Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weig... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Group Weigh-in (18th April 2016) Morning Session.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
291 Replies

Hi Everyone,

If you join us for this Monday group weigh-in then one of the Fab 5’ers (Prin, Suzybenj, LotToLose and myself, Lowcal) will reply to you.  However, please be patient with us, as we do have other commitments, but we will do our very best to get back to you as soon as we can. 

Moreless (lovely Fab 5’er) won’t be with us for another week as she is away on her holidays. Looking forward to catching up with her when she gets back, and we’ve definitely missed her!!! ☺

So, I’ll start off with my weigh-in results: Last Monday I was 12 stone 11.2 pounds, and today I weigh: 12 stone 13 pounds, so I’ve gained 1.8 pounds this week.  I had a good week, and got to the gym twice, which was my goal, but over the weekend I have to admit that I have had some pre-Birthday celebrations with family and also friends, and therefore the weight has understandably increased.  But I am really pleased to still be in the 12's. 

***Important Notice*****

I am going to be away from Wednesday 20th April 2016 to Saturday 30th April 2016 inclusive, celebrating my Birthday (Big 50) in Sunny Spain!!!  So, this means I won't be here for the Monday group weigh-in on 25th April 2016, so please look out for Prin’s name on25 April 2016, as she will be posting the weigh-in threads (both Morning and at the Afternoon/Evening threads).  You’ll be in great hands with the lovely Fab 5’er team, as usual. 

I’ll be back in good time for the May Bank Holiday weigh-in on 2 May, so will look forward to catching up with everyone then.  I will have time to do the stats, so please don’t worry about that – your stats will be kept up to date, and included in the updates each week, as normal. ☺ 

However,  as I am going to Spain early on Wednesday morning, this means I will be doing the stats for this week today, and will also check for late weighers and include them on Tuesday evening (i.e. tomorrow evening), so please ensure you’ve weighed in before the cut-off point of 6pm on Tuesday 19th April 2016, otherwise you might not  be counted in the stats – unless Prin is kind to you and adds your results in belatedly. (I’ll leave that decision up to her of course!)  The stats summary will then be with Prin by Tuesday evening, in preparation for when she posts the thread on Monday 25th April 2016.

I will also send out a reminder post tomorrow evening, which I will put in the Events section, to remind people to look out for Prin’s name on 25th April 2016 – as we don’t want people to get lost and not be able to find the weigh-in threads. 

My goal for while I am away is to try to stay in the 12's,  - and I need to do my best to minimise the potential weight gain that could occur if I'm not careful...!  Being away on a celebratory holiday is a challenging thing!!!  But my plan is do to plenty of exercise and also make some healthy choices with my food and drink, wherever possible!  :-)

Here are this week’s stats: 


Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 134.

Total overall weight lost: 135.7 pounds (61.55 kilos). 

Total people who lost weight: 79 (156 pounds lost) (70.76 kilos).

Total people who gained weight: 13 (20.3 pounds gained) (9.21 kilos).

Total people who maintained their weight: 23.

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 18.

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 1.

Note for Newbies:

If you are joining this weigh-in group thread for the first time today, then welcome.  Just introduce yourself and share your starting weight (if you feel comfortable to do so) and your initial weight loss goals – setting yourself mini-goals leading to your ultimate weight loss goal is particularly helpful.  You could also make a note of your body measurements – sometimes the scales stick at a particular weight, but there can be body measurement changes which are very motivating. It’s not all about the scales afterall – it’s how you feel in yourself.

You can always refer to previous weigh-in threads if you want to see what other people typically post (just click on my profile, Lowcal, and you’ll be able to see a list of all previous posts which are all clearly dated).

Also, if you’ve not already seen it, then take a moment to read the ‘Welcome Newbie’ pack which is a Pinned post (situated on right hand side of homepage) which has been collated by Fab 5’er Moreless.

There are also some great posts in the Pinned Posts area (top right-hand-side of the homepage) which detail various Challenges taking place - so do join in with any that take your interest!

 N.B. The Afternoon/Evening Session has been posted at 11.50am and the link is here:

Wishing you all a great weigh-in!

Lowcal ☺

Written by
Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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291 Replies
asics profile image


Just a quick one!  11 01. 9 which is a slight loss of 0. 7lbs

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to asics

Hi Asics,

Wow, that is great, you've lost 0.7 pound this week.  Congratulations!!!  I hope you have a good day, and will look forward to catching up with you properly when you're less rushed - I suspect you're dashing off to get ready for work, so have a good day!

You're getting ever closer to the 10's.  

Lowcal :-)

asics profile image
asics in reply to Zest

Thanks lowcal! I will get there again... I will!!  😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to asics

Yes, you will...!!! :-)

asics profile image
asics in reply to asics

Didn't mean to be that quick... my phone doesn't like the site😕 did 4 lots of cardio and strength last week so hoping to see more benefit this week.  Controlled eating better too so again so more loss waiting in the wings. Was 0. 9 lighter than this most of week so I think I must just have a tendency to swell overnight on a Sunday! 

Good luck this week everyone.  X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to asics

Hi again Asics,

I'm glad you're still here - I presumed you must be in a big rush!  :-)  Well done on doing 4 lots of cardio and strength last week - that is great.  Sometimes the results on the scales don't seem to necessarily reflect the work put in, but losing 0.7 pound is really good, and shouldn't be underestimated - imagine it sitting on a plate as some lard or butter, and you can see that it really counts!

Also, as you say, it is likely that there is more weight loss "waiting in the wings" - and you will be enjoying seeing that as part of next week's losses - all being well.

Have a great week ahead.  Good luck, and I'll look forward to catching up with you in May, when I get back.  Remember to look out for Prin's name for next week's Monday weigh-in (25th April).

Lowcal :-)

asics profile image
asics in reply to Zest

Oh lowcal!  I am so sorry I didn't read all that... I am literally now running out door! Enjoy your holiday and big birthday celebrations! Xxx wiggling pom

asics profile image
asics in reply to asics

No am waggling pom pons!! If I stop typing my phone doesn't let me back in to write. 😯

in reply to asics

Well done! Getting there!

kantara71 profile image

Good morning Lowcal, it is understandable that you have made a slight gain with the build up to your celebrations and I hope you have a lovely time in Spain :-) Enjoy your time out there, that big five O only comes around once :-) 

As for me then today will be my last Monday weigh in for 6 weeks. I will be going away this coming Sunday for 5 weeks so my next weigh in will be on Monday 30th May. 

This week I managed to hit my target of 2lbs loss :-) I am pleased about this because it takes me to 15stones 5lbs, breaking the 15.7 mark and on my way to the 14s!  

On my holiday I am going to continue healthy eating but will not be writing everything down or weighing myself :-( I am not sure if I can manage that but I see it as a step towards normalising my relationship with food and my lifestyle). 

My target for the next 6 weeks, therefore, is to lose at a steady pace of 1lb a week, hopefully getting me down to below 15 stones.  

I will not be doing such heavy gardening, so I am intending to walk regularly to keep my exercise levels up. And if the pool is warm enough I hope to swim every day too!  

I wish everyone a brilliant week ahead.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kantara71

Hi John,

Thanks for your kind wishes, and I will definitely enjoy celebrating my 50th, like you say it only comes round once!  I hope you have a wonderful time away, and that you have a safe journey.  

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week, that is an excellent result, and especially good as it takes you to the 15 stone 7 pound mark, and therefore on your way down to the 14's.   That is really brilliant!  :-)

I think you plan whilst on holiday sounds really sensible, and I am sure there will be lots of lovely healthy food for you to choose from out there, and wishing you success with your goal to lose 1 pound per week - a nice and steady weight loss.  

Great that you'll be walking regularly to keep your exercise levels up.  I don't know if you watched that programme on TV with Angela Rippon about Staying Young, but the benefits of walking as exercise were very positively portrayed in that programme.

Anyway, I'll look forward to catching up with you when you're back at the end of May, and have a wonderful time!

Lowcal :-)

fussybird profile image
fussybird in reply to kantara71

Have a fab holiday John, well done on this weeks loss. You make a really important point about looking into the future and being healthy without weighing and counting everything, a practice run for you.

Look forward to seeing you at the weigh in on the 30th of May :-)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to kantara71

Yes please se it as a change thing, well done on your loss, see you on your return

muffintop67 profile image
muffintop67 in reply to kantara71

I think it will be a good exercise to see if you can normalise your relationship with food and still keep to the level you want to be. Sure it will be a rest to not have to write everything down and weigh yourself for a bit. You sound very positive I am sure you will succeed. Hope you have a lovely holiday :)

kantara71 profile image
kantara71 in reply to muffintop67

Thanks muffintop, I am looking forward to it :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to kantara71

Have a fab hol John, you've certainly earned it! :)

It feels really strange not weighing daily, but you do get used to it :)

Jacko123 profile image

Hi. Newbie here. Starting weight 10st 13 1/4 lbs. 5ft 3in. Would like to get back i the 9st and back in my jeans!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jacko123

Hi Jacko123,

Welcome to the Monday group weigh-in!  Really happy you've joined us here.  You've taken the brave step of posting your starting weight, and I hope that wasn't too daunting.  Set yourself some mini targets to achieve if you can, as it will make it easier and more motivating - maybe half a stone at a time, or something similar.  Great that you want to get back in your jeans.  

Have you seen our Welcome Newbie post?  Here's a link incase you've not seen it, but apologies if you've already seen it:

I would recommend trying the NHS 12 week plan, and maybe using an app to help you to keep account of your food and drink intake easily - I use Myfitnesspal, and find that very good.  But there are various ones you could use.

Anyway, hope you have a great week, and don't forget that I won't be here next Monday, so look out for Prin's name, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads on 25th April.

I'll look forward to catching up with everyone on the May Bank Holiday!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

kantara71 profile image
kantara71 in reply to Jacko123

Welcome Jacko, good luck on your weight loss journey! 

Jenever profile image

Good Morning Lowcal, Fab 5 & fellow weight shedders,

Your slight gain is not so bad Lowcal considering your birthday celebrations, no one would expect such a milestone not to be greeted with food, drink & merry making so well done for limiting the gain.

I'm so pleased to be able to tell you I shed 4lbs last week, I'm back in the groove (fingers X). My only goal for the coming week is to be a loser again.

I wish you a very happy birthday Lowcal, enjoy your holiday, relax and recharge your battery. 

Have a good week everyone. 

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Jenever

Wow such a loss, 4lbs well and truly back into it!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

Good morning!  Great to see you!  Thanks for your kind words, and yes, milestone Birthdays do tend to be greeted with much eating and drinking - don't they!?  :-)  Like you say, hopefully I've limited the gain - but I am aware this will be a challenging time, so I am going to do my best to stay in the 12's, as I've worked to get there!

Wow, you have done incredibly this week, losing 4 pounds - amazing!  You're back in the groove!  Really well done!  Here's to you being a loser again next week!  

Thanks for your kind Birthday wishes, and I'll look forward to catching up with you and everyone when I'm back for the Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in.  Prin and the Fab 5'ers will be here next week of course!  :-)

Have another great week Jenever, and so glad that you're back in the groove.

Lowcal :-)

kantara71 profile image
kantara71 in reply to Jenever

Well done Jenever, a 4lb loss? - Amazing :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Jenever

Woohoo Jenever, a 4lb loss is fandabedozy! :)

fussybird profile image

Hi Lowcal, well, I've maintained at 13st 13lb. When  weighed on Friday I was 13st 12lb, but we did let loose at the weekend and no phys achieved.

I've signed up to c25k just now, so this will hopefully kick start my weight loss again, bit stagnant the last few weeks, entirely my own fault in not being consistent with monitoring intake and output/use of calories.

My goal for next Monday is 2lbs off. We have mother-in-laws 70th birthday party next Saturday, but I will work hard the other 6 days, and that will see me through I hope.

Have a fabulous time celebrating your birthday in Spain, the sun, sea and relaxing is richly deserved for all the work you do for us on this site, thank you. xx 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fussybird

Hi Fussybird,

Congratulations on maintaining your weight at 13 stone 13 pounds - you're all the 13's for the moment!  Weekends do tend to be challenging don't they.  But maintaining is so much better than gaining, so it's a celebration in our books.  

Great to hear you've signed up to c25k, and that will hopefully help you in many ways.  

I hope you cope with your mother-in-law's 70th Birthday next weekend, and good luck with your goal to lose 2 pounds this week.  Maybe have some kind of plan of action to help you minimise any potential excess during the family meal.  

I am really looking forward to my holiday.  Thanks so much for your good wishes, which I really appreciate.

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

kantara71 profile image
kantara71 in reply to fussybird

Good to maintain when you come off of the rails slightly :-) Have a great week - John

SylviaH286 profile image


Starting weight: 14st 11 1/4lb

Waist: 36.5in

(Quite happy with this as I thought I was still in the 15st bracket).

Here's to a fresh start! 

Sylvia x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SylviaH286

Hi Sylvia,

Good morning, and welcome to the Monday group weigh-in.  You've taken the brave step of sharing your starting weight, and it's great that you've also taken your waist measurement.  I'm glad that your weight was a pleasant surprise to you, and it's great that you're already in the 14's, when you'd anticipated you were in the 15 stone bracket.  Off to a positive start already!!!  

I'd like to give you the link to our Welcome Newbie post, which moreless  has collated for us:

You'll meet Moreless next week, as she's away on her holidays.  She is a lovely person, and if you fancy reading a very inspiring weight loss story then do have a look at her profile - it is worth reading her updates on her weight loss journey to date.  Very inspiring.

Please look out for Prin's name next Monday, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in sessions on 25th April.  I'll be back to post the one in early May.

Have a great first week - I'd recommend looking at the NHS 12 week plan - it is really good!

Lowcal :-)

SylviaH286 profile image
SylviaH286 in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal! 

I checked out the welcome post and I've downloaded the NHS plan. I have a doctors appt. tomorrow for blood results, and to ask him to monitor my progress. 

Thanks for the great welcome to the group! x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SylviaH286

Good luck with your GP appointment tomorrow, Sylvia.  It's great that he will be monitoring your progress.  

Have a great week!  

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to SylviaH286

Hi and welcome Sylvia :)

You're already a skinny minny, as far as I'm concerned! You're half a pound lighter than me and I've already lost nearly 5st! 

You're going to love it here! :)

2bFabnfit profile image

Well done Lowcal for staying in the 12's my story is similar,  still in my maintenance band just! 54.8kg today  up 0.3kg. I have struggled to get back to my healthy pre holiday regime and had the added calories of my husbands birthday celebrations. 

Still not disastrous but aiming for a loss this week to get back to the middle of my maintenance range. ..

Have a great birthday and fab holiday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 2bFabnfit

Hi 2bFabnfit,

Thank you!  Glad to hear you're still in your maintenance band just!  You've only gone up a very small amount (0.3kg).  That's not bad at all, especially considering you've been readjusting to getting back to your healthy pre-holiday regime and also contending with your husband's Birthday celebrations.  

Thanks for your kind wishes, and I hope you have a loss this week so you can get back to the middle of your maintenance range - good luck!  You can do it!

Catch up with you when I get back.

Lowcal :-)

Ah those pre birthday celebrations.  They're a disaster. I'm in a similar situation this week as it's my husbands birthday and thd celebrations lasted all weekend with the obvious consequences of a gain ( I didn't gain the week it was my own birthday!). Up 2 lbs to 12 St 12.25 lbs. Still in the 12s though. 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Derrygeel,

I know what you mean!!!  It's particularly tough when Birthday turn up - I think you did brilliantly not to gain over your own Birthday - but of course having your husband's Birthday celebrations recently, I guess it's caught up with you!  You'll soon get those 2 pounds off again - and like you say, you're still in the 12's - hope you enjoyed the celebrations!   It was my husband's Birthday last weekend, and I did lose weight, but I guess I probably ate too much then, and again this weekend, so I couldn't keep losing...  

Derrygeel, we can do this - just keep focused on the week ahead.  

Remember to look out for Prin's name for next week's weigh-in, and I'll catch up with you in May!

Have a great couple of weeks till then.

Lowcal :-)

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone

Last week I was 11st 9.5 lbs this week I'm 11st 8.75 so that is a loss of .75lbs. Next week I would like to be 11st 7lbs.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 191253summer

Hi 191253summer,

Congratulations on losing 0.75 pound, that is really great!  I hope you've enjoyed your week, and good luck with your goal to lose 1 pound this week.

Please look out for Prin's name next week, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in sessions on 25th April, whilst I'm away.

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

Diana profile image

Hell Lowcal, and everyone, sorry about your gain, enjoy those celebrations, and enjoy Spain too, slightly jealous!

Back on track this week and lost 3 1/4 lbs, bringing me from 10st 8 1/4 lbs last week to 10st 4 3/4lbs, I've done a daily weigh in, and added app to give an average loss, which seems kinder mentally. ( it does away with the variables too)

I realised to had been over eating by 200 cals, nearer 1600 and that was preventing my losing again, 1400 did the trick, after my whinge last Monday, and realised I had to re evaluate stuff.

kantara71 profile image
kantara71 in reply to Diana

Well done Diana, wow you just flew past that 10st 7lb mark didn't you? Onwards and downwards to the 9s! Have a great week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Diana

HI Diana,

Thank you so much for your kind words.  

Glad to hear you're back on track, and you've lost 3.25 pounds, that is fantastic!!! Congratulations!!! Great that you're happy with the daily weigh-in and average loss method, and that it seems kinder mentally - it's what works best that counts, and it sounds like that's working for you!

Your re-evaluation of stuff has clearly worked, and I would like to wish you continued progress, and will look forward to catching up with you when I get back.  Remember to look for Prin's name for the weigh-in on 25th April.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Diana

Woohoo Diana! WTG you! What a fab week! :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to moreless

So kind moreless x

gareth0073 profile image

Right back to week one Again Wight 13st 1 that's on the Wii fit scales and 12 st 6 on asda smart price £3-99 scales so although I would like to go with asda I will go with wii so 13st 1 on week 1all the beset Gareth

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gareth0073

Hi Gareth,

You're back to Week 1 again, so good luck with re-starting!  You've got 2 sets of scales, with different measurements... What a dilemma!  But you've made a choice, and you're going with the Wii fit scales - so be consistent next week, so you compare like with like...!  :-)  You're close to the 12's, and I'd like to wish you success this week.  Have you seen our Welcome Newbie post?  Let me know if you haven't, as I can give you the link - or it's in the Pinned Posts area (top right-hand-side of the homepage) if you want to have a read of it.

Hope you have a great week. Do remember to look for Prin's name for the weigh-in on 25th April, and I'll be back to post the May Bank Holiday weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

kars1111 profile image

Morning all,

Lowcal sorry about your gain but due to birthday ccelebrations i think it should be allowed.  Happy birthday for when it comes and i hope you have a fantastic holiday.

This week ive maintained at 10st 2lb hoping next week will be better.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kars1111

Hi Kars1111,

Thanks so much for your kind Birthday wishes - I am excited to be going away to celebrate it in the sunshine!  But being away means the celebrations before and after the holiday have mounted up!  It's a challenging time... but I'll just try to hang onto the 12's, and hopefully keep within them if I can.  

Well done to you for maintaining your weight this week - you're very close to the 9's now.  Just keep focused and hopefully you'll get there soon.  A maintain is definitely better than a gain.

Remember to look out for Prin's name on 25th April, and I'll be back in May for the Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Grrr! His birthday And my birthday!! I've gained 1.1kg now 68kg. 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ceriandblue,

Those Birthdays!!!!  You're like me, my hubby's Birthday was last weekend, and mine is coming up later this week - it's so tough when Birthdays are close together like that.  

You've gained 1.1 kg, but it's understandable at such celebratory times, and don't let it get you down, just move forward afresh - you'll soon get that weight off if you get back to normal again and focus.  You can do it, Ceriandblue!    Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday!  Hope you enjoyed your celebrations. :-)

Remember to look out for Prin's name next week (25th April 2016) as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in sessions that day, and I'll be back for the May Bank Holiday.

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Yes, its a case of do as I say not as I do! Enjoy your birthday break but possibly not with quite as much cake and prosecco as I indulged in! Hope you have a fab time.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Good advice, Hidden   - thank you!!!  :-)

Seuzan profile image

Good morning all,  

I have lost 2lbs this week & am weighing in at 10 stone 2lbs. 

Also lost an inch from my waist which feels good so that is now 29.5 inches.  

Have a good week everyone and happy holidays Lowcal!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Seuzan

:-)  that must feel great:-)

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to suzybenj

Felt like I could fly suzybenj!  Felt as light as a feather and jumped off  the scales very quickly in case it changed back!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Seuzan

Hi Seuzan,

Good morning!  Wow, you've lost 2 pounds, that's fantastic!!!  Congratulations! 

It must also feel really great to have lost an inch from your waist and to be less than 30 inches now.  Really great! 

Thanks for your kind wishes, and remember to look out for Prin's name at next Monday's weigh-in.  I'll look forward to catching up with you when I get back in May.

Lowcal :-)

Seuzan profile image
Seuzan in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal I will do!  I was really chuffed and did a little dance around the room.  Need to get some pom poms! ( - :   ps loved the picture of your lunch yesterday!  

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Seuzan

Thanks!  :-)  Yes, pom poms are a good idea!  Just think - a little dance around the room this mornning will have burned off another couple of calories!  :-)

Today i am 18.10.5 last week i was 19 .0 so a 3.5 lb loss, and I had a huge roast dinner yesterday so very pleased.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to are very committed - and totally deserve that 3.5 loss - well done:-)

in reply to suzybenj

Thank you.

merrymanda profile image

Good Morning All,

Had celebration of nephews 16th yesterday, so had a drink of wine or two so not really surprised that my weight has remained the same for this week. Was 14 stone 1, still 14,1. Pleased that it did not go up but must try harder this week as I don't want to be static for a few weeks like before.

Hope everyone has a good week and have a great 50th in Spain Lowcal.

Merrymanda : )

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to merrymanda

Hi Merrymanda,

Good morning!  How exciting that it was your nephew's 16th Birthday yesterday.  I hope you had a lovely time celebrating with him.  Brilliant that you've maintained your weight, despite that celebration - it could be that you'll experience a potential rise later, but as you are hoping to try harder this week, then you might stave off any damage.  Good luck!!!  Maintaining is better than gaining, so essentially it's not being 'static' - if that logic makes sense to you.  

Thanks for your kind Birthday wishes, and I hope you have a great week ahead.

Do look out for Prin's name for next week's weigh-in, as she'll be posting the threads.

Lowcal :-)

merrymanda profile image
merrymanda in reply to Zest

Thanks for that Lowcal.

I really hope a gain does not creep up on me, so I will be working extra hard this week. 

The celebration was lovely especially since my nephew and his mum are over from Australia a we hadn't seen him for about four years.

Enjoy your time in Spain and welcome to the 50's club it's not as bad as you might think x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to merrymanda

Thanks very much Merrymanda, I'm glad the 50's Club is a good one!  

Lovely that you are able to catch up with your relatives from Australia, that's wonderful.  :-)

Good good good morning!

I said I was going to post every day, but it turned out I didn't need to thank goodness! 

Little Miss Piggy got her a*** kicked this week because I've lost 2lb, now at 10st 10lb. I've maintained the last 2 weeks so really chuffed. 

All of you have done really well, well done!

Wishing you a wonderful birthday and holiday Lowcal. 

Have a good week everyone. 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Isou7000.

Good morning!!!  Wow, what a great result - you've lost 2 pounds this week.  Congratulations!!!  You're at 'all the 10's' (10 stone 10 pounds) - brilliant that your patience was rewarded after 2 weeks of maintaining, and then a really good loss.  Well done!

Thanks for your kind words, and remember to look out for Prin's name next Monday, as she's posting the threads that week.

Wishing you a great week!

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thank you 😊

Tina0416 profile image

Good morning all, 14stone 4Lb this week. loss of 2 and 3/4 LB.... have a great day :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Tina0416

Hi Tina0416,

Good morning!  Wow, you've lost 2.75 pounds, that is really great!  I hope you've enjoyed your week, and that you're pleased with your great result.  

Please look out for Fab 5'er Prin's name next Monday (25th April) as she'll be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads whilst I'm away.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Foodie87 profile image

Good Morning all!

Zest , nice keeping within the 12s and I hope you have a lovely birthday and holiday!

I have a massive shocker this morning and a milestone:

Weigh in this morning - 64.1kg, that's 2.3kg down on last Monday's 66.4kg and more than twice of what I had calculated I should be losing this week based on calorie deficiencies of around 1100 kcal/day.

I find this one hard to believe, I was stagnating on 65.4kg Wednesday to Friday, then down to 65.1kg on Saturday, 64.8kg yesterday and then the 64.1kg today!

If it is to be true, I would have gone past the 40kg mark of total loss since 21/10/14! :) 

*doing funky dance around the bathroom* [just in case the scales are right]  ;)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Foodie87

Yippee so fab, as I said I've used the daily method as the averages over 7 days seem kinder! Quote bodies are complex, wonderful and yet annoying at the same time

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to Diana

Even going by averages is massive, last week average was 65.5kg, the week before it was 66.3kg the week before that 67.6kg, obviously not much use doing an average for a week that only just started ;) but looking promising...

Current aim is to be a "healthy" weight on the BMI scale by the end of May - if I manage to keep this up, that goal should be toast ;) - here's hoping...

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Foodie87

You are doing fab, the goal is health, yummy food , and dropping dress sizes

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to Diana

Yummy food - I'm always in ;) my breakfast is waiting, too.

Dress size is the one I'm worried about - I'm currently 10/12 and I guess will be a just 10 by the time I get to the top of "healthy".

Ultimate goal is to be in the middle of the healthy range - just to have some give up and down if I yoyo a bit here and there... But what dress size will I be!? A 6? not much choice of clothing around on the bottom of the clothing rail - much like on the top... :(

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Foodie87

Hi Foodie87,

Wow!!!!  You've really done well - losing 2.3kg - I can understand completely you are enjoying that funky dance around the bathroom - what an amazing result...!  

I bet it will take  you a while to get over the surprise of that!  

I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your great result.  Thanks so much for your kind words and wishes, and remember to look out for Prin's name next week - as she'll be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads.

Have a wonderful week!

Lowcal :-)

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to Zest

I might just ignore next week's weigh in to remain under the illusion of having lost 2.3 kg in a week ;)

I don't think that much has come off in a single week since the early days when it was so much easier to create a deficit...

Please take some photos for us of the lovely beaches and meals on your holiday! I have never been to Spain, I don't think I could stand the heat... (says the person going to travel to 35ºC Canada in July - not sure that'll be great for me. I'm sweating thinking of it.)

But Spanish food always seems very interesting and yummy and I'm sure there are plenty of healthy, yet delicious options available!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Foodie87

Yes, I hope to take some nice photos.  :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

Oh my golly gosh Foodie, that's absolutely wonderful! Well done you! You've lost 6st 4lbs!! Fantastic! :)

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to moreless

Thank you. It feels like the finish line is in sight. Just over 4kg to the healthy range and then another 8kg to the middle of the healthy range!

 I'm certainly closer to the finish than to the start, 12kg isn't too bad and once I get there I will have halved my initial starting weight!! (Scary thought!) I'll be half a person!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

I'm so envious! ;)

What you've achieved is nothing short of amazing! 12kg is nothing compared to what you've already lost. 

Even if I lose my target of 9st, I still won't have lost half a person! :o

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to moreless

Just means you've never been two persons ;-) - maybe I should have seen a head-doctor about that, rather than losing weight? 

Ah well, evil twin is going to be gone soon - bye-bye :D 

Sad really that I'm able to lose over 50kg and would still be in the "healthy" range, even losing a total of 60kg would mean I'd only borderline the "underweight"! :-(

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Foodie87

9st will only just take me into the healthy weight range and I don't think I'll look too good going any lower. Old and skinny isn't a good look! :D

Foodie87 profile image
Foodie87 in reply to moreless

Indeed. Would probably make you appear sick and frail. And we wouldn't want that. 😉

Healthy is good though and I'm sure you'll reach your goal! 😊

Good morning everyone! Last monday i weighed 16st 12lbs and today i weigh 16st 9lbs :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

wahooo- 3 pounds down - well done:-)  Whatever you are doing keep doing it:-)

Losers are winners:-)

Good luck for next week-)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to suzybenj

Yep less is more here, as long as you are not anorexic!

han_ingham profile image

Today I weighed in at 10st 10.25lbs so that's two pounds off this week. I aim to lose 2.25lbs this week as then I will have officially lost 2st! 

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to han_ingham

Well done- Pom pom waving and wishing you luck:-)

Also happy birthday wishes for you Lowcal :-D x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Blue9,

Thank you so much!!!  :-)

Lowcal :-)

Jesterpuss1 profile image

Hi Lowcal, not a good week for me :(  my birthday celebrations played havoc with my motivation! I totally lost it and sad to say I've gained 2.5lbs :(  I'm going to try and rectify it this week but I must admit it's still a bit half hearted!! 

Anyway Happy 50th when it arrives! I hope you have a fantastic holiday! You deserve it :) we're gonna miss you! Have fun x

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Jesterpuss1

:-) - it is lovely to celebrate - but hard on the scales.  I had my own despondent moment last week after my birthday weekend.  i read and re- read loads of posts.  I re-visisted the NHS plan ...and have come back this week with a 2 pound loss...

Good luck jester puss and try not to be too downhearted - life is also for living too:-)

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to suzybenj

Thanks suzybenj , I just can't understand why the motivation is declining when im actually looking and feeling better! 

I'm ashamed of myself really! So I'll use that and try to keep focussed! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jesterpuss1

Hi Jesterpuss1,

Take that mantle of shame off, and replace it with some pride in what you've achieved - I think most people gain some weight after their Birthdays, so please don't be hard on yourself.  I gained 1.8 pounds this week, and it's not even my Birthday till Thursday!  :-) 

You'll soon get your weight off - you're doing so well - be kind to yourself and feel proud if you can.  :-)

Lowcal :-)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Jesterpuss1

Oh dear, you know the pitfalls, a better week ahead I hope?!

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to Diana

Yeah I do know the pitfalls Diana , sigh! I'm going to try my best! I can't be kind to myself any longer!! ;)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jesterpuss1

Hi Jesterpuss1,

What a lot of Birthdays there are at the moment!  Please challenge that thought that you've 'totally lost it' - yes, you've gained 2.5 pounds, but that's completely understandable after partaking in Birthday celebrations, so please don't be hard on yourself.  You sounded so happy last Monday, and your lovely hubby took you out to a beautiful location - that is wonderful.  You'll soon get that little bit extra off again, just focus on the week ahead.

Thanks so much for your kind Birthday wishes.  I will miss you too!  But I hope to come back feeling more refreshed and raring to get to my goal weight of 12 stone 7 pounds.  I'm grateful to Hidden  for her 4th July Challenge post, because I might get there in time for 4th July.  Ideally I always secretly hoped I'd get there by the time I was 50, but my 50th is on Thursday 21st April (the Queen's going to be 90 on the same day!) - and I just can't get there, but I am in the 12's, which makes me very happy.  It's taken me ages to get to the 12's, as people who know me for ages on here all know...!

So please try to banish those half-hearted feelings Jesterpuss1, and just enjoy having a fresh week ahead, and enjoy your week, whilst focusing on ensuring you work towards achieving your goal at the end of it.  

Have a great week.  

Lowcal :-)

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal! I am going to give it my best shot! And someone actually noticed my weight loss on Saturday yay! Then they said but you haven't lost it out of your face! Huh! Still got a chubby face then! Now - I think my face is much slimmer! 

I've GOT to do this! Because I don't want to be back here in a couple of months having to start again!

You'll get to 12st 7 Lowcal! Of that there is NO doubt! 

And you're in good company with HRH! ;) 

Enjoy the sunshine - I think we could all do with some of that! 

I'll be shouting " Happy Birthday" to you on Thursday! X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jesterpuss1

Thanks so much Jesterpuss1 - I appreciate your very kind words and thoughts.  :-)

Really great that someone noticed your weight loss on Saturday - and glad you've also noticed that your face is much slimmer as well as your body!  :-)

Jesterpuss1 profile image
Jesterpuss1 in reply to Zest

You never know I may get over the fear of the camera with my new slim face and no double chin! I never did like that!!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jesterpuss1

Glad that you like your face more now.  That's so lovely to hear!  :-)

suzybenj profile image

Quick pre-work post from me:-)   Managed to lose the 2 pounds i put on last week  (yesterday morning it was another 0.75pound below that - lamb roast dinner put paid to that:-) )

I am very pleased though and feel more in control and back on track:-)

Well done you staying in the 12s - despite the celebrations.  I go to Spain quite a lot and I do have some weight management strategies ...if you are interested:-).  I will be deploying them myself as i go to Spain the week after:-)

Have a good day - i will be back this evening:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzy, (Lovely Fab 5'er),

Wow, what great news that you've lost 2 pounds this week. Congratulations!!!!  I bet that Lamb Roast dinner was absolutely delcious, and I'm glad it didn't eat into those 2 pounds.  :-)

It's great to hear you're feeling pleased and more in control - you are definitely back on track!  

I would definitely be interested to hear your weight management strategies for coping in Spain - yes please!!!  Do share them!  Great to hear you'll be going to Spain the week after - something to look forward to. 

Catch up with you later, and have a great day in the meantime. 

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Zest

Spain management - it is a difficult one as you are on your holidays and doing a major birthday.

More difficult if you are staying in a hotel--but possible.  Easier if you are self catering.  Where are going north or southern Spain - it makes a difference.  North - much more figure conscious - the south not so:-)

My strategy is to try to eat normally for breakfast and lunch.  Or big lunch and a very light supper.  I avoid bread - I just refuse it - it is always offered.

Breakfast - I go Museli and fruit.  maybe poached eggs.  Oranges are really good this time of year fresh zumo de naranja is delicious.

Lunch and dinner - fish or steak etc - avoiding chips - salad instead.

If you get tapas - often served on bread - I just eat the topping.

Puddings are v sweet - and not that brilliant to be honest - so I just don't eat them.

You don't strike me as some one who drinks to much.  I try to drink zero rated soft drinks.  I love g and t - but it is all full fat - so I often use Fanta limos zero instead of tonic.

Tinto verano- watered down wine is very good and refreshing.

I will be going  a week Thursday- so good reminder to me on what  to do:-)

Enjoy - weather is looking good.  Happy birthday - 49 + 1:-)

knitsandcodes profile image

Morning! I have not changed this week - still 68.8. I feel that's fair, just about. I think my portion sizes might be creeping back up. Will have to take a fresh look at that and start recording food diary again, as I'd temporarily lapsed.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to knitsandcodes

Hi Knitsandcodes,

It can be easy for the portion sizes to creep up, and I think it's an excellent idea to take a fresh look at them, and also re-start your food diary.  But a maintain is much better than a gain, so Congratulations on maintaining your weight this week. 

Please look out for Prin's name next Monday (25th April) as she will be posting the threads that day.

I'd like to wish you a really good week ahead.  Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

knitsandcodes profile image
knitsandcodes in reply to Zest

thank you. Sounds like we have similar celebrations going on this week - my husband is 50 tomorrow and we are having various meals out etc, so i'm not expecting any miracles next week either! Enjoy your weekend. :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to knitsandcodes

I hope you and your husband enjoy celebrating his 50th Birthday tomorrow!  A challenging week, but enjoy it!  :-)

Lowcal :-)

Crazykat67 profile image

Good start off weight two weeks ago was 24 stones and 1 pound....I now weigh 23 stones and 9 3/4 pounds 😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Crazykat67

Hi Crazykat67,

I can see you've posted this twice, so I'll reply to the second one in a moment... :-)

Lowcal :-)

Trailhiker profile image

Weigh in 2--158.8. Can't remember what I was last week but I'm being much more consistent than usual. Only a few pounds until I'm not longer "overweight" for my category and only 9 pounds until my goal for 08/06. On track, which makes me feel great!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Trailhiker

Hi Trailhiker,

Your weight when you started with us last week was 161.6 pounds, so you've lost 2.8 pounds in your first week, which is fantastic!  Congratulations!!!  Great that you're being much more consistent, and that is obviously paying off.  Like you say, you've only got a few more pounds to lose before you're into the healthy range BMI, and you're on track, which is really great.  

Glad you're feeling great, and hope you have another great week ahead.

Please remember to look for Prin's name for next Monday's weigh-in, as she'll be posting it on 25th April, whilst I'm away.

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

Crazykat67 profile image

Good start off weight 2 weeks ago was 24 stones and 1 I weigh 23 stones and 9 and 3/4 pounds 😊

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Crazykat67

What a loss 4 1/4lbs by my maths,  fab, nearly 1/2 stone already

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Crazykat67

Hi again Crazykat67,

I am not great with Maths, but I was thinking that you've lost 5.25 pounds in 2 weeks?  I know Diana  makes it 4.25 pounds, so I'm not sure now...  But I'll stick with 5.25 pounds (unless you tell me differently) and I'll divide that by 2 weeks to give an average weekly amount for our stats, which would therefore be: 2.625 pounds.

Wow, what a fantastic result! 

Please do feel free to double check and let me know if you think I've made a mistake, as I do doubt the figure, knowing that Diana had a different one.

I am going to have some breakfast now, as I think my brain probably needs some healthy porridge to fuel it up, and get it working properly!!!

So I'll check back later to see what you think of my calculations...

Great result, either way!  You must be really pleased!

Remember to look out for Prin's name next Monday, as she'll be posting the Monday group weigh-in sessions that day.

Lowcal :-)

Crazykat67 profile image
Crazykat67 in reply to Zest

Thank you very much lowcal 😊......I make it the same as you 

Crazykat67 profile image
Crazykat67 in reply to Crazykat67

I got it wrong!!! I'm now 23 and 8 and 3/4 pounds 😀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Crazykat67

Hi again Crazykat67,

OK, that is no problem - that means you have lost 6.25 pounds in two weeks, which means you've lost 3.125 pound average per week, so I will include a loss of 3.125 lb for you in this week's stats, which I am doing now.  :-)

Really well done!  You're doing so well. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Crazykat67 profile image
Crazykat67 in reply to Zest

Thank you....I'm really happy and never felt so motivated to do this as I am and its all thanks to Lou 😊

Mary55 profile image

Hi Lowcal my weight today is 13. 02. 0.  My aim is to eventually lose two stone but in the short term to post a loss next week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mary55

Hi Mary55,

A very warm welcome to the Monday group weigh-in, and I hope you will enjoy being part of this group.  You've shared your starting weight, and I hope that felt ok to do so.  It's often the most daunting step, but hopefully from now on you'll be getting lighter, healthier and fitter.  You've set yourself the sensible first goal to post a loss next week, and I wish you success with that.  Are you going to follow the NHS 12 week plan?  I would recommend it as a healthy and sustainable plan.  You can find a link to it in our Welcome Newbie post:

There are also various suggestions and tips from community members in that thread, which are worth reading.

Are you going to take some body measurements too, so that you can compare those as time goes on.  We find that sometimes the scales 'stick' or even go up slightly, yet the body measurements may reduce or you feel better in your clothes etc, so it's not all about the scales.

Next week, another Fab 5'er (Prin) is going to post the Monday group weigh-in, as I am going to be away on holiday - so please remember to look out for her name on 25th April.  

I will be back to post the Bank Holiday weigh-in at the start of May, and I will look forward to catching up with everyone then.

Wishing you a great week ahead, and good luck with your goals.

Lowcal :-)

want-2-b-slim profile image

Started off at 14 stone 9lbs, I have lost 1lb this week so total lost is 4lbs, slow but sure

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to want-2-b-slim

Hi Elacol68,

Wow, you're making great progress - Congratulations on losing another pound this week, and to achieving 4 pounds in total.  That is excellent.  

I hope you're enjoying it, and I wish you another great week ahead.

Please note that Prin will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads next week (25th April), so do look out for her name.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

80 kg, 0,5 kg lost since last week, 5 kg in total. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Mamiyou,

You are on the cusp of the 70's, and you've lost another 0.5 kg this week - that is brilliant!  Congratulations on that great loss, and also on achieving a total loss of 5kg.  You are doing so well, and making great progress.

I hope you're feeling good!

Wishing you another great week ahead, and please look out for Fab 5'er Prin's name next week - as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads, whilst I'm away.  I'll be back to post the May Bank Holiday weigh-in.

Catch up with you then!

In the meantime, have a great couple of weeks.

Lowcal :-)

suffolkwomble profile image

Morning!  I am pleased to report a loss of 1 lb 4oz. I am now 11 st 7 4. Happy days!  😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suffolkwomble

Hi Suffolkwomble,

Good morning!  Happy days are here, you've lost 1.33 pounds this week, that is brilliant!  I hope you're enjoying your week, and I'd like to wish you another great week ahead.

Please note that Prin (Fab 5'er) will be posting the next Monday group weigh-in (25th April) as I shall be away.  But I'll post the May Bank Holiday Monday one, so I'll hope to catch up with how you've got on when I get back.

In the meantime, more Happy Days to come!

Lowcal :-)

suffolkwomble profile image
suffolkwomble in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal ! Have a great hols and birthday x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suffolkwomble

Thank you!  :-)

Betterat40 profile image

Oh dear, not a good week for me. I've had some emotional ups and downs this past week, and have resorted to wine and chocolate. I was 19st 1lb 1/2 last week, this week I'm 19st and 3/4lbs, so a little weight loss but could do better!

Normally I lose 3 or 4lbs a week when I start a diet but I've only been cutting back rather than really going for it, I could have been a stone down by now. I'm going to try harder this week. I need to remind myself why I need/want to lose weight and get myself in gear. 

Have a fab holiday LowCal, and a very Happy Birthday!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Betterat40

Hi Betterat40,

I am so sorry to hear you've had some emotional ups and downs this week.  Resorting to wine and chocolate at such times is quite tempting isn't it.  But you've still managed to successfully lose 0.75 pound, which is great!  Congratulations!!!

I think it will help you to remind yourself of your goals and motivating factors, so that's a great plan to re-focus and re-evaluate those.  Good luck! 

I really hope that the things that have contributed to your emotional downs can be worked through and/or that you cope ok with them.  

Thanks so much for your kind wishes and Birthday greetings.  

Remember to look out for Prin's name next week, as she'll post the Monday group weigh-in threads on 25th April.

Take care, and have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Lola_Palombo profile image

hi lost 2lbs as feeling a bit hungry during the week but pleased with the weight loss ...good luck too everyone else xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Lola_Palombo

Hi Lola_Palombo,

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week.  That is excellent!  Really well done!  

I know you felt a bit hungry during the week, but it may improve as you adjust to your new eating plan - make sure you drink sufficient water too, as sometimes the feeling of hunger can actually be your body telling you you're actually thirsty. 

Hope you have a great week, and please look out for Prin's name next Monday, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads that day (25th April) whilst I am away.  I'll be back to post the May Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in.

Catch up with you then.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Well, 11 stone 2 pounds. 2 pound gain. Around this or a bit lower all the time but pleased to have got thru birthday week without a worse outcome.

Let's see if I can cracks the elusive tens this week!  Grrrr!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Frankie53,

I can feel your frustration, as I know how keen you are to crack those elusive 10's, and I know you've gained 2 pound this week, but just try to keep focused and eyeball those 10's - and keep them fixed in your gaze so you can attain them hopefully by the end of this week.  You can do it Frankie - I really hope by the time I'm back for the Bank Holiday May Monday that you will be enjoying being in the 10's, and I hope to celebrate with you then!  

Look out for Prin's name next week (25th April) as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in posts whilst I'm away.  

Have a great week ahead.  You can do it!

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal. Happy 50th Birthday. Have a super time celebrating. Well I have done lots of walking this week but have also been taken out for three meals and had a big cooked breakfast at a youth day I was leading. Net result I have lost 1/4lb. I had expected to put on so this is a pleasant surprise.

The weight loss is slow going because I am not calorie counting at the moment. Looking forward to a months time when we have 3 months off work and can doing this weight loss and walking together.

Have a good week everyone

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog53,

Thanks so much for your kind Birthday Greetings.  I am sitting here with a large pink helium balloon next to my chair, with the words "Happy 50th Birthday" so I am already well and truely reminded of my new age to be on Thursday!  I love the balloon though!!!  I think I'm just about coming to terms with leaving my 40's behind.  Afterall, time goes on, and the 50's could be 'Fab' - so I am looking forward to making the most of them.  :-)

I think you have done really well to lose 0.25 pound after being taken out for 3 meals and a big cooked breakfast!  Congratulations on a great result.  :-)  All that walking you've done must have helped a lot.  I know you are pleasantly surprised as you had expected to gain some weight, and I am so pleased that you've had a good result.

It's lovely that you will have the chance to have that time off to focus on your weight loss and walking together.  Really good.  :-)

Have a lovely couple of weeks - and remember to look out for Prin's name next Monday - and I'll catch up with you in early May during the Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

Cns100 profile image

Hi, new to public weigh-ins but you all seem so lovely I want to join in! Wk 3 for me. Started at 10st 3.5 (which was same as start weight in wk 1) - today 10st 1.5 ! Yay after a very slow start it's starting to happen! Also did my first park run this weekend so feeling good. Aim for this week- a loss, 1/2lb is fine by me :) 

Happy birthday and have a lovely holiday X 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Cns100

Hi Cns100,

I am so glad that you have decided to join us, and we are flattered that you think we're lovely!  I see you're on Week 3 already of the NHS 12 week plan, and I hope you are enjoying it so far.  Have you seen our Welcome Newbie post yet?  Here's a link incase you've not had chance to read it, and would like to do so:

I will count you as a new starter in our stats, as it's your first post in this public weigh-in.  So your starting weight today is 10 stone 1.5 pounds.  But I would like to say many Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds in total, that is fantastic!  Really well done!  :-)

I think it's great that you've also done your first Park Run.  I hope you enjoyed it.  I've never done one of those, they do look good fun.  I only run on the treadmill in the gym, and occasionally go for a jog in the Summer outside.  Not ventured out yet this year, but I have been getting to the gym once a week (twice this week!).

Thanks so much for your kind good wishes, and I'll look forward to catching up with you when I am back for the May Bank Holiday Monday.  In the meantime, don't forget that it will be Prin who will be posting the weigh-in on 25th April. 

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

gracie1985 profile image

Hey guys

Well for me the scales are saying 14 stone 7 - so that's almost 4lbs off for me

I am still suspicious of the scales but I do feel a bit lighter so I will continue what I am doing and hope the scales continue going down as I don't think I have been under 14 stone 7 for years

Last week I continued with zumba & body attack - I also tried a free trial of something called EMS - (this is an example of what it is)

Apparently 20 minutes is equivalent to 3 hours in the gym, it's a lazy person's dream! Bit of a drama putting on the outfit & not very comfortable having to stand in a semi squat position as the basic pose. Sadly I cannot afford it but it was interesting to try :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Hi Gracie,

Wow, you've lost 4 pounds, that is amazing!  Congratulations!!! I know you're still suspicious of the scales though...!  

You're keeping active with your exercises - and it's great that you're trying new things in addition to your Zumba and Body Attack.  But I know you found the EMS to be a bit uncomfortable and expensive too, but at least you gave it a go, and now know what it was like.

I hope you have another great week ahead.

Do remember to look out for Prin's name next week, as she has kindly offered to post the Monday group weigh-in threads on 25th April whilst I am away.  I'll be back for the May Bank Holiday Monday, so will look forward to catching up with you then!

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

calm201 profile image

Hi, sorry I missed last week. I think my last measure was 92.8kg. This week I came it at 91.9kg :) 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to calm201

Hi Calm201,

Great to see you today, and thanks for remembering your last measurement from 2 weeks ago, which you think was 92.8kg.  That means you've lost 0.9 kg over 2 weeks, so I'll divide that by 2 for an average weekly loss of 0.45 kg.  Congratulations!!!  That's a really good rate of progress. 

I hope you're enjoying it so far.  

Prin (Fab 5'er) will be posting the Monday group weigh-in sessions next week (25th April) so please look out for her name.  I'll be back to post the May Bank Holiday one, so I'll hope to catch up with you then.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

8.10am I'm just going to have some breakfast, as I need some fuel to keep my brain working...  I can see lots of people weighing in, and I'll be back later.  :-)

CatRuns profile image

Good morning Lowcal, 

Have a wonderful holiday and celebration, sounds fun!

I put on 0.9kgs was 87.1 this week I'm  87.9.

I'm desperately disappointed. Back the drawing board, must eat and exercise better. Not sure I actually know how. I thought I was.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to CatRuns

Hi Catmay,

Good morning!  Thanks for your kind holiday and celebratory wishes, which I appreciate!  I am excited, and looking forward to it.  :-)

I am so sorry to hear you're disappointed about your weight this week, and that you gained 0.9kgs.  I can understand that, as you are not sure why you've gained, and that can be extremely frustrating, but maybe it is purely down to hormonal stuff, or even dehydration?  You obviously thought you were eating well and exercising at a good rate, so it doesn't sound as if you've gone off track at all. 

I would suggest you stick with doing things as you are currently, as maybe this will be one of those weeks when you'll have a delayed pay-off for your diligence, and therefore it's incredibly important to stay 'on track' going forward so you can reap those rewards.  So don't let this week's gain sway your resolve.  

Do remember that Prin will be posting next week's weigh-in, and I'll look forward to catching up with you when I get back.

I really hope you have a better week Catmay, as you deserve a good result on the scales, as it sounds like you've been doing fine.  Keep going!

Lowcal :-)

CatRuns profile image
CatRuns in reply to Zest

Well... I went out to do the school run, popped to the shop for yet some more veg in a bid to perk myself up and get back on the right frame of mind. Came back home and thought I will jump back on those scales, just to double check (I was so disappointed this morning I read the number and ran away crying... Yep what a sad image!) So I went on the scales and it read 86.6!!!!!!! I have spend the last 10 mins hopping on and off the scales and yep 86.6kg!

Maybe I was really bloated this morning?! I normally double check but this morning the added weight scared me off.

Can I change my weigh in to a 0.5kg loss, please?

 I couldn't be happier, mainly because it might mean that I am eating well and exercising well. Thank you so much for your encouraging words Zest  they do mean a lot to me! I wasn't going to give up but your encouragement is really precious to me as in the past a bad week would have had me running to crisp aisle not the courgette box. Thank you x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to CatRuns

Hi Catmay,

I'm just doing the stats, and I am so thrilled to see you had a 0.5kg loss instead of the gain you had anticipated first thing - you must have been bloated.  Yes, of course I'll put you down for the 0.5kg loss - many Congratulations!!!  :-)

When you said 'crisp aisle' and 'courgette box' I was amazed that my brain actually thought of 'crisp kale, cabbage and lettuce' rather than the deep fried meaning of crisp... I am now fascinated by that, as I actually do like crisps!  Perhaps I'm think of vegetables just now...!


Anyway, probably sharing too much of the weird way my brain can work sometimes.  I'm just thrilled that you're feeling happier about your weight and that you're happy and motivated to go forward to a fresh week ahead.

Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

DownwardSpiral profile image

Good Morning Lowcal & everyone else! So today my scales tell me I am 8 stone 13lbs! So I've crossed the 9 stone mark & am 2lbs lighter than last week. Just need to lose another 1lb to get to my healthy weight. Yippee! Another week of Interviews & a couple of meals out so a challenging week ahead but I will do it!

Wishing u a Happy 50th birthday Lowcal. Have a great time celebrating in Spain! 

Have a good week everybody xxx 😘 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to DownwardSpiral

Hi DownwardSpiral,

Good morning!  Wow, you have crossed over into the 8's, that is so exciting!!!  Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week, that is an excellent result, and you're sooooo close to your healthy weight.  

Good luck with those remaining interviews, and also with the couple of meals out - but you are sounding so focused and positive that I am sure you will meet those challenges and get through them - so best of luck!

Thanks so much for your kind wishes on my 50th.  I can't believe I'll be in Spain in a couple of days.  It's so exciting!

Prin will be posting next Monday's weigh-in sessions, and hope you have a great couple of weeks.

Lowcal :-)

DownwardSpiral profile image
DownwardSpiral in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal. I'm afraid to say that nerves got the better of me at last interview but I'm more prepared this week and more ready to sell myself this time round! Also went for a Hypno session to help calm me down and stop stressing about things I can't control! 

Have an amazing hols..I'm not at all jealous of you! 🌞🌞🌞

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to DownwardSpiral

Hi DownwardSpiral,

Nerves are more than normal at an interview - good for you for trying a Hypno session - hope it helps!  Hopefully you'll feel better during the remaining interviews.  Good luck!

Thanks for your kind wishes.  I can hardly believe I'm actually going to be in Spain in a couple of days, it sounds like a dream come true!  I'm really looking forward to it.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Butterbrain40 profile image

Hi LowCal and the Monday weigh-inners!  Sorry I missed last week - the first week back at work completely threw me!!  Pleased to say another 1 pound this week making 3 lbs in 3 weeks and a new weight of 12st 13lb. 

I have realised that the numbers feel a bit abstract for me and so have decided to also visualise my weight loss in packs of butter!  So this week I have lost 2 packs of butter :)

Now starting week 4 and feel more settled in with my food so now need to start the exercise!

My daughter has just joined a new gymnastics class which is held next to a sports centre that runs an aerobics class at the same time so my goal this week is to try out that class and I'm aiming for another 4lbs by 22nd May for my niece's christening.

Have a great week everyone :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Butterbrain40

Hi BB40,

I hope you don't mind my shortening your name like that, but I can't think of you as a 'butterbrain' - you look like someone with a bright sparkly brain and a lovely smile!  Great to see you this week, and Congratulations on losing another pound, and to achieving a total loss of 3 pounds, and to getting into the 12's - lots of celebrate there!  I can understand that being back at work would throw you last week, it's always tough changing routines.  Great that you're visualising your weight loss in terms of packs of butter, it can be quite effective and motivating.

Good luck with your goal to start the exercise, and I hope you find something that you enjoy.  It's good that you've already spotted an aerobics class to try - those can be really good fun.  Great that you've got your niece's Christening on 22nd May to work towards, and good luck with your goal to lose another 4 pounds by then.  

Do remember to look out for Prin's name next Monday (25th April), as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads that day.  

Catch up with you on the Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in on 2nd May.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Hi everyone! Well I was 11st 7lb last week and this weigh-in I'm 11st 5lb so a loss of 2lb! I think that's pretty awesome as I was on holiday last week but I managed to make some good choices and also clawed some back over the weekend when I was home. In total I've lost 10lb in 2 weeks...hurrah!! This week I'm pledging to gym 4 times, start C25K and strength twice...onwards and downwards!

I wish you a very happy birthday celebration in Spain Zest , have fun and start afresh when home. Oh and I look forward to seeing the photos lol! 😀🍺🎉😂🐈🍹🍻🍉

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Fab_Jem,

Wow you've lost 2 pounds, that is brilliant!  Congratulations!!!  I agree with you that it is pretty awesome - to lose weight after being on holiday is so rare!  You must have made some excellent choices, and you also were able to get back on track again over the weekend, that is so great!   Wow, you've lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks - that is phenomenal...!  

You've set yourself an extremely active week exercise wise - good luck with your plan to do the 4 gym sessions, 2 strength sessions, and start your C25K.  Hope you enjoy it!  Like you say, Onwards and Downwards!!!

Thanks so much for the lovely Birthday greetings.  Much appreciated!!!  I'll try to get a nice photo to share when I get back.

Remember to look out for Prin's name on 25th April, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads that day.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)


I've lost 1.25 pounds this week so half way to my first half a stone loss now and only just starting week 5 of 12 :). I was getting really frustrated about my slow progress but I've lost 3.5 pounds in 4 weeks which isn't so bad.  Especially since I wasn't allowed to exercise due to surgery.  Anyway, rant over.  I've been given the OK to slowly start exercise again this week so going to probably take up walking more and hopefully thay'll help the pounds drop!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

HI Natz994,

Congratulations on losing 1.25 pounds this week - it's great to hear you're half way to your first half stone loss now.  All that within 4 weeks, and you're just starting Week 5 of the NHS 12 week plan.  That is excellent progress, really well done!  :-)

I agree with you that losing 3.5 pounds in 4 weeks is excellent, and you've done especially well as you've not been able to exercise post-surgery.  

Take it easy starting your exercise, now you're allowed to do some gentle exercise.  Walking sounds great.  Hope the weather stays good for you to enjoy your walks.  Just pace yourself, and enjoy it.

Please remember to look out for Fab 5'er Prin's name next week, as she has kindly agreed to post the Monday group weigh-in sessions on 25th April whilst I am away.  I'll be back on 2nd May to post the Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in.

Hope to catch up with you then, and in the meantime, have a great week.  moreless  will also be back next week.

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

Good morning I have stayed the same this week. Must try harder

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Caroline62,

Congratulations on maintaining your weight this week, it is much better than gaining so we do celebrate 'maintains' - I know you lost 0.5 pound last week, and so you've kept that off.  

I know you said you're hoping to 'try harder' this week, so just concentrate on the areas you want to focus on - maybe pre-planning meals or upping exercise, or whatever it happens to be, and I'd like to wish you a great week ahead.

Remember that Prin will be posting next Monday's weigh-in threads.  I'll be back to post the one on 2nd May 2016.

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

Berylbee3 profile image

Hi Lowcal - hope you have a fantastic birthday celebration! My weight this week is 12 st 12 lbs. back to what I was before I had the blip gain . 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Berylbee3

Hi Berylbee3,

Thanks for your kind words.  Much appreciated!  :-)

You last weighed with us on 4th April, when you weight was 12 stone 13 pounds, so you've lost 1 pound over the past 2 weeks, which means I will put you down for 0.5 pound lost this week (if that's ok with you!?).  Congratulations on getting back to 12 stone 12 pounds again, and you're back in the Onwards and downwards direction, so really well done.

Remember to look out for Prin's name next week as she'll be posting the Monday group weigh-in sessions on 25th April.  moreless  will be back then too, and I bet she'll be really excited to catch up with everyone.

I'll look forward to catching up with you on 2nd May.

Have a great couple of weeks till then.

Lowcal :-)

Rose-A profile image

So I've gone up 1lb from 9 stone 9 last week to 9 stone 10 this week. But disappointed, but I know exactly where I've gone wrong this week - I've just not eaten well at all. I've exercised a decent amount which has mitigated it - but wanted to post my gain to motivate me to get back on the wagon this week. 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Rose-A

Hi Rose-A,

Well done for posting your gain, so that you will be motivated to get back on the wagon this week, that's always a brave step.  Like you say, you know why you gained this week, as you felt you hadn't eaten well at all, but it's good that you were able to exercise a decent amount, as I am sure that would help mitigate the potential amount of the gain.  You've only gained 1 pound, so hopefully - getting back on the wagon straight away will help you to see the back of that pound next week.

Remember to look out for Fab 5'er Prin's name on 25th April, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads that day, whilst I'm away.  moreless  should be back by then as well, so the Fab 5'er team will be waiting for you when you weigh-in.

I'll look forward to catching up with you when I'm back - I'll be here to post the May Bank Holiday Monday thread on 2nd May.

Have a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Rose-A profile image
Rose-A in reply to Zest

Like seriously I must have had like 4 lasagnes last week :( DAMN YOU PASTA.

Have a fab time away! :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Rose-A

lol, your reply made me laugh. :-)

alisonewcastle profile image

Hello folks

2lbs up this week. Funny how such a small gain can feel like such a huge backward step. Perspective eh?

I was on holiday so it's not exactly a surprise. Hey ho!

Wishing everyone a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to alisonewcastle

Hi Alisonewcastle,

It's very normal and much more typical as a pattern to gain weight after returning from a holiday, in the scale of things 2 pounds isn't that much to have gained, so please don't be put off by that - you'll soon get that 2 pounds back off now you're back to your normal routine.  It's just important to get back on track, and not let it scupper your onward progress.  In the early days of my weight loss journey, I used to put on almost 5 pounds after a typical holiday, and occasionally a whole half stone.  Thankfully my holiday habits are a lot better these days - although I have to say I am going to need to be sensible for my upcoming holiday later this week, as I do have some celebrating I want to do! :-)

I hope you enjoyed your holiday and that you will have a really good week ahead.

Please remember to look out for Prin's name next Monday, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads, whilst I'm away.

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

Is this where I put my starting weight ? 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Yes it is - I feel like this is deja vu as I am sure I replied to you about this.  Where are you Sugarplumpfairy?  Just click on 'reply' to this message or th other reply I sent you and you can put your weight in.

Look forward to seeing you soon.

Lowcal :-)

Elizahanna profile image

I'm pleased I have lost 2lb despite falling off the wagon badly at least twice. After an op in September when I really thought my walking days were over I can now walk over 10 miles and have had 2 long walks this week as well as lots of squats and trying to walk a decent amount every day. I just need to get rid of the bread, sugar and unhealthy snacks that tempt me so badly especially on train journeys (3 times this week).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Elizahanna

Hi Elizahanna,

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds despite falling off the wagon badly at least twice.  I think that is really great that you've been able to get back on and that you've had a good result.  

It's so great to hear you're enjoying walking, especially as you thought your walking days were over after the operation you had in September.  You've obviously made really good progress and recuperated well.  Being able to walk over 10 miles is phenomenal.  Great that you're also doing some strength exercises with your squats, and that you do a decent amount of walking every day.  It's really really good for health and well-being.  I love walking!

Have you tried wholegrain bread instead of the more refined versions?  It is much healthier to have wholegrains - and I know that you obviously enjoy eating bread.  Have you considered planning your own snacks to have on the train (i.e. buying them somewhere else and taking them in a lunch box for your train travel? - that way you can choose healthier snacks and not be dependent on what's available for sale on the train).

Anyway, you are doing really well, and I'd like to wish you another great week ahead.

Please look out for Prin  's name next week as she is going to post the Monday group weigh-in posts on 25th April as I shall be away.  I'm back on 2nd May though, so will catch up with you then.

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

Elizahanna profile image
Elizahanna in reply to Zest

Thank you so much lowcal, for your support. I hope you have a great holiday!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Elizahanna

Thanks very much.  :-)

Sana786 profile image

Hi Lowcal,

First of all Happy early Birthday wishes from especially since you won't be here next week. A little gain due to celebration can be forgiven😉. I must say it will be my 35th Birthday on Sunday 24th and the aim that I had to lose a certain amount of weight until then seems impossible 😢.  I have however stopped aiming very big on a quick fix bases and started following what my teacher once told me.  She said to me to "Aim for the skies but only by collecting the stars along the way"😍. So that is what I am doing now only aiming for 1lb to 2lb a week and keeping the big target at the top. No coming back to the weight loss this week. Well, i should be saying gain because I had to have to gatherings this weekend and there was a lotof different food.  I as a result have gained a quarter of lb from last week. 

Last week i was 15st 4.32lb

This week Iam 15st 5.11lb

Which gives me a gain of 0.079lb.

Not happy about the gain but still not too bad as it is less than 1lb.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Sana786

Hi Sana786,

Firstly, I'd like to wish you a Very Happy 35th Birthday on 24th April - I hope you'll enjoy it and have a lovely weekend.  It can sometimes be sensible to try to maintain your weight over Birthday or celebratory occasions, and I wish I'd set myself a more sensible goal - but I was trying to psych out ScoobaSteve  - so it was partly tactical...  (I know you understand this Sana786  as you were also participating in his Challenge last week). (If anyone's looking for ScoobaSteve's challenge - it isn't pinned as it was only up for one week).

I think your teacher's lovely suggestion to "Aim for the skies but only by collecting the stars along the way"😍 (copied and pasted you there!) is really great advice, and essentially 1 to 2 pound weight loss per week is healthy, sustainable and definitely the way to go, so brilliant goal.

You'e gained 0.79 pound this week, and that is understandable - you had lost 2.8 pounds last week, so essentially you're on an Onwards and downwards trend overall, and that's excellent progress.

I'll look forward to catching up with you when I get back on 2nd May, and please remember to look out for Prin  's name next week (25th April) as she'll be posting the Monday group weigh-in.

Have a wonderful Birthday, and thank you so much for your kind Birthday wishes to me as well.

Lowcal :-)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Zest

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement in the detailed reply. This has given me huge boost for continuing to work towards losing weight.

I hope you are enjoying your holiday and wish you all the best.

I will look forward to Prin's post and I have already started following them to ensure I don't miss the post.

Dora105 profile image

I am not sure how to join the group..where shall i go?

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to Dora105

Hi Dora, you joined by asking that question :) We just jump on the thread once it has been posted and put our weight, losses, gains.. Anything you want to share. Welcome :)

Kate x

Dora105 profile image
Dora105 in reply to Fitforit75

Thanks Kate!!!

Have a nice day!!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dora105

Hi Dora105,

As Fitforit75  (Kate) says, you're in the right place!  Not spotted your weight loss post yet, but I will respond as and when I find it. :-)

Looking forward to reading your weigh-in post  soon.

Lowcal :-)

eve9 profile image

Hi Lowcal glad to hear you still in 12s after the busy weekend. I have lost 1.5 so am currently 11 St. Hoping to get to 10 s next  week. Then I'm done. Bmi 24.2 and I fit into size 12. So 10.12 10.13 good for me and then I have to maintain which will be hard for me

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to eve9

Hi Eve9,

Thank you so much for your encouraging words - much appreciated!

It's great to hear you've lost 1.5 pounds this week, Congratulations!!!  I really hope you can get into the 10's for next week, that would be amazing!  You're so close to your goals!  Fantastic!!!  

Please do stay with us to maintain too, if you want to, as we do have several people who are currently maintaining - e.g. 2bFabnfit  ; Hidden  as a couple of excellent examples.  

Please look out for Prin  's name next week, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in sessions on 25th April, whilst I'm away.

Wishing you another great week.

Lowcal :-)

eve9 profile image
eve9 in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal, have a great birthday and a fab holiday. Thanks for your words and best wishes

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to eve9

Hi Eve9,

Thank you, very kind of you, and much appreciated!

Lowcal :-)

skinnylizzie profile image

Hi there, I am weighing in at10st 3 3/4lb a loss of 1.5 lb  from last mon 10st.5 1/4lb so pleased about that.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to skinnylizzie

Hi Skinnylizzie,

Congratulations on losing 1.5 pounds this week, that is really great!!!  It must have been all that dancing you were doing.  I bet you enjoyed that.  :-)

Glad you're feeling pleased, you're doing really well.

Please note that Prin  will be posting next week's Monday group weigh-in, as I shall be away.  I'll be back to post the May Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in though on 2nd May, so hope to catch up with you then.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

skinnylizzie profile image
skinnylizzie in reply to Zest

enjoy your celebrations x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to skinnylizzie

Thanks!  :-)

MW50 profile image

Good morning everyone. I went out with friends last night and ended up at an indian restaurant so I was dreading stepping on the scales this morning, but very happy to report a loss of 1.4lbs. I have noticed that while other areas are trimming down my waist measurement is static, an age issue I guess, so my pledge this week is to add a yoga core strength routine to my exercise programme and hope to loose an inch.  

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to MW50

Hi MW50,

I hope you enjoyed your evening out with friends last night!  An Indian meal can be quite calorific can't it.  I can imagine you were dreading the scales, but I'm so pleased to hear you've lost 1.4 pounds, that is excellent!!!  Congratulations!!!

Hopefully your waist measurement will eventually catch up with the other body changes, and its resistance to change will give in  - your idea to add a yoga core strength routine to your exercise programme is a really excellent one!  Good luck!  Here's to an inch off the waist in due course! 

Please note that Prin  will be posting next Monday's weigh-in sessions, as I will be away.  I'll be back to post the Monday Bank Holiday weigh-in on 2nd May though so I hope to catch up with you again then.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Sprout15 profile image

Good morning! Last week I weighed 14 stone 5lbs, this week I weigh 14 stone 4.5lbs so a loss of 1/2lb. I am really pleased with this as it was my birthday this week and I have NEVER lost weight around my birthday before!! I actually took my whole birthday cake into work without tasting a crumb that's how motivated I am. 

I hope to lose 1 1/2lbs this week to reach my one stone loss target. 

This is my last week of the 12 week plan, what happens next?? Eek!! 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Sprout15

Hi Sprout15,

Good morning!  Great that you've lost 0.5 pounds after celebrating your Birthday last week!  That is a really great result!!!  Congratulations!!  Wow, I am very impressed that you took your whole Birthday cake into work and didn't partake of it yourself... That is incredible!!!  You are definitely motivated and you have the half pound off your weight to prove it.  

You are getting closer to your stone first target loss, and I know you're into the last week of the NHS 12 week plan.  It's a long time now since I followed it so I'm not sure if they will recommend anything to you at the end of it - I know they probably update it from time to time - so not sure what the recommendation will be - but I know that people vary in terms of what they do next on here - some people like to just continue the principles learned during the 12 weeks (which is how I tend to do it) - and others actually decide to start again and follow it through week by week, or from a particular week onwards - but maybe see if they recommend anything within the week 12 plan information.  

I've been doing the principles of the plan for over 3 years now, so for me it feels quite 'second nature' to just have them in my head and do my best to keep making healthy choices, and utilise an app (Myfitnesspal in my case) to keep me on track - although I now vary about how often I track my calories - it varies.

Hope this is helpful, but you could always contact NHS Choices helpdesk and ask them the question, as it would be good to know what they would advise.

Please remember that Prin  will be posting next week's weigh-in.  I'm back on 2nd May.  

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Sprout15 profile image
Sprout15 in reply to Zest

Thank you, that's really helpful. 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Sprout15

Glad it was helpful.  :-)

NotSoTiny profile image

Good morning all 

Delighted I've lost 4lb this week & an inch off my waist! 

Starting weight 3 weeks ago was 14st 4lb and I'm now 13st 6lb. In the lower 13's! I'm so happy 😀

Have an amazing birthday & holiday Zest ! Xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to NotSoTiny

Hi NotSoTiny,

Wow, you've done really well - losing 4 pounds this week plus an inch off your waist.  Congratulations!!!!  

You will have to change your name soon, as you are going to be NotSoTiny anymore - you're already in the lower 13's.  Really great progress, and I'm so glad you're feeling happy!  

Many thanks for your lovely well wishes for my holiday and Birthday too - I really appreciate it!  :-)

I hope you have another great week ahead, and please look out for Prin  's name next week, as she's going to post the Monday group weigh-in posts on 25th April.

I'll look forward to catching up with your progress when I am back on 2nd May for the Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in.

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

Is this where I post my starting weight ?

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to

Welcome, yes it is :) go for it! 

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Sugarplumpfairy,

Yes, this is the place - just click on reply to this message and say what you'd like to say - have a read through the note to newbies that is in the introduction to this thread, and just post your starting weight (if you feel comfortable to do so - there is no obligation to share the actual weight unless you want to).

Hope to see you soon!

Lowcal :-)

Mrscaw profile image

Hi Lowcal, have a lovely birthday x. I'm away from home this week and the next, so no scales for me this morning. Will be reporting back in again on 2nd May. 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mrscaw

Hi Mrscaw,

Thank you so much! 

I know you're away from home this week and next with no scales, so we will look forward to seeing you on 2nd May (which is when I'm back anyway, so I'll be here!).

Hope you have a good couple of weeks and that you're enjoying yourself.

Will look forward to catching up with you on 2nd May.

Lowcal :-)

Fitforit75 profile image

Good morning all :) Lowcal, I know you've gained, but at least you're still in your maintenance zone and you had good reasons to have over done the goodies the last week with both of your birthdays falling so close together! I'm sure you'll balance it out by the time you get back from Spain.

I have gained 1/2lb this week taking me to 17st 8lbs - I have just started my period so hoping that is to blame for it.. I have walked my socks off over the last week and had a lovely weekend away near Brimham rocks which is a fab area for walking and relaxing :) 

I foolishly told Ed I was thinking of doing the 30 day shred workout program and he ordered it for me, so from today I am probably going to ache for a whole month :/ oh well.. need to tone up for Ascot ;)

Happy 50th birthday Lowcal! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy your holiday to the max!

Have a happy healthy week all :)

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

I really appreciate your encouraging words and also your Birthday greetings too.  April is always a challenging month for us in our household, but it's a really enjoyable month at the same time.  I love the Spring flowers and weather and so much about this month.  So I'm feeling happy!  :-)

I am sure your half pound gain is down to your period.  Afterall, you've walked your socks off over the last week, so that's plenty of exercise, and I'm so glad you had such a lovely relaxing weekend near Brimham rocks - it sounds idyllic.

Great that you're doing the 30 day shred workout - I've got that one too, and I really do like it, but it is quite energetic!  It will definitely help you tone up for Ascot.  I have never actually completed the whole thing, I've usually got up to the second level and then seem to stop doing it regularly.  I've not done it for ages now, but I will hope to get it out again when I get back from Spain, and maybe will re-start and try to do the whole 30 days!  There's a pledge for a start!!!  :-)  Good luck with it, I hope you really enjoy it!  :-)

Prin   is posting the weigh-in next week, and moreless  will be back then as well.  Plus suzybenj  and LessToLose  too, so there will be plenty of Fab 5'ers around.  :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Marianne0915 profile image

Hi Lowcal, Congratulations on reaching your milestone of 50, you are a mere chick. Well Iam afraid Im up this week, 13.12, cant seem to break away, just hovering in the same zone. Never mind onwards and downwards. Have a great trip to Spain.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Marianne0915

Hi Marianne,

Oh how flattering to be described as a 'mere chick' - (sounds like another version of a Meerkat actually...!!!  :-)

Can you remember what you weighed previously?  Don't worry if you can't, as I will be able to check back, but if you can remember, then just let me know.  I'll be doing the stats this evening and finishing them later tomorrow evening, so there's plenty of time still.  I know you said you're 'up this week' so just wondered by how much.

Thanks for your good wishes re: Spain, and remember to look out for Prin  's name next week (25th April) as she is kindly posting the threads that day.

Have a great week Marianne0915  

Lowcal :-)

Marianne0915 profile image
Marianne0915 in reply to Zest

Sorry Lowcal I forgot to post it was 13.10.9. last time. I would love to be as young again. Enjoy. All best wishes for everyones next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Marianne0915

Hi Marianne,

You've gained 1.1 pound this week, but just keep on track and look forward to a great week ahead, and you should be absolutely fine!  Thanks for confirming your weight last time, that's really helpful.  :-)

Lowcal :-)

CarolineAL profile image

Hi lowcal and all

Never mind about your little gain lowcal, the scales are probably lying as mine did last week :-) Enjoy your birthday and have a great time in Spain; it's my favourite place and I lived there for 3 years, where are you going?

This week I'm 0.5lb down on last; I haven't been trying very hard for the last few weeks and I think I'm pretty much maintaining - up some weeks and down others without doing anything different. I'm going on holiday in just under 3 weeks so really must try harder as I know I'll gain a bit while I'm away.

Have a good week everyone

Caroline x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to CarolineAL

Hi Caroline,

Yes, those scales can be sneaky sometimes can't they.  I do remember how they lied to you last week, and I am glad to see they're on better behaviour this week - Congratulations on losing 0.5 pounds!  That is brilliant!  I know your weight has been bobbing up a bit and down a bit over the past few weeks, so like you say, you've got maintaining down to a fine art, but I know you want to lose some more weight, especially as you have your holiday in just under 3 weeks.  Good luck with losing some more by then.  Maybe double check your calorie range via the BMI calculator, as it does need adjusting as you lose weight over time.  

Wow, you used to live in Spain, that is wonderful.  I am going to Barcelona - I've been there a couple of times before and I do like it.  We also hope to travel a bit to visit surrounding places, but will look into that when we get there.  Should be fun.  :-)  My husband is surprising me though as he's booked our accommodation, and I don't know where we're staying yet...  I am sure it will be really nice.  I have much faith in him.  :-)

Hope you have a great week, and remember to look out for Prin  's name for next week's Monday group weigh-in.

I'll be able to catch up with you before your holiday, so I'll look forward to doing that when I'm back.

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

ChelleUK profile image

Hi All, would really like to join in with the Monday morning weigh-in.  I started my weight loss journey lat week  I'm planning on combining this with the C25K and S&F however i couldn't start these last week as i got a really bad cold courtesy of the OH :(

I am 40years old and just over 5ft2.

Last Monday my starting weight was 204lb with a BMI of 37.3.

This Monday my weight is 202lb and my BMI is 36.9

I'd like to get down to 140lb but just going to take it a week and a lb at a time.

What i am struggling with at the moment is staying non-hungry between meals.  I've increased my fruit and veg intake to snack on but still feel hungry so if anyone can recommend some low calorie (less than 100) but filling snacks (quite happy to make my own) that i can bring to work i would really appreciate it.

Thanks everyone and good luck with your personal journeys x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ChelleUK

Hi ChelleUK,

Welcome to the Monday group weigh-in session.  It's great that you'd like to join us, and you are very welcome.  :-)  It's great that you're planning to combine your weight loss journey with C25K and also S&F (although I have no idea what that stands for - the S&F bit... intriguing).  Sorry to hear you've caught a really bad cold courtesy of your OH though.  Hope you recover really soon from that.

I hope you felt ok sharing your starting weight - that can be a daunting first step, but I hope it was ok.  I think your plan to take things week by week and pound by pound is really sensible.  You may lose more weight in your first couple of weeks though, as often people lose some water weight initially, but generally losing between 1 to 2 pounds or so is more typical during later weeks.

I would recommend having a read through of our Welcome Newbie post:

Also, have a look at the Recipe collation post (see Pinned Posts section - top right-hand-side of the homepage) as there are some good ideas for snacks etc and also other meal ideas in that collation.  I would also recommend posting your question about snack ideas separately - i.e. do a post in the community, as you'll be more likely to get specific answers to that question there.  

Please look out for Prin  's name for next Monday's weigh-in, as I will be away, and Prin has agreed to post the threads while I am away. I will be back to post the May Bank Holiday Monday post on 2nd May, so I hope to catch up with you then.

I hope you enjoy your week, and that you are free from your cold really soon!

Lowcal :-)

ChelleUK profile image
ChelleUK in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal, S&F is the strength & flexibility podcast that can run alongside the C25K :)

Thanks for your advise re posting in the main group, i have done that and look forward to some great support and advice.

Everyone in the forums seems so nice and friendly and best of all non-critical!! so therefore sharing my starting weight wasn't a massive issue.  It is what it is at the end of the day and sharing it makes it more real and make me more motivated to get the numbers down.

I check out the recipe post - thanks for the sugestion.

Have a great holibobs :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ChelleUK

Thanks!  Strength and Flexibility is great - should really complement your whole plan.  

I'm looking forward to my holibobs.  :-)

tidirhin2548 profile image
tidirhin25486kgRestart April 2024

Good morning all, and have a wonderful birthday in Spain Lowcal ! Then some bad news: I put on 0.8 kg and weigh now 98.4 kg. There were some important celebrations for me last week: our anniversary with hubby, and birthdays of two our friends. No wonder I gained weight after all the cider, wine, beer, Baileys, sweets, and chocolate,  just to mention a few :D I thought I would be good for 12 weeks, no sweets or chocolate etc, but I couldn't do it. Exercise-wise a bad week, only one strength session and two short runs. Need to get back on track fast, before I gain back all the weight I've lost so far ! Katty

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to tidirhin2548

Hi Katty,

Good morning!  Thanks so much for your Birthday wishes, much appreciated!!!  :-)

You have also had plenty of Birthday and Anniversary celebrations this week.  Happy Wedding Anniversary to you and your hubby - I hope you had a lovely time celebrating that.  You're right- a combination of wine, cider, Bailey's, sweets, and chocolate - well, it's not a combination for weight loss - and so I know you won't be surprised by your 0.8kg gain.  But celebrating is part of life, and such times do come up.  

I know you described the exercise side of your week as 'a bad week' but I have to say it sounds quite good to have done a strength session and 2 short runs - but I know you'd planned to do more, so good luck with getting back on the track fast and more importantly - here's to maintaining the weight loss you've achieved and adding to it - hopefully this week, all being well.

Do remember to look out for Prin's name next Monday as she'll be posting the threads then.

See you again when I get back at the beginning of May - I'll be here on 2nd May for that weigh-in (Bank Holiday Monday!).

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

MotherPip profile image

Good morning everybody.

Well a good week for me despite more than one late night binge. I have upped my swimming this week from 800 metres to 1k...just an extra 8 lengths a night and got 4 swims in rather than the usual 3.

Last week I weighed in at 244.8 lbs and today, amazingly 240.8 so a full 4lbs lost this week so I am very pleased with aim is slow and steady... 2lbs a week would make me happy but I'll take 4 any day, especially as it was done healthily and nothing bad like starving myself or through illness. :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to MotherPip

Hi MotherPip,

Good morning!  You've been patient - I see you wrote your post 2 hours ago.  I am finally here!  It's a busy day today, but more that I'm missing moreless  as she is usually with me in the mornings! 

Glad to hear you had a good week despite that one late night binge.  Great that you've upped your swimming - you're doing great lengths and also really regular swims, that is great exercise.

Wow you've had a really great loss this week - a whole 4 pounds - Congratulations!!!  I think you're sensible to expect a couple of pounds a week loss, but when a bonus of 4 pounds comes along, then that's great too!!!    As you say, doing it in a healthy way is the best way.  You're doing really really well.  

Please note that Prin  will be posting next week's Monday group weigh-in, so do make sure you look out for her, or click on 'follow' and her name so you can be automatically notified when she posts the threads.

I'll be back for the May Bank Holiday weigh-in on 2nd May, so I'll post the threads again that day.

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

MotherPip profile image
MotherPip in reply to Zest

Thanks Zest . Don't worry, I wasn't feeling neglected... I was at work after my post and I knew you would be busy... Enjoy your time off.

I've been swimming tonight too and braved a new swimming costume...though persuaded my man to hang on a few seconds and wait  to walk out to the pool with me as I was feeling a little self conscious. 

All helps toward keeping positive :)  

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to MotherPip

That's brilliant MotherPip - glad you enjoyed a swim in your new costume!  Fantastic!!!  :-)

Devonmillie48 profile image

Hi Lowcal, my weight loss this week is 1lb 2oz.

 I started my journey about 14 weeks ago at 13st but dont seem to be able to get below today's weight which is 12st 4lb, I've been up and down between 12st 6lb and 12st 4lb for some weeks now. I have adjusted my calories recently as I'm 67, less active than I used to be due to hip/knee problem though I do walk my dog daily for about 45 mins. On the plus side I can see and feel the difference that the 10lb loss has made. I shall persevere!

Have  lovely holiday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Devonmillie48

Hi Devonmillie48,

Congratulations on losing 1 pound 2 oz this week, that is really great!   Well done for losing a total of 10 pounds and on maintaining that weight loss.  I know you're feeling a bit stuck at your current weight, and maybe your recent adjustment of your calories will help you to move onwards and downwards a bit more.  I think you're doing really well to walk your dog daily for 45 minutes, despite your hip/knee problem, that's still a really good walk and good exercise.

Glad you're going to persevere, and thank you so much for your kind wishes regarding my holiday.

Remember to look out for Prin's name next week - and I'll look forward to catching up with you when I get back.   I shall be doing the stats for the Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in, so I'll be able to get up to date on how everyone has done, which will be really nice.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Devonmillie48

You are doing so well and it must be frustrating to be stuck just above the 12stone barrier.  It would be great to break through, wouldn't it?  Could you manage some swimming - aquarobics or something like that?  I always like to confuse my body by suddenly doing something different - that usually gets things moving again.

Nomoreexcuses profile image

Morning all. Last week I was 11st 13lbs and today I am 11st 10lbs so a 3lbs loss. Really pleased - that's 6lbs in 3 weeks and I feel so much better for it.

This week my goal is to lose 1lb and I'm going to tighten up on calories. I noticed that I am going over some days by 100 cals or so which seems to be fine right now but the closer I get to goal will make it harder. 

Have a great week everyone and Lowcal enjoy the celebrations! X 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nomoreexcuses

Hi Nomoreexcuses,

It's just turned midday, so thank you for your patience today - I am very happy to see you've lost 3 pounds this week, that is really great!  Wow, you've lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks, and I can understand you feel better for it.

You've got a good plan for next week, and so good luck with that.  Thank you so much for your kind words re: my celebrations.  I hope to enjoy celebrating, but also try not to go overboard.  :-)

Remember to look out for Prin  next week - for the Monday weigh-in on 25th April.

Catch up with you when I get back.

Lowcal :-)

suecblue profile image

Well, how happy am I?

I've not quite broken the sound barrier, but I have now gone down into the 20s.

This week I have lost another 2lb ... and smiling :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suecblue

Hi Suecblue,

Wow, this is really great news!!!  Congratulations on getting into the 20's, and to losing another 2 pounds this week, that is fantastic!!! Glad you're smiling and feeling good.

I hope you have another great week ahead.

Please make sure you look out next week for Prin  's name, as she is going to post the Monday group weigh-in on 25th April, as I will be away.  I will be back to post the May Bank Holiday one though on 2nd May, so hope to catch up with you again then.

In the meantime, have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to suecblue

Woo-hoo!  I am so pleased for you, I just love breaking through to a new stone, it feels like progress is actually happening when you have a new, lower number to say!

Well done!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to suecblue

WOOHOO Sue! You did it! WTG you! :)

Dora105 profile image


I have not lost any weight yet but I feel positive!!!! My weight is 105Kg and I have to be 65Kg (health issues)..I hope next time I will have good news!!! I need your help and motivation!!!

Enjoy your day !!!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dora105

Hi Dora105,

I noticed your post higher up where you were checking if you were in the right place, and I'm glad you've found us ok to post your starting weight today.  That can be a daunting first step, so I hope that felt ok to do that.  I know you have some health issues, so I hope you get the support of your health care provider (GP etc) to advise you and perhaps monitor things as appropriate to your healthcare needs.  

I'd like to give you a link to our Welcome Newbie post:

I'd recommend having a look at the NHS 12 week plan, as it is really helpful and well structured.  Maybe use an app alongside it to help you keep account of your food and drink intake, and any exercise you do.

It's great that you're starting out feeling positive, as that is a really great attitude to have, and should help enormously.  Do have a look at our Pinned Posts area (top right-hand-side of the homepage) incase you fancy participating in any challenges that are there, or have a look at our Collation of Recipes - as it is really colourful - lots of photos there too of meal ideas and recipes).

Please make sure you look out for Prin  's name next Monday (25th April) as she will be posting the Monday group thread - as I am going to be away.  But I'll be back on 2nd May to post that weigh-in, and I'll look forward to catching up with how you're getting on then.

Wishing you good luck and it's great to have you on board with us.

Lowcal :-)

Dora105 profile image
Dora105 in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal,

I will do my best. Your support means a lot to me. You are motivating me. I tried in the past to loose weight without success and inside me there is the fear of failure but...I am thinking positive!!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dora105

That's great Dora - thinking positive is half the battle sometimes!!!  :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Dora105

Go for it Dora, I know it can be done as I am on a similar journey myself and roughly half-way there.

Just stick to the plan and move about more, fingers crossed you have a great week!

Dora105 profile image
Dora105 in reply to LessToLose

It is a hard job to loose 40kg. It is stressing me. I don't have support from family or friends. You are the only people who motivate me. How did you manage to stay dedicated ,to be track in loosing weight? You said that you are "half-way there".

Thanks :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Dora105

Hi Dora, I felt the same at the beginning and when I started the diet I didn't think I would lose any weight at all due to the meds I have to take.

I did a post when I had lost 60lbs which you can read here, it tells more of my story:

Since then, I have lost another 15lbs making my total lost in Kgs at 35.  I still have a lot more to go before I am even out of the obese range.

If you read the link that Lowcal posted above, to the welcome newbies thread, you will be able to read some more success stories, that will help motivate you.

Above all, just keep on keeping on, no-one can do it for you and if it seems a long task, just think of it this way, in six month's time, do you want to be happy that you have lost a lot of weight or do you want to be wishing you had started six months ago?

Son1 profile image


Hope you have a brilliant birthday, enjoy the sunshine :-D

I've lost 2oz this week (better than nothing I guess).....  So, I'm now 9 stone, 9lbs 4oz.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Son1

Hi Son1,

Wow, you posted 3 hours ago - thank you for your patience!  Also, thanks for your kind Birthday wishes, and I hope to enjoy the Spanish sunshine too. :-)

A 2 ounce loss is definitely better than nothing, so Congratulations on losing that.  You're getting ever closer to the 8's, it's like they're tantalizing you now.  Hopefully you'll be celebrating getting into the 8's this time next week.  Remember to look out for Prin's name, as she'll be posting the thread next week.  I'll look forward to catching up with you on 2nd May at the Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Son1

You are chipping away at the weight, just keep on keeping on!

Shortcake69 profile image

Hi Lowcal and everyone 

Last week 16st 7lbs this week 16st 5lbs so I reached my goal of 2lbs this week which makes me a happy bunny. Not much walking again this week as I've been travelling to look after my mom so not much time left but hopefully I can find some time from somewhere to get more in. Before I joined here I had lost 4lbs and stuck I couldn't write it on here as it took me into another stone bracket and I didn't even want to think I was that big, but as the weight is coming off I am getting more and more excited I've lost 12lbs altogether so my goal for next week is another 2lbs which will make my 1st stone so fingers crossed eh. 😊 

Congratulations on your upcoming 50th birthday Zest  and have a fabulous time in Spain. 🍰🌞🎁🎂🌞

Have a great week everyone 

Luv Shortcake 😆

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Shortcake69

Hi Shortcake69,

Just a very quick reply to say I'll be back to read and reply to you after my lunch.  :-)

Back again! Wow, you've done really well losing 2 pounds this week.  Glad you're a Happy Bunny!  I know you've been travelling a lot to look after your Mum, so hope you get more chance for some walking as and when you can fit it in.

It's fantastic to hear you've lost a total of 12 pounds, that is such great progress, and you're getting closer to achieving your first stone.  Fingers crossed for definite!!!  :-)

Thanks so much for your kind wishes for my 50th Birthday.  

I hope you have a great couple of weeks ahead, and I'll look forward to catching up with you on 2nd May, when I'm back for the Bank Holiday weigh-in.  Look out for Prin  's name for the weigh-in thread next week (25th April).

Have a great week. 

Lowcal :-)

Nelliecat4 profile image

Much the same as last week, I think, 9 stone 7.6, but did have a rather large Indian Tapas style meal for a family birthday, on Saturday night, which involved too many chapatis!  Yummy.  But its a maintain rather than a gain!  Onwards and downwards...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nelliecat4

Hi Nelliecat4,

Another Birthday!  I hope you enjoyed your rather large Indian Tapas style meal for that family Birthday on Saturday night.  I bet it was delicious though - I like chapatis, but would normally have a peshwari naan...!  

You're right, a maintain is defnitely better than a gain!  

Onwards and downwards, and please remember to look out for Prin  's name next week, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in sessions on 25th April, as I will be away, and I'll be back for the May Bank Holiday weigh-in on 2nd May, so hope to catch up with you again then.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

small-steps profile image

Hi Lowcal

I lost 1 1/4 lbs this week.  now weight 14 st 3 3/4 lb.  Happy with that as I feel I've not eaten as good as I could have done. 

Prin suggested that I use the food diary on myfitness pal last week.  I tried for some of the days but failed on others.  Today I'll start again.

Have upped the exercise this week after taking delivery of a cross trainer.  The amount of energy used to put it together, then the stress of worrying that I'd ruined it before completed due to using wrong washer so that that handles didn't stay on properly.  I couldn't get the screw off after I realised so started to panic that I'd ruined it and what my husband would say.  Luckily he managed to undo the screw and replace the washer.  Phew. 

Did some more gardening yesterday after a trip to the tip and B&Q.  Seems more like a normal Sunday again.  Palace my football team drew at Arsenal and the sun shone most of the day too.  What more could I have asked for.

Happy birthday Lowcal, hope you have a great time in Spain celebrating

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to small-steps

Hi Small-steps,

Thanks for your kind words on my Birthday.  Much appreciated!  :-)

Congratulations on losing 1.25 pounds this week, that is really great!!! Glad you're getting used to using Myfitnesspal, it should get easier as you get your library of meals built up in there.  

Great that you've upped your exercise levels and that your cross trainer has arrived!  How exciting!!!  It sounds like it wasn't without some stress though, and I think you've done really well to put it together, and I'm glad the washer hasn't scuppered it.  Team work between you and your husband appears to have worked well...!

Sounds like you had a lovely day on Sunday.  

Here's to a great week ahead, and remember to look for Prin  's name for next week's weigh-in.  I'll catch up with you on 2nd May for the Bank Holiday Monday weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

greeny4 profile image

Hi lowcal.  Glad to hear that not too much was gained and that you had a lovely time with family and friends.  Enjoy the holiday and make the most of the  special occasion.  You have done really well so far and focus on that.

As expected I have gained and weighed in at 11 4 3/4 this morning.  I think that's a 1.5blb gain but will check 

Straight back on track this morning doing my spinning class at 7am. Planned meals for today and like you have a girlie weekend coming up. However I plan to do few more spin classes and stay positive 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to greeny4

Hi Greeny4,

Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words.  Much appreciated!  :-)

I know you were expecting a gain, and I'll take your figure of 1.5 pound, unless I hear otherwise.  You're straight back on track this morning with your 7am spinning class, so it's all good!!!  Great that you've pre-planned your meals too, and I hope you have a lovely time on your girlie weekend.

A few more spin classes and some sensible food choices should help considerably.

Good luck, and I'll catch up with you when I get back on 2nd May - and remember to look out for Prin  who is posting next week's weigh-in on 25th April.

Lowcal :-)

greeny4 profile image
greeny4 in reply to Zest

Thanks lowcal...have a great time and we will get there:)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to greeny4

Well done for getting back on track, those spinning classes are tough!  I hope you have a better week ahead and report a loss next week :)

greeny4 profile image
greeny4 in reply to LessToLose

Ah thanks LTL...determined to get there. Lots of planning now and  exercise . So easy to put on and so hard to loose!!

CharlotteD profile image

Yipee!  It's my first week following the 12 week plan and I have lost 4 lbs.  This is such a big boost for me and really spurred me on to keep going.  

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to CharlotteD

That is a brilliant start and so encouraging for you.  Keep up the good work!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to CharlotteD

Hi CharlotteD,

Wow, what an excellent start - you've lost 4 pounds, that's great!!! Congratualtions!!!  I hope you enjoyed your first week, and that you're looking forward to Week 2.  

Glad you're feeling boosted and positive, as that should spur you to keep going, as you say.

Next week Prin  will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads, as I shall be away, so please do look out for her name, so you don't miss the weigh-in. 

I'll be back to post the May Bank Holiday weigh-in on 2nd May.

Catch up with you then.

Lowcal :-)

Hey! My first weigh in on here but everyone seems so supportive so sod the nerves. 

I weight 12 stone 4lbs which is putting my bmi at 31. I'm hoping to lose 3 stone 7lbs all together but my first target is to lose 7lbs over the next six weeks.

Thanks a lot! 

CharlotteD profile image
CharlotteD in reply to

Go for it :-)  I only started last week and have considerably more to lose than you with a target of 6 stone in total.  This week I lost 4 lbs so am very chuffed!    I'll 'follow' you (Sounds like stalking!!!) so that we can keep track of each others progress.  Good luck 

in reply to CharlotteD

I've followed you back! I'm loving this whole community thing, it's really encouraging. Thanks for your message and good luck! I'm sure we can do it 

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Welcome Jesslea, this is a friendly place so I am glad you put your nerves aside to post here.  All the best for you to reach your goals, I am sure you will succeed!

Gypsywife profile image

I dont know how to find my previous posts. I am 13st 1 lb today, which is slightly up on a fortnight ago when I was 16st 13lbs. Must try harder! In the sunny weather we have been out, and eating out too.  Back to it this week. 

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Gypsywife

Hi Gypsywife,

It's easy to find your previous posts, you just click on your profile and then select 'replies' or 'posts' depending on what you'd like to see from your history.  I think you've done a typo as you've mentioned being 13 stone 1 pound today, but I think you meant to say 17 stone 1 pound, which means you've gained 2 pounds over the fortnight - so I'll count 1 pound gain for this week's stats.  

It sounds like you've been enjoying the sunny weather - and I'm sure you will be able to get rid of that pound if you focus on the week ahead, and perhaps make a few conscious choices - pre-planning can help and also ensuring your keep to portion sizes etc.

Good luck! 

Please remember to look out for Prin  's name next week, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in on 25th April, whilst I'm away.  I'll be back for 2nd May's weigh-in, so hope to catch up with you then!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Gypsywife

I hope you meant you were 12st 13lbs a fortnight ago, Gypsywife, or your scales are faulty, LOL!

Sounds like you have gained a lb a week and I am sure now you are back to it, you will knock those off. 

Hi all

I've finally taken the plunge to post my weight. I've been part of the exercise challenges for some time now, and figure that if I am more conscious of what I eat, use a small plate, stop eating treats when I'm alone and keep up the exercise then I can do it. I weighed 13st 8.3lb this morning and my waist was 35". I'd like to get down to 12st and see how that feels. 

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Well done on taking the plunge, PlumPhil, I like your strategies and I am sure they will work and very soon you will be at a weight that you are happy with.

rosie-2015 profile image

Well done lowcal with such a small gain especially after your commitments i hope you have a brilliant 50th birthday in Spain you deserve it after all your good work.last week i was 15st2lb this week I'm15st1ib onwards and downwards😉👍

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to rosie-2015

Another lb kicked into the kerb, well done, Rosie!  You are so near the 14s, keep up the good work, you will get there!

rosie-2015 profile image
rosie-2015 in reply to LessToLose

Thanks slow and easy wins the race lol enjoy the rest of your day xx😉Rosie

willdooit profile image

Hiya! You are doing really well to have such a land mark birthday and be keeping so much resolve. Have a fantastic birthday in sunny Spain, it only happens once and you will be straight back on it when you get home. I am really pleased with my first week. Started last week at 12 stone and am 11stone 11lb today, so a loss of 3lbs which I am really pleased with as I would say I have been really good for 80% of my week but had a couple of weak moments, but am looking positively at that as without all this help those weak moments would have been every night. I am now well determined to have a great week this week and NEVER to see that 12 stone mark again.

Thanks again for all the support and HAPPY BIRTHDAY x

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to willdooit

You are off to a great start, even with a couple of weak moments (it takes a week or two to get into the swing of it, I feel) and 3lbs off is FANTASTIC!

Being in the 11stone range is a great achievement, onwards and downwards!

Well ive definitely got back some of my national insurance contributions again this week via the nhs lol- things still very much up in the air so no idea whats happening until next scan although judging by pain etc it could go either way. The cravings for meat and milk this week have been phenomenal so i just gave in and gave my body what it wants but ive gained 3 lbs which is a bit annoying still its probably the addition of carbs to my diet again (on doctors orders). The "lentil" is 6 weeks old today and to mark its 6 week presence its given me the gift of increasing my nausea ten fold (at least) so if anyone has any suggestions for the sickness -i'm all ears! 

I'm really struggling with planning ahead too as every night i write an eating plan for the next day and the next day comes and i cant face eating a thing on the plan! Has anyone got any ideas or suggestions on this?

Well done to everyone on their successes - i can only watch in awe at the moment- but i'm here with my pom-poms out cheering you all on!  

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Aw, bless you MR, you are going through such a difficult time and I am amazed that you are still being mindful of what you eat as that is really half the battle.  I'd say as you are still feeling nausea to eat what you like, but not overdo the portion sizes.

As for the sickness, I like fennel tea and anything with ginger in it.  The health food shops around here have some lovely ginger sweets or chrystalized ginger from the supermarket may help.

Fingers crossed for little lentil (and you of course)!

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to

Hi MR, glad you're still posting :) morning sickness is the pits :( anything with ginger is supposed to help.. If its any consolation, the minute I hit 12 weeks mine disappeared both times, hope the same happens for you.

Kate x

purplejo1979 profile image

Ok here goes, newbie here starting weight of 23st 7lbs on 18/4 , feeling terrible i have let it get to this stage, but going on a uk holiday in 12 weeks so nothing going to stop me losing, aiming to lose 2lb a week but 2 stone by my holiday would be amazing and not impossible.  

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to purplejo1979

Well done for posting here and welcome to the forum and the weigh-in sessions.  I am sure you will be able to reach your goal in time for your holiday!

1/2 lb gained - not too disappointed as my old scales were unreliable. New scales purchased so hoping for a more accurate reading from now on. 

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

A change to new modern scales is often quite alarming, so I would breathe a sigh of relief that it isn't more, which probably means you have really lost some weight this week.  I hope these new scales show a good loss next week, for you!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

12.20pm Just saying that I can see lots of people that I still would like to reply to here, but it's lunchtime for me, and I need to get some lunch - I'll be back later, and will look forward to responding then - LessToLose  will also be popping by over the lunchtime period too - so she or I will respond to you in due course.  :-)

Positiveoutlook profile image

Morning just starting my weight loss journey today at 14st 6lb with just over a stone to lose. Seeing everyone's comments has made me motivated to start.

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to Positiveoutlook

Welcome Positiveoutlook - I love your user name!  I am glad you find the forum motivating, it really is encouraging to read other people's successes.

All the best for a successful week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Positiveoutlook

Hi Positiveoutlook,

Welcome to the Monday group weigh-in session - really glad you've joined us.  I hope you feel ok posting your starting weight, as often that is the most daunting bit.  Maybe take some body measurements too (for your own personal memo) so you can see how you change over time - sometimes the scales stick and it's at those times that seeing body measurement changes can be incredibly motivating!

Please have a look at our Welcome Newbie post:

I'd recommend looking at the NHS 12 week plan as a good structure with lots of helpful advice, and using an app alongside it - I use Myfitnesspal, but there are a range you could try.

Glad you're feeling motivated and positive, and wishing you success with your weight loss journey.

Please look out for Prin  's name next week, as she will be posting the Monday group weigh-in threads on 25th April, as I am away.  I'll be back for the May Bank Holiday weigh-in on 2nd May, so I'll post that one.

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

This past week my weight was a bit down and got up a bit again...

This morning I had been with 88,0kg. Had been to a good and happy thank you coffee and cake entertainment yesterday, lovely good cakes... but on the whole i believe I am 300grams down, not a pound, but I believe I didn't raise my weight :)

Thank you Lowcal, happy time at Spain and the odd birthday present, sunshine and spring to wear spring dresses and comfy tankinis... thank you fab 5 for bridging next Monday and all a happy week to come.... ;-)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024 in reply to

Phew, still down even after cake - well done, that is quite an achievement, I think I would have gained several lbs just looking at them!

Hi Lowcal,

Happy happy 50, enjoy your hols.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flossie,

Thank you so much. :-)

I hope you're doing ok.  I know you've had a sad loss this week, and I hope you are doing ok. 

Look forward to catching up with you when I get back.

Thanks for your kind supportive posts, which I always appreciate! 

Lowcal :-)

Bluewings profile image

Wow, have a wonderful time in Spain Zest  !! 

I'm gutted to admit that I have put on 100g this week, although I think it's water weight because my scales still say I have lost body fat percentage. I don't understand where it's come from because I've been exercising everyday and staying under my calorie goal. 

Ah well, tomorrow is a new day, hopefully bringing with it more positive results

Cheers xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluewings

Hi Bluewings,

Thank you!  

Sorry to hear you've gained 100g, but you scales still say you've lost body fat percentage which is great!  Just put that 100g behind you and stay focused on the week ahead, and hopefully the scales will be much kinder and more rewarding to you next week!

Have a great week, and remember to look for Prin  's name on 25th April for the weigh-in.  I'll look forward to catching up with you when I get back.

Lowcal :-)

Bu-dog profile image

Sorry for late response as have been away on a long weekend. Delighted to say I have maintained this week! I was careful on the eating side, had a few drinks but actually took myself for a walk as guilt crept in 😄

Back to the routine today. Off out with the Bu who has missed me....I think but got truly spoiled.

Catch up with everyone's news tonight xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bu-dog

Hi Bu-dog,

Yes, I was expecting you today, and a warm welcome home from your long weekend.  I hope you enjoyed it!  Fantastic news to hear you've maintained this week, that is an excellent result after a weekend away!  Really well done!!!

Enjoy your time with Bu, and glad to hear Bu got spoiled while you were away.  

Do remember to look out for Prin  's name next week as she will be posting the weigh-in whilst I am away.  

Look forward to catching up with you when I'm back.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Bu-dog profile image
Bu-dog in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal, enjoy your time off. It's nice getting away but it's also good to get back to a routine.

I'll post my distances tonight when I have time to check back my pedometer. Xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bu-dog

Great - enjoy kicking those kms this week!  :-)

Artsoru profile image

Afternoon all!

Another quick one from me again as I am late to the party yet again! :/

Unfortunately a gain of 2lbs this week taking me up to 12st 8lbs. I an annoyed with myself but I had a bad week food wise so I know exactly where its cone from. Trying to have a better week this week!

Good luck everyone!

Sophie :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

You're fine - I'm doing a 6pm cut-off time this evening for late-weighers to count for the stats, so you've made it in good time!  Great to see you!

Sorry to hear you've had a gain of 2 pounds this week - but at least you know why, and you're hoping to have a better week ahead.  Good luck with that, and hope that you do well on the scales next week.  Prin  will be posting the Monday group weigh-in sessions on 25th April, so do look out for her posts.

Have a great week!

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

6pm It's just after 6pm now, so I am just saying that the cut-off point for the Monday group weigh-in stats is now here, and so anyone replying after this point will not be counted in the stats for this week.  (At least not by me, I will be summarising the stats and passing them to Prin  who will be posting the weigh-in on 25th April).

I will be posting an update post in a moment which I'll put in the Events section.

Wishing everyone success with their weigh-ins on 25th April and I'll look forward to catching up with everyone on 2nd May.  :-)

Lowcal :-)

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