Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (4th May 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
72 Replies

Hi everyone,

Good morning! Firstly, I'd like to thank Prin for being here last Monday to lead the weigh-in - I enjoyed reading everyone's updates and I think Prin did an excellent job of responding. Sincere thanks to you Prin - I hope your phone has dried out and is working again after you dropped it in that mug of coffee!!!

I have been away looking after a relative, and am pleased to report that everything went well, and the patient is doing really well. Thanks to everyone who messaged me with good wishes.

My last weigh-in was 2 weeks ago, on 20th April, and I weighed 13 stone 4.0 pounds. Today I weigh 13 stone 5.0 pounds, so I've gained 1 pound in 2 weeks. However, I started my period yesterday, so I am hoping that the gain is due to that - as I had been trying to eat healthily and keep up my exercise.

My goal for this week is to hopefully see a loss on the scales, and I am hoping to lose 2 pounds.

I hope you'll join me today for this Monday weigh-in and share your experiences. If you're new, please join us, everyone is welcome and this is a very supportive and encouraging group of people all hoping to lose weight in a healthy way.

Enjoy Bank Holiday Monday - I am hoping to have a long walk sometime today, possibly this morning, so if I don't respond to you for a while, that is why - but I will reply later, and I'm looking forward to catching up with you all.

Wishing you a great week ahead. :-)

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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72 Replies
Fishchips1 profile image

Hi Lowcal I've just got weighed and I'm 13 stone 2 pounds, it's the most I've weighed for years so not pleased with myself at all. Unfortunately we're going to a wedding and staying fri, sat and Sunday so I'm going to be very good between now and Friday. I'll probably be pleased with a maintain next week. Anyway good luck with your efforts 😇

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fishchips1

Hi Fishchips1,

Welcome to you, and thanks for joining us. I hope that you enjoy the Wedding over the coming weekend, and good luck with your goal to maintain - I think that's a sensible goal as Wedding celebrations can certainly be challenging for weight-loss.

Have you seen the NHS weight loss pages? They have a 12 week structured plan for weight loss - I can give you the link if you can't find it. It's really good. Lots of useful advice and information.

Thanks for your encouraging words, and wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Fishchips1 profile image
Fishchips1 in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal thanks for your advice I'll look on NHS weight loss page today xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fishchips1

Great, hopefully you'll find it helpful. :-)

Hi Lowcal and welcome back :-) I'm so glad to hear that all is well with your patient. Shame about the teeny weight gain but as you say it's probably just down to pesky hormones and will sort itself out. You could do an interim weigh-in in a couple of days for a more accurate reading....

This my 5th weigh-in and I have lost another 3 lbs making a total of 19 lbs so I am happy :-) Have been doing the 5:2 for the last couple of weeks and that seems to be helping with the weight loss.

Have a great day and enjoy your walk. I am doing a belated Spring clean as I have the house to myself - should work off a few cals! :-)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi MagsMM,

I like your idea of the interim weigh-in in a couple of days, it was a bit disappointing to have gained a pound - but hopefully it will soon come off again. Thanks for your encouraging words. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing another 3 pounds - wow, you've lost 19 pounds in total, that is sooooo great!!! I know that you celebrated your first stone off last week, so you're already well on your way to losing even more weight. That's great progress.

Hope your belated Spring clean goes well - you'll certainly be working off a few calories doing that! Your house will also be looking good as a result too.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024 in reply to

Well done you👏 19lbs is great. Good luck with the spring clean your house will be looking as good as you!

in reply to Maxiemum

Thank you for your encouragement :-) Re the spring clean, the house and i are both looking better than we did but there's still work to be done on both! :-)

UnderAgain19 profile image

I weighed in yesterday, lost 1.5lbs, lost a total of 6.5lbs over the last 4 weeks, but only started the NHS diet 2 weeks ago, so lost a total of 2.5lbs since then. I have 25 lbs to go towards my goal weight.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to UnderAgain19

Hi UnderAgain19,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for today's Monday weigh-in. Congratulations on losing a total of 6.5 pounds over the last 4 weeks, and for losing 1.5 pounds this week. You are making great progress.

I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Lindylou19 profile image
Lindylou192lbs in reply to UnderAgain19

Well done , small goals , add up to great permanent weight loss !

vickster5 profile image

Morning all. Lowcal, so glad your relative is doing well and thank you for getting Prin to keep us going last Monday!

Certain times of the month do seem to make it harder for us women!

Pleased final out of official obese range and into the 13s , with a 2lb loss this week! Really hoping I have a good week as only just in it so fear going back the wrong one! Noticed I am sitting more at work with slight role change so need to watch that!

Enjoy the bank hol everyone, Lowcal enjoy that walk. May the sunshine. ..or at least be dry!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Thanks for your kind words. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, and also for getting into the 13's, and out of the official obese range too - those are all great transitions!

I've just got back from my walk, and it was dry - no sign of sunshine, but it was a great walk!

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Just a quick drop in from luscious Spain. I have managed to weigh- in(I am that sad) . Not surprisingly after 3 days of tapas and paella-I have gained a pound:-)

Catch you all next week- off to cordoba in moment- after tostadas con jamon-and zumo naranja.....lovely:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

So great that you are joining us from luscious Spain today! I hope you're having a fabulous time. I hope you're enjoying that lovely food - tapas and paella sound really delicious! You've done well to only gain a pound, so well done!

Enjoy córdoba - I have no idea what that is, but thinking about it, it might be your breakfast!!? Or you lunch? Is tostadas con jam on and sumo naranja - something like toast with jam and butter? I don't know… I'm sure someone knows Spanish and will interpret… Enjoy it anyway, it sounds like you're looking forward to it.

Have a wonderful time.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Zest

Isn't Cordova a place 😊?!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Prin

Yes it is- and jolly lovely it is too-I have walked my socks off today- so feel I earnt sinner- oops -dinner.......

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

I am grateful to you also for expanding my knowledge of Spanish geography! :-)

Mello17 profile image

Good morning, well I didn't lose a thing this week, yet my hips measurement has gone done an inch! So sort of pleased about that. Been doing the indoor walking and managed 3 miles.

Hope you all have had a good week.

Be back Monday hopefully a bit lighter!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mello17

Hi Mello17,

Thanks so much for joining us today for this Monday weigh-in. You are very welcome. Sorry to hear you didn't lose anything this week, but at least you've lost an inch on your hips, which shows that your shape is changing. Well done for that! Also, it's great to hear you've been doing indoor walking and managed 3 miles, that is really great.

Look forward to seeing you next Monday, hopefully a bit lighter. Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image

Morning everyone and welcome back Nurse Lowcal, glad things are going well with your patient, hormones are such a nuisance at times .... Enjoy your walk today ☀

Last week I weighed 11st8lb, today I weigh 11st7lb, so a 1lb loss this week 👍 This week I plan to stick with the plan - I am focused and in control!! Have a great week everyone 🌸☀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

Hi Folliegirl,

Thanks so much for the lovely welcome back. I've just got back from my walk, and it was really good. I feel energised for the day now.

Congratulations for losing 1 pound this week, that is really great. I noticed that last week you had had your first gentle run done, so well done for that, and I hope you are getting on ok with your plan to do interval training.

You sound focused and in control, and I am sure that will spur you to have another great week.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal, the interval training is going well, my ankle was a bit achy, but not too swollen ... Mentally I'm much better for being back running - loving the up hills and determined to be a better runner on the strength of it 😉

Have a great week 🌸

runnerjan profile image

Hi Lowcal,

Good to hear your relation is recovering well and can I add my thanks to Prin for stepping in last week.

Sorry to hear about the small gain but am sure it's 'hormonal' as you say - I definitely 'bloat' at certain times!

I've had a STS this week at 11stones 6 pounds after a massive loss of 8 pounds last week- don't think I can complain about that! I am going to aim for a 2 pound loss this week though.

The weather is lovely here so have already walked my poochie for 90 mins (she's flat out asleep now!) and hope to walk again later or maybe even a gentle run!

Best wishes for the week ahead

Jan x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to runnerjan

Hi Jan,

Thanks so much for your kind words, both to myself and to Prin. She is great to have stepped in last week, as it really helped us all with continuity and she did a great job!

I always bloat during periods, and I'm getting used to that pattern now. I just hope it comes off again - and hopefully it will.

I read your post last week, and noticed your amazing loss of 8 pounds - I think that's incredible!!! Massive Congratulations, and also congratulations for staying the same this week, as you've successfully maintained that loss - really good!

Good to hear you've already enjoyed a 90 minute walk with your poochie, and hope she's enjoying her much earned sleep! I've also just got back from a walk (80 minutes), and I hope to do something active later - possibly another walk in the evening, and maybe an exercise DVD to focus on my core muscles. It's great to have a Bank Holiday to have a bit more time for focus on exercise. I hope you enjoy your walk, or maybe a run.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Dollydream profile image

Hello everyone. Newbie here. I am starting the NHS 12 week plan today. I weigh 16 stone 5 lbs, BMI of 43.2 - eek! Hoping to get out for a walk with the family soon. I hope evryone has a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dollydream

Hi Dollydream,

A very warm welcome to you, and really glad you joined us today. You've taken the brave step of posting your weigh-in, and you've chosen an excellent weight-loss plan in joining up for the NHS 12 week plan - I hope you'll enjoy it, and that you'll do really well.

I hope you enjoy your walk with the family, and that you have a really great first week on the plan.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

Good morning Lowcal and everyone. Great to hear that all went well with your nursing administrations.

Oh bad news here.....I have put on 2lbs. Firstly I have been going to the gym three times a week so may be it's muscle building up and will sort itself out, plus I've been really miserable knowing that my husband goes away this week until October so haven't been entirely good. In fact I have felt so very, very sad.

I am back up to 13st 13.4lbs but my husband has commented how baggy my jeans are so maybe the shape is changing for the better if nothing else.

I do so hope I can get over my emotional time by not comfort eating. Next week will tell.

Good luck everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Thanks so much for your kind words. :-)

Sorry to hear you've put on 2 pounds this week, but it is understandable in the circumstances. It must be so tough knowing that your husband is going to be away until October, and I can completely understand that you feel very very sad about that. You've been through a lot over the past few months as well, and I'm sure having your husband around has been a strength and support, and therefore to think of him being away is very tough.

I'm sure your muscle mass will be increasing with your exercise in the gym - and it's great that you're husband has pointed out how baggy your jeans are, because he is clearly noticing the improvement in your body shape. That's great.

I learned something helpful when I was doing my nursing administrations over the past 2 weeks - I know that I have a tendency to 'comfort-eat' during times of stress, and I was feeling quite stressed during that time, so I actually went and bought some foods that were less-calorific and quite 'filling' - these included some pieces of melon, and some berries like strawberries and blueberries, and also a pack of 'sprouted beans' (low calorie but very filling!) - I know it may not sound all that appetising, but I was able to eat those foods during my most stressful moments, and found that my stomach was full up quite quickly and I didn't need to eat anymore. If I'd not pre-planned for that, I could easily have resorted to eating lots of chocolate bars and crisps, as that would have been my previous coping strategy. I also ensured that I went for walks regularly, when I could.

Anyway, remember that you're part of a supportive community here on this site, and you can always post here and know that lots of people will respond and give you their support. Hopefully you'll be able to contact your husband regularly too, even though he is physically away.

Wishing you a good week ahead Candystripe.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Zest

Thank you for your very kind words & in tears now! I always try to make up a plate of fruits first thing in the morning to nibble on and keep some calories back for that. I think the problem has been that I haven't had time to list my calories on my fitness pal so is a "must" when Rod goes away... To get back into a set routine and know where my head is at all times!!!

Thank you for your very kind words and I shall bear with them. XXX

bispers profile image

Hi Lowcal

Glad to see that overall you are still losing :-) Well done and as we know, that 1lb will soon be gone.

I've had some interesting times since last posting. Firstly, my weight is back to 18 st 2 lbs, the heaviest I have ever been. I've had no motivation at all and have been doing the usual 'be good for a short while, then revert to old habits'.

The positive is that 3 weeks ago I finally had a diagnosis on why my feet have been so painful over the last few years (apart from the plantar fasciitis ops and tarsal tunnel releases I've had done on both). I have Psoriatic Arthritis - so a thank you to the Physio who thought it was very unlikely but said he wanted me checked out by a Rheumatologist - I haven't been imagining things.

I'm still coming to terms with this as it is unpredictable and so who knows what the future will bring, but at least I know now why it has hurt to walk for so long (I used to love long walks). The first medication has caused bad side effects (Sulfaslazine) and from next weekend, I will be on Methrexate. Monthly blood tests are the way forward.

Now I know the reason, I hope I will be able to get my weight back under control as I know that will help the arthritis. It's a long road to travel down, but one I need to do.

Good luck this coming week.

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024 in reply to bispers

Good luck bispers at least you know what is wrong and that you have proved that it is not all in your head. I am ambulant disabled to having lost my right leg and walking distances is painful so that type of exercise is out. I have tried armchair aerobics it can be great fun you can find loads on you tube have a look. All the best with the blood test. Pam

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

I'm really pleased to see you, and thanks for sharing your recent news regarding your diagnosis of Psoriatic arthritis. I can imagine that will take a while to adjust to, but it is positive that they have been able to offer you a diagnosis that makes some sense of your history of painful feet. I hope that the new medication will be helpful - I know you're due to start taking it from next weekend.

You mentioned that it's a long road to travel down, but thankfully you now have some sense of 'direction' - in that you have had the road sign-posted a bit (in terms of the diagnosis) and hopefully with a medication that will help, and more information on how to live with your diagnosis, it will fuel your journey down that road, and make the journey more comfortable. As you say, losing some weight will in turn help the arthritis.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

bispers profile image
bispers in reply to Zest

Thank you for your encouragement Lowcal. It's good to be back on the site. xx

bispers profile image

Thank you Maxiemum - I will have a look, hadn't thought of armchair aerobics but it does sound fun.

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024

Hi Lowcal

Glad to hear that your relative is on the mend. I am sure the 1lb is just a bilp. I am a bit disappointed as I have sts and I thought I had really stuck to it. Hopefully it will show next week. Weighed in at 17st 4lbs lets hope it's less next week

All the best to everyone


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Maxiemum

Hi Pam,

Great to see you! Hopefully you'll lose weight next week, as you've stuck to your plans, and I'm sure that hard-work will pay off. Sometimes the weight is reluctant to shift (despite our best efforts) and it stays the same. Very frustrating when that happens, but if you stick with your plans, then you'll hopefully see the benefits next week.

Hope you have a good week ahead. Thanks so much for your kind words.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image

Hi Lowcal, I lost 1 lb this week and have reached that stone. 14 st to be exact. I must break into the 13's this week and I am going to try my best to get there this week. I am really happy to hear everything went well with your relative, so well done you for being there. Your relative is truly blessed to have you. As it is your time of the month I reckon your small gain will be down to that as the lady's do retain water around this time so it's nothing to worry about. I'm sure you will be reporting a loss nx weigh in so good luck and I luck forward to hearing about your loss.

Hope you enjoyed your walk Lowcal x best wishes x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week and getting to 14 stone. That is really exciting! Good luck with getting into the 13's by next Monday - hopefully you'll get there! You sound focused and positive, and that's great.

You are very kind, and I appreciate your words about my relative.

I enjoyed my walk thanks, it was really good. Like you say, hopefully my pound gained will soon be lost again, and hopefully a bit more…!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Bealmor profile image

Hey Lowcal! Pleased to hear that you're patient is doing well - and isn't that the important thing? Ive heard about so many people being ill or having misfortune in the last few weeks it's made me really get things in perspective and coUnt my blessings.

So I managed to miss the "call to weigh" last week when I would have report a 2lb loss (11.12 yay)! But.........just back from 2 nights in Cornwall with my best and longest friends so today I'm reporting 11.13 so 1lb up - boo!

But Ya know, I'm fine with that. Tomorrow starts week 4 of 5:2 and will decide then whether I stick with it. It has certainly helped me maintain during a very sociable phase but now I'm in May I have 3 months to go to my 50th birthday so it's time to get very serious on this. I'm setting running goals too and I know my extra poundage isn't helping there either.

Good luck all this week ahead - try hard but be kind to yourselves too.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bealmor

Hi Bealmor,

Yes, you're right, the most important thing is that the patient is doing well - very positive! I think it's always good to count our blessings.

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds last week, and for only re-gaining 1 pound during your break in Cornwall with your friends. I think that's brilliant - it's so easy to put on lots of weight during a break away. I hope you had a great time.

Well done on sticking with the 5:2 eating plan - I'll be interested to hear about whether you decide to stick with it or not. I couldn't stick with it, as I did try it out, but found that I disliked how I felt whilst fasting. But i know some people really like it.

It's great that you have a good goal to work towards in terms of your 50th Birthday in 3 months. I'm sure that will inspire you, and you sound focused and positive - good luck with your running goals.

I like your advice to "try hard but be kind to yourselves too" - I will definitely take that on board.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image

Hi Lowcal - Welcome back, and thanks for all the positive tips and encouragement you've given out already today. I can report a 1lb loss, bringing me down at last to that elusive 11 stone milestone. Sadly, back to the surgeon on Tuesday, things are still not settled down after the last ercp so I may need further investigations.

I used to gain a lot more than 1 lv in the days up to a period - you may be surprised by a loss in the next few days!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

Thank you :-)

Congratulations to you on losing 1 pound this week - that is really great! You have achieved that 11 stone milestone. That is really inspiring. I read your post last week, and was sorry to hear about the stressful event with your mother-in-law and her son. I hope they are both doing ok. Congratulations also on the 3 pound loss you had last week - you are really making great progress.

I hope your visit to the surgeon goes ok on Tuesday, and I'm sorry to hear that you might need to have further investigations, but at least they will hopefully be able to get somewhere and find the best way to help you.

I am hoping for a loss this week, and will try hard to achieve 2 pounds off for next Monday's weigh-in.

Good luck with your week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Lindylou19 profile image

Keep up the good work , it WILL pay off !

Lindylou19 profile image

1st week pound and a half off , I'm happy, did lots of cleaning yesterday , to give me a free day today,going for a long walk I think , good luck everyone !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Lindylou19

Hi Lindylou19,

Congratulations to you on losing half a pound in your first week, that's great! I hope you enjoy your long walk today - it's great planning on your part to have done all your cleaning yesterday so you can have a nice free day today. That would have also used up quite a few calories, so you're having some active days! Well done. :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Hope to catch up with you again next week.

Lowcal :-)

Lindylou19 profile image
Lindylou192lbs in reply to Zest

Hi lowcal, will check in for weigh in next week , keep up the good work , visualise a happier, healthier you for the summer !

Anna999 profile image

Hey lowcal and welcome back! I'm glad your nursing duties all went well! Shame about the lb gain but you have had alot on so start afresh this week. Also your hormones are probably against you, I was given advice last week after my gain to reweigh in a couple of days which I did and found I'd lost that lb plus another so may be worth doing that?

I've lost 2lb this week taking me just under 13stone,woohoo! My next goal is to reach 12 stone but not going to time pressure myself, 2lb a week would be perfect 😊

Enjoy your walk and best of luck for the coming week 🌸

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Anna999

Hi Anna,

Thanks so much! :-)

Thanks also for your suggestion to re-weigh in a couple of days - MagsMM also recommended a mid week re-weigh, and I think that's great advice. I only report my weight on Mondays, but I do weigh myself every day, so I'll be able to spot when the extra pound goes away. Like you say, hopefully in a couple of days.

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, and being just under 13 stone - that is really great!!! I just saw your post online and have already said this, but wanted to say it again here - we must have written on each other's posts at approx the same time! :-)

I enjoyed my walk, it was really good. Hope to do another one later - possibly this evening. Going to do a core cardio exercise in a bit - just working myself up to it… wanted to digest my lunch properly first…

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Anna999 profile image
Anna999 in reply to Zest

Good plan, crunches on a full stomach = maybe seeing lunch again lol! Sadly I'm stuck in doing my dissertation today but am hoping to venture out for a walk this evening with my OH if I can prise him away from the election prediction news on the tele! 🌸

Hi I'm Janieb just weighed am 14st. Good luck to you. I'm starting tomorrow

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Janieb53,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks so much for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. I know you're starting tomorrow, so I hope you have a great first week, and good luck with your goals.

Hope to catch up with you again next week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Aternoon ladies, it was a pleasure stepping in for Lowcal last week and I want to thank- you Lowcal for the weekly thread which has kept me on track for the last 18 months! No loss for me last week too busy buying IPhone 6 only for the old one to start working again so managed to cancel my new contract! Wet day turned into a wet weekend ☺️ But back on track tomorrow - also missed my training run Sunday but hoping to go out Wednesday and market drayton 10 k next Sunday, following a post on the couch to 5 k hoping to get some lornah kipligat running/ gym wear

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Prin

Hope your preparation runs go well this week, don't overdo it ..... Good luck for the race 'pockets to sockets' 😉👍🏃

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Great to see you, and thank you again for standing in for me last week - you were amazing! I am very grateful. :-)

Glad to hear your phone contract is worked out now, and thankfully your old one is working still.

Good that you've stayed the same, and not gained anything, and hopefully once you're back on track again from tomorrow, you'll be on the losing streak again. The wet weather does get in the way of things, doesn't it. Hopefully you can get out on Wednesday, and good luck for Market Drayton's 10k next Sunday!

Hope you find the running wear you seek, and enjoy wearing it!

Thanks again, and wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Mom0f2 profile image

Hello Lowcal,

Joined the forum last week and everyone here is so supportive and friendly. My weight started at a whopping 25.3 st. I was approved for weight loss surgery from the NHS but couldn't get funding due to my postcode. I was tired of being sick and tired. I didn't want to go back to diets or weight loss pills my gp liked to put me on. I found my way to a nutritionist therapist. Things have been on the down since then. I find myself in the gym 4/5 times a week and these past two weeks I lost 5 lbs bring my total weight loss to 23lbs

Good job everyone! I tell myself every morning, I love me, I am worthy and I am not lazy. You all can do it!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mom0f2

Hi Mumof2,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Glad you're finding the forum a supportive and friendly place - I think it's really great too.

Congratulations on losing 5 pounds - that is really good. It's great that you've found something that works via your nutritionist therapist, and that you're attending the gym four to five times a week - that's dedication!

It's great that you do those positive statements to yourself each morning - it sounds like they help you, and I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Artsoru profile image

Evening Lowcal!

I'm late to the party yet again! And I did not weigh in last week as I was not aware that Prin was doing the weigh in as I missed the week before! So I was hoping you were going to post today! :)

I'm glad everything has gone well with your relative, and it's nice to have you back! Don't worry about the gain, it is only slight, and as everyone has agreed, we tend to have this issue when it is that time of the month!

In a way, I am glad I was unable to post the last two weeks as I was disappointed with myself. The first week I had gained 2lbs bringing me up to 12st 10lbs and then the following week I was unable to shift it and remained the same. However, this week I am feeling more pleased with myself. I have managed to budge the 2lbs I put on and am now back down to 12st 8lbs.

Usually I dread the long weekends as I tend to overeat, but had found myself exercising every morning for at least half hour before breakfast. I feel this has helped me! :) I am not back in work until Thursday now so intend to do the same with exercising for the rest of the week and hopefully I will have another 2lb loss to report come Monday! :D

Also, some friends of mine got engaged today so I know there will be a wedding coming up that I will have to find a nice dress for. A little more motivation for me!

Fingers crossed for everyone this week. Hope you have a good one!

Sophie :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

Great to see you, and thanks so much for your kind words. I'm glad to be back, and it's great to catch up with everyone.

Well done to you for shifting that 2 pound gain, and getting back on track again. Your exercising before breakfast sounds very disciplined, and seems to be helping - that's great! I hope you enjoy the remainder of your time off this week. Great that your friends have got engaged, so that there will be a Wedding ahead, and you can choose a lovely dress to wear for that. It's great to have goals to work towards - it really helps.

Good luck with your goal this week to lose 2 pounds - I've also set that goal. Let's hope we're successful!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Hi Lowcal, glad to hear the nursing went OK and your relative is feeling better. I'm a bit late this week as the bank holiday completely threw me and I forgot it was Monday and I should have weighed myself until after breakfast when I saw your post! I weighed myself this morning and am really pleased that I have lost 3 pounds taking me back to 10 stone 7, which is my target weight!

I had a really active week last week as I played netball with some local mums for the first time in about 25 years, as well as my usual 3 runs. I was a bit stiff after netball but had a really good time. It was great doing exercise with other people as I normally go running on my own.

This week I did netball again last night and am also still running. On Sunday I have a 3 mile fun run around the village where I live so am hoping to sort out this maintenance lark soon!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Thanks so much for your kind words.

Congratulations to you for losing 3 pounds this week, that's really great! You're back to your target weight, and that's brilliant.

I noticed that your post last week mentioned that you'd had a delayed Birthday treat in London with your husband - I hope you had a really great time. I also hope that your back is better after you pulled that muscle. That can be painful…!

Great to hear you enjoyed a game of netball for the first time in 25 years - and that you're still enjoying your running.

I'm sure you'll get the maintenance sorted soon - I think it's bound to take a while to settle into a sustainable pattern. But you're doing all the right things, and your success is inspiring.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image
catch in reply to Zest

Thank you lowcal, I had a great time in London. Ate too much, as ever, with hotel breakfasts and a nice dinner out, but also did a lot of walking as we did not use the tube at all on the full day in London, but walked from fleet street to Whitehall and back again, via Buckingham palace and covent garden. All good exercise! The back is alot better to, and my daughters swimming teacher has stopped asking me to lift her out of the water and does it for me so hopefully I won't pull it again!

Hi Lowcal. Glad to hear things went well last week and that you were able to still 'look in'. Prin did a good job for sure, but pleased to see you back. I'm weighing in a day late as I was at my bfs place again yesterday where there are no scales.

Last week I was 11st12 having lost 2lb. Today I'm 12st1. I've been being careful, cut down alcohol, pasta and cheese and having healthy choices for snacks. Although I haven't been running or cycling. And I did have some cider at the weekend again... But how does that make me put on 3lb? Off out for a run now, and planning to maintain good habits this week, hoping today's some kind of blip.

Going away Sun-Wed next week so prob see you here again in 2 weeks time, hopefully firmly back in the 11s.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Thanks so much for your kind words. Yes, Prin did a fantastic job. I'm glad to be back, and catching up with everyone again. :-)

It sounds like a bit of an enigma as to how you gained 3 pounds this week - especially as you've been careful and cut down on some things, and have been having healthy choices etc. Maybe it has made a difference that you didn't go running or cycling. Maybe the cider did play some part…!? But like you say, 3 pounds is surprising.

I noticed that you'd been ill with a cold the previous week, and that you'd lost 2 pounds that week - maybe the 3 pound gain is just your body settling back after being ill - i.e. essentially you've only gained 1 pound in two weeks, and therefore not very much at all.

Hope you're feeling better now, and I hope you enjoy your run today. I also hope you enjoy your time away and will look forward to catching up with you in 2 week's time - like you say, hopefully you'll be firmly back in the 11's again by then.

Have a great couple of weeks.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal. Thanks for putting a positive spin on things again, I need it! Have a great couple of weeks. R 😊

Nic1976 profile image

Hi Lowcal

I'm glad to hear all went well with caring for your relative and good to see you back.

Only a very slight gain for you but to be expected at that time of the month. Also I think a change of normal routine doesn't help so I think to have two weeks out and only gain 1lb is not bad at all.

Last week I weighed 12 stone and yesterday I weighed 11st12lb. So pleased to have gone from 13's to 12's and now in the 11's!

Hope you get your 2lb loss for next week Lowcal and goodluck to everyone else posting on this thread xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nic1976

Hi Nic1976,

Thanks very much :-) It's good to be back. I think you're right that the change in routine definitely affected my weight as well - and I did have some occasional treats that I wouldn't normally have as well, which all add up of course!

I am excited for you that you've lost a pound this week and moved into the 11's - that's such a great transition - Congratulations!!!!

I hope you have another great week ahead, and enjoy being in the 11's.

Lowcal :-)

djas profile image

Welcome back glad all went well with your relative and hope you get rid of that naughty little pound that you found this week.

Ive weighed this morning and ive lost another 2lb so that 16lb in 5 weeks so im very happy with that.

Hope you have a great week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to djas

Hi Jh24,

Thanks very much - yes, I'm hoping that naughty little pound will soon be a thing of the past. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing another 2 pounds this week - wow, you've lost 16 pounds in 5 weeks, that's really great progress. Really well done. :-)

I hope you're enjoying it, and that you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Sorry I'm so late to the party!! The bank holiday ran away with me :-o Really glad your nursing duties went well Lowcal, and the patient is recovering. I think you've done well to have only gained 1lb and I'm sure it will come off nice and quickly!

I have stayed the same this week but I'm ok with that as I ate out with alcohol every night of the long weekend and my period is due so at the moment I can cope with that!

I did my very first parkrun on Saturday. It was a really big deal for me and I turned myself inside out all week worrying about how it would go and whether my time would be dreadful, to the point that I almost didn't go! My lovely hubby ran with me and we came in at 41min44secs - not fast at all but not as bad as I'd imagined either :) I've said he can leave me to it next time and do his usual speedy round!

Hope you all have a good week :)

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Great to see you! :-) Thanks so much for your kind words. Glad you've arrived for the party, as I was wondering how you got on with your very first parkrun - I noticed in your post last week that you were going to do one, and I am very impressed! I'm so glad you went ahead with it, and I think you did a really good time! Really good! It was nice that your hubby ran with you too - very supportive. Good to hear you're planning to do another one.

Great that you've stayed the same weight-wise, despite having your period, and a few nights of eating out with alcohol - I think that's an achievement!

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to Zest

Thanks :)

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