Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (18th May 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
51 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 3.0 pounds, and today I weigh exactly the same, so I've maintained my weight this week. I did eat more than usual over the weekend, so I'm glad that I didn't gain anything. I stuck to my goals during the week, and did quite a few walks and also some core strength exercises.

I made some homemade soup (Spicy sweet potato and butter bean soup) and had that for a few lunches, and I hope to make some more soup this week. Will try a different flavour this week.

I'm hoping to get below 13 stone by the end of this month, so I'd like to lose something by next Monday - any loss on the scales would make me happy!

I hope you've had a great week, and I hope you'll join me for this Monday weigh-in, to share your experiences.

Wishing everyone a great week. Look forward to catching up with you. :-) If you're new, and you want to join us, please do - you are very welcome! :-)

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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51 Replies
fibronfedup profile image

Well done lowcal, maintaining is the next best thing to losing. Keep up the good work you will get there :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fibronfedup

Hi Fibronfedup,

Thanks so much for your supportive words. Wishing you another great week ahead too.

Lowcal :-)

Nomoreexcuses profile image

Well done Lowcal. Keep making the soup and before you know it you'll be on to the next stone. Good luck for this week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nomoreexcuses

Hi Nomoreexcuses,

Many thanks for your support. Yes, I'll keep making the soup - it does seem to help!

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

SineadC92 profile image

Hey lowcal,glad your happy enough with your weight in. I on the other hand am not! When I first weighed myself it claimed I had put on 4lbs which I just cldnt believe so I waited a little and tried again but it still claims 1.5 on. I'm gutted, iv worked really hard this week and other thn 1 day where I went slightly over iv been below or right on my calories every day and iv managed loads of walking. I feel this always happens when iv set myself a target and it seems to be in sight.

I can only hope with such a big fluctuation in 20mins that for some reason my weight isn't settled and it sorts itself out and I can re-weigh 2morro.

I was aiming for 3stone off by first week in June and before this week only had 5lbs to go, not so sure il make it now :(

Hope everyone else has had a better morning

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to SineadC92

...those darn scales - when for no rhyme or reason the just don't behave the way we want them to. The last few pounds are always the hardest - hang in there- they will come off. I find eating raw veg (carrot sticks pepper etc) helps to kick start things again- your body has to work harder to process the food.

Anyway stick at it - you have done so well...don't lose sight of that - and remain focused this week :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SineadC92

Hi SineadC92,

I am so sorry to hear that you've gained some weight this week. Your scales do sound a little unpredictable! The important thing is that you know that you stayed on track, and you stuck to your calorie limits, and you've been exercising well too. Good idea to re-weigh tomorrow - hopefully you'll notice the difference on the scales then. Try not to let it dishearten you - keep with your goals and the scales will catch up eventually!

Wishing you a good day - hopefully things will get better!

Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

...I have had a relatively good week- and after reaching a high on the scales last week- I have managed to lose 1.25 pounds. So I am satisfied with that - as it included two party evenings -(where I live is vey social !!) So I have now told everyone no more parties until mid June when I go holiday and have a wedding to go to.

I am not going to set myself any weight loss goals at the moment - but I would like to continue the downward trend.

A few folk have lost weight at work - slowly quietly no fanfare-between 3 individuals they have lost 6 stone between them since xmas.....

Happy weight loss everyone and good luck for this week:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

I am so glad to hear you've had a relatively good week - that sounds positive! Congratulations on losing 1.25 pounds - that's great! :-)

Glad you enjoyed your two party evenings. Sounds like you've set some boundaries on further partying, at least till you go away for your holiday and attend that Wedding.

It's good that the folk at work are also losing weight.

Good luck with your goal for a continuation of the downward trend. Wishing you a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

vickster5 profile image

Well done Lowcal on maintenance.

Good week for me lost 4.5lbs which makes total loss 2.5 stones. First time in ages weigh less than husband. Was hoping he would join me for next stone but dont think that is going to happen! My 40th birthday is looming and weekend away with friends in few weeks so hoping to have lost few more punds by then. Would like to be into next stonage by 7 weeks ( need to lose 9lbs for this). My body has a patten of static for long time then a good loss so we will see how I go! Back is also playing up so dont want that to stop the gym!

must try making own soup Lowcal not done this before.good luck all for this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Thank you! :-)

Congratulations to you for your 4.5 pound loss, that is really great! Fantastic to hear you've lost 2.5 stones in total. Really great progress. :-)

I hope your back improves, and that you don't have to stop using the gym. But be careful and pace yourself!

Making soup is surprisingly easy - the one I made last week lasted for 5 batches (each batch was 2 servings). It's economical and also very convenient. I just de-frost a batch and warm it through. I have it with 2 wholemeal toast and peanut butter. A lovely combination!

It's great that you have your 40th Birthday to look forward to, and your weekend away with friends.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

vickster5 profile image
vickster5 in reply to Zest

Thank you!

Folliegirl profile image

Today marks the 'end' of my NHS 12 week weight loss plan .... But realistically it's the start of week 13!!!

Last week I weighed 11st7lb, today I weigh 11st6lb, so I have lost 1lb this week 😊 and a whopping 1st2lb since the start of my journey ... I am VERY proud of myself for sticking to it, but it really has become a lifestyle choice now 😉 ... I have been within my healthy BMI range for over a month now and feel fantastic!

I am booked in to have my eyelashes tinted tomorrow as my non-food reward!

Here's to another good week 🎉🎉

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

Hi Folliegirl,

Well done for completing the NHS 12 week weight loss plan. That's an achievement, and it's great to hear you're continuing. Congratulations on losing 1 pound this week, that's really great, and also well done for losing a whopping 1 stone 2 pounds since the start of your journey. Really great progress, and I'm glad to hear you're feeling VERY proud of yourself - because you deserve to be proud. So great to hear you've been in your healthy BMI for over a month now, and that you're feeling fantastic.

Enjoy your non-food reward tomorrow, and enjoy fluttering those beautiful eyelashes afterwards!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal, sounds as though you've had a good week and I hope that you achieve your goal for next week. Think I'll join you in soup-making - it's certainly the weather for it here - cold, wet and dark.

Like you, I haven't lost any weight this week although I have stuck to my diet. It may be hormones so we will see how it goes next week. I expected a plateau at some point so am being philosophical about it! I expect to be walking a lot this week and will do some static bike sessions so maybe that will help :-)

Wishing you and all the other lowcal-ers a very good week :-)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Mags,

Yes, it is soup-making weather isn't it. Rainy and grey today. Oh well…

Well done to you for maintaining your weight this week, and sticking to your healthy eating plan. Hormones definitely play a part some weeks don't they. Also, a plateau is relatively common, so it could be either of those things.

Glad you're being philosophical about it, and great to hear you're planning to do lots of walking and those static bike sessions. I'm sure you'll enjoy those and they'll help with your fitness levels and toning.

Here's to another great week ahead!

Lowcal :-)

pauline55 profile image

Well done lowcal and everybody else who maintained or lost this week. I am restarting today and my starting weight is 17 stone. Wish me luck peeps x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to pauline55

Hi Pauline55,

Thanks for joining us today, and thanks for the support - it is much appreciated! Glad to hear you're re-starting today, and wishing you lots of luck for a good week ahead. Will look forward to catching up with you for next week's weigh-in, and hopefully you'll be leaving the 17's behind.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image

Well done for maintaining this week Lowcal, at least the scale didn't go up :-) Your soup sounds so nice. I've always wanted to try butter beans but never know what to do with them.

I went skating this weekend Sat & Sunday which is an activity I am going to continue with. I have been asked to be a skating marshal and help children learn how to skate so I am ready for the challenge plus I get to burn extra calories whilst doing so.

Good luck for your next weigh in and I hope you reach your goal by the end of May x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thank you! Yes, the soup is tasty - basically I just made sweet potato soup and spiced it with some curry powder and some fresh ginger root, and then blitzed the tins of butter beans (2 of them) into the soup and blended them together. They complement the sweet potato very well, and add in protein. The recipe suggested a choice of either butter beans or cannellini beans.

Great to hear you went skating on the weekend, and that you're intending to continue with it. Sounds like fun.

Thanks so much for your support, and I'll look out for your next weigh-in to see how you get on later in the week.

Wishing you a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Morning Lowcal I am liking your mini goal 1.5 each week! I need to join you in moving down back to the next stone bracket 10's I can't believe I spent so long there last year!

I am linking to Christine's post she has reached her goal, hot photo of her here to give us all some motivation

My motivation massive splurge at Cheshire Oaks outlet 4 dresses from next £22!! ( I had £20 in vouchers from my birthday) and my DH bought me a dress for ladies day (royal Ascot) fits like a glove - a very generously cut size 8 😊 (sleeveless) I am sure I would feel more comfortable with a couple of pounds upward and onwards hoping this is the carrot I need. Not easy this week as I am an evaluator at a leading fast food chain and have two visits this week lol one done before my weigh in so 11.2 1/2 this week so 2.5 to go to see the 10's Lowcal's soup sounds lush so will give soup a go for at least one main this week

have a good week folks despite the dreary weather

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Thanks for your positive comments - very much appreciated as always. :-)

Congratulations on your weight loss this week. You are getting closer to the 10's and I'm sure you'll get there very soon. Great that you've treated yourself with your Birthday money to those lovely dresses. Your Ascot dress sounds really good. Wow, a size 8 - that is amazing! I'm sure you'll look great.

I saw Christine's amazing photo yesterday - and it's great that you've linked to her post, as she is an amazing inspiration to us all.

Hope you enjoy the soup, and that you have a great week despite this dreary weather.

Lowcal :-)

Hi lowcal. Great to hear your positive attitude, as always. I'm at 12st0 today, 1lb less than 2 weeks ago when I last posted on your thread. Really hope to be below 12 again soon. I'm being careful with my diet, doing running, and was careful on holiday too, along with doing some very long walks.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Congratulations on losing 1 pound, and it's great that you're on the cusp of being in the 11's - hopefully you'll get there by next week. That will be something to celebrate!

Enjoy those long walks and your running, and well done for keeping up with those as well as being careful with your eating plan. It's that dedication that is giving you those great results, and will be making you fitter and healthier with each day that passes. Really great!

Thanks so much for your supportive words.

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal

It feels like slow progress, but at least it's generally going in the right direction. Have a great week too

Best, Ruth :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

I know what you mean about sometimes feeling as if it's slow progress, as I feel like I've been losing my last stone for absolutely ages, but I think that our weight will eventually go providing we all keep going and stay as positive as we can.

We can do it!

Lowcal :-)

geris profile image

I have managed to lose a pound this week, taking me from 10st 13lbs to 10st 12lbs.

I am just starting week 7. I have lost a total of 10 lbs. I am pleased with my results, but now we are approaching winter, and the colder weather here in NZ, I seem to be hungry most of the time, and have to fight the temptation to snack. A couple of weeks ago I stayed the same. You don't have to let it get you down. It's not a gain, so try to forget it and carry on with the healthy eating. That's what I did. Good luck to you for next weigh in.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to geris

Hi Geris,

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week, that's really great! Also, great to hear you've lost 10 pounds in total in 6 weeks. You're making great progress.

Thank you so much for your encouraging words, I really do appreciate them. I agree with you that on those weeks when weight doesn't change, it's important not to let it get you down. I'm pleased I didn't gain anything, and I'm hoping for a loss next week.

By the way, I notice you mentioned feeling hungry now that your seasonal Winter is approaching, and I wondered if you'd thought of having warming soup - it definitely fills me up when I have soup, and it's incredibly healthy and satisfying.

Here's to a great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

rokki profile image

I've just started today - I'm embarrassed to say I weighed 15 stone and 8 lb this morning.....I remember thinking years ago that I'd never let myself get over 11 stone, and for the last few years I've blamed all sorts of things for my weight gain, as well as pretended it isn't that bad....but reality check a few weeks ago from my doctor that I had a high cholesterol reading, and as my kids get older I don't want their friends thinking of their mum being "the fat one"

I know its time to do something but I'm afraid to start as I don't feel confident I'll be able to do it - I just plain eat too much and do too little! I've been walking the school runs as often as possible lately ( school is just over a mile away) but I eat whenever I am bored, stressed, tired, unhappy, etc and I hate feeling even a little bit hungry

Blimey I sound a right old misery guts - I'm not really!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rokki

Hi Rokki,

Thank you so much for joining us today for this Monday weigh-in. You are very welcome. I think the first online weigh-in is the worst one, so at least you've got that out of the way, and taken that brave step. So well done for that! Hopefully today's weight will be the heaviest you'll see on your scales for some time, and you'll be lighter and healthier as time goes on. You don't sound like an old misery guts either - you sound like you're in a positive frame of mind to move forward to tackle your weight, and you've already made some positive changes such as walking your school runs as often as you can.

Have you read the NHS website pages? They are definitely worth a read, and there is a 12 week structured plan if you want to try it. It's sensible advice and involves eating healthy foods. There's no need to feel hungry if you plan your meals and ensure you're eating balanced and nutritious meals.

There's lots of support within this community forum, so any time you're struggling with anything - you can post a question or concern, or you can read through the responses to similar concerns, and learn some ways to try to tackle it. Everyone is different, and some strategies work for some people, and it can be worth trying things out to see what works for you.

We are here on Mondays for this weigh-in - and you can join us as and when you want to, or post your own weigh-ins if you prefer, or join in wherever you want to on the forums, everyone is really friendly and supportive.

Wishing you a great week, and hope you have a really good week.

Lowcal :-)

rokki profile image
rokki in reply to Zest

thank you for your kind reply - I'm just reading through the 12 week nhs plan now and printed off first food and activity chart. Also just worked out my calories for breakfast......better switch to a teaspoon of honey in my porridge rather than the massive tablespoon of syrup I usually put in!

How do people generally record and sort their day's information so that it can be entered onto the charts? Any organisational tips?

The calorie checker on the nhs site was really good - can this be downloaded as an app on my phone? And is there an nhs app which will record your day's calories, grams of fat, amount of fruit/veg etc?

Sorry for all the questions! Just feels a bit daunting at the moment - working out my breakfast calories seemed a bit of a pain

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to rokki

Hi Rokki,

I use an app called 'Myfitnesspal' to record all my food and drink intake, and also record my daily exercise too - I think quite a few people use that app on here, and they all seem to find it really useful. It calculates how much fat, carbs, protein and fat you are consuming each day, so you can keep an eye on your proportions. You can also record you weight there, so you can see your progress over time.

I'm not sure whether the NHS have an app to record the intake - but maybe someone else might know.

I'd recommend Myfitnesspal - I'm pretty sure it can be downloaded to your phone, and it is free.

Good luck! Feel free to ask any other questions - that's what this community is all about - helping each other out.

Lowcal :-)

rokki profile image
rokki in reply to Zest

thank, you - have downloaded myfitnesspal - think this will really help keep track of my calories

runnerjan profile image

Hi Lowcal,

Well done on maintaining this week ready for another loss next week eh? ;))

Your soup sounds lovely and I'm going to give it a try this week - may have to substitute sweet potatoes for butternut squash as no sweet potatoes indoors but hopefully should turn out ok. Definitely soup weather here too today, cold, wet, grey and miserable.

However, my mood is bright as not only have I lost another 2 pounds this week taking me tantalizingly closer to the 10's at 11 stones 2 pounds but I did my 10 mile road race yesterday, finishing in 1 hour 51 minutes having run the whole way - no stops or walking so am dead chuffed with myself. My running app said I burned over 1,600 calories so I indulged in a celebratory drink and some yummy treats yesterday afternoon. Feeling pretty sore and achy today but that's to be expected I suppose.

Hope everyone has a great week and a lovely bank holiday weekend.

Best wishes

Jan x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to runnerjan

Hi Jan,

I think the soup would work out really well if you use Butternut Squash - it sounds really tasty. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for your encouraging words - I sincerely hope I'll have a loss next week - here's hoping…! :-)

Congratulations to you for losing another 2 pounds this week - that is so exciting! You are getting so close to those 10's, and I am impressed by your finishing time on the 10 mile road race yesterday - you did brilliantly! Really well done! :-)

That celebratory drink and yummy treats were well deserved. :-)

Hope the soreness subsides soon, and that you have another great week ahead.

Thanks for reminding us of the Bank Holiday weekend - I'd forgotten about that! It seems so grey and rainy and it seems an eternity away - let's hope it is a bright weekend with lots of sunshine by then so we can enjoy it. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Anna999 profile image

Hey lowcal,

Well done on maintaining, especially as you recognise that you went a little over board at the weekend! It's great that you managed to stick to your exercise goals, that has been my main struggle over the last couple of weeks, so my goal for the coming week is to try harder with this! I've lost a pound again this week, so I'm pleased but I know I can do better, I'm going to try and refresh my enthusiasm for cooking healthy meals this week and try out a few new recipes!

I hope you have a good week! 🌸

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Anna999

Hi Anna,

Thank you! :-)

Congratulations to you for losing a pound this week, even though you felt you'd struggled a bit with your exercise goals.

I hope you enjoy researching and trying out those new recipes - that sounds like good fun, and you must let us know if you find anything really delicious. I'm going to try looking for a new soup recipe that I've not tried before - just to have some variety. But today I plan to have cheese and tomato on wholemeal toast, and I'm looking forward to that. :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Anna999 profile image
Anna999 in reply to Zest

Thank you! Ooh yum! Made me fancy tomato and cheese toastie now lol! Good luck with your soup hunting, there's alot of good ones on the BBC good food website. Take care 🌸

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Anna999

Hi Anna,

Thanks, I'll take a look at the BBC Good Food website - sounds like a good source of soup ideas.

Enjoy your tomato and cheese toastie, if you do decide to have one! Very tasty!

Lowcal :-)

Jenever profile image

Hi Lowcal, well done for maintaining your weight especially as you knew you had eaten over your calorie allowance during the weekend. I wish I could stick to my exercise regime as you have, I'm really bad at exercise I just can't motivate myself despite having all the best intentions I find a reason not to! But the good news is I lost another 2lbs last week, I'm really enjoying this diet, trying new recipes and cooking methods, just made a batch of skinny lasagne from the Hairy Dieters recipe book. Good luck with reaching your goal by the end of the month, have a great week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenever

Hi Jenever,

Thanks very much. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week - that is really brilliant! Glad you're enjoying your new eating regime, and trying new recipes and cooking methods - your Skinny Lasagne sounds delicious!

It can be more challenging to exercise sometimes, but I usually manage it - although it's harder when the weather is not great. I am hoping it will clear up soon.

You are doing great, and keep up the good work - wishing you another great week.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Hi lowcal, a bit late to check in today, but it has been a hectic day so far! After finding out my scales had been moved last week I positioned them so I can put them back if they are moved again and weighed myself on the tuesday last week. The scales still showed a gain from the week before so decided to believe them! This week I have managed to lose 3 pounds to get down to 10st8, only one pound over my goal weight so I am happy.

I managed to do a fair bit of exercise last week, with 3 runs and also a swim which will have helped I'm sure. I also had the ultimate compliment of somebody at work who I had not seen since before I started to lose weight not recognising me when she saw me in the canteen! She said she almost didn't come over as she did not think it was me!

I hope everyone has a good week and achieves their weight loss goals x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Congratulations on losing 3 pounds this week, and getting down to 10 stone 8 pounds. You're so close to your goal weight now, that's really great!

You did lots of exercise last week - 3 runs and your swim. I hope you enjoyed them. You must indeed look a lot different now, as your colleague didn't recognise you.

Wishing you another great week ahead, and hopefully you'll be back at your goal weight by next week's weigh-in - all being well.

Lowcal :-)

JNithy profile image

Hello, it's good to hear about how others are doing and compare notes. End of my first week and I've lost 3 lbs. Very pleased with that - from 10st12 (BMI 29) down to 10st9 (my goal is 9st or less as I'm only about 5ft tall). I've come onto the forum to distract myself as I'm feeling really hungry today, having eaten more than usual (although all healthy stuff) at a friend's yesterday.

My goal for week 2 is to go back to exercise classes...tried on my exercise class gear last night and I didn't look quite as good as I'd like to but I'm planning to stand at the back :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to JNithy

Hi JNithy,

A very warm welcome to you, and thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. Congratulations on losing 3 pounds in your first week - that is brilliant! Such a great start! :-)

I hope you're enjoying being in the forum, and that it is managing to distract you from thinking about your hunger. Glad to hear you ate some healthy things yesterday at your friend's. Pre-planning meals can be helpful.

Good luck with your exercise classes, and hopefully before long you'll be moving from the back of the class to the front, as you feel more confident and feel better about how you look.

Wishing you another great week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

JNithy profile image
JNithy in reply to Zest

Thanks! I went to the class last night....can feel it this morning :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to JNithy

Hi JNithy,

Hope you enjoyed your class last night, and hope you have a good day today. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Nic1976 profile image

Hi Lowcal

Well done on your maintenance this week - it sounds like it gets quite hard to shift those last few pounds as I know you are near your target.

Last week I weighed 11.11 and this week I weigh 11.9. I got my BMI checked at Boots yesterday and it's gone down from 32.4 to 27.7 in the three months since I've been on the nhs plan.

Good luck to you Lowcal and all the other folk posting on this thread for a good weight loss week ahead x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nic1976

Hi Nic1976,

Many thanks. :-) Yes, it is tough to shift the final pounds - I've got 10 pounds to go to my ultimate target. But I'm hoping to get there sometime this year, all being well. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 2 pounds this week - that's really great! You've had an excellent change in your BMI scores too - really great progress. Well done. :-)

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Well done Lowcal, maintaining is still very positive. Hope you have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Juliet,

Thanks so much. I appreciate your support.

Here's to a positive week for both of us, and I'll look in to your Friday weigh-in to see how you're doing. Good luck!

Lowcal :-)

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