In a rutt : I was meant to post my... - Weight Loss Support

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In a rutt

9 Replies

I was meant to post my weight results in this week's Monday weigh in but the results made me so frustrated so I avoided it. I put on 2lbs meaning I weigh 14.1st. I can't seem to get away from the 14st mark it is so annoying! I am trying so hard this week to get back in the 13s and closer to my goal of 12 St. It seems very far away and I am feeling very defeated.

9 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

It's a shame you decided against posting your weight on monday Vicky, because that's what the weigh-in thread is all about.

We genuinely want to help everyone on their weight loss journeys and that means supporting and encouraging those of us who haven't exactly had the loss we were hoping for.

Last week, every one of the Fab 5 gained weight - it happens to all of us and whilst we don't like it, we've learned to accept it as part of the whole process :)

Together Vicky, we can face anything and everything and a problem shared, is a problem halved :)

I'm so sorry you gained those 2lbs and have slipped back up into the 14's. I feel your frustration and empathise, but in the whole scheme of things and looking at the bigger picture, it's a very minor blip, that in a couple of week's time, you will have forgotten :)

Forgive my memory, but I don't know how much you've lost, or how long you've been stuck in this particular spot, but if this is the first time that you've jumped back up over the threshold, don't despair. The same thing happened to me last week, I gained a pound and a half, just after reaching a 4st milestone, then on monday I lost that 1.5lbs and more! It's just what our bodies like to do to keep us on our toes :)

Keep at it Vicky, you'll get there, I have no doubt :)

Onwards and downwards :)

prawncess profile image

just hang in there, you can do it

Hi there, I am so sorry to hear that. I know you had a hard week and not sure what to say without making it worse for you. All I can suggest is try to turn your frustration again a box bag or something. Exercise is such a great stress relief, and after some punching session the pillow will feel defeated by you!

Tinkle72 profile image

You dropped into the 13s once, I am sure that you can do it again!!

Positive vibes and wishes being sent to you along with crossed fingers that your hard work this week rewards you with success.

I understand sooo well and have also avoided posting when I've gained. People on here are really supportive so I picked myself up and got back to it. I'd love to tell you that I'm now back on track and everything is going well. But realistically I have good days and sometimes, when I'm down, I eat the wrong foods. If it was easy we'd all be the weight we want to be! Please don't feel defeated, it's a small gain and think how good it will feel when you hit the thirteens again. We can do this. Far away gets closer with little steps.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Vicky,

I hope you're feeling a bit better about things as the week is progressing. When you get past a certain milestone it can feel so good, but similarly when you bob up again past that milestone - it can feel really bad. I am trying to get below the 13 stone point and into the 12's - I did it a couple of weeks ago, but then I'm back above 13 stone again - I have a feeling this will keep happening for a while - but I continue to post in the Monday weigh-in group and I continue to gain support and encouragement from the others, which keeps me going. Historically I might have 'given up' and regained some of the weight - but the fact that I continue to remain accountable to the Monday group weigh-ins has meant that I've successfully kept off the 5 and a half stones that I've lost in total since the start of my weight loss journey, and I remain hopeful that I will lose my remaining few pounds.

Vicky, I hope you'll join us next Monday - as it can really help spur you on with group support - I know group support doesn't necessarily work for every person, but hopefully we can help you through this, and together we can keep going to achieve our personal goals.

I can see you've had some great advice and support from the responses to your post today, and it's great that you've come here and posted, so that we can offer you some encouragement.

You're not alone in this journey. That's the beauty of a supportive forum and community such as ours.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Adheela profile image

Hi Vicky, I avoided posting the first two weeks as I gained. Third week was same so I posted on weigh in with detail of what I was doing. A member of fab 5 (the wise moreless) really helped me with two or three of my concerns and I haven't looked back. I am googling new healthy recipes and am eating more healthier, also upped calorie intake, Try n post on there Hun I'm sure Ul get some good advice. Don't hide we have all done it.

Hope to hear from u soon xxx

OdoruAho profile image

I know how you feel. It's so frustrating to work at weight loss and feel like you're getting nowhere - been there before! And I don't know about you but when that happens I just feel like eating chocolate...which of course is self-defeating. But try to be kind to yourself and imagine what you would say to a friend in a similar situation (and would believe!) - that it is a small setback but overall you can and will achieve your goals. Because you can. And you will! :)

Sue2607 profile image

I also did not post on Monday as I had put on 2lb now back up to 13 stone 10 lb. it has been my son and 2 of my grandchildrens birthdays so have been eating food which I would not normally eat. Alcohol has also been on the scene. Eldest grandchilds birthday is in a couple of weeks time so I will try and behave myself.

Decided today that it's life and we are all. Living in the real world and I have still lost 3 and a half stone since Jan 2015, but only 5lb lo st since before Christmas although I did put on 3lb with the Christmas festivities so I suppose that's 8lb since January.

Hey ho onward and downward now have 12lb to lose to get into the overweight category BMI

Here's hopi g for support from the group 😔

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