Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (10th August 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
182 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 4.4 pounds, and today I weigh exactly the same, so I've stayed the same this week. I also did my measurements, which I realised I'd not done for a couple of months, and they also stayed exactly the same as when I last did them in June - my chest: 39"; waist: 32";and hips: 40.5". I'm 6 feet 1 inch tall. I realise I weigh 1.2 pounds more than I did back in June when I made those measurements.

I looked more closely at the Myfitnesspal recordings for the week, and noticed that my average total calories per day this week were 2,584 and my average net calories were 1,851. I also noticed that my fat consumption was generally too much (i.e. over the red line most days) and my carb consumption was also over the red line occasionally - so my goals for this week are to reduce both of these so that they are below the red line, and reduce my calorie intake. I'd like to lose 2 pounds this week, so that is my goal.

I am also going to try to do some more strength training, in addition to my usual walking. I've dabbled with that in the past, but need to focus more, and be more vigilant in terms of doing exercises regularly. I'm hoping to use my kettlebell regularly, and also do some compound exercises like squats, press-ups and so on. My knee is a lot better now, so I can get back to regular walking.

I am particularly impressed by the group stats:

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 36.

Total people who lost weight: 23 (74.65 pounds lost) (33.86 kilos)

Total people who gained weight: 5 (7 pounds gained) (3.17 kilos)

Total people who maintained weight: 5

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 2

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 1

Therefore, overall pounds lost by the group = 67.65 pounds (30.68 kilos). Fantastic result!!!! :-)

I hope you'll join us for today's weigh-in, and good luck to everyone - here's to a great week ahead for all of us. :-)

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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182 Replies
Yvonnenanny1965 profile image

I've lost 1.5lb not a huge amount but also 2inches from my waist... Chest and hips.... Getting there slowly.... It's my 50th Thursday so not expecting a loss nxt week as out for meal Thurs and party Saturday but I'm only 50 once and will b enjoying it lol xxx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Yvonnenanny1965

Hi Yvonnenanny1965,

Congratulations on losing 1.5 pounds this week, and also the 2 inches from your waist, chest and hips as well - both those results are really good!!! :-)

Wishing you a Very Happy 50th Birthday for Thursday - hope you have an amazing time, and enjoy all those celebrations. You're right, you're only 50 once, and glad to hear you'll be enjoying it! :-)

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Yvonnenanny1965

Happy birthday enjoy the celebrations!!!

You can reduce your daily calories a bit on the other days and then enjoy your parties. It will limit the damage! But have fun!

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Yvonnenanny1965

Ahh yes 50 - I remember that feels like a decade ago LOL Have a great time, its a REAL milestone :)

Carolee13 profile image
Carolee13 in reply to Yvonnenanny1965

Wishing you a happy birthday for Thursday and well done on your losses. 2 inches off the body. is brilliant! Enjoy your big day 😄

in reply to Yvonnenanny1965

Happy 50th from me too! You know what to do to make up for the partying before/afterwards, so just relax and enjoy your week using the knowledge you already have under your (loosening) belt. Hope you feel fab for losing those inches and lbs too!

Dave1961 profile image

OK its my first week so you have to assume I would lose a bit more than usual! And I'm a bloke so we do lose it a little more quickly...

Last Week: 139.5 kgs (21st 13.5lbs)

This Week: 136.5 kgs (21st 7lbs)

Loss: 3 kgs (6.5 lbs)

I have 6.5 kgs to go to my first goal of 130 kgs. I'll think about the next 10 then! :)

I'm really happy with that and HAVE worked hard and consistently to achieve it.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dave1961

Hi Dave1961,

Yes, it's your first week, and it's great to see you again today! That's a fantastic result - Congratulations on losing 3 kilos (6.5 pounds) this week - it's great to hear you're feeling really happy - it is an excellent result. :-)

You're planning your goals and working consistently to achieve them, and that's a winning recipe. Talking of recipes, I noticed some of your posts in the week, and saw your delicious chicken salad recipe - really good!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Zest

That's what resisting the chocolate bar does Dave. Amazing result and just keep dashing round Mrs Poppadopalos's store!!! Well done :)

in reply to Dave1961

Well done Dave. You worked hard for that keep up the good work!

ICan-IWill profile image
ICan-IWill in reply to Dave1961

Oh that's brilliant Dave, you should be very proud. All that hard work (and resisting the chocolate binges!) has paid off. Keep up the good work. :)

in reply to Dave1961

Hi Dave,

Fantastic result, you must be feeling well pleased.

Have a good week


slimjan profile image
slimjan in reply to Dave1961

Well done, that's a brilliant start, keep up the good work it will all be worth it.

in reply to Dave1961

Congrats on an excellent start! The word consistently stands out in your post. You def seem to be intensely focused, putting 100% in. Hope you can keep that going consistently until you reach your 130kg goal, and the next goal, and the next!

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to

Thanks thats really nice of you to say - and yeah - I feel so positive about this time. Its actually been nice to just confidently know this one is the time I will do it and really fight for it.

in reply to Dave1961

Good! As others have said, it's inspiring just seeing that determination in your posts on here, helps me feel more determined too. Have a great second week :)

Candystripe profile image

Good morning Lowcal & good morning everyone.

Let's commiserate together!

Last week I was 12st 11.2lbs and this week 12st 11lbs so 0.2 of a pound off. Cross with myself because I've strayed over the weekend. I bought my Dad some tea cakes, you know the ones with a biscuit base, mallow, jam & chocolate on top. He didn't eat them and I was weak! I now have four weeks to make the 12st 4lbs target before I go on holiday. Still on my regular X3 visits to the gym so must just behave!

However, let's pick ourselves up as we know we can do and make next week count. I know we can do it.

Good luck everyone and have a good week. Last weeks stats were amazing!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Thanks for commiserating with me - I shall also commiserate with you, but I think that 0.2 pound off is something to be celebrated, and I also celebrate the fact I maintained my weight this week, so we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves!!! :-)

I can imagine having those 'tea-cakes' (I know the ones you mean) around would have been a temptation.

It's great that you've got 4 weeks to go before your holiday, as that is plenty of time, and you're sounding positive already, which is a good start to the week!!! Well done on keeping up your regular 3 visits weekly to the gym, that's really good.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Candystripe

And you helped me achieve my weight loss by making sure I skipped the supermarket for which I am grateful :)

Ya know even a small loss is a great thing. If you had gained a pound then you would have had to have lost THAT pound plus another 7 to make it to your goal and lost a week as well. Its a good thing !

We have similar biscuits in Australia and my mouth is watering thinking of all that soft pillowy marshmallow and the jam and the gently cracking chocolate on...WHOA! lol I think I just gained back a kilo typing that :)

So you have to lose 1.75 lbs a week to make your target. Whats your plan?

I am going on hols leaving one week after you but I would like to be to 130kgs by September 7th. Ambitious I know BUT I am a BIG lad and I am focussed.

I wonder who will make it there first? Hmmm?

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Dave1961

Thanks Dave and great that you rose to my chocolate bar challenge! It certainly paid off.

So my plan is no carbs (which I don't usually do), no eating exercise calories (which I never do) and no illicit snacking on bad foods (which I sometimes do!)

I upped my game at the gym this morning, not necessarily doing longer but taking everything up to the next level.

Obviously "I" am going to reach my target first so forget it Dave!!!

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Candystripe

Sounds like you have got this in the bag!

And we'll just see about that

In about 4 weeks I plan to have a VERY short haircut and donate some blood and THEN get on the scales.

See - thats how committed *I* am to this! :)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Dave1961

1/2 stone in 4 weeks ain't gonna be easy when I've been at this for over a year BUT I'm not about to give in to a Aussie who runs riot in a taverner!!! :)

in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

A loss is still a loss despite how the devil drives 😈

You have loads of time to your hols, and still focused so I think will do it.

Hope have good week, enjoy


Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to

Thanks Flossie for the faith you have in me. I shan't let you down!

I just think back to last year when at almost 18 and a half stone, I had to sit bolt upright and breathe in to get my seat belt done up on flights.

This time I shall even have plenty to spare and although travelling business class in a bigger seat I shall be much more comfortable and smug of course!!!

Hope your weigh in is good X

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to Candystripe

Those tea cakes sound amazing

Ist week

Started at 63.7 kg (10st 0.4lb)

Now 61.9 ( 9st 10.4lbs)

I am 5'1 so bmi started at 26.5 and now 25.7

LOST 1.8 KG !!! that's 3.96 lbs

Wow nearly 4lbs!

I realise that I need to slow down my loss but that's a great start.

My goal for the week is to get more outdoor exercise ( walking) and continue with my tummy toning exercises daily)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to

That is AMAZING! I am so impressed and you MUST have worked hard for that great result :)

in reply to Dave1961

Yes I think the shock of realizing how much weight I put back on in such a few weeks pushed me into overdrive!

Next week I am aiming to lose no more than 1kg /2lbs everyone says that is the healthy way to do it and keeping it of. As you know that is now my focus. Seeing this s a never ending weight watching marathon but loving myself enough to do it and keep to it.

We can do this Dave. Cheering you on mate!

TUBOFLARD6 profile image
TUBOFLARD6 in reply to

Well done! its great when you step on those scales and you have LOST!!

keep up the good work...I only lost 1lb this week but only managed the gym twice last week due to work commitments so...I am going to push myself this week and hope that I lose at least 2 to 3lbs but I have lost total 3 inch off my waist so I am happy about that...have a good week...

in reply to TUBOFLARD6

Thanks for the encouragement. A loss is a loss and I hope to only lose the recommended 1-2lbs this coming week as I think a slower loss is more likely to stay off.

Well done for going to the gym at all! And so long as the inches and pounds are going you are doing great!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to TUBOFLARD6

Hi Tuboflard6,

Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, that is amazing - especially as you lost 5 pounds last week. I think you did well to lose this week as well, and a pound is significant. The fact you've lost 3 inches off your waist shows your progress really well too. Fantastic!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Yoyonomore,

Thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in, and great that you've done so well in your first week. Congratulations for losing 1.8kg (3.96 pounds) - that is really great! :-)

Good luck with your goals to get more outdoor exercise (walking is such great exercise and hope you enjoy those walks), and your tummy toning exercises.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Carolee13 profile image
Carolee13 in reply to

That is truly a great start. Well done! Enjoy your exercise this week.

in reply to Carolee13

Dragged the hubby out for a walk in Epping forest this evening. Also met a friend for lunch in a neighboring town but I deliberately parked a long way from the cafe so I got a walk to and from it. I am trying to intentionally build doable things into each day .

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Yoyonomore,

Sounds like a lovely walk in Epping Forest.

Sounds like you've had an active day! Really good. :-)

Lowcal :-)

in reply to

You don't need to worry about slowing down your loss, that's a normal amount for the first week - it probably shows that part of the weight you were holding was water weight. Have you noticed a change in your waist measurement? Keep going with what you're doing. You'll be in a healthy bmi and near your goal very soon!

in reply to

Thanks for the encouragement. I didn't measure last week. (Wish I had) but my waistbands feel looser. I did take a bra and knickers photo of the beginning of my journey ( don't worry it's for my eyes only ) and will take another soonish. I find that a good motivator as I get a visual comparison I tag the photos with my weight. Hopefully they'll help my determination to not yo yo again!

Carolee13 profile image
Carolee13 in reply to

I took a similar photo of myself at the start of my journey, hope future photos will be more attractive than that one!

in reply to Carolee13

Hehe it can only get better. Right?

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to

Excellent result - well done :) We will definitely keep each other motivate - We Can Do This!

kitkat34 profile image
kitkat34 in reply to NoMoreJunk

2 1b off

Took a a while to find link

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kitkat34

Hi Sienna5luis2daisy2,

Welcome! Glad you found the link ok in the end, and sorry you had difficulties finding it.

Congratulations for losing 2 pounds, that's really great.

Wishing you another great week ahead. Are you using the NHS 12 week plan? It's really good, if you've not seen it. Just look at the icon at the top of this page, which says 'Weight Loss NHS' and you can access it from there, if you want to take a look.

Have a great week, and hope to see you in future weigh-ins. My next weigh-in thread is on Monday - I usually post before 7am that day. :-)

Lowcal :-)

kitkat34 profile image
kitkat34 in reply to Zest

Ive just been cutting down

Trying not to eat potatoes bread pasta or rice

Put on weight on holiday

Need to keep motivated

Will take a look at plan

That way you change your eating habits and hopefully keep it off

It's hard

Appreciate the support

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kitkat34

Yes, keeping motivated is what really helps. Hope you find the plan helpful, and will look forward to hopefully seeing you in future weigh-ins. Best of luck! :-)

suzybenj profile image

Up and down week for me - but like you LC I have done a lot of looking at my profile on my fitness pal. Over the last year I can see i have long periods of maintaining and then a holiday pushes up the weight- but crucially I have then maintained at the new higher weigh. So I am looking to reverse that trend. I have also given in and bought some new 'fat girl' clothes - and feel so much better- I have been wearing the same 3 outfit in rotation for months.

Great news on the overall loss last week-I am a loser this week - I can add a pound to the overall loss total this week.

I have been trying to exercise more - walking the dog for an hour and doing 12 min athlete programme.

I have decided not to fuss to much about how much each week and just aim for some sort of loss each week.

Good luck everyone and have a good week.:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week. That's really great! :-)

I'm glad you mentioned the 12 min athlete programme again as I was meaning to take a look at it. I'm sure your dog is enjoying those extra walks too.

I do think a review of goals and progress helps a lot - focusing on trends and thinking of ways to shift those trends to directions we want to go in is really good. Here's to a downward trend on the scales - all being well. :-)

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suzybenj


gracie1985 profile image

Hello hello, I took a break from posting since I wasn't really following any kind of plan but I am back on track and re-motivated to try my best.

I tagged along to a few NHS 'your weight matters' group meetings and learned about portion sizes (I have been eating way too much protein), I also went to a slimming world group, got the information/books and downloaded the app which is really useful for searching food and finding out the 'syns'

On 'my fitness pal' I have set my calories to 1300/day and my macros at 30% Carbs, 25% Protein & 45% fat. (I am actually struggling to get my calories now that I have reduced my in progress)

And finally after watching 'That Sugar Film' I decided to keep an eye on food with 'added sugar'

Anyway probably too much to do all at once, but last week I was good and seem to have lost 2lbs! But I usually wait for week 2 results before I get my hopes up in case it's just my scales playing tricks on me or water loss.

Example of my day

Breakfast (Slimming world = SW)

- 25g Lizi's original granola (SW healthy extra)

- 100g Rachel's low fat natural greek yoghurt

(SW, Free food) might swap this for Onken low fat yoghurt as it has less sugar

Snack - 1 royal gala apple


- Bulgur wheat or Brown rice or new potatoes (SW Free food)

- 150g white fish or 140g salmon or 1 chicken breast (SW Free food)

Vegetables (SW Free food)

Snack - 2 x plums

Dinner - same as lunch but might just have veg and meat and see if I survive.

Exercise is still none existent since the gym is stupid expensive where I am (over 180/month) and too hot and humid to walk - looking forward to autumn

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to gracie1985

I think its great you are immersing yourself in weight loss and health related stuff like the meetings. Helps to keep us focused!

Maybe you could clear some furniture and do some exercise in the living room - there's PLENTY of exercise videos on youtube just waiting to be played :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gracie1985

Hi Gracie1985,

Great that you're posting again, and thanks for joining us today for this Monday weigh-in. Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week. Really enjoyed reading your post, and the detail about your meals and snacks too. I really enjoy natural yoghurt too - I've been trying the various varieties of Greek yoghurt (the Total ones), and have decided to settle for the 2% fat version as it is a really nice consistency.

I know you said your exercise is non-existent at the moment, but there are lots of exercises you could try in the home or office etc - I've been thinking of doing exercises some whilst I make a cup of coffee or tea - things like a brief warm-up and then a few star-jumps, and stuff like that. :-) (I admit I've only done that once so far last week, but at least it was a start!).

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

I love the picture you've created there of doing star jumps while waiting for the kettle to boil! Might give that a try too :)

Dozzle profile image

Sadly gained 2lbs. I am so easily lead astray by others! No excuse I know. On Tuesday a neighbour brought round a lobster he had caught when out fishing. We had already had our,tea, but it would have been criminal not to eat it!

And yesterday my sister brought food and drink for a bbq round and crisps! And another neighbour left some shortbread biscuits on our front door step! Really I need to move to a less generous neighbourhood!

With a holiday looming, I intend to have more will power next week, and have set a personal target to loose 4lbs in the next three weeks.

Well done,you in maintaining and good luck with next week's fat and carbs targets. Sounds like a plan.

D xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Dozzle

Hi Dozzle,

Thanks for your kind words.

Sorry to hear you've been lead astray by others recently. At least lobster isn't an unhealthy food, but I agree that on top of your existing meal it probably wasn't what you needed... But I hope you enjoyed it. :-)

Your neighbourhood sound like they're trying to scupper your weight-loss goals! Maybe you need to have a word with them about how you are trying to avoid or reduce processed foods like biscuits and crisps. Or find a strategy to help you eat them less frequently.

It sounds like you are feeling motivated by the fact your holiday is looming, so hopefully that will give you some added thrust to achieve your target to lose 4 pounds in the next 3 weeks. That's a good amount of time to achieve that target.

Like you say, having a plan does help, so here's to a good week ahead. You'll soon lose that 2 pounds, and be back on track.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to Dozzle

So you , me AND Candy Stripe are off on a holiday in the next 3-4 weeks.

Lets get this done and reach our goal. Maybe you should put up a "NO CARB ZONE" sign in your front yard :)

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to Dave1961

I can join the holiday club, going away in 4 weeks. My goal is to be able to take my smaller size golf shorts with me.

Good luck everyone, with the encouragement of the group we can do it!!

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

I am very focused on fitting into a wetsuit so I can swim in the sea in Wales in Oct.

trafford1 profile image

Hi Lowcal, well done for maintaining your weight this week, that makes two of us. MFP is a god send letting us know where we could be doing better with our food choices. Your plans for the week ahead sound great. Incorporating some strength training into your routine should definitely shake things up. I tried out the leg, bums and tums workout from the NHS web site and that did me in. My muscle groups in those areas received the biggest shock and I really felt it for four days following this routine. It almost put me out of action LOL.

I agree that it is time to focus more. I have had a think about where I am now in terms of my weight loss compared to earlier on my journey and realise that I have to go back to basics. Start this journey as though I just began and watch every calorie, avoid saturated fats such as crisps and eat more fish and salads.

I hope you lose the 2 lbs at your next weigh in and I hope all goes well with your strength training.

The group as a whole have done an amazing job so well done to everyone who lost 67.65 lbs WOW

Have a wonderful week ahead Lowcal

Trafford1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thanks for all your encouraging words, which I really appreciate.

Congratulations to you for maintaining your weight this week as well. It's definitely an achievement to do that, and hopefully we'll be 'losers again' next week, all being well.

Sounds like we've both been taking stock of things, and thinking of a plan to shift our resolve and move forward. 'Going back to basics' sounds like a good plan - and good luck with that over the coming week. I'll have to have a look at that Legs, Bum and Tum work-out you mentioned. Although I don't like the sound of the resulting soreness afterwards!!!

I definitely want to do some work on my abdominal muscles - as they are way too 'floppy'....! I think they need a work-out and a 'wake-up'.

Your goal to eat more fish and salads sounds good - are you going to try out any new fish, or stick to the ones you already like? I eat salmon mainly, but there are so many different fish out there that I often feel like I should experiment a bit more.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal, don't worry the results of the leg, bums and tums may not happen to you it's just that I over enjoyed it and did to much, as I wanted to get my butt in shape LOL :-) It is a really good work out.

I love trout and salmon those are the two main fish I bake and I have been looking at different healthy options to replace rice and pasta such as quinoa and tesco bulgur wheat, quinoa and red quinoa mix and blue dragon whole wheat noodles all of which have great health benefits and are low in calories. I have been making a quinoa salad which is just cooked quinoa spinach leaves chopped peppers cucumber tomatoes with red onions. Once the quinoa is cooled just mix it all together and that becomes your accompaniment to any dish.

Have you had a look at HIIT workout they are also great and take less time out of your day. I am currently doing LBT and HIIT as well as cardio at the gym. I am off now to the gym going to enjoy burning some more calories :-)

Good luck to both of us for the coming weeks weigh in

Trafford1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thanks for those suggestions of HIIT workouts - is it High intensity interval training? I presume it is. Now you've mentioned LBT also - I'm not sure what that could be...! A few things came to mind - 'little belly training' - nope, nothing else came to mind, you'll have to tell me...! :-)

I like eating quinoa too - it's really healthy. Your idea for the salad sounds delicious. I also like trout - not had that for a while.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to Zest

Hiya Lowcal, yes it is high intensity interval training and LBT is legs bums and have really made me laugh with "little belly training" LOL :-) :-)

Yum baked trout and quinoa salad sound so good. I will have to make this very soon.

Trafford1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

I feel a bit silly now I realise it was 'legs, bums and tums' - you did mention that earlier in your post... lol :-) (glad I made you laugh with the 'little belly training' though).

Yes, I think we'll all be cooking trout and quinoa salad this week - I am definitely considering looking out for some trout now.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford 1,

Do like your thinking, I do think a good shake up re food and activity is good as I find it very easy to get complacent.

Not sure your muscles will like it lol

Have a good week


trafford1 profile image
trafford1 in reply to

Hi flossie, yeah back to basics and the beginning. I have to focus on my journey and getting more weight off. It's a bit of an obsession in some ways but an enjoyable one :-) I don't want get complacent which is an easy trap to fall into. I've done about 100 squats today so we will see how my muscles take to this tomorrow.

You have a great week also flossie :-)

Trafford1 x

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI


Well done to everyone for losing and maintaining this week! MFP is great for analysing the previous week, I love this tool!

Here goes...

Starting weight: 10st 4.2lbs

1st week: 10st 1.6lbs (loss 2.6lbs)

2nd week: 9st 13.6lb (loss 2lbs)

I am so happy - I've broken in to the 9's!

Have a good week everyone!


in reply to NoMoreJunk

Well done! I too have got into the 9's.

Let's celebrate together and cheer each other on this week!

We can do this!

TUBOFLARD6 profile image
TUBOFLARD6 in reply to NoMoreJunk

Well done for breaking into the 9's...I wish I could break into the 12's and I should be in the 9's...A long journey ahead of me but I am hoping to do this in small chunks....I have resisted cakes, bacon sarnies, but seem to have got a liking for the Snack a Jack caramel rice snacks as a sweet treat (once a day) you think these are okay to eat?

Keep up the brilliant work....

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to TUBOFLARD6

I just checked them out - I expected to see loads of fat and sugar from the name but they are only 50 calories per cake...they have about a teaspoon of sugar per cake and are high in carbs - which makes sense considering they are rice! but if you're only having one a day and including it into your total calorie count I can't see a problem at all.

Do you have a smartphone....could you use the Myfitnesspal app to check them out? It's fantastic for keeping track of things and does most of the work for you.

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to TUBOFLARD6

I eat smoked paprika rice cakes as a small snack because they are less than 40 calories. I tend to have no carbs or very little carbs with my dinner so figure its okay! Well done on losing too!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to NoMoreJunk

Hi NoMoreJunk,

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week, and especially exciting to hear you've broken into the 9's - that is really great!!!! :-)

Yes, I really like using Myfitnesspal (MFP) and I usually print out my results for the week on Sundays, so I can have a good look through and try to learn from what's happened over the week. They don't seem to do a report for the 'protein' though - which I find slightly disappointing, but I think I eat a relatively reasonable amount (i.e. not too much and not too little), so I'm not too concerned about that side of things.

Wishing you another great week ahead. Enjoy being in those 9's...!!!

Lowcal :-)

ICan-IWill profile image
ICan-IWill in reply to NoMoreJunk

Well done! It's a great feeling isn't it. Keep up the good work and good luck for a good week ahead. :)

EmpoweredEater profile image

Hello everyone

Here are my week 1 stats:

Starting weight: 12 stone 7.5lb

Week 1 weight: 12 stone 6.5lb

My goal is 1lb per week so I have achieved this.

One question for those using MyFitnessPal please: do you eat your exercise kcals? I am allowed 1400 kcal per day, and may burn off 300 kcal through walking in a day (as calculated in Moves app). My fitness pal seems to suggest I can then eat these kcals which, of course, I haven't needed any encouragement to do. Does anyone else do this or am I just cheating myself here?!

Have a good week.


Carolee13 profile image
Carolee13 in reply to EmpoweredEater

Hi E E. I personally don't eat the exercise calories , partly because I don't trust the amount of calories he app says I've burned. It depends on metabolism. Plus I want to lose weight not maintain it. So I look at the exercise stats, get a warm glow then ignore them.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to EmpoweredEater

Hi EmpoweredEater,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Congratulations on achieving your goal and losing 1 pound this week, that is really great! :-)

I always take a note of the exercise calories, and I note my average daily 'total' calories per day, and also note the average daily 'net' calories (by which I mean the total calories minus the exercise calories). I've decided I'm eating too many calories currently, and so I'm hoping to reduce them this week.

Like Carolee13 says, metabolism has quite a bit to do with how many calories each person would burn doing an identical amount of exercise, so if you keep track of your own personal weight loss over the weeks, and note your own pattern of whether you've 'eaten' the exercise calories or not, then you'll get an idea of what works best for you.

I like your 'name' - it suggests you are feeling 'empowered' in your eating, so I hope you are feeling like that most of the time. :-)

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to EmpoweredEater

I don't enter my exercise calories on mfp because it doesn't work for me to eat extra when I've done extra running, cycling, walking etc. I'm a naturally active person so I know that sticking to 1400 cals PLUS doing exercise is what makes me lose weight. That being said, on days where I do a particular high amount of exercise I do get hungrier and don't chide myself for going a bit over if I feel I need to (100-200 cals) as it feels like my body has earned it. But I only do this if I really feel I need it, not as default. So I think there's room for manouvre between both methods, but it all depends on how we operate - our bodies are all different of course! :)

Dave1961 profile image
Dave196125kg in reply to EmpoweredEater

Its funny ins't it - I have wondered the same myself because it does - as you say - seem to infer that you can eat them.

I actually try to NOT eat them and stay under the goal calories not the total. I don't feel like I am being short changed and I am always considering what I am eating or drinking e.g. yesterday I chose a long black with milk on the side over skinny latte because it would keep me under my goal calories.

Once this week I have been HUNGRY and I used some of the exercise calories for a tuna and rice cake snack so its not a hard rule but I like the challenge.

So after all that? I actually can't tell you but personally I treat the goal calories as my goal for the day.

EmpoweredEater profile image
EmpoweredEater in reply to Dave1961

Thank you for your reply. Yes, that makes sense to me. I think that from here on I will only "eat my exercise" on special occasions !


Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to EmpoweredEater

Hi Empowered Eater, love yr user name. 😺I edit the calories burned in MFP and count all forms of exercise as 100 calls an hour. I eat some of that -especially if like today I do loads.

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Good morning everyone. I love the honesty and detail on this Monday morning thread. Lowcal I love your proactive attitude and that you are looking at what actually happened and what you can try next. I am glad that knee is better. I hope you can find a way to make strength training enjoyable - great music maybe, a body pump class, friends? I do love strength training.

So NHS fitness plan. At the end of week 10 I weighed 94.3. This morning i weigh

94.7. I gained 0.4kgs.

This is easily explained: three nights out (-tandoori chicken, a fatty Chinese meal), my share of some good wine and chocolate-at-work and yesterday afternoon a large bag of peanuts.

My health goals next week, eat at home every day, and take time to work out a life plan that takes me from the NHS weight loss scheme ,12 weeks long, through the next 18 months which addresses all the different reasons I am four stone overweight. Learn to do tumble turns in the swimming poll -lesson booked. Improve shoulder stands and planks. Continue to try and improve my appearance, vis contact lenses, throwing out baggy, shabby clothes and mending, altering others, and getting hair cut properly. Inspired by some of the posts on this site I am trying to educate myself more by reading something about healthy eating /living every day. I am putting aside a pound everyday I hit my calorie goals and next week will send that to the food bank.

A long post for me.

Have a good week everyone. I am so grateful to you all.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Gonti

Hi Gonti,

I really enjoyed reading your post today, it is very inspiring - brilliant to hear your positivity and goals for the coming times ahead. You are making lots of changes, and they all sound really great. I particularly like the fact you're learning to do 'tumble turns' in the swimming pool - that sounds really energetic!

I think it's amazing that you only put on 0.4 kg this week, as you had quite a few meals out - and I know how calorific Tandoori Chicken, and fatty Chinese meals can be! I think I typically put on about 3 pounds after such meals! You must have been working hard the rest of the time to have achieved such a tiny gain. I am sure that will soon be off, and you'll be back in the losing streak again.

Thanks for your very kind words and encouragement, especially regarding strength training. It's good to hear you enjoy that. Your suggestions to work along to music or do a class are good suggestions! I doubt I'll manage to get to a class, as my gym membership has lapsed now, and I don't intend to re-join till January next year, so I'm going to try to do exercises etc without gym support till then. But very possible, as there are lots of opportunities to do exercises without such structures. It's just getting motivated to put the 'good thoughts' into practice. That's what I need to work on this week!

Good luck with all your goals for this week. Great that you're reading about healthy eating regularly too - I find the local library a great resource as there are so many books available there on healthy eating. Also, many food experts have regular blogs where you can read about issues. Really good!

You've inspired me to write an equally long post back to you. :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to Zest

Ah Lowcal thanks for this you write such lovely advice. Am reading all the replies on this ever lengthening thread and feeling really motivated.😀😀

Artsoru profile image

Morning Lowcal!

I'm posting nice and early this week! I'm usually a few days late as everything seems to be a rush for me! I'm on the ball today! :)

I'm glad you at least managed to stay the same weight this week considering you went over your red line a few days! :) that is one thing I don't check regularly enough either! But I hope you manage to meet your goals this week! Fingers crossed! :D

I am pleased with myself this morning! Having been stuck at the same weight for a few weeks I have lost 1lb! :D I know its not much but its better than a gain and I'm feeling good today! Weighing 12st 11lbs this morning.

I am really making an effort from now on. I just feel like the more cheat days or meals I have the longer my weight loss will drag out. If I am strict with myself I will be done sooner, I'll be happier sooner and then I can relax a bit and just keep an eye on things!

Also, a little note. May not be everyone's cup of tea but I am a huge zombie fan. I love watching the Walking Dead. I heard about an app called Zombies, Run! Basically its an app for jogging, but with your headphones in, it plays clips of a story to make out like you're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse! I haven't used it much yet, only about 20mins. But it turns jogging into a little game and it actually made me run for longer than I would have. :D so if anyone else is a zombie fan you should give it a try! I'll be using it again today after work!

I'm sure I say this every weigh in but I am feeling more determined than ever! Only 39lbs to go until I reach my goal! :)

Good luck to everyone this week! :D


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

It's great to see you so early and feeling 'on the ball' - I love your positivity, and that's a great start to the week! :-)

Congratulations for losing 1 pound this week, that's really great - it must feel good to be back on the losing streak again. :-)

The app you mentioned about Zombie - Run sounds really good - particularly for Zombie fans, and I know there are quite a few of those out there. Great that you're enjoying your runs more as a result, and I'm sure you'll inspire a few more people to get involved in it.

I should try a few runs - I very occasionally have a bit of a jog. I might try to do a jog/run later this week, but I'll see how I go...!

Thanks so much for your encouraging words, and here's to a great week ahead!

Lowcal :-)

Yoyo10 profile image

Hi lowcal ive lost 2lb this week which I'm really pleased with, I go back to work on Thursday after 6 1/2 weeks school holiday so hoping I can keep up the gym work n stay away from all the sweet food which is always around at work ! Good luck for this week xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Yoyo10

Hi Yoyo10,

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week. You're making consistent progress so far, as I notice you also lost 2.5 pounds last week - that's so great! Especially as it's been the school holidays. Really good! :-)

Good luck with avoiding all that sweet food back at work, and hope you are able to keep up your gym work too. Enjoy the remaining days of your holiday!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Shelley822 profile image


I've been dieting since March, starting at 97.5kg (15 stone 4 pounds) I'm now at 88.3kg (13 stone 9 pounds) and it's slowing coming down but I'm not as motivated as I first was when I started trying to loose some weight so I thought I'd join this group to try and get some of the motivation back.

I'm a mum and work full time so getting time to exercise is one of my greatest failings, I also have arthritis so this limits me also as to the intensity of the exercises I can do.

I've found the site really helpful, and have been working out my calorie intake and printing the weekly diet sheets to help too. I am aiming to loose 1kg by Monday next week.


in reply to Shelley822

Well done you are nearly 2stone lighter that's awesome! Keep going you can do this!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Shelley822

Hi Shelley,

Thanks so much for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Wishing you a warm welcome! :-)

Wow, you've made great progress with your weight-loss goals, you've already lost a significant amount of weight. Really well done. :-)

I agree that trying to maintain motivation over a period of time can be quite challenging, but you are continuing to lose at a steady rate, and that is a very healthy way to lose weight. I defintely think a group setting is helpful for extra motivation - especially with such incredibly supportive and motivating people as tend to come into this weigh-in thread! They are all amazing!!! The Weight Loss NHS forum is particularly great as a Community, as it's active and encouraging.

I hope you have a great week, and good luck with your goal to lose 1kg by next Monday's weigh-in. Look forward to catching up with you then. Good luck also with achieving your exercise goals.

Lowcal :-)

Carolee13 profile image

Hi Lowcal and everyone. I've just been enjoying reading others' replies and soaking up the positive vibes.

I've moved from 59.4kg to 58.6 (approx. 9st 3.2 lbs, down from 9st 5) so happy with my loss of 0.8 kg, especially since as I mentioned yesterday, I've been able to ditch the bra extenders.

I've been going to exercise classes and enjoying it but on Saturday I cricked my back while drying my toes after my shower. Nothing serious but it's a bit sore. Has anyone got any advice for me to speed up getting my back muscles back to normal?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Carolee13

Hi Carolee13,

Yes, there are lots of positive vibes today!

Congratulations on losing 0.8 kg this week. That is really great, and brilliant that you have ditched your bra extenders (as per your post of yesterday). :-)

Really sorry that you cricked your back in the shower though on Saturday. I can imagine that is quite sore. I'm not really sure as to the best advice for your back muscles, so hope someone can offer you some advice - maybe put a separate 'question post' in the forum to get more specific replies.

I guess your body will probably 'tell you' what it is happy to do, and not happy to do, but take it easy and look after yourself. I hope you'll be better very soon.

Wishing you a great week ahead, hopefully pain free very soon.

Lowcal :-)

Carolee13 profile image
Carolee13 in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal. I do know that walking helps, so I'll focus on walking for now. Have a great week!

in reply to Carolee13

Hi Carolee - I also have a less than cooperative back and can offer two bits of advice: 1. ibuprofen gel - it's really effective and you just put it on the point where the pain is. 2. alexander technique, specifically the 'semi-supine' position (google can help you find out more). It enables you to completely relax and straighten your spine, you just basically lie there with your knees up and apart, your head on a thick paperback, and let your back muscles settle down and relax - this helps with any spine inflammation too. Speedy recovery :)

in reply to

Congrats on losing 0.8kg by the way! :D

Carolee13 profile image
Carolee13 in reply to

Thanks Ruth, that's great advice. I did go for a long walk, which helped and I used some iboprufen gel. I always keep some in the house for my fingers. I'll look into the position you recommended too.

mum_of_3 profile image

Morning Lowcal, and everyone... So glad to hear your knee is better - and that you have a plan for the week ahead - always best to have a target in mind. Hopefully next week will see a great result!

So this week, I've finally broken into the 12s! Hoorah!

Starting weight: 14st 7lbs

Current weight: 12st 12lbs

so that's 3 off this week, and 1 stone 9 off in total - in 11 weeks. Pretty damned pleased with that result!

Next target, get to a round 2 stone off - and I'm off on hols on the 22nd, so I'll try to hit it for then. (then I'm going to indulge in some French cheese and wine for a week)...

Have a good week, everyone.

in reply to mum_of_3

Well done. Hope you reach the 2stone off by your holiday which I hope you enjoy. If you plan to indulge in cheese and wine try to also up your activity whilst away to limit the damage.

Holidays ae great for walks swims tennis or whatever rocks your boat. Enjoy

mum_of_3 profile image
mum_of_3 in reply to

Absolutely - I'll be packing my running kit (I'm slightly addicted to running as a result of the C25k!) and plan on making it an activity holiday, so hopefully will work off all the cheese :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to mum_of_3

Hi Mum_of_3,

Morning! Thanks for your kind words.

Congratulations to you for losing 3 pounds this week, and especially brilliant news to hear you've broken into the 12's.... That is fantastic!!!!! :-)

I know you had been stuck for the past 3 weeks, and had been maintaining your weight at 13 stone 1 pound, so it's so great that you continued and were able to realise a loss, and that it took you down into the 12's.

Not long now till your holiday, so good luck with your goal to get to the round 2 stone off. Mmmm, French cheese and wine, that sounds really good!!!

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to mum_of_3

Well done for getting in to the 12's - such a great feeling! Enjoy your holiday - I wish I could get in to running like you!

vickster5 profile image

Hi all, good to maintain Lowcal. Well first weigh in for 2 weeks and after a week of holiday over indulgence i have gained 3 lbs . Feel first time really not stuck to what i should have in 7 months so not going to beat self up. Good thing is know what to do to get back to it. Also realise the power of sugar again! Hence i did not stay in the 12s so the aim for this week to get back to it! Feel will not be easy with hubbies birthday and him mentioning cream teas and take away pizza!!

well here is to a healthy eating week☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Great to see you again after your holiday. I hope you had a really great time. :-) I think it's good that you are not going to beat yourself up about that gain, as it is minimal in the scale of things - it can be easy to put on about half a stone after a holiday, and like you say, you know how to get back on track, and I'm sure you'll get rid of those 3 pounds in no time, once you're back in your usual routine again.

Hopefully you'll be back in those 12's again very soon! Although, I notice you've mentioned your hubbie's Birthday, and his wish to have Cream Teas and take away pizza - now that could be a stumbling block. Do you have a plan to cope with that? I hope he has a lovely Birthday, but hopefully you can find a way to enjoy celebrating it with him, without scuppering your weight loss goals too much. The remainder of the week is time for 'damage limitation' and maybe you can choose the healthiest pizza (thin crust, vegetable and tomato based), maybe choose just a slice of pizza and have a lovely healthy salad with it.

Pre-planning can help.

I hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to Zest

Thanks, yes been thinking ahead on one slice and lots of salad! I have bought him a birthday cake I am not keen on!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Good idea with the Birthday cake you're not keen on. Enjoy your slice of pizza and lots of salad. :-)

in reply to vickster5

Maybe make some healthy salads to accompany the takeaway pizza to make it more of an occasion while also helping you stick to your healthy eating. Then you can load your plate up with salads and just a couple of pizza slices, eat slowly while he has seconds, and put the rest of the leftover pizza in the freezer for him to reheat another time :)

ICan-IWill profile image

Morning, I've lost 1lb since last week. I would have liked more as I've been so good this week but the good news is I'm finally out of the 10's and in the 9's weighing 9st 13lb, I haven't been under 10st for at least five years so I am very happy and even more determined to lose this last stone to reach my goal.

Have a good week everyone. :))

in reply to ICan-IWill

Well done ! I Too am in the 9's let's cheer each other on. The less to lose the harder it gets... but we can do this!

ICan-IWill profile image
ICan-IWill in reply to

Yes this last stone is taking for ever!!! Yes let's cheer each other on, we can do it. Well done to you too.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ICan-IWill

Hi again Tuppy133,

I think the last stone is the most challenging, but slow and steady is the way to go. You are doing amazing!

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ICan-IWill

Hi Tuppy133,

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week, that's really great!!! Also, so happy to hear you've made the transition from the 10's and into the 9's, that is really great!!! :-)

Wow, you're now into your last stone. Must be a great feeling to have achieved being under 10 stone for the first time in the last 5 years.

Very inspiring!

Wishing you another great week ahead, and enjoy being in the 9's. :-)

Lowcal :-)

ICan-IWill profile image
ICan-IWill in reply to Zest

Thank you so much. It does feel so good, I'm just a bit nervous now of not staying in the 9s like this is just a taster before I go back up to the 10's, haha silly really.

Hope you have a good week and get a loss next week. :)

in reply to ICan-IWill

Half the battle is in the mind. I refute that thought! You and I are headed towards 8!. Stay positive my friend. We are going to do this. !

ICan-IWill profile image
ICan-IWill in reply to

Thank you. :)

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to ICan-IWill

Well done on the loss tuppy! I'm thinking about doing the C25K - how are you finding it?

Here's to a good week!

ICan-IWill profile image
ICan-IWill in reply to NoMoreJunk

I'm really enjoying it, it's a gradual programme so you start with 60 second run, 90 second walk etc then up it each week as you go along. Give it a go, it's worth it.

Have a good week. :)

Hi everyone,

I've been lurking for a week or so, ready to join you all today if possible :-)

Today I weigh 14 st 4.5lbs. I'm a pretty good yo-yo dieter ! I usually manage to lose a stone or so, then slowly put it all back on over the following six months. I then give up on losing weight, telling myself I'm fine - maintain that weight for a year or so, and then decide it's weight loss time again !!

I've come to realise that the only way for me is to keep track of calories - but I always seem to end up fixated more than ever on food and when the next calorie is coming ! This time I'm going to try to keep to a fairly simple plan of what to eat for a while, and see how it goes.

Problem is that it's the school holidays, so I'm a bit more limited in getting out and going for long walks, and am eating more in terms of picnic food etc. (not today, with this rain !!).

Anyway, enough waffling - good luck everyone with your goals this week :-)

ICan-IWill profile image
ICan-IWill in reply to

Hi lucca10, it's great on this forum, everyone is reallt friendly and supportive. Good luck to you too this week.:)

in reply to ICan-IWill

Thanks tuppy - I need a bit of support, so hopefully it'll help being here :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Lucca10,

I think it's fantastic that you've joined us today for this Monday weigh-in, and it's good to hear you were reading our posts previously too, as it can really help to read posts - I often 'lurk' around myself, and gain a lot from reading about other posts. I'm happy that you decided to join us - a very warm welcome! :-)

You've made the big step of sharing your weight today, and hopefully next week you'll be lighter and on your way towards your weight-loss goals. Are you using an app to track your calories? Myfitnesspal is really good - and I know there are others that people use too. But it definitely seems easier than trying to add them up yourself.

Sounds like you have a plan already. Have you seen the NHS 12 week structured plan? It might add some advice to what you're already doing, that might be helpful. It's worth a look, and many people on here are following that plan, as it is the NHS weight loss system.

At least the school holidays are nearly over, so you will be able to get more time to have some long walks.

Will look forward to catching up with you at next week's weigh-in, and wishing you a great week. Hopefully you'll leave the cycle of yo-yo dieting, and be able to maintain your weight loss this time. Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal for the advice. I've used myfitnesspal in the past and its very useful - I've set it all back up again just now to keep track of everything. I've also had a quick read of the NHS bits and pieces as well - just need to put it into action now :-)

I do find however that sometimes I can become too fixated with counting calories though, which means I spend more time than ever thinking (and, consequently, eating) food. I need to learn to plan what I'm going to eat, stick to it, and forget about 'being on a diet' for the rest of the day.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Lucca10,

I think you've got a sensible plan, and I hope you have an enjoyable week, and that you feel more as if you're 'healthy eating' than 'being on a diet'.

Lowcal :-)

Jenever profile image

Good Morning Lowcal and Monday Weighers,

Well done on maintaining this week Lowcal, sounds like you're going back to basics this coming week, sometimes it's good just to recap on what's been happening with our eating habits and pull ourselves back into line, good luck with your efforts this week and hopefully you'll achieve your goal.

Well, I lost just 1/2lb this week. I have mixed feelings about that, part of me feels relieved as although I knew I hadn't strayed away from the plan, my body felt quite bloated and I thought I may have gained a pound or two. However, I'm also disappointed because I've been strictly following the plan and I've done a little more walking this past week. I desperately want to shed those final couple of pounds to take me into the 9's and I now have only 7 weeks to shed 6.5lbs so that I achieve my target weight within the time frame I set myself. For the first time since I began the NHS eating plan I'm feeling despondent, so not a good start to week 21.

Have a good week everyone.

in reply to Jenever

Don't feel despondent. It gets harder when near to goal. You are not burning as many calories as you aren't carrying so much weight around. Try weighted backpack when you walk. Or use hand weights (or bottles of water) and power walk/ jog.

You have done really well and you can reach your goals. Maybe now is the time to step it up a bit. Cheering you on!

Jenever profile image
Jenever in reply to

Thank you Yoyonomore, it's nice to have your support.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

Thanks for your encouraging words - I appreciate them! :-)

Congratulations to you for losing half a pound this week. That's really good! I know you had mixed feelings about it, but the fact is that you've stuck to the plan, and you are getting closer to your goal week by week. Try to shake off those feelings of despondency if you can - you said "I now have only 7 weeks to shed 6.5 lbs" - maybe try to re-phrase it in terms of saying 'I have 7 weeks to go, which means I have 42 days to achieve lots of goals, like my exercise targets, and my healthy eating goals" and at the end of those 7 weeks I will be healthier, fitter, leaner and more toned" (choose your own words of course - I am purely giving an example).

You're right, it's good to recap and pull ourselves back into line - and 7 weeks is a great period of time to achieve a lot. You can do it Jenever!!!

Yoyonomore has given you some excellent suggestions - we're all cheering you on! Here's to stepping things up. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Jenever profile image
Jenever in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal.

Hi Lowcal,

Hope you are not too disappointed with your weigh in .I think the review of all your stats explains why static and you sound well focused for the coming week.

Have a good one.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Flossie358,

Thanks. I feel like I've been 'hovering' around very similar weights for a long time now (I like the word 'hovering' which Prin used last week to describe a similar pattern that we had both noticed about our personal weight-loss journeys), and I understand it's because I'm actually at a BMI of approx 24 something, but I'd really like to be 11 pounds less than I am now. But sometimes I wonder how realistic that is, as there is a 'range' within the 'healthy BMI', and I'm in the upper end of that.

But I'm going to persevere to see if I can get below the 13's and into the 12's. I know my calories are relatively high - but I've been on my weight loss journey for a few years now, and I do love food!

I am feeling more focused so far this week, but of course it is only Monday!!! Everyone's enthusiasm today is helping greatly. :-)

Thanks for your support. I'll look out for your weigh-in during the week.

Lowcal :-)

slimjan profile image


Well I have also stayed the same this week, not too dissapointed as away with friends for a few days last week. Must get back to it this week, need to catch up on house work today so that should burn a few calories off.

I think the group are doing really well and good for you to take the time to do it for everyone, it's really encouraging.

Good luck to everyone, hope you have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to slimjan

Hi Slimjan,

Well done for maintaining your weight this week, despite being away with your friends last week. I hope you had a lovely time.

Catching up with your housework today will definitely burn lots of calories. I am always pleased to see how many go when I'm doing mine!

Thanks for your encouraging words. The group is going really well - like you say, very encouraging!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Morning Lowcal et al

Thank you once again for collating last weeks results for the Monday weigh in group, it really is inspiring to see how everyone is doing and the total loss for the entire group.

I can add 0.5lb lost today, too be honest I'm quite relieved to have lost at all after a meal out last night and a few drinks (a few drinks too many if I'm really honest). The only good thing is that I haven't reached for the Lucozade and greasy spoon barmcake/Mcdonalds to cure the hangover so at least that's a small achievement. I am still enjoying the pilates (3rd class tonight) so hopefully that's an activity that will stick. I haven't been quite as dedicated with the C25K though so my aim this week is to manage day one and two again to kick start the programme.

My weight loss goal for this week is to lose at least 1lb which will creep my weight in to the 10's, I need to be extra good Monday - Friday as Saturday afternoon/evening is a meal out with family.

Have a good week everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Hi Mrsg3,

Yes, the weigh-in stats are extremely motivating and we're doing well as a group, as well as individuals! Thanks for your kind words. :-)

Congratulations on losing 0.5 pound this week, that is great! I hope you enjoyed your meal out last night, and that you're feeling ok today! I think you've done well to weigh-in on a Monday morning after a night out!

Great that you're still enjoying the Pilates classes, and hope the 3rd class goes well tonight. Good luck with doing Day 1 and 2 of the C25K again, hopefully that will kick-start you back into it again.

Fantastic that you're getting ever closer to the 10's. Hope you cope ok with your meal out with family on Saturday. Maybe pre-plan it a little, to have some strategies to help you cope with it.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal

Your idea of pre-planning is a good one, I'm going to check the menu out and make my choices so that I'm not led astray when I get there. I think it will help to do this before Saturday when no doubt a couple of drinks will pass my lips and hamper my resolve. It's only one night though and I figure this is a lifestyle change so there isn't any point making it unrealistic after all life is for living.

Good luck this week and hopefully a loss next Monday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Hi Mrsg3,

I think checking the menu out beforehand is a great idea - you can make some excellent choices, and enjoy your evening.

Life is for living - defintely a good motto!

Yes, here's to a loss next Monday. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Jillocee profile image

Well, it's been a good first week with 4lbs off and a lovely walk every day. Here's to the next 4!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jillocee

Hi Jillocee,

Wow, what a great start - losing 4 pounds in your first week. Congratulatons!!! Really pleased, and great to hear you've enjoyed a lovely walk every day too. It's such a great way to exercise.

Usually the weight loss in someone's first week is larger than in subsequent weeks, and more usually people lose between 1 to 2 pounds afterwards, with it slowing down as people reach their ultimate goals, but of course it varies from person to person.

I hope you found the first week enjoyable as a whole, and I hope you have another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Just to say I'll be back later, as need to do some things - but will respond to people when I'm back (after lunch sometime!).

Meshyt profile image

Hiya! First week for me - and I lost 3lb :)

Super delighted! I had just one wobble - a night out on Friday when I had alot of Margaritas (who knew they had so many calories!?!) but otherwise, I kept to my 1400 cal limit every day. I had TOM and I knew the chocolate temptation would be really high, so I bought a 40g bar of very dark chocolate (210 cals) and worked it into my daily allowance, eating it at intervals over the first day of TOM :)

I managed 4 workouts, (2 gym and 2 swimming), so planning to hit up five this week.

I know my weightloss is a bit higher this week because it's the first week - but honestly, I'm delighted!

Hoping everyone had a good one!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Meshyt

Hi Meshyt,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks so much for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Congratulations on losing 3 pounds in your first week, that is really great!

Well done for keeping within your calorie limit every day - having a night out on Friday is good to let your hair down and enjoy yourself. I don't think many of us could limit ourselves every single day - I know I can't...! Out of interest, how many calories are there in a Margarita?

I love your strategy with the chocolate - it's a great way to ensure you hit your chocolate craving without overdoing it. I also have my daily chocolate (either Hazelnut and dark chocolate or Pistachio chocolate - both by Lindt and very dark). I only have 1 piece each day, after a cup of coffee in the evening, and I really savour it!

Well done also for achieving those work-outs, and good luck for this week to achieve 5 of them.

It's normal to have a higher weight loss in the first week, and I'm really glad that you're delighted, because you should be - it's a great start, and you're on your way towards further weight-loss.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal. I've also stayed the same this week but am trying to share your positive attitude to 'maintaining'. I feel like I repeat my weight to myself now as a sort of mantra, especially while pushing myself to keep running or while walking home and not picking up unhealthy alcohol/choc etc on the way. Despite staying here for 3 weeks now, 11 stone 3 still sounds unfamiliar. It's way more than I want to weigh, but a good deal less than my starting point of 12st4. I'm wondering what will sound better - 11 stone 2, perhaps 10 stone 13 :) ... so I'm determined to reach a different weight by next Monday to at least break this impasse of the weird-sounding 11 stone 3! I think a back to basics really focused week is in order. My plan this week is to do 3 sets of 3:

3 runs

3 bike days (commuting round where I need to go by bike rather than by tube/bus)

3 trips to the fresh fruit n veg shop (it always inspires me to make healthier things and it's a good 15min walk there and back too)

Have a great week and good luck increasing your walking, strength and starjump-while-kettle-boiling exercises :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

I saw your pre-weighing in thread yesterday (Sunday), and know you were a bit concerned about weighing in today, so I'm glad you've maintained your weight, and that there isn't any gains on the scales. Phew!!! I know you were away recently, so I think you've done really well to maintain your weight. So Congratulations for doing that.

You have an excellent plan this week - doing your 3 sets of 3 - all really good goals, and I hope you find lots of great fresh fruit and vegetables to enable you to make some delicous meals.

I've made some tea and coffee today, but not done any star-jumps so far...!!! I must ensure I do that by the end of the day, otherwise it is purely words and not action!

Wishing you a really good week ahead, and also a loss on the scales for next Monday. I am sure you'll see a shift on those scales very soon! Maybe even tomorrow...!

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks for your encouraging reply Lowcal :) I'm reading through the week 11 advice and it's all about what to do when you hit a plateau. It does seem to be about taking the things you know to do but really making sure you do them - like you say action not just words. I've just (finally) sent in my run england form to start with a running group tomorrow. That'll be my 2nd run for this week (already run this morning) and Wed I'll be out on my bike for a job in Deptford. Today/tomorrow I'll make that veg shop visit. I'm all over this! Have a great week too - hope you see that 2lb loss by next Mon :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

I will take another look at the week 11 advice too - good idea!

Good luck with your runs for this week, and also for the job in Deptford.

Thanks for your encouragement - I really appreciate it! :-)

Lowcal :-)

Claireep profile image

Morning everyone. Sorry not got time to read all the threads as have two active children wanting to be entertained so will catch up after bedtime ☺️ This week due to planned takeaway and wine I have stayed the same this week which I am pleased with. Roll on this week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Claireep

Hi Claireep,

Great to see you, and hope things are going well today with your 2 active children - I'm sure you're keeping them well entertained, and I hope it's not tiring you out too much. There'll be lots for you to read on this thread by the time bedtime comes, as there is lots of activity here today! Really good!!! :-)

Congratulations for maintaining your weight this week, despite your planned takeaway and wine - You had a big weight loss last week (3.75 pounds) and I know you're on the cusp of the 15's, so good luck in achieving that very soon - hopefully next week, all being well.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

MrsBooboo profile image

I am the same 17 stone 1lb. I think this because of our anniversary weekend of fun and feasting ;-) Back to normal today though.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to MrsBooboo

Hi MrsBooboo,

Congratulations for maintaining your weight this week, especially after your Anniversary weekend celebrations. Fun and feasting sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate.

I know you're excited to get close to the 16's, so wishing you lots of success and a great week ahead. Hopefully you'll be closer to your goal as the week progresses.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

MrsBooboo profile image
MrsBooboo in reply to Zest

Thank you Lowcal. Well remembered about my anticipation to get into the 16's, it has been years since i have been there. I am trying to work it now, around late 2010 and early 2011.

I hope you have a good week too and are able to loose those 2lbs, as you have maintained this week.

Hi. Lowcal I have stayed the same weight this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog1,

Great to see you, and it's good that you've maintained your weight and not gained anything this week - I hope your week has been a good one.

You didn't say how you feel about maintaining, or how your week has gone, but I hope things are going well and I wish you an excellent week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi yes I am ok about maintaining. It's not really been a good week. Life has many challenges at present so I am not expecting to do more than maintain for a while yet. Hoping for a better week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog1,

Sorry to hear it's not been a good week. Life has a way of throwing us challenges sometimes, but I'm glad you feel ok about maintaining - because I do think it's good, especially when faced with challenges.

Hope you have a better week ahead. :-)

Lowcal :-)

the_old_me profile image

Hi Lowcal,

Its good to know that your knees are better now. I found your idea of Monday weigh-in fabulous. Though I feel a bit gloomy today as my second week started today and I weigh exactly the same as last week.

I have been quite on track last week. But I think the it did not work for me is I generally consume less calorie. So I need to go for more strength exercise for weight loss. I walked regularly last week. I have started C25K yesterday. So I might see some change the next week. Wish me luck so that I can be strict on my goals.

Best wishes!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to the_old_me

Hi The_old_me,

Thanks so much for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. I'm really glad you've joined us. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling a bit gloomy today though. I know it can be a bit disheartening when you've been on track over the week, but don't see any change on the scales. But it can be helpful to take some body measurements at the start as well, because sometimes we tone up and show reductions in the body measurements, but don't necessarily show that reduction weight-wise. I usually compare body measurements once a month.

Well done for starting the C25K and I wish you lots of success with that, and hope you enjoy it. Great that you're going to do more strength exercise too - do you know what kind of things you're going to do? I am hoping to concentrate on that side of things more this week as well.

Definitely wishing you lots of luck, and will look forward to catching up with you at next Monday's weigh-in. Hopefully you will achieve the strictness you want to achieve regarding your goals. You sound focused, and hopefully your initial gloomy feelings will dissolve away as you enjoy your renewed focus as the week goes on, and you will hopefully achieve the results you want on the scales too.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

the_old_me profile image
the_old_me in reply to Zest

Thanks for your inspiring words. I do love yoga. But as some studies say about the effectiveness of cardio for weight loss I will try to go for that. I have done some cardio before but I was not quite regular. But I think I need to be regular from now.

What are you planning to do for strength exercise?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to the_old_me

Hi The_old_me,

I am planning to do what I think are referred to as 'compound exercises' where I am using my own body weight - i.e. things like squats, star-jumps, press-ups, and I am also going to do some work-outs with my kettlebell, which weighs 8kg. I only have 1 kettlebell, but I have a DVD by Bob Harper which is very tiring. I've only done his kettlebell work-out a couple of times in total so far as I find it exhausting! But I really like him, and he does a shorter session (25 mins) which concentrates on 'core strength'.

I was doing Jillian Michael's DVD called '30-day shred' for a while, but stopped in the last month. I need to get back to that, as she had some good abdominal exercises as part of that.

If you (or anyone) have any recommendations on good strength exercises, I'd be really interested. I tried to download the 'Strength and Flex' podcasts on the weekend, but somehow couldn't access them. So not sure what they're like.

Good luck with your cardio - definitely doing it regularly should help.

Lowcal :-)

the_old_me profile image
the_old_me in reply to Zest

I have followed the cardio workout from fitness blender and I found that really well..some of my friends have good results from that. For Yoga I followed Courtney Bell's videos which actually cover many aspects.

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg in reply to Zest

The NHS strength and flex routines got really got me restarted on exercising last October. They seem so simple and yet.. They were very very effective. I still use the warm up and all the stretches I learned.

Love your positivity, Lowcal. You really are an inspiration to the rest of us. This week I lost 12 ounces together with an inch off both chest and hips. Was really pleased as I overindulged when a friend came to stay midweek and we had enormous ice creams, a pub meal, coffee shop drinks and cake, oh and the obligatory bottle of wine! Made up for being so good the week before and losing so much less. (Don't want to give totally the wrong idea - I have exercised my socks off as penance)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Caree,

Thank you, you are very kind.

Congratulations to you for losing 12 ounces (I calculate that is equivalent to 0.75 pound), and also the inch off both your chest and hips. That is brilliant! Great to see the inches changing alongside the weight - they are both good measures.

Well done for doing all that exercise - but also good to hear you enjoyed your time with your friend and had a bit of indulgence. Sounds like you really had a great day!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

NatNat86 profile image

Started week 4 at 13st 3 quarters now starting week 5 at 12st 11lbs and 3 quarters

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to NatNat86

Hi NatNat86,

Great to see you again, and Congratulations on losing 3 pounds this week. Most importantly, you're into the 12's, so many Congratulations for that!!! That must feel good... :-)

I hope you had an enjoyable week.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

NatNat86 profile image
NatNat86 in reply to Zest

Yeah I'm feeling really happy about the 12 thanks. Good luck on you week ahead.

Flossie1920 profile image

Hello Lowcal - I have been reading about Myfitnesspal - where do you get the app from please. I like your record keeping and might just about have the courage to input my info soon.

Thanks in advance


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Flossie1920

Hi Mary,

The way I access the app is via the internet, and I just put in and it takes me to the page - I'm sure you can put it onto another device, but I tend to use it from my computer.

It's lovely that you came into the thread today, and I hope you'll have the courage to input your info soon, as you are considering doing so - but only do it if and when you feel ready.

But I'd also like to add that you'd be extremely welcome and I hope you'll pop in again soon! It's a supportive group. :-)

Hope you are enjoying the forum generally, and hope to see you around and about.

Myfitnesspal is really useful, so hope you get on ok with it.

All the best,

Lowcal :-)

Flossie1920 profile image

Hello Lowcal - it's extremely nice of you to reply so quickly and I will certainly look the ap up, so to speak....... I am finding this site extremely friendly and helpful and will probably join the weigh-in next Monday God help me!!!!!

All the best

Mary xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Flossie1920

Hi again Mary,

Great, I hope you find the app ok.

Glad you like the forum, and wishing you lots of luck and success this week with your weight loss journey, and hope to see you at next Monday's weigh-in. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

I posted this morning.....on some random thread so here it is copied and pasted in all its glory! Morning Lowcal and the gang, maintaining is good Lowcal :) hurrah I am back in the 10's 10.121/2 ( probably due to bowel movements but I will take that, and also try and maintain this week, not too much socialising just 2 events this week! I hope you all have a great week - my loss for the adders up 2lbs I think I am really 10.13 with bowel contents!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

I'm wondering which thread you posted on this morning. Glad you found the right place to re-post - great to see you! :-)

Thanks for your encouraging words - and Congratulations to you for getting back into the 10's - that is fantastic news! :-) A 2 pound loss is really great. I hope we're not going to end up weighing our bowel contents, as I don't think I could cope with that.

Good luck with your goal this week to maintain, and enjoy your 2 social events.

Wishing you a great week ahead. Enjoy being back in those 10's... :-)

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Zest

nomorejunk- first weigh in thread 😳

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

OK, that explains why I didn't see your reply till you re-posted it here. :-)

Pantheress67 profile image

Hi everyone. My name is Mary and I joined the forum yesterday. I apologise that I am a day late. I could not get the site to work properly on my phone or ipad.

I started my healthy jouurney about two weeks ago, but was not very focused or dispalined. So I decided to join the forum yesterday (after toying with the idea for about a month). I can safely say I am glad I took the plundge. The reception has been welcoming and encouraging ( I had joined other forums which were very competitive and unfriendly).

I weigh 268.12 pounds (19st 2lbs at the moment :( But I am determined to lose at least 8 stones eventually. As advised by a few lovely people on here I am going to make small targets on my way to losing all that weight. So I have decided that I want to lose a stone in the 12 weeks to start off with. I am so motivated by your responses and by reading everyones posts :)

in reply to Pantheress67

Well done! A stone at a time is a good idea. We are better together as we can inspire and encourage each other. I love this forum. Keep posting and checking in. You are on your way to getting healthier.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Pantheress67

Hi Mary,

Sorry to hear you had some difficulties getting the site to work properly yesterday on your phone and ipad. That's frustrating. Really glad you made it in here today, as I was hoping you would! :-)

You've taken the first step of weighing in, and you've got your ultimate goal in mind - I think the advice you were given about breaking it down into smaller targets is brilliant, and makes it feel much more achievable and motivating. Step by step, and eventually getting rid of all the weight you no longer want.

I'm glad you've found the forum a supportive and friendly place - I love the enthusiasm of everyone, and how people pick each other up if they notice anyone feeling a lull in motivation - it can easily happen, but we're all in the same boat in terms of wanting to lose weight and be healthy and fitter. I know everyone's goals and motivations can vary, but I like to think those aims are pretty universal, or at least motivating for the majority of us.

Wishing you a great week ahead, and look forward to seeing you in next Monday's weigh-in, and around and about on the forum.

Lowcal :-)

Pantheress67 profile image
Pantheress67 in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal. Thank you very much. I will definately make the roll call next monday :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Pantheress67

That's great, Pantheress67, we'll look forward to seeing you in next Monday's thread. Wishing you a great week in the meantime. :-)

That is 4.8 stone lost - I don't believe it! I'm 12 stone 7 pounds (175 pounds). I need to lose about 10 pounds to get into the healthy range of BMI.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi VictorMeldrew,

A warm welcome to you and thanks for posting in the Monday weigh-in group thread. When you say 'that is 4.8 stone lost' what are you referring to? Have you lost 4.8 stone yourself? If so, fantastic! Really well done.

You've given your current weight, and your goal to lose 10 pounds to get into the healthy range of BMI. I don't know if you're using any particular plan to achieve your goals, and I wonder if you've seen the NHS Weight loss 12 week structured plan? Here's the link if you'd like to take a look:

It's really good. I'd also recommend using an app like 'Myfitnesspal' to keep track of calories and exercise, as it's really easy to use.

This post is a regular Monday thread, so maybe you'd like to join us for future weigh-ins, to keep track of your progress. It's a friendly and supportive group.

Wishing you success with your weight loss journey. Hope to see you in future posts and around on the forum.

Lowcal :-)

Pantheress67 profile image
Pantheress67 in reply to

Well done VictorMeldrew. That has definately inspired me to keep at it :)

Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Lowcal and all, I know i'm late!! My mobile and the website are refusing to cooperate with one another and this is the first chance I've had to use the laptop.

Yesterday morning I weighed 17st 10lbs - GAIN OF 7LBS or so since last week - I was really fed up and almost went for the emotional eating option.. however I did not and today I have tried to keep my calories to 500 (as in 5, 2 diet) I have never been drawn to that diet before but hubby (all 13 stone of toned muscle) has decided he wants to drop half a stone or so before his next tournament in Sept so we have agreed to try this for 4 weeks and see how it works for both of us.. I really don't do being hungry so watch this space ;)

Lowcal, good luck with upping the exercise - I'm glad your knee is better :) I can't believe how many posts there are this week - i'm taking the laptop to bed now to catch up.

Hope you all have a happy healthy week.

Kate xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Sorry to hear you had trouble accessing the website, and glad you got here in the end! It's great to see you. :-)

It sounds like you had quite a challenging day yesterday, and your desire to do some 'emotional eating' after gaining 7 pounds over the week is understandable, but the great thing is that you didn't do that, and you've taken some action in terms of taking the 5:2 option. Well done for coping with the day, and it's great that your husband has committed to following a diet plan too, because I'm sure that will give you both added incentive to achieve your goals, and you can make progress together.

Good luck with it this week, and I'm sure you'll be on your way to losing some of that extra weight by next Monday.

Thanks for your kind words about my knee - I am so relieved it is better now, and I have managed to up my exercise so far this week, so I am also hoping to have a loss on the scales for Monday.

Yes, there are LOTS of posts on this week's thread, and it is really inspiring to read how everyone is getting on.

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

channan profile image

Hi lowcal, delay in submitting my weekly weight this Monday's weight is 85.5kg and week before was 86.6kg. Feeling alot better, less breathless when walking uphill/stairs! Still feeling positive and trying to keep to daily calorie allowance. Managed to go swimming and finally made it to the gym! 🏊😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to channan

Hi Channan,

I'm glad to see you! Congratulations for losing 1.1 kg this week, that is fantastic! :-)

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling a lot better in yourself, and less breathless when walking uphill or up the stairs - it shows that your level of fitness is improving. Really good!

I hope you enjoyed your swimming, and the gym session too - beautifully depicted by your 'emoticons' (sorry - I'm not sure if that's the right word or not...! - probably not...)

Most importantly, you're still feeling positive, and I hope you have a great remainder of the week.

Lowcal :-)

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