Hi, just joined this site after a weekend of snacking, weighed myself and now feeling Fed up so doing something about it, my problem is my other half works shifts, so I snack especially in the evenings when I'm on my own, need to get a grip, need some motivation so hopefully talking to others will help. Want to lose 1·5 to 2 stone, going to America end June, so would love to have lost a bit by then.
Newbie: Hi, just joined this site after... - Weight Loss Support

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5 Replies
Hi daisy,
I'm afraid I'm just like you, I wait for my husband to go to bed then I eat all my little treats.
12 week structured plan starts tomorrow, and I also plan to go to bed with hubby witch will help from eating my treats.
Good luck on your journey, have a great week.
Let me know how you get on.
Willow xx
Thanks willow, yes I'm fine when hubby around, but as soon as he walks out door I head for food, I try not to buy goodies but it's surprising what you can make out of not much! Have written my weight and goals so starts properly tomorrow, good luck to you too.
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