Please Join Us for a Monday Weigh-in G... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Us for a Monday Weigh-in Group (28th September 2015).

Prin profile image
217 Replies

Morning ladies Lowcal is on holiday so the officr juniors are running the thread tis week

So you will have a reply from




Or me


Well this week I weigh in at 11st, 1lb down last week I am off to spin, a little dissapointed as I have been below 11 this week. The end of dry September this week will try and be more restrained this week with alcohol but it's my wedding anniversary on Thursday and out to an alcohol free lunch with friends today. I hope you are having a good week and will be back after my class to see how you are all doing👊

Thank you to the lovely stato Ruth for providing last weeks stats

Total people posting on last Monday's thread: 62

Total people who lost weight: 36 (70.43 pounds lost) (31.95 kilos)

Total people who gained weight: 4 (4.88 pounds gained) (2.21 kilos)

Total people who maintained weight: 10

Total people starting out on their weight loss journey/plan: 5

Total people who didn't disclose their weight gain/loss: 7

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Prin profile image
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217 Replies
Candystripe profile image

Good morning Prin & Everyone.

One of the Fab 5ers here returned and reporting back from holiday.

Had a fabulous time, didn't want to come back BUT missed you all so much so here I am!

Whoo hoo Prin one pound down is fab. Great work!

Well I gained while I was away :( BUT only 0.3lb so I am very, very, very happy :) . This must have been the three days that I ate my nieces dessert which was ice cream sandwiches, smothered in caramel & chocolate sauce, topped with whipped cream and then a second layer again covered with grated chocolate. I also ate a couple of Waffle House breakfasts but the low calorie option (800 calories the low option????)

However I went walking every other day with my sister so must have lost calories with that and all the talking!!!!

Still on target to be below 12stone in three weeks time when my husband comes home on leave.

Have a great week everyone and will respond to your posts throughout the day alongside my other Fab 4ers or Fab 3ers as Lowcal now on holiday. Hope you're having a great time my lovely.

Off to my gym class in a bit.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Candystripe

Hi CS- and really well done for that minuscule gain whilst on holiday. That will be gone in a shot:-) I might join you in quest to be below 12 stone in 3 weeks . I don't doubt you - but what if i could:-)

Enjoy your spin:-)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to suzybenj

Good morning suzybenj,

At 12 stone 4.8lbs this morning it's big ask for three weeks time BUT I feel yet another challenge coming on!

Just see in your minds eye that poor little ol' steam train struggle up the hill with the immortal words coming out of his engine "I think I can, I know I can" Let's do it!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Candystripe

Well done Candystripe! Glad you enjoyed your holiday and there is a maintanace lesson for us all- way to go!

cherry-blossom profile image
cherry-blossom in reply to Candystripe

Well done candy stripe. You have really kept going on holiday I find this very difficult. Like you I am targeting getting under twelve stone mark too. Let's do it!

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to cherry-blossom

Good morning cherry-blossom and thank you for your kind words. It certainly isn't easy BUT with a will of steel to achieve my ultimate goal and knowing that this is about healthy eating and wise choices as part of our new lifestyle, then perhaps it's not so bad. This really isn't a "fad" diet but an on-going commitment for "me".

Yes, let's do this.......below 12 stone in three weeks along with suzybenj. Go girls!

in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe

Great to hear from you and what a result from your jollies great work 😃 Just goes to show you are making good choices and it's all 'normal'

Sounds like you've had a great time.

Have a lovely week


Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to

Thank you flossie for your kind words. Before I went away my father asked me when I was going to eat "normally" again. I just told him that what I was doing is quite normal and left it at that. However while we were away, he turned out to be my worst nightmare and often asked "should you be eating that?" Bless his cotton socks! I wonder how much that comment affected my choices???

Have a great week yourself.

Fran182716 profile image

Morning Prin and the other fab 3 today, sorry you're disappointed about the 1lb Prin, but we do fluctuate naturally, and that 1lb can change from day to day,I sometimes think it would be better if we weighed once a month so we saw a general trend instead but I'm too curious to wait that long! Glad to report a loss this week, 1 and 3/4 lb, down from 10 stone 10 1/4 to 10 stone 8 1/2. Happy with that! Good luck everyone ☀️

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Fran182716

Great news Fran - apparently your weight is the top of my idea weight range- which seems a way off for me. But really well done to you.

Good Luck for next week:-)

Fran182716 profile image
Fran182716 in reply to suzybenj

Thanks Suzy, I'm only 4 ft 10, so for me my weight is still at the bottom of the obese category, I need to get to 8 1/2 stone to get my BMI just under 25. Still it's going in the right direction today ☀️

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Fran182716

You will always be Bannanacake to me😜

cherry-blossom profile image
cherry-blossom in reply to Fran182716

Well done... You are doing well. Have a good week.

Portlandprincess profile image

Hey prin, well done you on your one pound down and your junior office take up!...I weigh in Wednesdays...shed another twins!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Portlandprincess

Well done PP - as I am discovering all those pounds losses do add up in the end. I was Feeling rather despondent - but this week i totted up all those mini-losses etc and discovered it was overall a hard won half a stone.

Like Fran - i like to see the overall trend - so I track on MFP - it makes for interesting checking of my up and downward trend over the last year- Having gone up to an all time high -i am albeit slowly traversing down the other side.

Bank the pound and Good luck for next week PP:-)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzy....I too managed to put on a record amount of pounds in a year....this forum is amazing and keeps me focussed. I love it. Also, a pound a week is my aim cos I really want this to be a life change as I've never really had a successful diet in thirty years...lasted about a week! Ha! This is different though. I'm eating what I like and burning off the energy. The main change for me is really cutting back on the win!

in reply to Portlandprincess

Yeah - well done PP :-) Keep up the hard work - you are doing brilliantly !

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Portlandprincess

I thought I was twins with runner jan we have both strayed into 11's, however PP I am Princess too, that was my pet name till I left home and my little sister shortened it to Prin and she calls me that to this day!

suzybenj profile image

Prin - 1 pound down that is just fine - like me you live a pretty giddy social life - bank your pound and concentrate on shaving off the next one.

My new strategy is to really concentrate on not gaining, calorie counting obviously. And for my evening meal I have halfed my protein intake and made up with salad

And ta dah - I have lost 2 pounds this week- I can't tell you how pleased I am - whoop whoop - that that is half a stone gone since my all time high this year.

It has taken me all year to achieve this - but ever closer to getting to under 12 stone - that is now four pounds away- so I will join CS and try to get there in three weeks. This is going to be especially difficult for me as this Madame ( social) butterfly - has OHs birthday, and three Rugby World Cup matches away. so i shall be in full party mode- Scotland the Brave:-)

Good luck everyone and happy weight loss week:-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to suzybenj

Good job Suzy persistence pays off 1/2 stone just think of all tose packs of butter - I forgot we have friends coming up from Cambridge at the weekend too😳

Hi Everyone

Last week was 16 8.6, this week 16 3.2. Lost 5.4 lbs. Very pleased with that esp. as it's the time of the month.

Good luck everyone else 😃😊

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Lizzy -Whoop whoop - really fantastically well done - a great achievement and you must be very chuffed with yourself. whatever you are doing keep at it:-)

Good luck for next week:-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Wow Lizzy! Well done you! :)

in reply to

All that walking Lizzy has paid off :-) Well done !

in reply to

Hi Lizzy,

Fab result,you sound in a good place so go for it💋

Have another great week


Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to

Fabulous lovely Lizzie. I'll have some of what you've got please! Have another great week.

SineadC92 profile image

Hey everyone,

I am a pound down this week which I'm pleased with as Iv had a few not so great days. Hoping for a more consistent week!

Hope everyone's had a good week

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to SineadC92

Hi SineadC92. Sorry to hear that you've not had a good few days but you are doing really well. One pound is a great achievement as it could have easily gone the other way by the sounds of it. Hope you have a more positive week and looking forward to next weeks results. Good luck.

cherry-blossom profile image
cherry-blossom in reply to SineadC92

Same as me Sinead. However, it's in the right direction. Have a good week....I am aiming at two pounds this week, my week four!

kitkat34 profile image

Hi (sienna Daisy Luis) changed name to shorter one

21bs off 10/2

can't wait to get back to nines x

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to kitkat34

Good morning kitkat34. Two pounds is pretty impressive. Well done. It certainly won't be long until the nines are upon you. Wishing you a good week and who knows!

kitkat34 profile image
kitkat34 in reply to Candystripe

Thanks candy stripe

Your holiday sounds loverly

and you hardly put on any weight

tell me your secret

I spent 4 monthS away with my grandchildren tyred to tell myself I wouldn't put on any weight because I was running around

but was so upset upon my return 41 inch waist

still I had fun and loverly family time.

which was great as they live in New Zealand

gotta slim down for my next visit

new grand child in Feb x

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to kitkat34

There's no magic formula I'm afraid! Just remember the changes you have made to get where you are and that it's not a fad diet but a life change.

A treat is good but too many can be your downfall. Probably not what you want to hear BUT what a great time you will have in Feb with your beautiful new grandchild.

Good luck & don't get despondent over food just enjoy the new pleasure it brings! X

kitkat34 profile image
kitkat34 in reply to Candystripe

Thanks for advice

been on many diets over years, don't normally let myself get above 10/11 without taking my self in hand

but retired last year. And took my eye of the ball. Started wearing elasticed leggings, so went heavy. Told myself I would lose it on holiday NZ v healthy (for some)

never happened, I'm back on track 500 cals burnt on treadmill today

waist now 35 and a half.

Learnt The hard way

I'm only 5ft 2 so shows v easy. I hope this is the last time

I'm old enough to know better

Candystripe profile image

Wow suzybenj,

2lbs is brilliant. You have really struggled these past months but look at what you have achieved. Yes Madame Butterfly indeed and hope you have a great time, but with making the right choices you CAN be a winner too and boy do they have to work to get to the top!

Good luck this week and looking forward to hearing how the 11 challenge goes!

2bFabnfit profile image

Morning all.

I am in shock! Weighed in this morning at 57 kg. My goal weight! A loss of 1.3kg!

Really not sure how that happened as I have been unwell all week which has prevented me from working out, since Wednesday.

Although at my original goal I intend to keep going to complete the 12 weeks. Going into week 10. Very happy!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to 2bFabnfit

Fantastic 2bFabnfit! I'm so pleased for you :)

in reply to 2bFabnfit

Congratulations on reaching your goal 2b - that's amazing and you must be feeling great :-)

in reply to 2bFabnfit

Wow fantastic that news deserves a separate post and a fanfare 😃👏😊👏

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to 2bFabnfit

Well done on reaching your goal don't be a stranger,I swear by this board for maintaining I can't believe I am two years at goal! (or there abouts)

in reply to 2bFabnfit

Hey 2b, that's soooo cool! Super congrats for reaching goal weight 2 weeks early :) :) :) Shows that your diet has been effective on its own without the need for exercise. Although I think the types of strength/resistance exercises you've been doing will have kept having an effect on your metabolism for a few days after each session, so you will probably have had a bit of residual help from the exercise for part of the week. Sorry to hear you didn't manage to ward off the bug, hope you recover quickly, and hope this excellent news is a great consolation!

Nussaybah profile image
Nussaybah in reply to 2bFabnfit

Fantastic!! I sooo wish I could be in your situation at some point this year!!!! Well done!!

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to 2bFabnfit

Well done you, what an achievement you should be really pleased.

Gonti profile image
Gonti10 kg

Good morning all, you all sound very perky and cheerful and is still only 3mins past 7. Amazing bunch. Prin congrats on completing dry September, on your wedding anniversary and on contemplating lunch with old friends without alcohol. A model life am envious. 😀

Me last weigh in 92.5, this morning 92.2 kgs.

Am back from holiday in a good mood, covered in scratches, bruises and insect bites from all the outdoor stuff -my hair is a disgrace so I will wear a beanie to work. 👿Suitcase is full of sandy, torn clothes that need to be washed. We ate well -Devon style-and so I have only lost 300g in two weeks. I did in fact attempt boot camp behaviours in the seaside town that makes its own ice cream and hurls fresh scones and pasties and crab sandwiches at all visitors but that was not effective. I made a heroic effort to keep counting calories with MFP which was very helpful.

Holiday aside I have only lost a kilo in the last four weeks so I know I do need to cut calories a bit further. It should be easier now that everyone in my life knows I am doing this.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Gonti

Gonti I have this pic in my head of you in a beanie:) Devon sounds delicious! We all deserve a break, life is for living🎉the trick is to get back to it and you seem to be on the right track! Stay strong and now team Gonti are on board it should make it easier, have a great weekxx

Candystripe profile image

That is amazing 2bFabnfit......your goal weight at week 9 and being unwell too! 1.3kg is a great loss so many congratulations. Good luck with maintaining over the next couple of weeks.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Happy Monday again all,

Thank you Fab Four for taking up the reins in Lowcal's absence, what would we do without you? :)

Prin, congrats on the 1lb loss, don't be disappointed, it's great news. Enjoy your alcohol free lunch today and enjoy having a drink to celebrate your wedding anniversary on Thursday. Congratulations! :)

Candystripe, glad to hear you had a fab holiday and only put on 0.3lbs after those yummy desserts! Fantastic!

Suzy, fingers crossed for your joint quest with Candystripe to get below 12 stone in 3 weeks. I'll maybe join you in 3 years :)

Reading through last weeks stats, I was wishing, greedily, that the entire group's weight loss was mine :), however, I'm very happy to report a loss of 1.125lbs. This gives me a total loss of 9lbs for my first 3 weeks! Woohoo! I'm delighted :) I'd like to thank everyone here for their support, enthusiasm and encouragement. I'd never have done it without you.

I have my fingers crossed for all who are weighing in today and good luck to all of us in the weeks to come :)

in reply to moreless

Well done, moreless - another 1lb bites the dust and your overall loss of 9lbs is fantastic - you must be really feeling the difference now :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Thanks Lucca, I am. I can actually dry my feet after a shower now without feeling like my eyes are about to pop out! :)

in reply to moreless

:-) Never a good feeling :-O !!

cherry-blossom profile image
cherry-blossom in reply to moreless

Me too. A little roll of fat that was sitting on my thighs when I sat down has gone! Whoa! 7 lbs gone at the end of week three....

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to moreless

What a grand post thank you so much for your support, 9lbs you should be very proud and remember its a marathon not a sprint we love sustainable results here, have a great week and I hope you achieve your goals

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Prin

Thanks Prin,

I think I've lost all the "easy" weight now and it's time for the hard work to start :)

in reply to moreless

Really pleased for you too, that's such excellent progress in just 3 weeks. Your support and slightly wicked sense of humour is very much appreciated too! :D :)

Yoyo10 profile image

Good morning prin n fab five, I've lost 1lb this week so thankfully still heading in the right direction. Hope everyone has a great week :-)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Yoyo10

Good morning Yoyo. Congratulations on losing that 1lb this week and another pound towards your goal!

Have a great week and keep up the great work.

Carolee13 profile image

Morning Prin and everyone. Wishing you a happy anniversary for Thursday Prin. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself and not overdo it.

Well, the old man and I treated ourselves to a meal at our favourite Italian restaurant on Saturday (motto: Never trust a skinny chef) but managed to avoid the more fattening options. However, I was 0.3 kg up on last week, at 56 kg. but I'm not downhearted. I measured my waist, hips and bust at the weekend and have lost an inch off each.

Week 10, here I come! Have a great week, all of you lovely people.

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Carolee13

Morning Carolee. Yes ok so technically 0.3 kg is a gain and mine too this week but let's not be disheartened as it's really closer to maintaining (that's what I have told myself anyway!)

Yes those measurements tell the truth don't they and of course the clothes start to feel more comfortable. I was surprised when I went and got "measured" for new bras on Saturday. Having started out at 42DD then a couple of months back at 38DD, I have now gone into a 36E so can well and truly jump and down without doing myself an injury!!!!

Have a great week 10 and keep up the good work.

Tinkerbellsue profile image

Have lost 2lbs this week.......its so slow despite exercising more this week. Have lost 6lbs altogether in 4 weeks!!!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Tinkerbellsue

1 pound off half stone - just think how pleased you will be to be able to report that next week:-)

Go Girl and good luck:-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Tinkerbellsue

Don't be despondent Tink, that's exactly right, 1 1/2lbs per week. Remember, this isn't a quick fix, it's a way of life :)

Nussaybah profile image
Nussaybah in reply to Tinkerbellsue

Hear hear. 7 lbs in 4 weeks. We need to be patient Tinker. Hopefully we will never ever see them again. We need to be realistic, and in Nhs loss programme term, you've done very well this week! Don't give up now!

191253summer profile image
191253summer2 stone

Hi Prin, a pound off is good well done. I have lost 2.25lbs this week so very pleased, I am now 12st 13.5lb, and lose of 1stone 1lb in 6 weeks. Now onto week 7, can't believe I am still determined this far in.

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to 191253summer

Good morning and wow......1 stone 1lb in six weeks. That deserves a big pat on the back. I am sure that with such determination and great results already, it will be your encouragement to go even further.

Have a great week.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to 191253summer

Into the 12's well done you were in the 14's six weeks ago 👊👊

Folliegirl profile image

Morning everyone ... Thanks to the Fab 5 for keeping the thread going - hope Lowcal is having a fab holiday 👍🏻

Last week I weighed 12 st 2 lb, today I weigh 11 st 11 lb (a 5 lb loss) 🎉🎉

I've had my induction at the gym and go for my first assessment tomorrow (a highly motivating factor which has kept me on the plan all weekend!!!)

Hope everyone has a good week 💐☀🍓

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Folliegirl

Morning Folliegirl.......WHAT 5lbs????? Almost half a stone and that is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Just how good does that make you feel eh?

Good luck with your assessment tomorrow but clearly your resolve is well & truly in place to face this new challenge and hope you enjoy the experience. I always feel so much more motivated when I come out of the gym which is great because more often than not someone always says to me "smile, it's not torture" before I go in! I must frown a lot but then that same person doesn't see me coming out :)

Have a great week.

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Candystripe

Thanks Candystripe, I am feeling focused and in control 😊and very much looking forward to a new challenge 👏🏻👏🏻(I just hope I don't lose my nerve before tomorrow!!!) It'll be fine - standing on the scales in front of someone should not reduce me to a blubbering wreck - please let me be focused and in control tomorrow 😉

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Folliegirl

You will be just fine because its something you want. Go get it! X

in reply to Folliegirl

Hi Folliegirl - you must be so terrified of your assessment to have put so much effort in that you lost 5lbs! I hope the assessment isn't as bad as you fear, and hope that you get good advice and ongoing support :)

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to

Thanks Ruth 😁it has certainly helped sharpen my focus!!! I am really looking forward to seeing the difference with a more structured and varied exercise program 👍🏻

in reply to Folliegirl

Let us know how it goes. I'm hoping to maintain a long-term mix of running, cycling and strength exercises, would be good to know what the experts advise :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Folliegirl

Star slimmer this week me thinks! And down into the 11's 😇

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Prin


Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Folliegirl

Thanks Prin 🎉🎉

vickster5 profile image

Morning all! Well done to those with loses!

I have struggled the last 2 weeks, and have hence put on 3 lbs in 2 weeks. Various things have stopped me going to gym. Knees are not good at all, but doc said keep going just not as intense (to be honest I can't say I ever really did!). I have noticed i am eating more food and stuff that i had not been, so really have got to focus and get that will power and motivation back! I think because i have got to this point before am giving self excuse that is where body settles when need to lose another stone!

So I do have a meal out at end of week with old friends but hoping other than that for a good week. It is weekends (from Friday ), mainly struggling with.

good luck all

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to vickster5

Good morning vickster. So sorry to hear that you have struggled through the past couple of weeks but three pounds is totally redeemable you know. Because you know that weekends aren't brilliant, could you perhaps try making a plan of your meals and jotting down what you will choose to eat in advance and maybe even looking at calories and portion size and swapping some elements for a low option.

It's horrible when the joints play up and give you grief as it makes you feel as though you can't be bothered and often sometimes an excuse not to carry on. (Am talking from experience!) Perhaps you could try some gentle walking or swimming but anything that will make you feel good in yourself again. Also bear in mind why you started this journey and what you wanted to achieve. YOU ARE NOT ALONE but you CAN do it!

Good luck with the new week and will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to Candystripe

Thank you for your encouragement, much appreciated! Yes have tried gentle walking today !

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to vickster5

The sun is shining and the weather perfect for outdoor activity. Doesn't the sun make you smile. Make the most of it but most of all enjoy it!

Alison185 profile image


My post birthday weigh in....14st 2lb..2lb gain. Back to it today.

Good luck all.

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Alison185

Morning Alison. Yes I have one of those coming up and dreading it! Well it must have been very enjoyable but time to recover those two pounds this week. I'm sure it will be a positive result next week. Good luck.

in reply to Alison185

Happy birthday Alison! I'm sure you've made sure there's no leftover birthday cake or anything to scupper your plans this week. Good luck :)

Hi Prin and everyone :-)

Sorry to hear you are a bit frustrated Prin. A lb lost is great, but being so close to that under 11st mark must be annoying. At least you know you got there at some point last week, and hopefully next week your patience will be rewarded big time :-)

Well, a funny week this - I was struggling with nothing moving on the scales for 10 days, with no idea why. I changed around when I was eating various things, and have now managed to lose 3.4lbs - all in the last three days ! Seems I was retaining some water big time, and making a bit of a change to my diet seems to have worked ! Overall I've lost 16.8lbs, so am feeling nice and motivated at the moment - I also managed to surpass my 45km walking/running target last week, and managed 56km :-)

Good luck everyone for this week :-D

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Holy boloney!!

Niagara Falls must have nothing on you! :)

Way to go you!

56km?? I'd have called a taxi! :)

in reply to moreless

Moreless, you absolutely crack me up :D

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Hee hee :)

in reply to

Lucca, that's incredible. You must be on cloud 9, you've skipped straight past the 1 stone milestone and now know that all these things you've been doing are absolutely what your body needs (including that epic 56km of walking!) Your body will be all the healthier for it too. Nobody wants to be retaining extra water (3.4lbs-worth)! Anyone out there who's maintained or gained or simply not seen the loss they wanted to, pay heed! The hard work IS having an effect, our bodies are mysterious things that don't always cooperate. The scales aren't the be-all and end-all, just keep persevering and the results WILL eventually show :)

in reply to

Yes - I'm under no illusion that I suddenly lost 3lbs of fat overnight, but it must have slowly been coming off behind the scenes ! The walking has been so good for me - I really feel I recover so much quicker after a bout of exertion and am starting to power up those hills :-)

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to

Fantastic result Lucca10, your efforts have truly paid off. Well done for sticking with it when you were feeling frustrated, keep going.

3rd-Time-Here profile image

Morning everyone, a big thankyou to the fab4 for your continued support on our weight loss journeys. The thread feels like it's really buzzing this morning, such positive posts on here. I can join the losers this week, 1.5 lb down, total lost since I started now into double figures at 10.5 lb in 10 weeks. On to week 11, I'm still a little surprised how sensible and straight forward the plan is and at the moment it's working. My goal this week is 2 cross training sessions, pilates and start the 10 000 kettle bell swing challenge on 1st Oct. Hope you all have a good week.

in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Well done mrsg :-) But 10,000 kettle ball swings ?! Are you crazy :-O !!

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to

I think I might be a little but just think of the sense of achievement if I manage it, I'll post my progress on here throughout the month.

in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

Sounds like you've done something similar, so good luck :-) Will be interested to hear your progress !

in reply to 3rd-Time-Here

I know Lucca already said this, but, 10,000 kettle bell swings?!!! That's - er - impressively ambitious! I guess that breaks down into 300 per day over the whole of October or something? 100 at a time, 3 times a day? Still sounds mega however I break it down! Lots of luck with that! And congrats on your 1.5lb loss. I think that makes it 3/4 of a stone you've lost now. Enjoy the cross training and pilates :)

3rd-Time-Here profile image
3rd-Time-Here6lbs in reply to

The challenge is 500 swings per day, the theory is that you do 2 days then have a rest day. The aim is to complete the total in 4 or 5 weeks if you want to fit in an extra rest day between sets. I have done the challenge before but in 6 weeks so I'm aiming to complete it in 5 this time.

Victoria2012 profile image

Morning everyone, feeling positive today, even with treats this weekend I have still managed to loose 2lbs this week, so happy with that, last week I maintained my weight loss so now I'm down to 20st 8 😃😃😃😃😃 hope everyone has a brill week xx

in reply to Victoria2012

Hi Victoria2012, that's really great, goes to show you can lose weight but still live your life and enjoy yourself. Maybe those treats will be seen as something you can allow yourself next time (in moderation of course!). Maybe they can be seen as part of your ongoing healthy sustainable lifestyle, rather than feeling like they should be resisted. I find it's much more sustainable to have a bit of what you like, everything in moderation as they say. Congrats on the 2lb loss, hope you're getting this excellent sunshine today too, and hope your positivity and many many happy faces keep you going strong this week too :) :) :)

cherry-blossom profile image

hi everyone. This has been the end of week 3 for me and I have lost one pound this week weighing in at 12 St 2 lbs this morning. I have done a lot of socialising over the weekend so quite pleased that it's downwards albeit only one pound. Renewed try this week to lose two pounds in week four to edge closer to the magic figure of eleven something..... So here we go with week four starting this morning and half a stone lost since I started.... Thanks to all of you posting your stories it really helps me to see that it can be done.

in reply to cherry-blossom

Hi cherry-blossom, congrats on losing 1lb especially as the past couple of days have been taken up with social events, it would have been understandable to have maintained or stayed the same in those circumstances. It shows you must be coping well, and that you also put a lot of effort in during the week. You will def see those 11s in the next couple of weeks. It can definitely be done, just keep doing whatever's working for you. You'll be showing others how it's done soon :)

Hi Prin, congrats on losing 1lb even if you're disappointed not to be able to officially report a below 11st weight yet, you're nearly there. I've lost 1lb this week. Still within my maintaining range. Also I'm now exactly 2 st less than my starting weight. And excitingly have now bought and fit into size 12 jeans :)

in reply to

That's fantastic Ruth - you must be so pleased that even though you are into maintaining, you've still got the right mind set and haven't reverted back to bad habits :-) You had a tricky week part way through, but seems like you managed to overcome any difficulty ? Those size 12 jeans must look fab :-)

in reply to

Thanks! I did overcome, yes, even though I had three (moderate) cider days in a row, but that's way better than one big wine day. Also did loads of cycling this weekend, went for an epic run this morning and a slightly less epic run on Friday morning, and have got my strength exercise routine back up and running again. The lesson learnt - be more prepared for challenges to my routine and be easy on myself getting back into my routine afterwards :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Way to go Ruth, can't wait to get back into the size 12 jeans I've got lurking at the back of the wardrobe :)

in reply to moreless

It's been all about getting back into size 12 jeans again, I couldn't rest until I got there, a sort of extra goal that I'm very glad to have now reached :) Although to be honest I was very very happy getting into my size 14 jeans, and will still be wearing them, they're just a slightly loose fit on me now. I threw away my old size 12s, as I kept trying to wear them as I put the weight on, meaning they stretched badly out of shape, got holes where the legs rubbed together, etc. They didn't hold any happy memories for me, I wanted to start again, and was promising myself new jeans when I got to my goal weight, which I now (as of this wknd) have. :) Hope your size 12s hold better memories, and hope you have other great milestones you can enjoy along the way too :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

My size 12's are in almost mint condition, cos I didn't keep the weight off long enough :( It will be very different this time :)

As luck would have it I have clothes in every size, which will save me a fortune on my way down :)

I'm so chuffed for you that you're going to have brand spanking new size 12 jeans as a reward for all your hard work :)

in reply to moreless

My size 14s were like that. I bought them on the way up the scales and never got to wear them. When I got back into them on the way back down, they felt like new and I just wore them every day. My new 12s weren't even expensive, £10 in Matalan! I guess it's easier to find a bargain in a smaller size... Although I'll be looking for a few pairs now I'm at the size I want to stay at long term :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Ha ha, what a coincidence, the 12's I have were also from Matalan and also £10, but that was 10 years ago, so you've got a real bargain! :)

in reply to moreless

I was amazed at the price too. I won't be wasting my time in Next and H&M next time (skinny-jeans central), will just head straight to plain old unfussy Matalan for comfy bootcuts :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

You know me - are people being kind when they say how nice I look? Or do my supermarket (sale rack) clothes really deserve a compliment 😊?V

in reply to Prin

It's how you wear it, not what you wear :)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to moreless

Make sure you get rid of everything you outgrow this time😜

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

Well done 😜

Jigglypuff_62 profile image

Morning Fab Four. Congrats to everyone on their losses and to those who didn't lose this week, chin up, tomorrow is another day. I'm in that category, as last week I weighed in at 17.6.6, today I'm 17.7.7. Disappointed, but determined not to let it get me down. My body seems to be following its usual pattern - lose about a stone relatively quickly, then just stick at a weight for ever and a day, so I shall be looking for tricks to kick-start the metabolism. Got a run planned today is this gorgeous weather. Have a good week everyone.

Claireep profile image
Claireep in reply to Jigglypuff_62

Hi jigglypuff. I find it hard when the numbers don't reflect the effort. Fingers crossed next week you will get a good result. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. You could also try upping your calories a bit just for a day or so to trick your body. Enjoy your run x

Jigglypuff_62 profile image
Jigglypuff_62 in reply to Claireep

Thanks Claireep. Exactly, I thought I'd had a pretty good week. I usually drink 2 litres-plus per day, although come to think of it didn't drink so much on Saturday because was at a swimming gala with my son and it's a nuisance to keep getting up and squeezing through packed rows, disturbing everyone, to go to the loo. I think upping my calories might be a slippery slope, though!

in reply to Jigglypuff_62

Commiserations Jigglypuff! The difference between this following your 'usual pattern' and seeing more loss happen is simple - determination and patience! I think you're right to look for ways to kick-start. I also really recommend running in today's excellent perfectly cool but bright sunny weather - ideal conditions. Try doing a few things differently, keep it interesting, try out some new recipes etc. Also, re-check your measurements. I had a couple of ups and stay-sames while I was losing weight and found that re-measuring my waist really helped, as I'd often see a change there even if the scales weren't showing any change. Good luck! :)

Jigglypuff_62 profile image
Jigglypuff_62 in reply to

Thanks Ruth. It really is perfect running weather, isn't it? Ran on Friday and it was just gorgeous. Would have run yesterday too, but did 3 hours' gardening instead, so still got my exercise! Off for my morning coffee and banana now, then back to work. Thanks again.

Hi Prin,

Try not be too disappointed, you continue to move in the right direction. Sounds like a me a nice week planned so enjoy it.


Dozzle profile image

Pleased to report a 2lb loss! Fab. Hoping for more of the same next week......

Now off for a snooze, was up half the night watching the lunar eclipse....

in reply to Dozzle

Good morning Dozzle and congrats on your pound-busting eclipse watching! We cycled home on dark canal paths yesterday evening, which were significantly better lit due to the big moon, but didn't realise we were actually expecting an eclipse til I saw the news this morning. Did you see anything? Hope you have a good snooze and congrats on the 2lb loss :)

Claireep profile image

Good morning everyone. Some really positive updates this morning and I can't help but notice that 12 seems to be the magic number ☺️ I am aiming for the 14 myself. Today I weigh 15 stone 3 and a 1/2 lbs. that is a 2 and a 1/2 loss this week. This week am going to be better with my eating and increase my walking. Good luck to those still to weigh in

in reply to Claireep

Good morning Claireep, that's a great loss of 2.5lb, I totally understand that being so close to the 14s now you're extra motivated to watch your food and exercise even more closely. You must have been being pretty vigilant last week to have seen such a good loss, so good luck for increasing that even more. Hope the weather stays as bright and sunny as it is today for all your extra walking and have an excellent week :)

Oolou profile image

Morning all ^^

Weighing in at 184 lbs, which is a loss of 2 lbs. My scales are a bit unreliable, if you step off and on them again, they can give different weights, so I have to do a number of times to get the most common weight given. Think I'll invest in some new scales this week >.<

in reply to Oolou

Good morning Oolou, I completely sympathise, I don't trust scales at all! I always turn mine off and on again before weighing. Also when I've had unexpected weigh-ins I've been known to try a few different things, putting them on different surfaces, standing differently etc. It can sometimes be to do with the battery needing changing. But maybe some new scales might be in order! In the meantime congrats on your 2lb loss. At least you can be sure you're going in the right direction :)

Oolou profile image
Oolou in reply to

Heheh, it's a bugger isn't it, when you get a wonderful reading and then realise the scales are being tricksters! These are very old scales so yeah, I think new ones are needed. Off to the shops this afternoon.

ElliotsMum profile image

Good morning!!!!

I'm new here, so hope you don't mind me posting! I'm starting today at 87kg, and thought i'd be held accountable if i write it here for all to see!!! Will see a lower number next week!!

You guys are amazing, and so inspiring just hearing how your weeks have been!!!

Congrats to all of you, not ony for your losses, but for your courage, strength and determination!!! You're incredible!! :)

Talk soon!! xxx

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to ElliotsMum

Welcome to the weigh in EM, the more the merrier :)

It's all about cheering each other on, so I hope you've got your pom poms ready :)

Hope you have a great week :)

in reply to ElliotsMum

Welcome ElliotsMum, more than happy to hold you accountable, wish you lots of luck for getting started. Hope you're super inspired, motivated and determined right now, and that you see a satisfyingly lower number next week :)

Julesy64 profile image

Good morning everyone and well done to everyone who has lost this week. I've stayed the same this week, which is a bit disappointing as I have tried and haven't been cheating, did slightly less exercise this week, but only missed 1 swimming session on Wednesday, so hoping to lose something next week, just wish I knew what I was doing wrong, I'm using MFP and my Fitbit. Determined to get below 12 stone !!

in reply to Julesy64

Hi Julesy64, can I refer you to Lucca's post further up the thread? She was stuck at the same weight for 10 days, but it turned out to be water retention or something, she switched her diet around a bit, upped her exercise and water, and suddenly lost 3.4lb. There could be something like this happening with you too. Please don't be disheartened, it sounds like you may need to be patient and wait for the scales to show the difference, but in the meantime you've achieved so much with the exercise and healthy eating. Also - how about re-checking your measurements? You may see some inch-loss in your waist measurement, or you might find some of your clothes are less tight, there are lots of other ways to see the difference apart from waiting for the right number to appear on the scales :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Julesy64

Jules you will- stick to the plan - substitute a few more vegs (your body has to work harder for nutrients) . Some weeks just aren't yours to lose- and the stone barriers are always a challenge. Head up and onwards:-)

Hallo Dears, old cow from Germany is this morning with 92,4kg. it is continously sneeking on again, when I had a happy day off from counting... it likes to go up and down with me as with others in my environment. We all enjoy a lovely cooked dinner at night, and the way to it is covered in little sins of snacks. :-(

Anyone out there becomming slimmer with little snacks???? But sometimes I feel the same way bloated on my carrot days because I think I am not really a rabbit.... :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to old cow from Germany, maybe you should have called yourself Holstein-Friesian and should be snacking on grass :)

Maybe try snacking on celery, you'll burn more calories chewing it! :)

Better luck next week.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to moreless

Flower arranger, you were fibbing. I thought you said you'd gained, but you've lost! That rabbit food is working after all :)

in reply to moreless

I had inbetween already been with 92kgs, than 92,6kg and this morning with 92,4kgs... I just wished it would stay down for a minute or a bit longer.... ;-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Hey, enjoy it while it's there :)

in reply to

Hi flower-arranger - I just checked your post from last week, at 93.8kg, so it looks like you have lost 1.4kg, is that right? If so - congrats, hope you feel like your diet is working for you and is sustainable. I also rely a lot on snacks, but more as stop-gaps between meals. Hope you have a good week :)

in reply to

TA! :-)

Beauregard profile image

Well I knew it would be a tough week, but I also lost my way, a few stressful issues mid week didn't help. So I lost nothing, but also gained nothing . A fresh start today, meal planning and keep going. I visit family in three weeks so need to keep focused on this as a goal.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Beauregard

Not gaining is a win in my book :)

Group motto: Onwards and downwards :)

in reply to Beauregard

Hi Beauregard, I agree with Moreless, maintaining is definitely a good outcome, it means you've consolidated previous efforts, and only need to push a little harder to see a loss next week. It's frustrating not to see the numbers go down, but maybe it's a good moment to look at the bigger picture, and as you say to look ahead to the next 3 weeks, keep working towards goals. Good luck with your meal planning, and hope you can stay determined and motivated until your next weigh-in. Good luck :)

Elissy profile image

Good Morning Fab Five, and everyone else!

Even though I've still been unable to run or walk hills :-( this week, I have seen a loss.

I was 204.6 lb last week, am 203.6 lb this week - so 1lb down. Not sure whats happened as I was 3 days in a row on 203 exactly, but it's the monthly water retention, so hopefully back to it soon ;-)

Anyway, been out all morning and got to rush to work now, have a lovely day everyone,


in reply to Elissy

Good morning Elissy, congrats on your 1lb loss this week, and hope that you see the elusive further 0.6lb loss on the scales again soon. It doesn't sound like you need to worry about running or walking up any hills, as what you're doing already seems to be working fine. Hope you have an excellent week :)

Elissy profile image
Elissy3kg in reply to

Hi Ruth, sorry I'm replying so late and thank you.

I am so busy at the moment that I sadly haven't got much time for writing here, I catch up reading, but that's almost it. Hopefully will get better in time, have a great week,

Elissy 😊

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Elissy

Weightloss is a funny old game - sometimes no rhyme or reason. But still good - you have banked a pound and carry on into next week. Good luck for next week:-)

Nussaybah profile image

Congrats on your loss Prin! And congrats in general fr your achievements so far!!!!

I weighed 85.8 kg today so a loss of 1.2kg which I am very pleased about. I had a feeling I might not lose this week due to celebrations etc so losing over 2lbs is fantastic. 7lbs in 4 weeks. That's very slow but I hang in there thanks to you guys!!!

in reply to Nussaybah

Hi Nussaybah - that's not slow at all! 1.2kg loss in a week where you had celebrations is a great achievement, and half a stone in 4 weeks is really excellent progress. Keep hanging in there and being patient. Do you have an intermediate goal that you're aiming for, perhaps to be under 80kg? It's good to keep celebrating these losses. There's no 'too slow' - it just needs to be sustainable in the long term. Good luck for the week ahead and just keep doing what you're doing :)

Nussaybah profile image
Nussaybah in reply to

Thank you so much Ruth for this suggestion. I did not have an intermediate goal but now I think I should! And I like aiming for the 80kg mark. Especially as I have calculated that at around 83kg I will be off the Obese mark (ok still heavily overweight but....). So 80kg seems like a good target!!

I love the support here I am going through a very difficult time personally, and coming here and feeling all the encouragement is really great.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Nussaybah

Big congrats - well done on the 2 pounds and the overall loss. Sevon pounds in 4weeks is great ( it has taken me 7 months to loose 7 pounds:-) )

Good luck for next week- work out what your 5 and 10 percent loss would be- these are other mini- milestones to aim for:-)

Nussaybah profile image
Nussaybah in reply to suzybenj

Thank you so much Suzy for your encouraging words. I will calculate my 5 and 10 per cent loss. I started at 89kg so that 8.9kg for 10% and 4.450kg for 5%. That means I'm nearly at my 5% mark already!!! That's fab!!! Thank you so much you and Ruth for helping me see things in a more positive way!!

WeightWarrior profile image

Hello Prin, well done on losing two packs of butter - no mean feat! No surprises for me this week, I am + 1lb. I've not gone above my calories, or had any food blips. It is, I believe, purely monthly bloating, having the month from hell right now, clothes tighter around waist, swollen leg even more swollen than normal, etc lol. I wonder does lack of sleep and extra painkillers make you retain water too lol. Anyway, I'm not going to dwell on it, it's part of life so I will keep going as normal, food diary, checking cals are within limit, etc. Hopefully next Monday will bring better news and see my weight going in the right direction again!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to WeightWarrior

You definitely need to steer clear of those beach balls, they play havoc with the scales :)

Bad luck WW, but you'll probably lose double the amount next week and will need catheterisation :)

Fingers crossed for your next weigh in.

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to moreless

lol! Thanks for making me giggle! :-D

in reply to WeightWarrior

Hi weightwarrior, sorry you're having such a trying week! I imagine the water retention will be making your leg more uncomfortable too, really bad luck all round :( I think you need to focus on feeling better and resting, and perhaps disregard the scales until you're back to your usual self. I'm sure that 1lb gain has no connection to your weight-loss progress, which is probably being masked by the water retention. Lack of sleep would definitely contribute to that too. Have you tried things like aqua-ban? Or just drinking a lot of water and tea can help too (I'll leave the metaphorical descriptions of what that'll cause to Moreless and her sharp witty ways). Wishing you less pain and general frustration asap, and good luck keeping on track despite the circumstances! Let us know how you get on during the week, and hope things start moving in the right direction soon :)

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to

My notifications haven't been loading properly - thanks for the support Ruth! I shouldn't really have done it but I felt so much less bloated that I did get on the scales this morning and it's going in the right direction again...I know things fluctuate so I'll see what Monday brings for my true weigh in! I check in on my weight during the week from time to time as I find it helps to keep me on track, and it said 3 pounds down today so that will hopefully stay off. If it does it will be losing the pound I put on, plus a further 2, so fingers crossed that it stays that way!

in reply to WeightWarrior

Oh that's sooo good to hear. I think your intuition was right, today was a good day to weigh in. I hope it stays the same for next Monday, if not decreasing further still. Don't worry about the notifications. It's easy to miss things. I think this is a pretty busy site, a few glitches, but 99% of the time it works pretty well, considering!

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to WeightWarrior

Good afternoon WeightWarrior. Well what can I say that moreless hasn't??? Just keep an eye on those beachballs!

I'm sure next week will be better for you and that your month from hell doesn't include any other nasty occurances!

Good luck and keep on doing what you do normally. I wish you a speedy recovery from natures game app! (Best be nice, you might be my neighbour lol!)

ICan-IWill profile image

Hi all, well done on your 1lb loss and hope you have a good week and Happy Anniversary for Thurs.

I haven't weighed in for two weeks due to illness, I've struggled to shake this chest infection and to top it off we all had the vomiting bug this week. It's not been great!!

I weighed 9st 11lbs two weeks ago and today I weigh 9st 8lb so a loss of 3lb. Obviously most of the loss is due to the illness but now I'm starting to feel better I'm determined to keep it off. My main goal this week to fully recover and get to full health, unfortunately I still can't run as advised by doctor but have done a nice long walk today which was so nice after being indoors a lot lately.

Good luck to everyone and have a good week. 😀

in reply to ICan-IWill

Hi ICan-IWill, phew what a couple of weeks! Sorry to hear about your chest infection, they can really hang around, you need to definitely listen to your doc and continue to rest. Hope the fresh air and the walk have done you good, but again be careful, no one wants to risk these things dragging on longer than they have to. I'm impressed with your new 9st8 weight. Good luck staying there, although you may be dehydrated so that may be easier said than done, so be easy on yourself if the scales go up a little to start with. Take care :)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to ICan-IWill

Sry to hear you have been unwell- it can be quite miserable-hopefully full recovery soon. But don't push to hard- and don't be surprised if your appetite fights back on the calorie deficit.

Good luck for next week:-)

runnerjan profile image

Good afternoon Prin and all other FAB people!

Well done on the one pound loss but I feel your pain Prin!! I too have lost one pound taking me to 11 stones and 1 pound but I was definitely in the 10's earlier in the week grrrrr - it's the pesky weekends that are my downfall.

I am hoping that October will be 'my month' - I'm doing the Sober October thing so hopefully without the additional wine calories that I imbibe over the weekends I may see a better loss over the coming weeks.

Have a great week everyone and hopefully we'll meet in the 10's next week Prin!

Best wishes

Jan x

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to runnerjan

Hi RJ - this weightless journey can be very frustrating - but hang in there and you will be in the 10's before you know it - You have been there before. Yes pesky weekends - my soln at present is not to change breakfast or lunch. Run/ walk to earn extra calories - and then for evening only eat half the amount of protein and stock up on veg.

good luck for next week:-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to runnerjan

Why Jan I believe we are twins and were separated at birth! Have you done your HM yet?

runnerjan profile image
runnerjan in reply to Prin

Hi Prin - am I being really stupid or is HM secret code? Help!!! :-))

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to runnerjan

Half Marathon I suspect it is because we are in the wrong forum!

runnerjan profile image
runnerjan in reply to Prin

Ha! Unfortunately had to put off due to injury 'plantar fasciitis'. Am only just back running 5k and slowly building up again so am hoping maybe in the Spring. Am going to book some OCR mud runs soon as I love the challenge of these! Have a great week J x

Tinytears2000 profile image

Disappointed 😧 Weight in after week 1 and scales didn't more still 15st 6lbs - I've been to the gym twice each time I done at 40 mins cardio work. I have stuck to my calories most days. I walk up in the night hungry where am I going wrong

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Tinytears2000

Don't be disappointed Tiny, we all react differently to new things. Maybe your body's just gone into shock and your hard work will show on the scales next week.

If you're waking up hungry, are you sure you're eating the right amount of calories? Have you put your details in the BMI calculator on the Weight Loss NHS home page?

Maybe you need to make up your calories differently. Maybe you need to drink more water.

Try jiggling things about (I don't mean your bottom :), although, you never know that might help :)

Don't give up, perseverance is everything.

All the best for next week.

in reply to moreless

Having been here before, remember that you want this weight loss - so don't get fed up and hit the cake tin!

As moreless says you may need to try out something different this week. Treats are important - and help you keep going!

Some of my less healthy or extravagant, but in the spirit of "calorie controlledness", treats include: mini-magnums for dessert at the end of the day (125 cals) or a whole jug of sugar free jelly (negligible cals - and a bit dodgy but gets me through a day of sweet cravings at times) or up-market low fat yogs in my favourite flavours or keeping the fruit bowl brimmed with fav fruit, keep lots of your fav veg in stock so that you can add a massive pile of veg to your main protein item.

Good luck!

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Tinytears2000

Good evening Tinytears.

Are you following the NHS 12 week weight loss programme? Are you using "My fitness Pal"? Have you used the NHS website to look up your ideal calorie intake? Are you writing down everything that you eat? Are your scales reliable?

These are just little pointers that might help you for this coming week.

We are all individuals and don't always work on the same fuel!! BUT please don't give up we are here to help!

I hope that next week you will probably see results.

Keep us posted please X

Hi Everyone

Week 1

12st 8.5 last week - and down to 12st 4 this week. Down 4.5lbs

Aiming to lose about 2st - so plenty to go yet!

I'm using mfp to track food and activity. Also been rediscovering the slow cooker and preparing lots of family meals in advance all week. It's all been delicious so tbh all nosh has been a lot nicer than usual and a lot more organised than usual too.

I'm also doing lots of walking - so its been great tramping around the footpaths here in all this gorgeous sunshine. Did a few hours walk today - felt great to be healthy, outdoors in the sunshine and snacking blackberries en route!

Early days but long may it continue! It's been helpful reading everyone else's stories - thanks for all the inspiration - good luck everyone.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

well that is an amazing and motivating great start. As your are identifying this is not just about 'dieting' and losing weight it is a lifestyle change. Really well done- the food sounds fabulous. And as you say it is all in the planning so you don't slip up. And as for the exercise - it is just good for us and our mental well-being.

Well done - good luck for next week - but it does not sound like you need it:-)

kars1111 profile image

Afternoon all well done all losers! I unfortunately gained 1lb blaming my night out for a meal and a few drinks was good rest of week but im dwelling on it just looking at it as a hiccup so adjusting my diet this week and hoping fo a slightly better week this week. Good luck all!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to kars1111

Good attitude Kars- just move onto the next week. Life is for living afterall - it is the overall downward trend that matters.

Good luck for this week:-)

Garhum profile image

Well done everyone.

1.75 lb down this week. A bit disappointed but as its week 4 my weight loss is bound to be slowing down. Even though I had a low cal meal yesterday it was a bigger portion that I have been having so I'm blaming that for not hitting the 2lb mark. Overall loss in 4 weeks has been12.5 lb. My aim is to hit the stone mark next week!

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Garhum

All in all - I would say very respectable on all counts. A nice tidy 1.75 pound loss in a week and a tad off a stone in 4 weeks. Way to go- not many of us can claim that. The mantra is slow and steady - and you will keep it off.

Super well done and good luck for the hitting the stone marker next week:-)

Spader profile image

Evening all. I stayed the same this week. Weighed in again at 11st 13lbs. Happy it's not a gain, as my weekend wasn't brilliant and I've still got 8lbs lost for 4 weeks so can't complain. Knee is still pretty busted so circuits are going to have to be shelved until it heals, but I walk 5km every day anyway, so just going to try and increase that where possible to keep exercise up.

Hope everyone is doing well. Keep up the great work :-)

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Spader

Great to keep perspective on what you have achieved and not lose sight of that. Maintain rather than gain any day:-)

Good luck for next week:-)

in reply to Spader

Can I just say "well done"?! I'm hovering around the same weight as you - if I've lost 8lbs in 4 weeks I shall be feeling very smug - and enjoying my "new" (actually old) wardrobe!! (I was 12st 8.5 last week and am 12st 4 this week).

I'm enjoying walking too in this lovely autumn sunshine. Did a big (well fairly big!) walk yesterday - 5 miles. On my own, on all the footpaths round here - it was gorgeous - and I'll be back out there again today - with an ice-cream tub to collect some blackberries! Enjoy your walk too.

Good luck for the week ahead.

hi there prin i'm not a lady but well done for your weight loss i can't remember what it was like to weight 11 st 1 lb my leg weighs that much only joking ive come down from 28 st to just under 21 st i think she said last week so only another 6 st now to go and i can have my operation done keep up the good work its been nice to meet you i'm Alan take care

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

Alan- amazing and full respect for what you have achieved. You have a clear goal in mind- I wish you luck:-)

Tipping my hat to you:-)

in reply to suzybenj

hi sueybenj many thanks uphill struggle but i'm getting there many thanks hope your o.kish take care nice to meet you Alan xx

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

Alan all welcome here 😜, well done! A massive 7 stone loss, so over half way there - imagine waking up and having to drag an extra 7 stone with you for an entire day! I am exhausted just thinking about it! Have a great week and look forward to hear about your progress next week

in reply to Prin

hi there Prin many thanks only 6 stone more for my operation and it will like having two people less to carry many thanks to you all at your group for your support take care Alan xx

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to

Welcome Alan and WOW! What an amazing inspiration you are to us all.

I think you should change your "Call sign" to "Notsobigalan" by the way!

Carry on doing what is working so well for you and good luck.

in reply to Candystripe

hi Candystripe do you think at 6 ft 3 in i can still be called bigalan many thanks take care Alan

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to

So "notsobigtallalan" then???!!!. :)

in reply to Candystripe

hi Candystripe thanks i like that many thanks Alan x

Hi Prin, great job losing one lb.

I have put 1 lb on this week- Which in retrospect wasn't too bad - have been out three nights this week (twice with work an once with family. Despite best efforts it isn't easy to keep the calories down when out and drinking.... no after how steady you go.

Off out for a run now to make a better start to the next week

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to

That's it run off the calories. Pound gain sounds ok to me after party central. Back on the wagon this week:-)

in reply to suzybenj

Thanks SuzybenJ....

Party central... indeed. I'm looking forward to the wagon this week.

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to

A new recruit to the social butterfy club we can do it!🍷🍷🍷

Joyce29 profile image

Hello Everyone

I’ve weighed in at 9st 10lbs this week – another 1lb off since last week. I thought I’d have regained a little of the weight lost while in hospital recently but not so far. I’m trying to eat well but don’t have much appetite so there haven’t been any additional snacks but I haven’t exercised either so I’m quite surprised that I’ve lost again. I’m sure it will catch up with me eventually.

The green healthy BMI score is tantalisingly close now and seem more achievable than it did back in June when I started managing my weight.

Well done to everyone who has weighed in this week. If your results aren’t what you were hoping for I hope you’ll have a more positive week next week.


Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Joyce29

Thanks Joyce so sorry you are still not well, sending good wishes on behalf of the Fab Five. Here's hoping you reach your BMI without it being at the expense of your health have a good week 😨

nickynoo77 profile image

Hi Prin and everyone

Well done on 1lb off Prin! next week you'll be under 11st I'm sure.

I weighed this morning and have gone from 13st 4.75lb to 13st 3.5lb, thats a weight loss of 1.25lb which I'm happy with. If I can keep going at this rate with minimal exercise hopefully I can lose more once I start back at the gym and swimming again.

Have a great week peeps.

Nic 😃

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to nickynoo77

Well done another pound for you -and the stats😜 Slow and steady wins the racrace we can do it! Have agreat week!

Sara643 profile image

Hi everyone,

A lousy second week - gained 0.8 kg (1.7 pounds) from not keeping to the calorie allowance on 4 days. Right back to where I started! :( Disappointed in myself.

Next Monday I WILL report a loss.

Well done Prin and all others losing weight out there. If you all can do it, then so can I!

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Sara643

It's all about

owning the weight - which you have done by weighing in come what may

Keeping positive- I love the capitals

Learning from your mistakes- you know where you wnt wrong ( maybe consider why too)

So it's a new week go for it and good luck👊

las2811 profile image

Well done everyone on the weight loss this week. You are all amazing

This week I now weigh 88.7kg so have lost 0.4 kg since last week and a total of 20.5 kg since I began in May.

Getting closer to my goal every week

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to las2811

Well done on your loss - massive achievement! Are you a lady? If you are don't forget to get measured for some new bras😜 have a great week as you saunter towards your goal!

las2811 profile image
las2811 in reply to Prin

Thanks Prin, I am indeed a lady :) I may have already had to buy some new bras as my old ones were getting ridiculously loose haha. its nice that I have had to replace so much of my wardrobe

in reply to las2811

I need to go bra shopping too, it really feels tangible when the clothes start getting stupidly loose!

AnneS_91 profile image

Hi All!

I know it's Tuesday but I have just come across this feed and I am overwhelmed by the support and positivity!

I am currently 13st 4lbs and aiming to get back to a healthy weight of 10st (I am 5ft5). I have already lost 7lbs but this is where I have usually fallen off the bandwagon, so I hope with a little more encouragement and self determination that I keep on track. Beforehand i have been overwhelmed by the end goal so now I am trying to just take it (or should I say lose it!) 1lb at a time.

I look forward to checking in with you all next Monday! Have a good week everyone. X

in reply to AnneS_91

Hi AnneS_91 and welcome! You're right it can be overwhelming to think about the end goal. How about setting intermediate goals, e.g. for each stone, or 5% loss then 10% loss? Are you following the NHS 12 week plan? I found that great too, as you just focus on 1 week at a time, introducing healthy habits little by little. Lots of luck and good luck for next Monday :)

Hi, Finally I lost some weight this week, only a 1lb but I am happy. I was 13st 1lb and now 13st 0lbs.

Enjoyed a cycle ride with my Dad on Sunday, he is 67 has 2 replacement knees and a stent fitted and I couldn't keep up with him. :-) Shows I need to get fitter, but it was a good day.

Role on this week and more weight loss.

in reply to

Congrats on that hard earned 1lb loss. You don't need to worry about getting fitter, that will come with time, just getting out there and moving is what counts. Sounds like you have a great role model in your dad, hope you can go for more bike rides with him and see if you manage to keep up with him a bit better each time. Have a great week :)

in reply to

Thank you, as long as the weather stays nice I'll find time to join him. :-D. Hope you have a great week as well.

hydrogirl profile image

how do I join? my Monday weight was 15st 0lbs

I'm jut starting out!

in reply to hydrogirl

Hi hydrogirl, looks like you just joined :) Good luck with getting started, and see you next Monday!


Thought it was time I posted again! Life has been hectic and have been away on Mondays. Mostly grandparenting. Anyway my weight has gone up 1kg and I am really disappointed because up til now I have managed to maintain my weight.

The hardest thing is being on an elimination diet that restricts so many fruit and veggies. I am craving for them but cannot face the thought of stomach pain from eating them.

Anyway I am trying to eat less biscuits and cope with feeling hungry much of the time. Away on holiday next week and then will seriously need to get my head around losing some weight as I could do with losing another 2 stone.

Thanks for reading this and will post again after my holiday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog1,

Hope you have a lovely holiday.

Will look forward to catching up with you when you're back.

Lowcal :-)

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI

Hi All,

Sorry to join you so late! I did weigh in on Monday - forgot to post as I am house sitting for my parents and currently going between two houses!

I have put on 0.8lb this week :( I've really lost my motivation, I am going back to my old ways. This has been happening the last 3 weeks. I need to get back on it!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to NoMoreJunk

Hi NoMoreJunk,

Hope to see you at tomorrow's weigh-in. I'm just back from my holiday, and been reading through last Monday's thread. Really inspiring to read everyone's posts.

Don't let that 0.8 pound gain get you down, hopefully you're having a better few days now? Challenge that thought that you've going back to your old ways. Put those old ways behind you, and move forward.

I'm not looking forward to weighing in tomorrow, but I'll be there - I know I've gained - silly to have thought I could maintain over a holiday - especially in France! But having this thread to help motivate me really does help.

I'll be posting the thread tomorrow morning, before 7am, so hope to see you there.

Myself and the other Fab 5'ers, and the Fabulous people contributing to this thread will hopefully all be there too, and we can encourage and support one another.

Lowcal :-)

NoMoreJunk profile image
NoMoreJunkMaintainer2st 7lbsHealthy BMI in reply to Zest

Thank you for your kind words LowCal. I really hoped you had a fab holiday in France :)

I am dreading the weigh in tomorrow too, but at least you have had a good time to justify it! I've had another tough week. I ate 4 packets of wotsits in one night. I don't know where my motivation has gone...I really need to find it!

I will be weighing in tomorrow though, no matter what.

Hope its okay for you tomorrow! X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to NoMoreJunk

Thanks so much. :-)

Glad to hear you'll be there for the weigh-in tomorrow.

Best of luck! :-) xx

PedallingMinstrel profile image
PedallingMinstrelRestart April 2024

back from five days sailing off the South Wales coast on Friday so it was very hard to eat sensibly as I had no control over the menu. However I weakened and had Welsh cakes and Rissoles from the chippy chocolate bars etc etc. When you are out on the sea you're Frank Marvin! Back on track now though. Weighed in at 13 stone two pounds which is what I was before a fortnight in Spain before the sailing. I am off to visit my brother who likes his wine and beer and then Car Fest South so sensible eating may take a pounding again! I am still down from my Fourteen stone thirteen pounds in June though. I want to make thirteen stone before I go away next Monday. Twelve stone ten is just in my BMI so nearly there. This is going to have to be a life style change to keep it off . I think I will join a local gym with a pool when I am back when things settle back into a routine.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to PedallingMinstrel

Hi PedallingMinstrel , you've somehow managed to find a 10 month old thread, so I'm going to copy and paste you into the right place :)

For future information, the latest weigh-in thread can always be found in the events section, to the right of the home page, under the pinned posts :)

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