Sorry, I know this is a weight loss forum but I'll ask anyway if you don't mind - how do you know if you're stressed or a bit depressed?
Stress or depression: Sorry, I know this... - Weight Loss Support
Stress or depression
Actually this is a good question whether on the right forum or not. Both things have an enormous bearing on weight loss and focus i find. I,d be interested myself. And any coping strategies that help.
I wonder if this would help Kog
Thanks for this. Its very useful. I've also just tried an online test which comes out showing stress and anxiety. I just wanted to see if I was overreacting before going to the GP M
If things feel wrong, they probably are wrong.
Unfortunately Christmas has a tendency to magnify these feelings and then you feel under pressure to be all bright an breezy and have a jolly Christmas, when really what you feel like doing is crawling back into bed and pulling the duvet over your head.
I hope your doctor can help you and that you get back onto an even keel soon.
Take care of yourself.
I'm pretty anxious about work, unfortunately. A few day off will help but I hoped to see the GP. Of course there are no appointments until February!
If things come to a head, then contact NHS 24. But in the meantime, maybe try some relaxation techniques, meditation, or yoga, to try and ward off those feelings of anxiety.
If you feel things are wrong then do talk to your Dr. Depression should never be ignored. I hope you have a nice dr that will give you support. You will get support and a few smiles on this board too.
Hi Keep_on_going, a very interesting post indeed. It would be difficult for anyone here to diagnose or point you in the direction of self diagnosis of depression.
Natural ups and downs are something we all experience. For myself, I know I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder and have done since I can remember. It often shows itself in my mood and outlook at this time of year, but does pass as February draws to a close.
My mother though who is an intelligent, bright, witty and active person suffers from depression and only those who are closest to her know. She takes no pills (although she has been prescribed them) but has used the bereavement counselling to address her depression also. This has been highly effective.
I do hope that things improve for you too
Thanks everyone. I really feel fine but I do keep crying and worrying about work. I'm quite short of breath, tired and can feel my heart keep skipping a beat.
The mental side of things I can cope with, just a bit worried about the physical changes so hoped to see a doctor.
The thought of a few days rest fills me with joy to be honest!
Those symptoms sound to me like panic attack, but there's absolutely nothing stopping you from walking into an A & E department and getting checked out, or even going in to see a pharmacist, who may be able to advise you.
One of the tools, the most effective tools, that my mother used was keeping a diary. This is useful for understanding trigger points and helps self understanding. I would highly recommend something similar prior to visiting your GP, as you have plenty of time between now and your appointment.
It sounds very simple, but there's more to it than you may think. To save writing a book, I'm posting a link which seems to cover most of the points.
I would also look at any other resources which would assist you in keeping a diary.
It's largely about knowing yourself, and once you've done that, then you have something a lot more tangible to speak about when you visit your GP.
I do hope this is of use and interest to you.
Best wishes
PS GOLDEN RULE. Never let anyone other than a professional see your diary.
Tewson, that's really helpful - thanks. I've skimmed the site but will look at it I detail tonight.
Gosh that's a loaded question!! It is so very different for each person and could be interpreted differently too. Stressed or depressed, you need a little help and I think a visit to your GP may be in order, they and your nearest and dearest are in the best place to advise of any concerns. I hope you manage to find some sort of leveller hun.
Yes, much as I suspected. The symptoms seem very similar except I don't feel bleak or like there's no possible end. Thanks for the reply.
Nothing more to add to the excellent posts above, apart from my wishing you all the best and I hope your doctor helps you. And (((hugs)))
Sending you (((hugs))) as well.
Just out of interest - what job do you do?
Hope you get some support which helps
Take care
I head up a large department in a publishing company. TBH, I handle stress very well but I've not had the physical symptoms before which is why I wondered if it's a bit different.
If it was me - and has been in the past, I would rule out a physical cause via the GP so what's left is what you have (hope I'm making sense!)
Whether you have handled stress in the past can be irrelevant - accumulated long term stress can manifest itself in many physical symptoms.
My ethos these days is (I'm a mental health nurse - you would think I would have known this long ago!)
I can only do what can be done
Real worries i.e. car breakdown can be resolved by planning
Theoretical worries i.e. those you blow out of all proportion in the middle of the night'what if' - can be minimised by putting them to one side or dealing with them the next day - or dismissed.
Everyone else is right, no matter what the cause, this needs to be addressed asap.
After a physical check - GP can refer to counselling/anxiety management groups etc.
Good luck!
Keep us posted...
Makes perfect sense. Thanks Lucy!
Sorry everyone, I've completely hijacked the forum. Thanks for all the lovely and helpful replies. Back to weight loss!
Hi KOG, Just a thought! Google Steps to Wellbeing in your area! You can self refer and they would do an assessment and help you too! Hope you feel better soon. Try to relax over the holidays and take some time out for yourself.
Love Elsie xxx