catch you later.

Lowcal :-)

NocturnalBear profile image

Afraid I'm in the same boat - lots to lose and apparently a lot came off lol sticking to same again because pretty much all I've changed is massive portion size


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to NocturnalBear

Hey, if it's working, why change :)

kitkat34 profile image

whoop whoop

made up for you

I've put on a 1ib

well it at to happen, to much cheese and vino,

and started to eat potatoes again,

so forward and upward, maintaining needs a bit of work me thinks

congratulations Lowcal so pleased for you

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kitkat34

Hi Kitkat34,

Thank you! It was thanks to you mentioning the potential of fluid retention last week - you were right - I started my period later on Monday night! That immediately explained the weight gain - I was relieved.

You'll soon get that 1 pound gain back off again Kitkat, so don't let it concern you too much - like you say, enjoying a bit too much cheese and vino and those potatoes can add up if we don't watch the portion sizes.

Maintaining is a challenge, and you'll find out what works and what doesn't work as you go along - good luck for this week, and hope you have a lovely week.

Lowcal :-)

Morning Lowcal and all :-)

Yeah - well done Lowcal on that loss this week :-D You must be so pleased and sounds like you've been really good this week so it's obviously paid off !! Keep at it and you'll be smashing that target you've set yourself !

Well, after our time away in York, it's nice to be back. I love going away, but after a week living in a hotel, I'm pleased to be back to 'normality' !! I've not weighed in for a fortnight, but two weeks ago was 179.8lbs and I am now 177.2 - a loss of 2.6lbs. I am quite frankly amazed as I didn't eat that well when we were away (impossible to resist the Byrons Welsh Rarebit burger and chocolate milkshake !!) - and had put on a few lbs when we got back. But a couple of days of strict healthy eating and exercise and it's all gone ! Yippee !!

Hope you all have a great week and good luck :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

WTG you! :)

Hope you've had a great time away, it's been quiet around here without you. I missed my sparring partner :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Lucca,

Welcome back! We've missed you - hope you had a wonderful time in York - such a beautiful city. You're back to 'normality' again - and hope that feels ok! Well done for losing 2.6 pounds during your time on holiday! That is fantastic - and I mentioned in a previous response, very rarely achieved, in my experience. So well done you! We'll count a loss of 1.3 pounds for the week (for Ruth's stats) - hope that's ok with you.

That Byrons Welsh Rarebit burger and chocolate milkshake does sound like a combination hard to refuse. :-) It shows how a couple of days of strict healthy eating and exercise upon your return got you back on track and you achieved that fabulous loss. Really well done.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jude81 profile image

Morning all,

Well done on your loss Lowcal!!

I've lost another pound this week so just nudging into the 11's at 11 stone 13. Getting into the next stone bracket is quite motivating, looking forward to a good week ahead. I have been organised over the weekend and planned my meals for the week ahead before going food shopping, so should be less slip ups this week

Hope everyone has a good week!!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jude81

Yaaaay! Another one into the 11's! Well done you :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jude81

Hi Jude81,

Thank you! :-)

Congratulations to you for losing another pound this week, that is fantastic, and especially great to hear you're into the 11's now - Wow, I am soooo happy for you! :-) Those kind of transitions always seem really exciting to me. Like you say, it's quite motivating to get into another stone bracket.

Well done for being organised over the weekend and planning your meals for the week ahead - and having already done your food shopping etc too - definitely really well organised.

I suspect you're in for another great week ahead! I hope you enjoy it. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Good morning Lowcal, I'm sooo pleased for you! 2.4lbs loss really shows the last few weeks' efforts definitely haven't gone to waste! Keep pushing, soups and salads sounds excellent, and very impressed with the walking and strength all these things add up.

As for me, I have the same 'problem' as 2bFabnFit. I've lost another 1lb this week but I'm meant to be maintaining. I'm now 10st1, still within my 10st0 - 10st7 maintaining range, but don't intend to lose any more. I will up my calories a bit this week, even though I'm not particularly counting them these days! I think ive been being over cautious. It's definitely a difficult balance to strike.

Good luck for your goal to lose 1lb this week. You're getting ever closer to your Xmas goal :) :) :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

You'll get there Ruth, practice makes perfect :)

in reply to

Sounds like you might be able to allow yourself the odd little office 'treat' the next time they are handed round Ruth :-)

in reply to

I'm taking extra snacks with to work these days. Office culture definitely seems to go hand in hand with snacking. I have two peppermint teas every day now thanks to the boredom of staring at accounts software all day! Plus I've discovered these mini cocoa cookies (called 'cookie shots' by 'the foods of athenry' - no less!), dates, nature valley bars, clementines and the odd banana. But I'm not touching the stuff they offer round - today it was marzipan, raspberry and strawberry cheesecake. I just know my stomach would react badly to that, however appealing it may look! Also, there may be fruit in there, but it's encased in gelatine and sugar - it just doesn't appeal at all!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth (Lovely Fab 5'er and Wonderful Stats Woman),

Wow, you've lost another pound - I know you're still within your maintaining window, so that's good - but I note that you don't want to lose anymore, so your aim to up your calories a bit this week sounds like a sensible plan. You're demonstrating the fine balance of maintaining, and clearly it is an Art to work on.

Thanks so much for your kind words and support - they are invaluable, and I really feel more positive this year than in previous years to achieve my Christmas goal - so thanks to you and everyone for your support.

We'll see you later, as I know you're at work now. Hope you have a great day.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal, thanks for your thoughtful reply - I can't emphasise enough how pleased I am to see you achieve that loss this week. You really seem to have renewed determination at the moment. I'm inspired now to adapt my salad lunches to something more suitable for winter, and to make some soup batches for the freezer. Soup and salad it is - although in my world there are lots of snack ideas going on too - I think I need to shift my mindset away from weight loss to maintaining - although without just completely going nuts... will keep you up to date on progress. Good luck for your week ahead too :)

Elissy profile image

Good morning all ✴

Wohoo, well done Lowcal, what a great loss!!!

2.4 lb is super !!

I didn't get as much exercise done as I wanted but at least I had a 1 lb loss, down to 198 lb today. I was nearing 197 lb Friday and Saturday, but the weekend always does it 😉

Have a great day everyone,

. Elissy

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Elissy

Hi Elissy,

Thank you so much! :-)

Fantastic to hear you've had a 1 pound loss, that is really great! You mentioned that you didn't do as much exercise as you'd hoped, but hopefully you enjoyed what you did do, and you can always build on that for this week.

You're making excellent progress - and I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jigglypuff_62 profile image

Good morning Fab5, good morning all. Woo-hoo Lowcal! So pleased for your loss. And moreless, Jenever and everyone else who has lost or maintained. Last week I weighed 17.7.2, this morning I'm 17.3.0. However, I don't feel I can claim a 4 lb loss, because 3 weeks ago I was 17.4.5, then PMS struck, resulting in a massive gain, which has come off over the last 2 weeks. I'm pleased that through it all the trend was still downwards though and I'm creeping nearer and nearer the 16s. Hope to make it by Christmas if not before. So I'm claiming a 1 1/4 lb loss over 2 weeks. This week I'm going to try to up that to 1 lb per week. Wishing everyone a successful week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jigglypuff_62

Hey jigglypuff, I'm sure that gain was recorded, so you must claim your 4.2lb loss. Don't give PMS the satisfaction of winning :)

Best of luck reaching the 16's by Christmas, or before :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Just read your reply, Moreless, and realised Jigglypuff lost 4.2 pounds - that's even more brilliant, and I think you're right, she should definitely have that recorded - I was giving a much more long winded reply than yours, but you put it very succinctly! :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jigglypuff_62

Hi Jigglypuff_62,

Thanks for your encouraging words. :-)

I am going to challenge your statement that you don't feel you can 'claim' a 4.2 pound loss, because we will 'claim' that 4.2 pound loss as a very valuable loss for our group stats, and you ACHIEVED it! So Congratulations on your 4.2 pound loss - it is really great! :-)

I had a gain last week from PMS too, but I am definitely going to claim my 2.4 pound loss this week, regardless of the fact the scales were partly up due to hormonal fluid retention. Often in those circumstances (at least in the past) I might have been tempted to overeat in response to seeing a gain on the scales (due to PMS or any other cause), but the fact is both you and I worked to try to lose weight after such a gain, and didn't turn to food for comfort, and therefore a loss has occurred. So definitely celebrate it!

I know you've concluded your post by saying you're claiming a 1.25 pound loss over 2 weeks, but that would mean we'd only be able to count you as having 0.75 pound loss over 1 week - and hence why I am challenging your view of the weight, as the facts are you stood on the scales last Monday weighing 17.7.2 and today you weighed 17.3.0 - so that's a loss of 4 pounds for the stats, as we do literally record the weight by weight fluctuations week by week in our group.

This whole discussion may seem a bit petty to anyone reading, but I think it demonstrate so well how it's NOT all about the weight on the scales in the end - which is always good to remember when we have gains and losses week to week - you're right, it's the overall trend that counts, and your trend is onwards and downwards - Congratulations. But for the weekly stats, we need to adopt a rule to go by, which looks at weight gained and lost - regardless of the source of that gain/loss.

Hope this all makes sense - because it's a very long winded reply. Sorry about that! :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Jigglypuff_62 profile image
Jigglypuff_62 in reply to Zest

OK Lowcal, I follow your reasoning and will gladly accept the 4.2 lb loss if that's Ok with you. I didn't want to be claiming a loss unfairly.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jigglypuff_62

You have definitely earned that loss, Jiggly - it is a fair and square loss. :-)

in reply to Zest

Loving this :)

I put on 0.6 lbs again, so essentially maintained given how much I fluctuate anyway. I'm getting really fed up of not losing any weight at the moment and I'm really hoping for a loss next week. It's hard to stay positive about it all when you don't see the results and it can be so tempting to just give up but I know I can't do that. I know where and when I go wrong, it's like I detach from myself and I watch myself making the mistakes but can't seem to stop it but I know if I have a couple of good weeks then it'll motivate me to keep going and eating well. Sorry for the mini rant, well done to everyone who's lost this week, it's an amazing achievement.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Determinedandready,

You've gained a very small amount - 0.6 pound is very small, so try not to let it put you off your overall plan. It can be hard to stay positive in those circumstances, I completely understand, but definitely focus on keeping going, especially as you know where and when you go wrong - that kind of information is so helpful in terms of going forward and trying to pre-plan to tackle those issues next time. Sometimes addressing something 'at the time' or when you're in a particular moment or situation can be very difficult to challenge or change, especially if you're feeling detached from the situation - as you describe. But you can pre-plan for what you might do on another occasion to change the course of events, and try the tactic out to see how helpful/unhelpful it is. Trial and error are good, as you can learn from both.

It's good to have a bit of a rant sometimes - so please don't apologise for that, it's good that you felt able to share those frustrations - and I hope you feel a bit better for having done so. Maybe channel those feelings - and develop a plan of action to help you cope with next week - so that hopefully you'll enjoy the week, and feel better in yourself.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Don't be downhearted, try being proactive. Next time you feel yourself detaching and moving towards a cheat, get on your computer and have a rant. We've got broad shoulders, we can take it :)

Wishing you a better week and a positive result :)

in reply to moreless

I think that's a good idea, I'll give that a go. Thank you. I still can't get over how supportive everyone is on here, it's great. I get all the support I need without having to have " the conversation" about my weight with people in my life (I don't find it easy talking about my weight in person).

in reply to

I don't think many people do enjoy having that 'conversation' - so many potential pitfalls, and a lot of soul-baring. The semi-anonymity of this site is absolutely amazing in that respect. We get the support we need, but without risking relationships with people close to us - mostly because everyone on here is actually thinking about weight loss - hence not bored however much you want to go on about it!

bakersdozen profile image

That is fantastic Lowcal for loosing weight.

I was so careful this week with eating and exercising that I gained I am back to 13 stones. I am so disappointed! I am starting to get back into my clothes. I feel that I lost inches. I don't understand how I could put on weight when I feel slimmer. I always found that I lost inches but not on the scale.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

Funnily enough, I'm the opposite, but in actual fact, inches are equally or more important, as they're visual.

Don't be disappointed when you look and feel so much better. Lowcal is living proof that patience pays off in the end :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to moreless

Thanks for the encouragement and you are so right patience pays off in the end!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bakersdozen

Hi Bakersdozen,

Thank you! :-) As you know, you helped inspire me to eat more salads this week, so thank you again for that.

I am so sorry to hear you've gained a pound this week, as I know how excited you were last week when you got into the 12's. This is another good example regarding how it's not all about the weight on the scales (even though we do record it for our stats to help motivate the group as a whole) - individually it doesn't always reflect what's happening for us in our bodies.

You mention that you're starting to get back into your clothes and that they're fitting much better again - so I suspect you're correct that you've losing inches. Maybe take your measurements so you can compare them over time - I do monthly measurements and it's really helpful to compare them.

I know you've been doing more exercises, and so I suspect you might be experiencing some fluid retention around the muscles as they are repairing themselves, and that will potentially mean a gain on the scales purely as a result of that.

So don't worry about that 1 pound gain - the evidence suggests that you're most likely to have lost inches - and the weight will 'catch up' later in your journey, so keep going! Hopefully you'll be back in the 12's next week.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jigglypuff_62 profile image
Jigglypuff_62 in reply to bakersdozen

Hi bakersdozen, you could have put on muscle if you have been exercising a lot, and you could definitely have lost inches but not weight. I have "only" lost 1 stone 3 lb since I started exercising in May, but I have lost 4 inches off waist and 5 off hips. Yesterday I got out a jumper I hadn't worn since April/May and when I put it on it looked very baggy on me. I'm asking for gift vouchers for Christmas so I can hit the January sales for new clothes! :0)

Stick at it, the scales will move, as Lowcal can tell you! ;0)

in reply to bakersdozen

Muscle weighs more than fat so it probably just means you're getting more toned and fitter so really it's a good thing. and a much better reflection of overall health. Having said that I know it can be demoralising to see the number on the scale go up (it's all I seem to see at the moment) but try to focus on the feel of your clothes and how you feel about your general health. Hope that helps.

VikxMasha profile image

Morning all.

Still no loss or gain for me this week, but I can see I have built a lot of muscle in my legs from the running 3x a week and the roller derby skating for 2 hours every Sunday.

I did my measurements this weekend too, Since august I have lost 2.5 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips.

My aim for this week is to lose 1 - 2lb and get out of the dreded 17st 7lbs!!

Hope everyone is doing well

Vikx x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to VikxMasha

Hi Vikx,

Congratulations on maintaining your weight, and it's good to hear that you've built a lot of muscle in your legs from doing the C25k and your roller Derby skating - 2 hours every Sunday sounds like excellent exercise.

Great to hear you have noticed such great improvements in your measurements - 2.5 inches off your waist and 3 inches off your hips is fantastic - it shows how the body changes and isn't necessarily reflected on the scales - but is really motivating.

Good luck with your goal for this week, and hopefully you'll see a loss on the scales to reflect your inch losses very soon.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

SVR28 profile image

Morning all

2nd Week Weigh-in: I was 101.6kgs now 100.6 kgs so that is a 1kg (2.2lbs) loss this week which I am very happy with.

(From starting at 101.8kgs = overall loss of 1.2kgs)

I did not exercise as much as I had planned (only went once) and I had a bit of a bumpy weekend but I am sticking to my small habit changes - no latte, using the stairs whenever possible at work, increasing water and getting my 5 a-day.

I cannot tell you how pleased I am about dropping the Latte habit. I feel so much better from that one small thing.

This week I want to continue with my changes but focus on my 5 a-day, have a 30 min brisk walk each lunchtime and attempt to get to the gym twice this week.

Well done Low Cal! You did not let the gain last week be the mistress of you and that is a valuable lesson to learn and master in the weight loss game. I hope to be able to do the same when faced with it.

In the past, a gain would pretty much have destroyed me but now I think, sometimes they are inevitable - that time of the month etc.

It's not a sign of complete failure just a bump in the road easily sped over, should be forgotten to allow focus on the end destination!

Best of wishes for this week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SVR28

Hi SVR28,

I am going to reply to your message after lunch as I am hungry - but I'll look forward to reading your post when I get back. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Zest

Hi Everyone,

Just going to have some lunch, but I'll be back later. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SVR28

Hi again SVR28,

I am back, and really enjoyed reading your post - Congratulations on losing 1kg this week and to achieving an overall loss of 1.2 kg. Sounds like you're making good progress in tackling those small habit changes - it does take time to develop new habits, but they are so worth working on to enable a sustained difference in the future to you life - really great that you've dropped the Latte habit - amazing how many calories can be in one of those. I often ask for a coffee with some hot milk on the side, as that way I can add how much milk I'd like - and I find I enjoy the taste of the coffee so much more that way. I had been choosing full-fat milk for a while, but now I'm back to semi-skimmed milk in coffees and skimmed milk in teas, as I'm cutting back on saturated fats. I'm even cutting back on butter this week, and having olive oil more with my bread - I'm finding it is really tasty and personally I believe it to be healthier.

Anyway, I am digressing - it's just that your post mentions little habit changes, and I think they are really good to make, and I guess I'm agreeing with you that we can make continual tweaks to get things how we personally would like them to be, and what personally works for us as individuals.

Good luck with your goals this week to focus on your 5-a'day and enjoy those 30 minute brisk lunchtime walks - I hope the weather will be kind to you and also enjoy those 2 gym sessions. They sound like really great goals - I hope you have less bumps in the weekend to contend with - I agree that weekends can be bumpy - but oftentimes they can also be really enjoyable, so hopefully those bumps aren't a diversion from the overall goals.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

slimjan profile image

Hi Lowcal

Really pleased for you, those 12's are getting closer, keep it up it will be worth it. I have had a better week this week, last week I had gained and was 13 stone, today I am 12.13 so pleased to be back in the 12's, it has encouraged me to be even better this week. I am sure if it wasn't for checking in on a Monday I wouldn't have lost a pound as this week has been quite challenging with things going on.

Hope everyone has had a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to slimjan

Hi Slimjan,

Great to hear you've had a better week this week, and Congratulations on losing 1 pound and getting back into the 12's - that is fantastic!!! :-)

Sounds like you've had a challenging weekend with lots of things going on - so really well done for sticking with things, and achieving that 1 pound loss - I definitely find a Monday morning weigh-in helps me to focus better during the weekends and not lose perspective - most times anyway - not saying it always works that way, as we all know - times and circumstances vary greatly sometimes!

Hope you have another great week ahead, and enjoy being in those 12's. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Wood05 profile image

This is my first weigh in post so I started a couple of weeks ago and I was 92kg

Last week I'd dropped to 89.5 and this week down to 88.6kg! Making my loss in 2 weeks of 3.4kg I'm over the moon and shocked!

I'm also doing it with my partner and he's managed to go from 92.9 to 90.2kg in a week- although he's now ill and trying to blame the weight loss! Any tips for convincing him this is not the case and don't stop?!

So happy as I didn't really feel I'd lost anything! Yippee

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Wood05

Hi Wood05,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks so much for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Great to hear that you started a couple of weeks ago, and that you've lost 3.4 kg in two weeks, that is soooooo great! :-) We'll put you down for a loss of 1.7 kg for this week, if that's ok with you - we always put the weight change for one week for our weekly group stats (which Ruth_Canal_Runner works out for us - she is a star!)

I am glad to hear you're over the moon, as that sounds like a wonderful feeling! :-)

Well done also to your partner - he's lost 2.7 kg in a week if my Maths serves me right? Sorry to hear he's feeling ill though - I think it's difficult to give suggestions to someone if they're feeling as if something has made them feel ill - I really don't know whether he's perhaps overdone things and is feeling ill as a result of that. I think people need to be motivated to change for themselves, so it really is hard to suggest otherwise if they are convinced of a particular thing. Hopefully he will get better soon, and then he'll be able to decide whether he wants to continue with things in terms of his weight loss journey.

Are you doing the NHS 12 week plan? It is a good plan with lots of sensible advice and information. Important to ensure you and your partner are eating sufficient calories - the app Myfitnesspal is able to calculate the ideal calorie number for each of you, based on your current weights and weekly activity levels.

Good luck with things, and have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Wood05

Hi Wood05, wow what an amazing result you have had this week on the scales 3.4kg gone is brilliant and well done to your partner too you are both on a role :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Wood05

I'm feeling your joy Wood, wtg both of you! :)

Wood05 profile image
Wood05 in reply to moreless


thank you all for your messages :D People keep passing comments but I couldnt tell the difference so to see on the scale that I'd lost so much was such a buzz- I hope to lose 15kg in to total- was aiming for February time before I start my wedding dress fittings but I shall wait and see what happens!

I have been following the 12 week nhs plan- although think I will struggle with the exercise as Im currently recovering from an injury- so worry how this will impact on my process. I was wondering on peoples opinions on when entering exercise to my fitness pal- do people leave the calories that they have burnt off or eat them?

I've also been recording my calories on my fitness pal- and even managed to go out this weekend but control my portion- i had half boxed up before I started so Id only eat what I had! it helped massively.

Update on the partners man flu- he came down before for some food and picked weetabix and fruit! seems I had no need to worry :D

Well done to everyone else on their amazing losses!!

in reply to Wood05

Hi Wood05 - that's so exciting that you're well on your way now to your goal for the wedding dress fitting. But sorry to hear you're recovering from injury - hope you won't be on the bench for too long. The good news is that diet alone is a great way to lose weight. I find exercising is a great motivation and complement to weight loss, but it's apparently not absolutely a necessity. If you're watching your calories etc, then that alone will def help you lose weight still.

As for balancing exercise calories and daily calorie allowance - I wouldn't make any adjustment unless you do something exceptional. The expectation on the 12 week plan to do 150mins aerobic exercise + 2 strength sessions is not meant to then allow you to have more calories. But when I've done for example eight-hour bike rides along the coast, then I've allowed myself to go a little over, as you basically really feel you need something more then. Hope that helps, and good luck! :)

Nussaybah profile image

Well done I am very happy for you I was hoping this week's thread would start with a loss from you! It almost removes my own feeling of sadness for this week well done!

Ok so this morning I was weighing 82.3 instead of 82.4 kg last week. So....I have only lost 100g!!

I am really puzzled as I did stick to my new low carb diet PLUS I always made it fit with the nhs plan too!!! I.e. never more than 1200 calories, but with an imbalance between carbs and meat. I thought I would reach the highs I reached last week (where I had lost 3.5lbs) but not at all!!

I couldn't complete week 8 of the couch to 5k programme this week because of guests and I did take the guests out etc, but I was ever so careful with my eating! I'm feeling a bit down to be honest. I am travelling on Dec 17th and I was hoping to lost another stone by then but now it doesn't look like it will happen....

Congrats on all others who have lost this week!!!

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024 in reply to Nussaybah

A loss is a loss don't be disheartened that's usually the way to the biscuit tin. Keep focus and I bet you will loose a couple of lbs this coming week. Good luck and be good😇😇😇

Nussaybah profile image
Nussaybah in reply to Maxiemum

Thanks a lot for your reassuring words Maxiemum and well done on your own 2lbs loss. It's a very good start and you'll see they soon add up to a lot. Thanks for your support it is really appreciated.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nussaybah

Hi Nussaybah,

I'm going to start my reply to you by reminding you of the fact that you reported in last week's post that you had lost a total of 14.4 pounds in 8 weeks - that is over a stone in 8 weeks, that is phenomenal progress. You had lost 3.5 pounds last week, and I know you were hoping for similar this week, but 3.5 pounds is a lot of weight to lose in one week, especially later in the 12 week programme, so it wouldn't have surprised me if you'd maintained weight, or even gained - but it is so lovely to hear you've lost 100g, as that is another loss to add to your 14.4 pounds total. Really good! Congratulations! :-)

What I'm trying to say is that your progress is excellent, and to hope for larger weight loss than what you've achieved would be asking a lot of your body - between 1 and 2 pounds per week would be considered really good - so taking last week and this week together and dividing by 2, your loss would be closer to an average of 2 pounds for both weeks (I know this isn't precise, but Maths isn't my strong point).

Please try to challenge your thoughts that you could do better, because basically from what I can see of your progress, you are doing REALLY well.

I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit low - and I hope that you can do some things to help yourself feel a bit better. You're due to travel on 17th December, so you have a few weeks before then to make more progress on your weight loss journey - and I think you'll make more progress over those weeks as long as you stay on track and stay focused, and most importantly, be kind to yourself.

Thank you so much for your kind words about my weight loss - it's good that you felt happier to hear a positive start to the thread - but consider the very possible outcome that I'd not lost weight, and the opening thread had been that I'd gained weight - would you have then thought "Yes, there's no point continuing - Lowcal hasn't lost as much weight as she'd hoped for, it's hopeless for her to continue and for me to continue, let's raid the biscuit tin now" - that wouldn't be a good option for any of us, so please celebrate your progress if you can, and you'll be lighter for when you travel in mid December.

This time of year is a very challenging one for losing weight - and you're doing really well.

I wish you a really good week ahead, Nussaybah - I really hope you feel a bit better as the day goes on. If you can get out for a walk at some point, that might help to lift your mood - walking can really help.

Sorry this response is a bit repetitive. Hope it helps though. It's horrible when you feel a bit down, and I really hope you feel better as the day goes on.

Lowcal :-)

Nussaybah profile image
Nussaybah in reply to Zest

Lowcal thank you so much for your answer. It brought tears to my eyes. I am very lonely at the moment and not losing as much weight as I had hoped brought me to an even lower point. But after reading your post I am now starting to see things slightly differently. Yes on average over two weeks I did well. I should celebrate that. I am so glad I joined the thread you have no idea what that has meant to me today.

I really smiled at your remark about raiding the biscuit tin if you had not lost. I think I might have!!! I see your point now, I need to keep at it and be patient and put things into perspective as you did.

It is a difficult journey. More emotionally than physically, funnily enough. The constant battle in my mind is tiring me.

I will go for a walk thank you for the tip I do think I need fresh air actually. I have been home all day and that does not help either.

Thanks again for everything.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nussaybah

Hi Nussaybah,

You are very welcome, and I hope you enjoy that walk. Fresh air and lovely Autumn colours will hopefully help. Maximum's comment about raiding the biscuit tin put it in my mind, and I thought it is often a common reaction for us to comfort eat when we're feeling a bit down.

The good thing about this forum is that there's usually somebody around (day and night - as we have members in the other half of the World too) so you need never be alone if you feel like you want to chat with someone.

Hope you feel a bit better after your walk, and take care.

Lowcal :-)

Nussaybah profile image
Nussaybah in reply to Zest

Thank you so much for your kind words. I couldn't stay long outside but it did help me. I need to brave the world today again as I am going to work. I hope things will go well. Unfortunately I had no time to prepare my lunch yesterday and I am running late already, so I really do not know how today is going to pan out. Uff...

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Nussaybah

Hi Nussaybah,

I can't top Lowcal's lovely reply to you, but I'd like to put your mind at rest and say that the way I seem to be losing weight, is a good week's loss, followed by a small loss, or a gain, but you can see by the stats I've posted, that overall, my weight loss has been tremendous. It sounds as if you're going to do the same.

Don't be sad, or lonely, come onto the site and post, there's normally somebody around to chat to.

Don't worry about the numbers so much, look forward to looking and feeling better on Dec 17th.

Have a great week :)

Nussaybah profile image
Nussaybah in reply to moreless

Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate this. Your stats are great I saw them on the LCHF forum too, it's very encouraging indeed!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Nussaybah

Do you know NB- at the end of a days work- I have scrolled through all the posts looking for you. ( not easy on a phone- as too lazy to walk a few feet to computer) . So sry you were sad- but sounds like you have cheered up. You keep me cheery- as I try to emulate your fantastic overall weightloss. As for c25k- just see it as the pause button pressed. You won't have lost anything by a few missed runs.

Good luck for next week- I will be looking out for you:-)

Nussaybah profile image
Nussaybah in reply to suzybenj

Wow suzybenj this is sooo nice. I was really touhed that you were looking out for me. I believe I am fighting against a depression bout, but I am not entirely sure, and reading things like that really help me. I am trying to carry on with routine and work but it is really hard.

I really enjoy C 2 5k and I am so annoyed that I only managed to do week 8 run 1 and not my other runs. I am glad you say I can just consider it as a pause, I wasn't too sure if this meant I had to repeat week 7 or something! I need to get back on track really. With this and with other things in my life.

Thanks to everyone. Really.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Nussaybah

Hang in there - this will pass. don't think to much about it and try and get back on the wagon:-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to suzybenj

PS - don't repeat week 7 - unless you feel you want to - move fwd:-)

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024

Hi Lowcal & everyone

Congratulations on your loss

Really pleased myself just weighed and I am 245lbs lost 2lbs. Still a long way to go but I am determined with you and all our friends help to get there.

Good luck everyone onwards & downwards!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Maxiemum

Hi Maxiemum,

Thank you. :-)

Wow, you've done really well, it's great to hear you've lost 2lb this week - Congratulations! I'm glad you're feeling good, and you sound very determined to keep going onwards and downwards.

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Maxiemum

Hey Maxiemum - I still love your name - makes me smile. 2lbs is a really good amount to lose, sustainable and feels like good progress. Hope you keep that pleased feeling all week, and stay motivated to see more losses in the weeks ahead. Go you :)

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024 in reply to

Thanks Ruth

Do you run by the canal or have a barge on it?

My niece lives on a boat on the canal near Hull

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

Well done everyone!

Despite all my whining a few days ago, I was very surprised to find I had lost 3lbs this week - I think that proves that I DO need to eat a couple of hundred more calories a day in order to keep my metabolism up.

Thanks for the support and advice and keep up the good work with your own health plans!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to LessToLose

Hi LotToLose,

Great that you found it helpful to up your calories and revved up your metabolism by dong that - Congratulations on losing 3 pounds this week, that is brilliant. :-)

I didn't think you were whining at all - a bit of venting can be really good - definitely didn't think you were whining - if you hadn't discussed things, then people wouldn't have known how you were feeling, and we wouldn't have been able to offer any constructive support.

Hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to LessToLose

I'm really pleased to see that everything worked out so well for you :)

gracie1985 profile image

Hello everyone!

Just browsed some of the posts and there are a lot of losses this week, so well done everyone :-)

This week I seem to have lost 1lb since the scales are hovering around 14st 9.3lbs. Not sure how that happened since I had a cold last week and usually when I am sick, I treat myself by resting in bed and eating cake. So feeling like I got away with being naughty!

I can't believe it is November already! I thought since it is 30 days I would try the 30min (exercise) for 30 days challenge but by 5pm (and the end of yet another long sedentary day)

I found myself with the usual desire to just go home and relax , it's strange how tired I am having done nothing active all day. Making exercise a regular part of my day is actually a bigger challenge to me than dieting.

My aim this week is to lose 2lbs and I plan to do this by reducing my carbs and portions - for example lunch today was zucchini noodles, black beans and chicken.

Oh question! What is more filling:

1. (soba noodles + chicken with 38g carb + 4g fiber) or

2. (Zucchini noodles, black bean + chicken with 12g carb + 6g fiber)

Because I read fiber keeps you full but the 2nd option looks so tiny in my bowl it is like I am visually hungry

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Hi Gracie,

Firstly, I hope you're feeling better after having that cold last week. Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, that is really good. I noticed that you wrote that normally when you get a cold you'd rest in bed and eat cake - did you do that this time, or were things different?

Personally, I think that it's good to keep the balance of protein, fats, carbs balanced in accordance with the NHS recommendations - I think I would feel tired myself if I didn't eat sufficient complex carbs - I always try to have a balance of food groups in any meal or snack.

I don't really know what to say in response to your question about the difference between option 1 and 2 that you listed as I don't really know what 'soba' noodles are.

I tend to choose a complex carb like wholemeal pasta, or wholegrain bread, or oats or quinoa - so I don't know how satisfied I'd feel with 'soba noodles' as I don't know what they are. You mentioned that they're 38g carbs, but I'd be happier with a complex carb I understand. I try to ensure I eat plenty of fibre within meals - and complex carbs do contain plenty of fibre.

Maybe someone who knows more about soba noodles can answer this question - maybe put it up as a generic question on the forum if you don't get sufficient answers that provide you with a helpful reply. Sorry I can't comment more on it.

Looking at your two options again, I think I'd opt for the second, because it's got some black beans with it, but I'd still want to add in a complex carb of some kind - maybe some brown rice or wholemeal pasta.

I think it's great that you're trying the walking 30 minutes for 30 days challenge. I know it might sound strange, but if you try an experiment where you walk despite feeling tired, and then monitor your energy level after the walk, hopefully you'd find that you'd feel better for having taken the walk, regardless of your energy level before you go for the walk. It's worth an experiment, because if you rely on waiting till you feel you have sufficient energy to go for the walk, then maybe you won't end up having one. That would be a pity to miss out on the good feeling of having had the walk, and reaping the benefits afterwards.

Hope you have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

gracie1985 profile image
gracie1985 in reply to Zest

Thanks for the reply, for the NHS recommendations, do you stick to the 2 portions of protein & 7 portions of carb? because I just wrote down what I am having today and the protein is 7 portions - I can't imagine being full from having 60-90g of meat at lunch / dinner

then again I've also noticed today, my fruit & veg portion is 3.5 (out of the 8 I should be aiming for) hmmm

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Hi Gracie,

I am thinking about the proportions that I'd have on my average plate of food, and it would be a medium chicken piece or a salmon steak (average size) with some complex carbohydrate (maybe brown rice, or some baked sweet potato or potato, and then the rest of the plate (probably half the plate infact) is mixed roasted vegetables (carrots, green beans, brocolli, tomato etc) and I tend to roast the vegetables in the oven with olive oil (a healthy fat). The proportion of protein is less than the carbs and the vegetables therefore, but I do find it filling and satisfying. I sometimes sprinkle some spicy cheese on the top of the vegetables for added taste.

That would be a very typical evening meal for me, and I've been eating this way for a long time now, so I am no longer counting the portions in the exact way you're doing - but essentially the proportions of each food group are within recommendations in the NHS plan, and also reflected in the Myfitnesspal recommendations too - and I believe they are in accordance with World Health Organisation recommendations too.

I certainly find the meals filling and satisfying.

Hope you enjoy your meals today and that you have a good day.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to gracie1985

Hi Gracie, would you like to have someone to share your 30min/30day challenge with? If so send me a direct message. I'm usually really active but since starting my new job it's all gone downhill and I just go to work, come home again, and if I'm lucky go out running 1-2 times a week, and cycling once, if that. Something like 30 mins walking/strength exercising every day would def make a difference for me right now, just to keep my activity levels up. I think it's hard for everyone with the dark evenings at the moment... Let me know if you'd like to have someone to egg you along - I would appreciate it too! :)

Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to

Hi Ruth and Gracie, I would also be up for this challenge. I haven't posted on the weigh in thread this week as I just can't seem to get my head in the right place for losing weight - I'm still eating what I consider healthy food and not putting any weight back on, but didn't post as didn't want to muck up your stats when I'm not being dedicated enough! I used to dog- walk for over an hour every day, but my old lady greyhound now has arthritis in her spine and early stage kidney disease so her walks are a slow 15 min stroll now. I'm still doing one long walk a week approx 5-8 miles weather permitting but very little on the other days especially if I end up working late, and would like to do something positive like walking which I enjoy while I'm trying to figure out how to motivate myself to lose the extra 2 stone I need to get rid of!☀️

vickster5 profile image

Morning All.

some great losses this week. Well done Lowcal, great perseverance has paid off, very pleased for you!☺

pleased also to report a loss of 4.5lbs. In fairness, dental work and the inability to eat anything but soup at the beginning of the week helped contribute to this loss. I also have had a week of no alcohol and plan on doing the same this week. I am now at 12 stone 5.5lbs, ( total loss 52 lbs). This week loss of a 1lb would be good to keep me in right direction. I would love to be in the 11s for Christmas. I am actually really struggling for clothes to wear as all too big. The problem is my waist is alot smaller size than my legs so i am having some trousers taken in at the waist. I feel nervous doing this, as some were "the old faithful " , and unfortunately, still a bit of thought of what if i put weight on. However, no i can't after all this!

Hope we all have a good, healthy week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Thank you. :-)

I am so sorry to hear you've had some dental work to contend with - and that you couldn't eat solid foods for the first part of the week - sounds like you've had a tough week to contend with. I hope the soups were tasty though, and that you like soups! :-)

Congratulations on losing 4.5 pounds this week, that is a large loss, and I suspect you're right that the dental complications and resulting impact on your eating would have contributed. Wow, incredible to hear you've lost 52 pounds - Congratulations again! That is fantastic!

Hopefully those 'old faithful' trousers will continue to serve you well at their new adjusted fit, and you'll never need to go back to larger sizes.

Good luck with your Christmas goal to get into the 11's, and I wish you another good week ahead. Hopefully you're back to being able to eat solid foods again, and feeling much better regarding your dental issues.

Lowcal :-)

hydrogirl profile image

well I had a crap week last week, two takeout's, 3 meals out and my TOTM early last week making me go a little OTT - never went above 1,700 a day but defo went too high some days

however lost 1lb - disappointing but understandable and need to sort myself out - the thing is I was eating even tho I was full and it felt horrible - sore tummy and lots of rennies - it just wasn't worth it yet it weird thinking I used to eat much more and not feel guilty nor have a sore tummy

I think im more disappointed at the fact if I had lost 2lbs or more I could say ive lost a stone! - but hopefully will be saying that next week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to hydrogirl

Hi Hydrogirl,

I'm sorry to hear you had such a difficult week - it sounds like your TOTM definitely took control somewhat on your eating, but well done for never going above 1,700 calories a day - that is an achievement!

Congratulations on losing 1 pound, I think you did really well to do that in the circumstances. Often women put on weight during the TOTM purely down to water retention from the hormonal stuff going on, so the fact you ended up eating more than you usually would on top of that, means you did well to see a loss on the scales.

I can see you're disappointed as you're looking forward to reporting the fact you've nearly lost a stone, and like you say, stick with it, and we'll be celebrating that fact with you next Monday. Something to look forward to, so wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

hydrogirl profile image
hydrogirl in reply to Zest

thanks! well done on ur loss too!

I hate that our bodies mess us up so much every month!

Julesy64 profile image

Hi Lowcal and everyone, I didn't post my weight last week, I had a busy day and completely forgot, I should have posted on Tuesday but I thought it would be a bit late. Anyway, in the past 2 weeks I have gained 1.5 pounds, so I am definitely back on it today as I would really like to lose a few more pounds before Christmas. However, I am away this weekend for my husband's birthday so I'll try to go easy, but will try and get plenty exercise in during this week before the weekend. I definitely don't want to give up as I do need to shift some more weight, but I must admit I have been tempted to give up this week with one thing and another. I just need to keep motivated and keep going. I have plenty of incentives that should keep me going. Could also be something to do with dark nights and damp foggy weather I suppose ! I think I need to plan my meals more aswell, I should make time to do that. Hope everyone has a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Julesy64

Hi Julesy64,

Great to see you again, and we missed you last week! Glad you are here today, and next time if you happen to forget to weigh on the Monday, you can weigh in the next morning no problem, we'd still include you in the stats.

I've calculated that you've gained 0.75 pound in one week (so hope you're ok for us to take that as the stats amount). Sounds like you've had a bit of a challenging week, so it's not a massive amount to have gained in the circumstances.

I think you've highlighted some good goals to work on this week - planning your meals more and making time to do that - really good thing to do. Doing plenty of exercise, and also keeping motivated and keeping going. I think the dark nights and damp foggy weather definitely put a dampener on things (literally), so maybe looking for opportunities to do more indoors might be an option for the evenings.

I hope you and your husband have a lovely weekend away celebrating his Birthday.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Marianne0915 profile image

Morning to all and a special congratulation to you lowcal for your great loss, your campaign worked. I on the other hand have gained I am 13.1 with waist 40. I know where I went wrong, I celebrated a good hospital result which I know is no excuse. I hope to join you lowcal in achieving a loss this coming week. All the very best to you and to everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Marianne0915

Hi Marianne0915,

Thank you for your kind words.

Firstly, Congratulations on your good hospital result, as that is definitely something that is worth celebrating, and I am glad you enjoyed doing just that. I know you've gained this week, and I think your weight was 12 stone 12.1 pounds last week, so does that mean you've gained 3 pounds? I notice it only made half an inch extra on your waist.

You'll soon get that weight off again, and life is for celebrating the good things that happen to us - good that you're on board with me for a loss this coming week. I'll do my very best to join you with a loss. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to Zest

Afraid so Lowcal, but hey ho, the fight goes on. Will work to try and remove the excess. Pleased the waist was not too bad so relieved about that. All the very best to everyone.

Meshyt profile image

Congratulations and well deserved LowCal,

Like you, I also had a loss this week, I went from 10st 7.8lbs to 10st 5.6lbs! 2.2lbs! I'm delighted and almost at my first mini goal of 10st 4lbs :)

I have my Fiance coming to visit on Saturday for a week and it's our first time together since out "engagementmoon" so I have to confess, the Champagne's already in the fridge! I need to practice living with him though, as he's moving here in January. He's a fiend for Ice Cream, so I've found a Frozen Yogurt bar which is all low-fat and supposed to be a much healthier alternative. Also hoping to try out some of the new recipes that I've been working on on him, wish me luck!

Otherwise, I'm a stone lighter than when I last saw him 10 weeks ago... so looking forward to his reaction! :)

Wishing everyone a lovely week! Onwards and downwards :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Meshyt

Hi Meshyt,

Thank you. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 2.2 pounds this week, that is really good!!! :-) You are getting very close to your mini-goal. Not long now!

Lovely to hear you've already got the Champagne in your fridge to welcome your fiance, and I hope you have a lovely week together next week. Good luck with everything, should be fun to see how you get on - and I'm sure he'll enjoy your new recipes you've been working on, and I hope the frozen yoghurt bar works well too. Such lovely news that you're getting married, and many Congratulations to you both.

Let us know about how he reacts to your new slimmer figure - to be a stone lighter than when you last saw him, he is bound to see the difference! We all know how stunning you are looking - thanks for sharing your photos in that mid-week post - really inspiring. Although, as I said before, your 'before' photos were really nice too (you look really good in both sets of photos).

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

rosie-2015 profile image

Hi lowcal after being so disappointed last week with a gain of 2 ozs last week I was 16st 9 lbs 2 ozs this week I am 16st 5 lb 8 ozs lol I stood on the scales 3 times and got my son to check it. To be honest I think some of it was from the week before, I have problems with my bowel and get constipated. I wish you all well with your weigh loss rosie x and thanks for all the support it's really appreciated xxx

rosie-2015 profile image

Sorry lowcal in my shock I forgot to say congratulations that is good especially with you doing this for a while you must be proud of your commitment rosie xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rosie-2015

Hi Rosie-2015,

Many thanks, your kind words are much appreciated. :-)

Wow, what a fantastic result for you this week - you've lost 3.4 pounds (if my Maths is correct) - that is amazing! I'm not surprised you got your son to check it, and you're probably right that some of the loss was from the week before, but the point is that you can count all of that weight loss in this week's stats, as it goes from Monday to Monday, so regardless of when the weight loss comes - it is rightfully yours to claim this week! Congratulations!!! :-)

That's why it's so important not to let a 'maintain' or 'gain' put you off when it occurs in a particular week, and just plough on and keep on track, and then the patience is finally rewarded, all being well.

I am thrilled for you, and I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to Zest

Thanks for your kind words I love this group it is so supportive. That's me starting my fourth week now. I didn't think I'd last this long and still sticking to the 1490 calories I was given by myfitness app good luck to all my forum friend's xx

Steph567 profile image

Morning all.

Well done on your loss lowcal and everyone else who has lost or maintained. Its been a fab week for me. Lost 3lbs. Went from 15st 3lbs last week to 15st this morning. Looking forward to getting back into the 14's next week for the first time in about 6 or 7 years!

This was my first week on the NHS plan and on this forum but is part way through my weight loss journey which started in April. Have now lost 2 and a half stone altogether. My massive boost this weekend was getting in to a pair of my old size 16 jeans. Onwards and downwards. Good luck to all this week. xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Steph567

Hi Steph567,

Thanks for your encouraging words. :-)

Glad to hear you've had a fab week, and many Congratulations on losing 3 pounds, that is fantastic! :-) You are on the cusp of the 14's, that's really exciting!!! I see you've not seen the 14's for about 6 or 7 years, so it's great that you've looking them in the face now, will hopefully be there next week, all being well.

Thanks for filling us in on your weight loss journey prior to starting on the forum and the NHS 12 week plan. It's inspiring to hear you've lost 2 and a half stones altogether - really well done. :-)

Enjoy wearing those size 16 jeans, and wishing you another really good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Steph567

Yaaaay you! :)

Roll on the 14's :)

Half a pound off!!! Why am I so happy with half a pound? Because it takes my total weight loss to 7lbs! Yay - I've lost half a stone in four weeks. Next goal is to shift 5lbs and I hit the 'stone marker'. Good luck to everyone else with their goals this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Jane_Ski,

Wow, you've achieved a total loss of 7 pounds (half a stone) in 4 weeks, that is fantastic, and Congratulations on losing half a pound this week. Really good. You are getting close to hitting the stone mark, but you mentioned that your next goal is to shift 5 pounds and you said you'd hit the 'stone marker' - but wouldn't you need to shift another 7 pounds, as there are 14 pounds in every stone?

Let me know if I've made a mistake, as it is very possible that I have.

You are making excellent progress, and wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Ah, but I didn't start at the half way stage, my initial weight was 8 stone 12lb, minus 7lb = 5lb, so 5lb to lose gets me down to 8 stone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Jane_Ski,

I understand better now, thanks for clarifying - I was a bit confused. Great that just 5 pounds to go before reaching that milestone. You're doing great! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Bev3564 profile image

Weighed 12.2 last week today weigh 11.13

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bev3564

Hi Bev3564,

Wow, what a great result, Congratulations! You've lost 3 pounds this week, and you've gone into the 11's - that is brilliant! I hope you enjoyed the week, and that you're feeling good about your achievement.

Really well done, and hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Bev3564

Well done from me too Bev3564 you have crossed over to the other side

Way to go you :-) you should be so proud

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Bev3564

Another one into the 11's, well done you :)

MrsBooboo profile image

I have gained 1lb. This I believe is due to the time of the month as well.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to MrsBooboo

Hi MrsBooboo,

I hope you cope ok with your time of the month - it is frustrating that we have the weight gain at such times, isn't it. At least it's only 1 pound on, and it should soon come back off again really soon.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Maxine5555 profile image

Hi, end of week 1 (for the second time) and I've lost 3.2 pounds - yay!! I'd put 1.2 pounds on when I was ill the week before so that's a pound a week off which I'm dead happy about! I've been meticulously writing down my food every day, which has been good, and made me more aware of what I'm eating. I'm starting my exercise dvd this week, doing all the easy options at first else I get put off!! Am dead happy with myself, as I was offered a choccie bar and said no, as I didn't need it - I wasn't hungry at the time. That's never happened in 40 years so what an achievement!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Maxine5555

Hi Maxine555,

Wow, that's a really lovely and positive post. Well done on completing week 1 (repeated) and losing 3.2 pounds - Congratulations! That is really good. We'll count that whole amount, as it happened between last Monday and this, and of course we counted your previous gain too.

I hope you're feeling better after being ill the week before. You've done well to keep up your food diary and it's great that you're becoming more aware of what you're eating. Have you seen the Myfitnesspal app, as it makes the process of keeping track of food and drink and exercise really easy, and works everything out for you. Worth a look, if you want to try something like that.

I hope you enjoy your exercise DVD, and I am impressed that you turned down that choccie bar, as it's something you've not done for 40 years, that shows a definite change - and you feel good about it, which is fantastic! Definitely an achievement.

I hope you enjoy Week 2 of the NHS 12 week plan.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Spader profile image

Lowcal, congrats on your loss this week. Really awesome! Well done you for being patient and powering on through. Inspiring.

I was 11st 11 last week and am exactly the same this week. Bit disappointed as I had a really solid week. But no gain, and I think I was a big lucky to have lost weight in previous weeks when I was a bit less diligent, so it's probably fair.

I have this week off work (yay) and so am using this as an opportunity to start the Insanity program. I can't afford gym at the moment so can only do home workouts. I did my fitness test for it last week so I started off today straight with the first workout. Good job I was off today as my workout was followed by scrambled eggs and an hour nap! I felt like I did well at the workout though so that's left me feeling encouraged. It was tough.

Other than that I intend to go to museums, galleries, take long walks along the Thames and just generally have lots of me time. Am planning to eat really well as I have time to prepare all my food at home. Delightful not to have an alarm go off at 0530!

Hope everyone has a fab week. :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Spader

Hi Spader,

How lovely to hear you're on holiday this week, I hope you have a fantastic time enjoying all those Museums, Art Galleries, and long walks along The Thames, as well as all that delicious home-cooked food - hope you enjoy having the time to prepare yourself some lovely things.

Well done for doing the first 'Insanity Program' work-out - sounds like it was tough, but you sound like you enjoyed it, and that's great to hear! Having scrambled eggs afterwards sounds delicious, I do enjoy those!

Well done for maintaining your weight this week, I know you were a bit disappointed not to lose, but like you said, it's much better to maintain than to gain, and maybe things have levelled out a bit from the previous week. You're in the 11's, and that's great! You've also had a 'solid' week, so great that you've done that.

Enjoy your holiday!

Lowcal :-)

p.s. Thanks for your encouraging words to me, they are much appreciated! :-)

Midnight-munchie profile image

Hi Lowcal

Yey great news, so chuffed for you that is a great loss :-) you must be thrilled, and to all those that have lost this week,well done everyone! :-) hearing all your good news gives me a kick!

I have ended week 2 and put a pound on which is annoying but think i got a bit stressed this week and definitely didn`t make the best food choices so no excuses!

However listening to you lovely people I will start week 3 with the same motivation I had in week 1 and coming on here is great as a trouble shared is a trouble halved :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Midnight-munchie

Hi Midnight-Munchie,

Thanks for your encouraging words. :-)

It sounds like you had two things to contend with this week, and the first of those was that you felt a bit stressed - that is a definite challenge, as it affects the cortisol levels etc and means it's much harder to lose weight simply as a result of that, but on top of that you mentioned that you didn't make the best food choices, and that's a very understandable reaction to stress - i.e. people can often turn to comfort eating to try to relieve it. So I think you did well in that you only put on 1 pound in that circumstance.

I really hope you have a less stressful week this week, and maybe you can think about alternative ways of managing that stress than turning to the food - not easy I know, but worth thinking about.

I can hear your sense of a renewed motivation to start week 3 with the same enthusiasm that you started week 1, and that is really good to hear that you felt previous posts within the thread helped you in that way. I also find it incredibly motivating to read everyone's progress and also the challenges we all face and how we overcome them, and it does help us to feel we're not alone and that we face similar obstacles.

Nothing is an obstacle if we are able to look at it with a fresh perspective - although some can appear insurmountable sometimes. But I like to think of the analogy of scaling a mountain - none of us would survive climbing Everest for example without pre-planning and ensuring we're equipped with the right tools and we'd need to also want to achieve the goal and feel a good sense of motivation to achieve, and the weight loss journey can also be seen in that light. Similarly, most people to safely scale Everest would work in a team, and not alone - and I think our Monday weigh-in group helps us to feel supported by each other and motivated to keep going and move forward to achieve our goals.

Sorry - too many words I know... I'm in a verbose mood today!

Lowcal :-)

Midnight-munchie profile image
Midnight-munchie in reply to Zest

Thank you so much Lowcal you are so lovely and thank you

for taking time to write such an encouraging reply I so appreciate it , I love your analogy and its so true I will definitely prepare myself better and try and deal with things in a better way.

I am going to take my motivation from you and others on this forum and wanted to say it is a blessing having people that understand.

I feel happy and think that this is a little hurdle in a very long run , so this week I am going to do the salads and soups and get back into swimming (rejoined gym sun!)

Thank you again and once again a huge well done this week as you really pulled it back and had a great weight loss 2.4 pounds is fabulous :-) xxx

Week 3 and i started well today which is always a bonus as it sets up the week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Midnight-munchie

Hi Midnight-Munchie,

You are welcome. Hope you enjoy your swimming, that sounds good.

Just to say I am having soups and salads as lunches, and I do have more substantial meals in the evenings - don't want people getting the idea I'm cutting back on calories, as I'm not - I also eat a hearty porridge breakfast with seeds and nuts and fruit! It sets me up for the day!

Lowcal :-)

Diana profile image

Hello low cal, glad you've lost! Unlike myself a gain of 3 lbs, annoying hormones or water weight, annoyed really, I think I've realistally stayed the same.

Time will tell, although I'm annoyed it seems to happen every few weeks, onwards and to next week, eh,

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Diana

Hi Diana,

Thank you so much for your kind words. :-)

I am so sorry to hear you've had a 3 pound gain this week, and like you say, the hormonal stuff and resulting water weight is frustrating - especially as it happens regularly to some of us women!

Don't let it get you down, and hopefully next week will be a good one.

Like you say, onwards and to next week.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi everyone,

3.30pm - just off to do a few things, but I'll be back later.

Lowcal :-)

LindaZ profile image

Week 1 update since I joined this community- ( well actually I did start dieting August 18th 2015)

Such a great thread to read. So encouraging!

I've started the couch to 5k plan today which was doable. I felt pleased with myself for completing the first run as I'm rubbish at exercising, let alone running.

I've lost 0.9 kilos in the last week which was such a relief as I had plateaued the previous three weeks at 71.7kg.(very frustrating!)

Following a suggestion I went to Diet Doctor and I thought I would try one of their tips for people who were stuck -the 16.8 fasting regime which I did three times in the last week. Whether that helped, I really don't know but I'm happy.

Have a great week everyone.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to LindaZ

Hi LindaZ,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Glad you enjoyed reading the thread, and find it encouraging. Well done for completing your first couch to 5k run today, that is a good achievement.

Congratulations on losing 0.9 kilos in the last week, that is really great! Good to hear you've managed to move forward after plateauing the previous 3 weeks, it must feel good to have lost something after that. I feel similarly today, and it does feel good.

Hope that feeling lasts, and wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

LindaZ profile image
LindaZ in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal .

Garhum profile image

Hi, I'm back after not posting last week. I have had 2 horrible weeks grabbing quick frozen meals and pizzas here and there and skipping meals as I'm still hospital visiting and getting called to go at random times during the day and night. Even though I've made the best food choices out of a bad bunch my food can't be called healthy in any way. I have managed to loose 1 3/4 lb which although I'm disappointed is a bit of a miracle. It has however ment that I have hit 1 1/2 st loss. Anyway I'm trying to get back into some sort of routine this week and am hoping I will be back on track.

Good luck everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Garhum

Hi Garhum,

I was thinking about you last week, and wondering how things were going. It's good to see you again today. Congratulations on losing 1.75 pounds this week, I know it can't have been easy, as you've got a lot of stress on your plate currently with your Mum's condition, and rushing around hospital visiting and trying to eat on the run. Well done for making the best food choices you could in those circumstances.

It's great that you've achieved a total loss of 1 and a half stones loss. Congratulations.

Good luck with trying to get back some kind of routine this week, and I really hope you'll be able to do that. I hope you're getting plenty of emotional support yourself, as it's a tough path you're walking on at the moment.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

rosie15 profile image

Hello everyone.Started calorie counting again.Lost 3 pounds at beginning of last week.But some how put 2 back on.Didn't think I had been that bad.Must try harder 😩

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rosie15

Hi Rosie15,

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, I know you'd lost 3 at the beginning of the week, and then put 2 back on, but it could be that you'll level out again next week, and so please try to celebrate the fact you've lost - as 1 pound is an excellent loss. :-)

I hope you enjoyed the week, and that calorie counting worked ok for you.

The fact you say you didn't think you've been 'that bad' means you probably weren't that bad, you were infact good - I truely believe that, because I think you'd know if you weren't. Does that make sense? I hope so...!

Listen to your gut instinct, and go with that.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

rosie15 profile image
rosie15 in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal.I have just got exercise bike ,rowing machine and hulahoop.Going to try and do a little on each one every day.For some one who isn't keen on exercise ,that's quite a feat.x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rosie15

Hi Rosie15,

Yes, that is definitely some new things to try - I hope you enjoy them. Let me know how you get on with the hulahoop - I bought one of those (a weighted one) and it is incredibly difficult to use - I just can't get the hang of it!

Great that you're planning to do a little each day on each thing - really varied and hopefully more interesting than sticking with just one thing. Good luck, and hope you enjoy it. :-)

Lowcal :-)

rosie15 profile image
rosie15 in reply to Zest

I have weighted hoop.I love it.I looked up how to use it on Facebook.😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rosie15

I'll have a look, thanks for that suggestion. :-)

rosie15 profile image
rosie15 in reply to Zest

Ignore that .Meant to say😁

Niftyfifty profile image

Well done lowcal great weight loss, and well done to all others that have managed to shed some of these wretched pounds! Unfortunately I have remained the same again so concerted effort this week. On the plus side ran run 1 week 9 the final week of c25k cannot believe I can now run for 30 minutes 😊So total weight loss in 8 weeks is 10lb. Have a good week all

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Niftyfifty

Hi Niftyfifty,

Thank you :-)

Great to hear you made a concerted effort this week, and sorry to hear it wasn't reflected on the scales - but Congratulations on maintaining your weight.

Well done for your progress on the c25k, and running for 30 minutes non-stop - that is really great! :-)

Well done on your total weight loss of 10 pounds in 8 weeks, that is really great progress.

Wishing you a great week ahead, and keep up that concerted effort, as it is brilliant!

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi everyone,

I am going to cook food now, but will pop back now and again during the evening, and I suspect some of the other Fab 5-ers will be around and about later, so someone will respond to you at some point in the evening.

What dark evenings we have nowadays!

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Zest

Dark evenings- not my favourite- I have an hour and a half commute home- now in the dark. Makes me v grumpy.....

Have a good eve:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Awww Suzybenj (Fabulous Fab 5-er),

Don't be grumpy - you've got such a lovely smile in your photo :-)

Hope you're enjoying your evening after that long commute home.

Lowcal :-)

School half term. I've been finishing off the food my Grandchildren left morning, noon and afternoon. Bowls of cereal, pizzas, baby food, popcorn, chocolate biscuits etc.

An infant and a toddler keep a 60 yr old busy though and I guess I must have burned the calories off.

My weight this Monday is, 197.75 lb that's a 2.25 lb loss this week. Despite the eating of the meal leftovers, I've continued to record ALL CALORIES and have adjusted my meal sizes accordingly.

I discovered one jacket, three jumpers and two pairs of trousers which were bought many moons ago, which now actually fit me. :) And by the end of this week I shall be below 14st. For the first time in many years, I've been able to give myself a pedicure in comfort. It's the little things that make me happy :)

On the downside, I've had a terrible back problem this week, probably brought on by manhandling the toddler, who is quite heavy. This has limited my mobility somewhat, but I expect to be up and running within a couple of days.

Thank you for reading my post :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Hi tewson- well done on weight loss- the littlies clearly kept you busy:-) but a bad back to boot-take it easy this week:-)

And getting into those clothes you must be delighted:-)

Good luck for this week:-)

Bev3564 profile image
Bev3564 in reply to


Lardlegs profile image

Hi, I am Lardlegs age 49 weighing in at 16 st 1 lb. My ultimate goal is 10st 7lb, but I can't think that far ahead at the moment. I seem to start the week fine then all goes to pot by the weekend when I generally eat and drink too much unhealthy stuff. This is my first weigh in on the Monday weigh in as I am new to the site. I have 2 children and work full time, at work it is hard to say no to cake and biscuits, how do other people cope with this.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Lardlegs

Hi LL and welcome. With all these things you have to start some where. Checkout the 12 week nhs plan. This breaks it down into manageable chunks.

It is not about a quick fix - it is about a lifestyle change- and thus takes practice. You will see from this site that there are lots of ups and downs. We all need support - that is why we follow this thread.

Again I urge you to look at the 12 week plan- this will give you a starting point.

Good luck:-)

NiCherry profile image

Evening all!

I managed to maintain this week. Sad that I didn't lose, but I didn't gain either, so it's not all bad?!

I was doing quite well, then the weekend happened! An evening without our baby girl (she's a teenager!!) meant the wine and cheese came out....!

So it's back on it today....fingers crossed for a much better result next week!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to NiCherry

Aaah- those weekend treats- downfall for myself too:-). But no gain so that is pleasing:-)

Good luck for next week:-)

Dave1961 profile image

Spontaneous break and not much phone reception.

Got down to 132.2 so almost to my 132 goal which is great.


suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Dave1961

Yay- well done :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi everyone,

Just to say I've enjoyed today - reading all your inspiring posts, and I'm off to bed now - about 11.30pm.

I will take a look tomorrow, just incase there's any late weighers around, but I can see the Fab 5'ers are around and about - so if anyone's around late tonight, they might still be up. Or I'll respond tomorrow, if we've all fallen asleep. :-)

Night night.

Lowcal :-)

Garfield_123 profile image

I wasn't going to join you today - had a terrible week food wise and was feeling so disheartened, but a bit of reflection over the course of the day had led me to the conclusion that this forum isn't all about celebrating success, it's also about being held accountable for making bad choices. So, today I am 15,13 up 3lbs from last Monday. Which sucks. But i lost all control during the week and just pigged out so really i should be thankful that the damage wasn't worse. And today i have regained my control, made only healthy choices and stuck well within my calorie limit. It's the start of a new month, so a good opportunity for a fresh start. And even with my bad week i still lost 7lbs in October so another month like that would be no bad thing! Also my new housemate moved in today and i know that will make a difference. I doubt very much whether he will care what I'm eating but psychologically I'm already far more concious of what I'm cooking, what's in the fridge etc. Maybe that will help me stay on the straight and narrow too

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Garfield_123

Hi Garfield_123,

I'm so glad you decided to join us for the weigh-in, and I know you thought long and hard about whether to do so. You've gained 3 pounds, but you did that purely by over-eating over the weekend, and the fact you've regained your control yesterday and are already making healthy choices and sticking well within your calorie limit again this week is brilliant, as you are back on track again, and you can put that weekend well and truely behind you. The 3 pounds should soon come off again - might even be gone in the next couple of days if you're lucky!

Really good that you've thought back to last month and celebrated the fact you've lost half a stone in that time period, and that you're now thinking you can do the same this month - that would mean you've be a whole stone down by December. How exciting is that!?

Good luck with your new housemate, and hope that also helps you to keep on track.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Ah, now there lies the problem, with all these spare tyres, where the heck are my ribs and hips? :)

SkinnyBlonde profile image

Morning, I have managed a 1.5 lb weight loss :) I'm totally delighted and it takes me down a stone :) I'm sticking with the daily 3 or 5 mile daily walk, still calorie counting and at week 4 its getting easier.

Well done to everyone who has seen a weight reduction, to all others, keep at it, you will see results and we all deserve a fitter healthier life.

Thanks for all the support on here, I don't post very often but I follow as much as I can. Not worked out the calories yet but this dish is delicious and easy to make :

Have a fabulous week, get out there and enjoy what is expected to be the mildest November for 69 years!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SkinnyBlonde

Hi SkinnyBlonde,

Great to see you! Congratulations on losing 1.5 pounds this week, and to achieving a total loss of 1 stone. That is fantastic! Really good! :-)

I didn't realise it is due to be the mildest November for 69 years, that's good news to hear, and that will mean you'll have some nice weather for your daily walks - well done for achieving 3 to 5 mile walks each day. Also good to hear that it's getting easier now you're in week 4.

I've looked at the recipe - Salmon and Wild Rice Salad - looks really delicious, and I will definitely try it out. Thanks for sharing it. :-)

Hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Many congrats on losing a stone, Skinny, I bet you look and feel fabulous :)

I'm definitely enjoying this smashing weather, long may it last :)

Am just away to check on the recipe now, thanks :)

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Morning All

2 days of total madness mean that not only am I weighing in 24 hours late but I am also reporting a 2 lb gain. An unplanned afternoon/night out on Sunday resulted in far too many alcoholic drinks, a mega hangover yesterday and eating every kind of stodgy high fat take-away imaginable. I felt evil all day and am so cross with myself, the only very small positive is that despite feeling ill I forced myself to still go to my pilates class. Fortunately, today is another day! Back to kettlebell swings tonight, the 5 week challenge will run into the 6th week on Thursday but I'm determined to finish the 10000 swings. Back to plan and logging calories today, this weeks goal reverse the 2 lb gain and finish the kettlebell swings before Monday.

Well done on your loss this week Lowcal, I hope I can match it next Monday. Have a good week everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Hi Mrsg3,

Good morning! It's good to see you, and sorry to hear you were suffering from a mega hangover yesterday. I hope you're feeling better today! It sounds like you had a tough day. That 2 pound gain should hopefully disappear really quickly, now you're back to your usual routine. It does show how an unplanned event can sometimes really impact on our good intentions, but I hope you enjoyed the event itself!

You sound motivated for this week, and I hope you enjoy your Kettlebell swings tonight, and that you are able to finish your 10,000 swings within your allotted time frame. Good luck with your goals for this week.

Thanks for your kind words, and I'll look forward to catching up with you at next Monday's weigh-in.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Thule1986 profile image

Hello good people...i would like to join the weigh in but for now i do not have a scale so will only weigh in a month from now when i go see my dietitian then most likely will buy a scale after...i dont wanna go scale crazy on my first month..Ocd will just kick in if i get a scale starting weight is 106kg....i aim to loose 36kg how long i dont know

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Thule1986

Hi Thule1986,

It's great that you'd like to join us, you are very welcome! We are here every Monday, and I post the thread just before 7am, so you can hopefully easily find it. Always look for the current date in brackets to ensure you're posting in the correct weigh-in thread.

Thanks for sharing your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so. You've got your long term goal, and that's great - maybe think about some shorter-term goals to work towards, as that can be helpful to break it down into manageable chunks/steps. Many of us are looking towards where we'd like to be by Christmas currently, but you could choose any marker you like - whatever works best - have a think and do what works for you.

I'd recommend looking at the NHS 12 week plan, as it has a really good structure and lots of helpful advice. Also using an app like Myfitnesspal is helpful, as it makes it really easy to track calories and exercise. But I am aware you're seeing a dietician, so you probably already have sufficient good advice to be working on! :-)

Anyway, those are just suggestions, and whatever you do, you are welcome on board our Weight-loss wagon, and we'll look forward to seeing you at future weigh-ins. I know you're currently weighing in monthly - so just feel free to join us whenever you want to, and you can join in every week if you want - as you don't have to disclose weight - you can always report on other things like how your week's been going, how your clothes are feeling, whatever you want to say.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Thule1986 profile image
Thule1986 in reply to Zest

Hello Lowcal i downloaded the nhs program and I also downloaded the fitness pal, its really helping with the calorie count... i would really love to have lost 15kg by christmas. Today is my 4th day having started...the hunger killed me during the weekend and did some binge eating on cottage cheese and provitaz...I have only done zumba once for 12minutes...going again today yesterday was too tired too hectic of a day...yep thats my update

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Thule1986

Enjoy that Zumba! :-)

Dutchgirl profile image

Not posted for 2 weeks. Had a terrible time while my friends were over for 5 days. Why are there so many calories in prosecco!

Back on the scales yesterday and I am now 80 kilos so I have lost 10 in total. Next goal is 75 kilos. Hang on in there everyone. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dutchgirl

Hi Dutchgirl,

Great to see you again. Sounds like you had quite a social time with your friends - hope you had fun and enjoyed it. :-)

Congratulations for losing 10 kilos in total, that is fantastic!!! If you have any idea how much you might have lost in the last week, let us know - and Ruth will add it to our stats, but no worries if you're not sure - it's only if you want to add to our stats (no obligation!).

Great that you've got your next goal decided, and good luck with that. :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

leabk79 profile image


I'm new here. I am Leanne 35 and 10st 9 and really would like to loose about 2 1/2 stone by May next year for a holiday.

I used to be borderline anorexic weighting just 7 stone then I had three children, got divorced and now happily married again but the weight seems to of piled on over the last 4 years dramatically.

It doesn't help my husband is obese and I have been eating and drinking the same as him and i know no excuse, unfortunately he is not willing to diet with me at the moment and don't want to force him as it is his decision.

Hope everyone is having a good day today.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to leabk79

Hi Lea,

Welcome to the weigh-in group and it's great that you've decided to join us. We're very happy to have you on board with us. You've got your long-term goal in mind, and what a lovely thing to work towards - a nice holiday in May.

Great to hear you're happily married again, and I know your husband doesn't want to lose any weight currently, but at least within this forum you can get some group support - as we are all working on our weight loss goals, and we're all at different stages in that. It is a supportive and friendly group, and the forum as a whole is fantastic too - so I hope you'll enjoy getting 'out and about' in it, and see what's going on. There are some great challenges going on - like the 'Kicking the Km Challenge' run by Lizzy (with numbers after her name).

It can help to have a short-term goal to work towards, and many of us have set ourselves goals for Christmas (Sueper did a great post earlier last month, and many people set targets there).

I'd recommend the NHS 12 week plan as an excellent structure with lots of good advice and information, and also using Myfitnesspal as a potential app to help with tracking calories and exercise - if you want to try that plan.

Whatever you do, I wish you a successful weight loss journey, and I hope you'll enjoy being part of our group. Will look forward to catching up with you next week at the Monday weigh-in.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

WeightWarrior profile image

Hi everyone. Well done lowcal on your loss, that's excellent news!

Sorry I'm checking in late, yesterday morning was the morning from hell...not from a dietary point of view, just various pre-teen son issues lol! Peace is restored to the house (for now!) and I jumped on the scales this morning, having missed last Monday's weigh in due to us hopping off on holiday. I am +1lb since the weigh in 2 weeks ago, so I'm fairly pleased with that, it's quite an even keel I feel. I had expected half a stone or something, as I had an ice cream every day on holiday and two very decent meals every day too! So I'm quite happy, 1 pound is not the end of the world in the grand scheme of things. I'm already back into my food diary habit and paying attention to what I eat, it's like it's become natural to me which is good. I was actually looking forward to getting back to what has become my normal over the last couple of months, looked forward to a good salad and a veg stir fry when I got home. I must confess to having had some holiday cheesecake and the weirdest thing was, I didn't even really enjoy it, I'd much rather have had a couple of pineapple rings or mandarin segments in juice. So I feel this holiday has done me good in lots of ways. Onwards and downwards!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to WeightWarrior

Hi WeightWarrior,

Thanks so much for your encouraging words, I appreciate them! :-)

It's great to see you, and I did miss you yesterday - I was wondering where you were, as it felt a long time since you last weighed in, and now I realise you were on holiday, so I hope you had a lovely time! I'm glad you've survived yesterday's issues and that peace is once more upon your house!

You have done so well to only gain 1 pound over 2 weeks, despite being on holiday - that makes it just 0.5 pound gained for this week, as I'll divide it by the 2 weeks for our stats (Ruth will be doing her magic on the numbers later in the week - she's wonderful!).

Am I right in thinking you're a similar height to me? I am 6 feet 1 inches tall, and I seem to think you are also tall.

Anyway, I hope you have another great week ahead. Sounds like you're back into a good routine again, and you're back on the case in terms of being back on track. Really great result, and that extra pound will soon be off again.

Lowcal :-)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to Zest

Thank you, that is even better, I hadn't thought of splitting the pound between 2 weeks - I'm even more pleased not to have gained all that much now!

Yes, I'm 6'1, or I was last time I was properly measured at hospital (that was a fair number of years ago tho, maybe I've shrunk due to back issues but the inside leg is still a 34/35). Just treated myself to a lovely warm tracksuit from Long Tall Sally, 36" inside leg and velour lined - it is heaven for the leg length to actually bag over the shoes a little, and so warm and snuggly! It's not for exercising as such, it would be too hot for your average jogger/runner, I would think. I figured that, as I plan to make the most of any crisp, cold days as I get lighter, the tracksuit would be perfect for having a walk, as well as keeping warm around the house. Hmm...or maybe I could wear it with the heating on full and sweat the extra pound off - lol!

Hoping to report a loss next Monday, will be doing all the right things...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to WeightWarrior

That warm tracksuit sounds really lovely. I am a fan of LTS clothes - it's one of the few places I can get my trousers long enough. I also get 36' inside leg trousers and jeans.

Good luck for this week.

Lowcal :-)

I missed the weigh in last week and had a few days away with my parents so ate a lot more than I would normally.

Anyway I did my weigh in this morning and I have lost 1 lb. I am now 12st 10lbs and I am pleased.

A steady if all but slow drop in weight is good. :-D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi 20Voices,

It's good to see you, and I hope you enjoyed those few days away with your parents.

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, that is great news! Really good!!! What a great result, and I hope you have another really good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal,

Thank you it is good the hear from you.

I hope you have a great week.

Hazel :-D

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to

That's brilliant that you managed to lose a pound in spite of everything, well done!

in reply to WeightWarrior

Yes, couldn't believe it cause I've worked hard some weeks with exercise and watching what I eat and not lost anything, so this was a total surprise. :-D

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to

I know what you mean...sometimes it just doesn't add up does it...a couple of weeks I had put on weight for no reason, and then, the next week lost half a stone doing the same thing lol. Just got back from holidays expecting to gain half a stone and only put a pound on, which is brilliant as far as I'm concerned! The main thing is just to keep going for the long haul it seems, things seem to sort themselves out in the end as long as you persevere and stick at it. :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

In that case, maybe the answer is to stand on my head to take the measurement :D

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Lowcal and all, Lowcal I'm really pleased you're starting to see a downward movement on the scales:) I'm sorry I'm so late posting again!!! If I'm honest I'm struggling at the moment.. My weight has stayed the same again this week which is actually an achievement of sorts as the kitchen is still not back to rights (but looking fab!!) and i'm due on around the weekend, its my 40th birthday on Friday and I'm just not looking forward to 40!!! Not sure how it can be - I still feel about 25 (sometimes ;) ) Anyway I've been rebounding off all the walls with my head firmly up my bum feeling miserable and probably making everyone else miserable too trying to ignore the fact that my birthday is inevitable and all the while my friends want me to go and have a big celebration, I'm fairly sure my family have something planned.. and I just want to hide somewhere til its all over.

I almost didn't post this because I know I sound like a teenage drama queen but heyho - it felt good to vent :s and what I say to you - my weight loss friends - stays with you because at times we all feel naff and it is better to come on here than to splurge out loud.. (I hope!)

My hubby is taking me away for a few days from Saturday so I won't be posting til Tuesday but I intend to come back with a better attitude towards everything - health, weight and outlook!

Have a good week all!

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

I am just about to go to bed, but I'll read your post tomorrow and I'll reply then. Will look forward to reading your post then. :-)

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

I remember feeling exactly the same way about my 40th, the number just didn't seem to correlate with the way I felt inside. Now, as I creep ever closer to 60, I realise that it never does. In my head, I feel exactly the same as I did in my 20's and I'm really happy about that.

Don't waste the prime of your life hankering after something that's impossible, instead be grateful for every birthday you're able to celebrate and look forward to those that are yet to come.

Many, many happy returns for Friday and a big welcome to the fab 40's :)

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to moreless

Thanks Moreless :) to be honest I remember feeling the same way about 30 and I got over it :) I will dedicate myself to being fab at 40!

Kate x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Fitforit75

Good for you! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi again Kate,

I'm glad you vented your feelings, and I'm glad you and Moreless have talked this morning too - Moreless has made an excellent point, and I'm glad it's reminded you of the fact you felt the same about the transition from 20 to 30, and that you coped ok in the end. Hopefully the same will be true of this transition of 30 to 40.

I think it's a very normal thing to battle a bit against such transitions, but speaking personally I have found my 40's to be one of one of the happiest decades, and I really hope you will too. I shall be turning 50 next year, and I have to say I think it's going to be ok - hope so anyway!

I really hope you manage to enjoy whatever celebrations come your way and I'd like to wish you a Very Happy 40th BIrthday! We'll look forward to hearing from you when you get back.

Thanks for posting, and I really think it's good that you vented. Your feelings stay safe with us! :-)

Finally, well done for maintaining your weight during this time of stress - you've coped with the kitchen refurbishments, and hopefully your Birthday will turn out better than you anticipate.

You take care,

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal, coming on here always makes me feel better! :)

See you next week. X

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate

So sorry to hear that you're not looking forward to being 40, as Moreless has already said you are in the prime of your life. Age is but a number, live your life and enjoy every second. You don't sound like a drama queen, the forum is a brilliant place to sound off about worries and concerns and hopefully just admitting how you feel here will improve your mood. Have a fabulous birthday, it's not going to be as bad as you think hitting 40. Go away with your hubby and celebrate life, we're only here once! Enjoy it!! Look forward to catching up next week to hear a new bubbly you.

Prin profile image

I am last to weigh in i think 1lb loss for me it would have been more but the weeekened let me down - I have had a dream about being fat again :( best not make it a reality !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin (lovey Fab 5-er),

Great to see you! Congratulations on that 1 pound loss, that's really great! :-)

Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Wow, interesting that you had a dream about being overweight again - it shows how our psyche mulls things over sometimes.

Glad it's far from a reality!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to Prin

Dreams are funny things.. After I posted last night, I went to bed and dreamt I met a group of people I last saw when I left middle school - they were all still 13 and I was as I am now!!! Woke up very confused :s x

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Fitforit75

It sounds like we're entering the twilight zone ;)

Donster profile image

Morning everyone & a very Happy New Year. There are some fantastic losses this week especially considering all the temptation we've had over the last couple of weeks. Well done everybody.

Sadly I haven't been as successful. Today I weight 11st 3lb which is a gain of 2lb from last weigh in. Overall loss from start 9.5lb. I'm on week 10 now.

I've just packed all those chocolates & biscuits away. My hubby is going to have to eat them in secret!!

New week, fresh start. Hope you all have a good week.

Donster 😉

Ladytrucker1 profile image

Another 1 and 1/2 pounds of in my weigh in last Saturday. Just 12 pounds to go to target. Total loss so far 6 stone 4 pounds. Almost there

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministratorSS Supercook2 stone in reply to Ladytrucker1

I am sorry but you've replied to an old post, as you'll see if you scroll up. This week's weigh in is third on this list and you'll be relying to Scaffie

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