Hi All,
So I thought I'd rear my head and say hi as I'm new around here. I'm a 22 year old student and currently at a BMI of 30 (sob!).
So, enough is enough and I've decided that this is it. Previously when I've tried to lose weight (and succeeded with losing a stone and a half but then piling it back on again) I've always fallen short on the support side of things (someone to honestly admit to that 'Yes I did miss that run' and 'Yes I am disappointed in myself' sort of thing). I'm hoping that this might be a support network that could keep me on the straight and narrow?
Truth be told I can't actually remember a time when I was a 'healthy' weight for my frame (how sad is that?!) but have always been described (by elderly distant relatives who you see about every once in a blue moon sort of thing) as "big boned" and I basically want to shoot that big boned myth to smithereens.
So, here goes... today I weigh in at 13st 10lb and tomorrow I start the road ahead with a fitness test and gym plan. Wish me luck