Well just weighed myself again i know i not been dieting long but weight still the same i know it takes time and i need to be patient but i thoughyt i would of lost a bit of weight
2nd weigh in: Well just weighed myself... - Weight Loss Support
2nd weigh in

How long is it since you last weighed yourself? It's easy to get a bit obsessed with it! Try to only do it once a week at the same te of day for the most consistent results.

We lose weight when we eat less calories than we burn. Unfortunately thats the naked truth of it.
Hard to offer advice without knowing more about how you are going.
Would love to hear what you do each day, what exercise you are doing, how you are actually calorie counting. do you keep a food diary (very useful for those of us who are stumped over why we are not losing weight).
Fill us in a bit more - would be nice to get to know you
well if im honest i dont do much to exercise as my job is pretty busy spend most of my days on my feet i work in a hotel so am up and stairs corridors and rec and bar all through my shift i dint count calouries to be honest wouldnt even know where to start just eat heathly now so lots of salads fish pasta etc
The thing is chrismunro even healthy foods have lots of calories and unless you are eating less calories than you are using you will not lose weight.
To achieve a steady 1lb a week weight loss you need to use 500 calories a day more than you eat so you really need to measure your energy output and input to ensure that you are doing this.