i cant loose weight
what can i eat to loose weight - Weight Loss Support
what can i eat to loose weight

hi, cut down on meat and other fatty foods eat plenty of veg and fruit stop the alcohol and drink sugar free drinks no sugar in tea or coffee or on your cereal eat fat free and low sugar foods and exercise or join slimming world where you get support its not a diet just a change in eating habits and good luck
I have now lost a total of 3 stone its been a struggle but worth it hope to lose at least 1-2 pounds each week from now on to reach my target of 6 stone .
Basically a good start point is if your energy input is less than your energy output i.e. kCal in is less than kCal out you will lose weight You can achieve this by either eating less or exercising more.
Quite often people underestimate the effect of drinks as rogbert says. Another note is to be careful of oil used in foods like frying off onions in oil for a meal as oil is hugely calorific.
Good luck
Have a look at the NHS 12 week plan. It will give you ideas about healthy foods and how much to eat.
First thing make a diary over 3 days and be totally honest, count milk in drinks everything. Weight food or write down amounts from package tin etc, even fresh foods. Now add the calorie count next to it, work out from that how best to keep your vits and minerals up without eating anywhere near the calories you are currently eating. Just by reducing them you will lose weight. If you want to kick start then cut out non fruit carbs, always include at least 30% very lean protein (meat, oily fish pref) always include some diary (unless intorerant, skimmed milk, very small portion of cheese for calcium), always eat at least 2 portions of fruit per day and if you are brave chop out all other carbs apart from those found in veg and fruit and pulses.
But first start with a truthful diary, even a square of chocolate has calories.
Take it from a Yo Yo dieter who has health issues its taken me 40 years from the first diet at 13 to find one that works. Learn how your basal metabolic rate works, we are all the same it burns 60% of calories we take in based on average calorie needs man or woman. Exercise burns significantly fewer than most people think (1 mile on a treadmill will only burn about 90cal). Whatever anybody says, don't take my word for this either, carbs do not sit around providing energy in your bloodstream for the morning or whole afternoon, whatever is not burned off in about 30 minutes converts to fat and is stored the same as anything else. 100 calories of Protein uses 30 to burn itself off in your gut, 100 calories of carbs is exactly that, a one mile run on the treadmill.
I spent my entire life listening to one diet or another specialist inside and outside the medical establishments. All points are valid but it's down to your calorie needs and how you live your life, exercise etc. Others prefer to treat themselves with a couple of drinks a week or a night and that works for them, unfortunately for me it has to be no alcohol and its taken me 30 years to figure that one out too No more hot toddies for me
Until I shift at least 3 stone that is
All we can do is give you our personal experiences but i am truly seeing the light this week and am also finding no bloating. I am doing just 10 minutes aday of high intensity 2:1 exercise (look that up too) and hope as my weight drops I will be able to do more and eat a bit more. I am permanently full have no cravings and am sticking to 600-700 calories a day.
You can lose weight because I am day 6 and down 7lb for the first time in my life!
Go for it, educate yourself, do the diary, be honest to yourself because it's only you that matters.

Hi Loobylou2468,
I would also recommend the NHS 12 week plan, which Penel has given you the link to.
Also, there's a 'Welcome Newbie' pack that Moreless has put together, which has lots of things that members have enjoyed within the forum, and it also has some recipes and links to different challenges that are going on in the forum. Definitely worth a read through:
Hope you will enjoy the forum and join in anything that interests you. Maybe we'll see you at the Monday group weigh-in session tomorrow, if you would like to join us there. You'd be very welcome.
Have a great weekend and wishing you success with your weight loss goals.
I'd go to the NHS BMI calculator and find out what calories you should be eating for your height/weight/age etc and go from there. That's what I did to start out. I stick to the lower end of the recommended daily calories, make sure I allow myself a 100 cal snack every day and it's working. I made documents with typical meals I cook regularly so that I don't have to work out calories every single time I cook, I just open the doc to remind me of the weights of the various ingredients. It's much like weighing out the ingredients when you're following a recipe really. Here's an example, I pulled the "open omelette" ingredients list as it's a favourite of mine, filling and low in cals. Sometimes I add sweetcorn, sometimes I don't. Salt and pepper are tiny amounts so I don't bother to count them. I slide it out onto a bed of lettuce on my plate:-
2 eggs - 166 cals
semi skimmed milk 125ml - 61 cal
30g tesco reduced fat cheese - 91 cals
half a pepper - 25
1 salad tomato - 25
150g approx mushrooms - 28
1/2 tin sweetcorn - 50
Have faith in yourself, you CAN lose weight, we're all behind you. Lots of tips, tricks and advice here, just ask if you get stuck. Good luck!
To add to what the others say, check out hormones, thyroid and other health issues if you don't lose, do cut back on portions tho and be mindful.
hi, dear I am on your side. two good things to eat often are fruit, fresh or canned in juice really good when chilled in the frig and the second one is whole gran- pasta cereal bread and other such things- they are more filling and healthy too. just 2 ideas from a grandma who has been depressed a lot of my life and who has up and down weight all my life. I am wishing you well and do not give up , I have faith in you, you sound like a nice person.
love, babsy may