21 and refusing to hit 21 stone. - Weight Loss Support

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21 and refusing to hit 21 stone.

graceobel profile image
22 Replies

I'm 2 weeks away from my 21st birthday, I weigh almost 19 stone and I'm 5'6". That's double the weight I should be.

It's time to make a change. I've just finished uni and life is starting to happen.

I think its now time to start losing the 9 1/2 stone that I need to. Does anyone have any tips? Anyone doing the same thing or have done similar? Anyone in the same boat so we can support each other?

My first goal is to get back to 16 stone - what I weighed before I went to uni - lets get on it!

I'm determined this time. :D

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graceobel profile image
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22 Replies
Melm74 profile image

Hi Graceobel.

Well done on deciding to make a positive change - that is one of the hardest things to do! I was 19 stones in January and am currently 16st 5lbs. It has been a hard slog getting here, but I feel so much better and more positive, and you will too.

You need to set yourself smaller targets to reach - reward yourself with a new top or a some such other treat for each stone you lose (but not food related).

Do some exercise, i'm lucky, i've got a dog and she has lost some weight too from all the walking ;-)

Good luck and happy to provide any support I can.

graceobel profile image
graceobel in reply to Melm74

Wow thats amazing! How have you done it? through the NHS plan? all exercise or any specific diet?

alow5341 profile image

Hi There. you've quite a lot to loose, it will take a while and will be very challenging, but once you've lost a bit you'll feel great and as long as you do it right you can keep it up and then when you have lost a couple of stone you will feel amazing and hopefully inspired. I've lost just over 6 stone and am aiming for a total loss of 11 stone.

My way of doing it is to count calories no matter how insignificant = 17 Kcal for a tomato for example, have a daily target each day the NHS recommend 1900 Kcal for a man and 1400 Kcal for a woman. weigh in only once a week at exactly the same time and in the same condition each time, so that when as I did last week you do have a binge and blow your target you can have a weigh-in recognise that you didn't loose weight because you had ice-cream and Maltesers draw a line under it and carry on. my advise would be a weigh in on a Monday morning, it's the weekends when I struggle and it's good to start again on the Monday.

I really enjoy my diet. I have a huge bag in the spare room full of huge clothes which gets bigger each week, all of the clothes that I was wearing at Christmas when I started are now to big for me, which is enormously encouraging.

Good luck, I look forward to hearing of your progress, any questions just ask.


graceobel profile image
graceobel in reply to alow5341

I can't wait to be throwing clothes out for being too big than too small!!

And wow - 6 stone - inspirational! Where do you track your calories? Have you an app, book or just skilled enough to do it in your head?

And I've set my weigh ins for Wednesday mornings because thats what I used to do last time I lost weight :)

thank you for your support :D

alow5341 profile image
alow5341 in reply to graceobel

Hi there, I record the calories on an excel spread sheet now but originally it was in a small notebook. just total up everything that you consume and write it down, keep a running total.

Yeah throwing away the huge clothes is very good for moral

I look forward to hearing from you after your first week.


cutback profile image


I have just turned 16 and I weigh 206lb (14.7 stone). I started this diet a few days ago after realising that I had entered the plus size clothing category and I was finding it harder to find stylish clothes to wear. You can definitely do it! Just remember that every calorie you cut is a step closer to losing a pound (3,500 calories).

Good luck xx

graceobel profile image
graceobel in reply to cutback

Thank you so much! I've been in the plus sized sections for a long time - Asos Curve is brilliant for stylish, well fitting clothes :D

sueper profile image

Hi Grace and welcome. This is a great site for inspiration, support and advice.

I have been doing this for about 15 weeks and lost over 2 stone so far, I have a lot to lose too. It is great to take back control.

I suggest you try to make gradual changes you can maintain for life and try to see this as a lifestyle change rather than a diet. All the little changes can add up to a good loss every week.

Good luck :)

graceobel profile image
graceobel in reply to sueper

2 stone in 15 weeks! Well done! you must have worked hard and been very good!

Keep up the good work - and thank you :D

DamianMellorUK profile image

Wow Graceobel! You're on a similar weight loss journey to me. I'm a 42 year old guy, who has reached 21 stone by over eating and not getting enough exercise.

When you have a down day and feel you can't go on, just remember how you feel now. The pain of change is a small price for the long term benefits you'll enjoy.

I'm starting something called DDP Yoga. It's a great 'all round' fitness and healthy lifestyle programme, without having to go to the gym or do crazy workouts.

Good luck on your exciting adventure. We're with you all the way and remember ... Never ever give up! :) xx

graceobel profile image
graceobel in reply to DamianMellorUK

is the DDP Yoga at a class or on your own? It sounds interesting!

thank you for your support :D

DamianMellorUK profile image
DamianMellorUK in reply to graceobel

Hi! There aren't many DDP Yoga classes in the UK yet, but they have a set of DVD's available, which can be ordered from the USA. If you any help, please contact me and I'll point you in the right direction. There's an amazing video which shows the transformation of a guy who had almost given up here ... youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJ...

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to graceobel


If you fancy a nice easy yoga dvd to follow I can recommend Barbara Currie's Total Body Plan. There is a 15 minute warm up which is surprising easy and effective and then you can progress to the next bits.

I think yoga is great especially if your overweight.

I will keep an eye out for the DDP Yoga too which will no doubt find its way to the UK soon :)

Saira87 profile image


congrats on your decision! Well I'm new here, I actually created an account after reading your story because I could relate to it so much!

In 2013, I was 26 and 19 stones 6lb, I last weighed myself around 3 months ago and I was 11 stones 3lb.

Believe me, If I can do it, anyone can.

graceobel profile image
graceobel in reply to Saira87

Wow, that's an incredible weight loss!!! One day I want to be able to say the same!!!

Thank you for showing it can be done and there are other doing the same as me!

Welcome! You sound determined 😊

As others will tell you, just keep a close check on the types if food you eat, weigh and calorie count everything, perhaps use myfitnesspal to help record everything , try some light exercise - a lot of people on here do the couch to 10k exercise. It sounds like a good one.

Best of luck.


When you feel like a cheats snack, log on here and read through a few posts to take your mind off it x

graceobel profile image
graceobel in reply to

thats a really good idea - if i need a treat, put it off, read some of these inspirational posts and see if I do really want a treat!

thank you for the support :D

Visitingcat profile image


This February I weighed 18.10 the highest I've ever been. I am 59 and 5.6. I read posts here mentioning my fitness pal and I so wish that I had known about it sooner as it works brilliantly for me.

It makes me ultra aware of everything I eat. I set what I wanted to lose, put in my details and it set my calorie level at a very easy to follow 1840 reducing as I lose.

I am being totally honest with it and if I have the odd bad day I grit my teeth and record it, I does not stop me having a good day the day after. I think I will use this for life and to maintain when I reach my goal in the future.

I am aiming for slow and steady as I know I will have skin problems due to my age and where most of my weight is. I am losing around a pound a week sometimes two.

This week I have lost two stone and am delighted.

The excess weight has caused me a lot of health problems and I'm feeling better with each pound lost.

If I can do this I'm sure you can easily do it too and better. Best of luck to you, you just have to want to succeed and you will : )

graceobel profile image
graceobel in reply to Visitingcat

I've done myfitnesspal before - and it was helpful, I struggle with secret eating so I find it really difficult to log when I do have a binge, or go a bit wrong - I'm never 100% honest which is what I think I need to be with that app for it to work for my weight loss - but I might give it another go.

Two stone is brilliant! I can't wait to be able to say that!

Thank you for your support and sharing your tips :D

alex7ra profile image
alex7ra in reply to graceobel

I'm a secret eater too and I definitely find writing everything down helps and remember you only cheat yourself! I have had the occasional binge since I started dieting but the difference this time is that I put it behind me immediately rather than going on a downward spiral.

One thing which has really helped me is to make sure that I am still eating food which I really enjoy. So find some healthy recipes and treat yourself to these and find healthier recipes for the things you love.

Good luck!

rjay95 profile image

Hi, yes i'm in that boat only joined yesterday for support and advice, im currently 20years old in 11 day and have been dieting for years, have set my targets, i also plan to lose 9 1/2 stone currently lost 1stone 2lb so im on track plan to reach 14stone then carry on losing stone after stone till i reach my other targets, Best of luck in your journey

trafford1 profile image

Good for you getting your life back and taking control. You sound very motivated and have a plan in place. I think the nhs 12 wk plan has worked wonders for me on my journey and I am in a happy place right now. There may be ups and downs on your journey we all have those but the right attitude and believing you can do this will see you through. I wish you the very best of luck on your journey.

Trafford1 :-)

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