Hi everyone
I'm new to this and feel a bit awkward posting on here as I've never posted on forums before. I have now reached a point though where I really need to lose weight and am looking for some support to feel motivated and achieve my goals.
I was horrified to find that I firmly fall into the 'obese' category when I did my BMI check on the NHS site. I'm 25, 5ft, 4" and currently weight 13st, 9lb.
My ultimate goal is to get all the way down to 10st, 7lb so looking to lose just over 3 stone. I'm really unhappy with my body size at the moment as I have just been lazy and let it creep up and up and now just feel fat all the time. I currently work in an office job so am not very active but I would love to join the RAF so I need to lose weight and get fit before I can even apply to do that!
Short term I would love to fit back into my size 14 jeans which I have stubbornly not thrown out (I'm now really pushing a size 16)!
My partner is also trying to lose weight so I have a bit of support at home but often we are each other's weakness- if one of us suggests a take away or that we skip the gym that's all it takes for both of us to lose focus.
I'm not completely focussed on my BMI/weight as this doesn't take into account muscle weight and ideally I would like to not only lose weight (fat) but also to get fit enough to not just pass an RAF fitness test but to be able to cope well with the training.
I'm looking forward to getting involved in this community and would appreciate any pointers people can give me with making the most of this as I'm not sure really how to get involved.